
"Luana Anders Says Hello"

“Luana says hello.”
Luana Anders when Francis met her - He was the sound
man on "The Young Racers" (Mark Damon pictured)
He pitched Roger Corman his first film set in Ireland, Luana and friends
stopped in Ireland on the way home to make it.
It was 40 years ago that I went a screening of “Apocalypse Now” at UCLA, came out of the Bruin and bumped into Francis.  I knew that he had directed my new best friend Luana Anders in his first film, "Dementia 13" and was currently assigned to work with her on a screenplay in a screenwriting class at USC film school.  

FFC with his Final Cut of Apocalypse Now

Being such an intensely private person, I knew I was crossing a Rubicon by walking up to Francis after the screening of his film and saying “Luana says hello.”  

However, when I told her about it, she was thrilled to hear he had said “tell her to call me.”

That call led to a whole bunch of wonderful times at the Coppola home, playing piano, eating pasta, laughing till the wee hours.  Eight years of really fantastic Thanksgiving dinners in Napa valley.

Some of the cast of Apocalypse Now

So it was fun to be able to walk up to him after his recent screening at the Cineramadome of "Apocalypse Now: Final Cut."

To say “Luana says hello.”  Bookends?

The Maestro

Because in essence, she can and does say hello often.
Just after she passed, she began appearing in dreams – I could hear her voice in my apt. It was clearly her, but a younger version of her. I wondered about that, and while working for Charles Grodin at CNBC had an out of body experience where I felt like I had visited her.  So I started looking into the esoteric science (took Buddhist philosophy with Bob Thurman at Columbia) at how that could be.  

Which led me to the research of Michael Newton, a hypnotherapist in LA who claimed that his 7000 clients reported the same things about the afterlife under hypnosis.  It was reading his book “Journey of Souls” where I spotted something Luana had told me before passing; “I have this recurring dream I’m in a classroom in another universe – it’s a class in spirituality, everyone dressed in white speaking a language I’ve never heard, but somehow I understand what they’re saying.”  

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Michael's last interview is in "Flipside"

In Newton’s book, one of his clients said the same thing. The night after she passed, the day after Francis called her to say goodbye on a satellite phone in Asia, Luana's pal Sandra Nicholson told me “I had a wonderful dream last night, Luana was in a classroom, everyone dressed in white in the fourth dimension.”  She didn’t know that was Luana’s recurring dream.

Which I thought might make an interesting documentary. (It’s called “Flipside” and is on Amazon and 

I’ve filmed over 50 people to date saying the same things about the afterlife – many I’ve chosen for their skepticism. I was startled they all say the same things which are contrary to science or religion.  

Jennifer Shaffer

Then about four years ago, medium Jennifer Shaffer (who works with law enforcement) reached out to me. Since our meeting, I’ve filmed her every week for four years – a couple hours where we “chat” with the flipside.  

Luana wrote the “introduction” (no other way to put it) to "Backstage Pass to the Flipside: Talking to the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer" and is our primary “guide” or “medium” on the other side, helping us access my friends Bill Paxton (Harry Dean Stanton, Robin Williams and others.)  I try not to pass judgment on what they say – just report it.

Backstage Pass to the Flipside Book One: Talking to the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer by [Martini, Richard]
Backstage Pass to the Flipside

I was amazed, flabbergasted at how wonderful the film "Apocalypse Now; Final Cut” is – wonderful to see a modern day Michelangelo be able to go back to a painting and reconstitute it to his original vision. It’s timeless. Breathtaking. Deeply moving. Funny. And will live forever. (Like we all do.) 

Peter and Dennis in Cannes

Just heard that Peter Fonda has left us into the Flipside.  Luana played his girlfriend in "Easy Rider."  From what I've learned, it sometimes takes away for folks to adjust to their new environment.  Sometime they're startled to see themselves in a place they didn't think existed.

I hope she says hello to Peter.  Help him to make that adjustment that her other pals have; Dennis, Harry Dean, etc.  If she does, I'm sure we'll hear about it.

Luana and Edd Byrnes

Last night I spoke to Art Bell.

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Asked what he missed about being on the planet is in his hand.
I know Art's no longer on the planet, and I didn't talk to him directly - but I did a show with his protege Heather Wade where she spoke to him.

Two years ago, I did a session live on air with Heather. It was just at the start of my "seeing if we could access the flipside" with no hypnosis at all.  

In Heather's case, she went fast and far... and while transcribing the session for my next book, I reached out to see if she wanted to "take another ride."

Heather Wade
Heather Wade
She did - and we jumped right in.Talked to her guide (same fellow) went to see her council (same number) but met new people. (Dave with the beads.)

And we talked to Art Bell.  What makes this so powerful and fascinating isn't asking Art about his theories, his show, or any of the things so many people talked to him about on the air for decades.  It was him saying to her;

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Art described how you can create your own
sound studio on the flipside cable by cable.

"I've been trying to talk to you since I crossed over!"  He showed her about "25 different times" where he was there, watching her sleep, trying to enter a dream, help with her broken foot - she even recalled a moment when her foot felt like someone was touching it - she didn't believe it at the time, but here she was accessing that memory FROM HIS POV.

He had some other amazing things to show her - how he "creates a radio studio" from scratch.  Places he likes to walk on the flipside - took her to a grove of beautiful bright colored trees.  To demonstrate something I've learned, I had her "hug" one of the trees, and then "talk to the sentient being within."

That being reiterated what I've heard in this research - humans used to be able to talk to nature, but have lost the ability.  If we want to save the planet, we need to plant more trees to match the amount of humans on the planet. "Plant a trillion trees."

Plant more trees. (even if UFO's fly over them.)

Art took us to visit other planets - I figured his audience would want to know about what he's learned ("I haven't found Elvis he said" - I almost asked "Would you like to meet him?" Because Jennifer Shaffer and I have interviewed him and he's accessible... but I didn't want to screw up his sense of humor.)  So Art took us to a planet he had a previous incarnation on.

Heather too - and that was really mind bending.  But I'll repost the show when she posts it - suffice to say, if you listened in for the three hour tour, your mind is as blown as mine is just repeating what we heard.

Unrehearsed. Unplanned. Improvised. Live on the air.  She went to the Flipside, picked up where she was in a memory from two years ago - and we marched forward into other realms.   Mind altering.

But life enhancing.

And indeed, your loved ones are waiting to hear from you. You don't need me - you don't need a medium - you just need to open up your ears and listen. (Or open up your heart, that's probably the first item.) They are not gone, they are just not here.

Bon voyage!!!!
Flying in.


Chats with Paul Allen, Junior Seau, Dave Duerson, Bill Paxton, Robert Kennedy, Robin Williams on the Flipside

"Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't." Ad for Almond Joy candy bar

If I can set the stage for the following, I'll offer by way of explanation; "I was a hall monitor in high school."  I'm not sure how I got the gig, I don't remember lobbying for it - but I would sit at the end of the hallway asking for a "pass" before allowing someone to go on their way.

Only I don't believe in passes, because I don't ever remember telling anyone that they could not go down a hallway.  But I did wear some orange belt thing, making myself stand out.  People could come to me for advice, help, directions.

And sometimes I'd stop fights  "Hey! You really don't want to do that!"  That was one thing that came out of my mouth one day - as if I knew the arc of this person's life and that punching out a fellow student, or being bloodied by the victim was not something they wanted to do.  
Glenbrook North. Billy Meyer 21 has his hands where they should not be.

I was a football player in high school, guard then middle linebacker, I roamed the field with abandon, would work myself into a semi trance prior to the game, and generally was considered a formidable foe. (I once heard the coach of our opponent say out loud "Stay away from Martini. He's the best player on the team!")

I like to think I heard it that way. (Coach AllBright of New Trier.  He had been my coach freshman year, then he was elevated to Senior coach at the toughest school in the league that year.  And indeed they did stay away from me the entire game (except for one pass where they fooled me badly because I thought "finally!" and race up to make the tackle as the ball sailed over my head and went for 20 yards.)  But enough about me.

"Enough about me. What do you think about me?"
with Rebecca Broussard, Anne Cusack on set of my film
"Point of Betrayal" film directing era

This is a post about the flipside.  I guess I'm talking about my football bonafides (8 years in grade and high school) because I have a fondness for the Chicago Bears.  I grew up with the names Butkus and Ditka, and later was thrilled to see McMahon, The Fridge, Dave Duerson and company swallow the entire league in their Super Bowl run.

I mention this because I talked to Dave Duerson recently.

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Dave Duerson.  Super Bowl Winning Chicago Bear.

For those of you not aware, Dave killed himself back in 2011; he was having brain problems and issues from CTE, left a note for them to donate his brain to science and then shot himself.  A year later, his colleague Junior Seau did the same thing.

Fans of this blog will note that during a session with Paul Allen (I thought, hey Paul Allen passed, I wonder if we can chat with him?) he came clearly through, talked to us about his passing, his legacy, his brain institute, and told us that a "football player was the person to greet him on the other side."

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Paul started Microsoft, but purchased a football team,
something he loved since he was a kid. Seahawks.

More specifically two football players. 

Jennifer Shaffer, my partner in this endeavor, was accessing Paul Allen through Luana Anders, my pal on the flipside who is a mirror image of Jennifer in that she's a medium "over there" that helps people chat to us "over here."

Jennifer Shaffer
Paul Allen was talking about our mutual friend (Julian Lennon) and gave me specific messages to deliver to him. (I did) He then started talking about these football players that were there to greet him on the flipside.  He described a Polynesian player who had killed himself, and then described an African American player who had done the same - they both had suffered from CTE and they came to "thank him for the work Paul did in the field."

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With Julian

I can tell you as far as the public record is concerned, Paul Allen donated 300 million to his brain institute. As far as I can discern they are NOT studying CTE, but they are studying the brain.  However, these players told us that Paul had spent time and money trying to create stronger helmets (nothing I could find in the research) and that he felt badly because he owned a team and knew that players were suffering and that he could do something about it.

Jennifer Shaffer and Gina Seau

Then I saw on ESPN Junior Seau's widow Gina talking about CTE and how much it affected her life, so I reached out to her on social media.  Something like "I know this sounds weird but I think Junior showed up in a session I was filming the other day with Jennifer."  Gina was intrigued, curious and we spoke about her coming up to meet Jennifer ... and I suggested an experiment.  "Let's do a session with Jennifer - I won't tell her anything about you, and let's see if Junior shows up."  I told her I would film it (I did) and that it would be part of a chapter in an upcoming book. (It will be.)

I did not tell Jennifer anything about her at all. 

We went to Jennifer Shaffer's office and started filming. In a few minutes, she was connected to Gina's husband (didn't know his name, but he kept showing her a version of "mini me" (Junior)).  Jennifer correctly stated part of his birth name (which I wasn't aware of) and she said that her husband was chatting with his wife earlier in the day (she said she "heard him") - and knew the objects in her purse she brought to show Jennifer. 

And then suddenly Jennifer looked at me and said "Oh! This is the guy! That football player who showed up with the Microsoft guy!"

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UPI photo. Junior Seau

It was startling.  I filmed her seeing that "Polynesia football player" during the session with Paul Allen, and now her she was recognizing  him from that event, live on camera)  

We spent the next hour with Junior - as he apologized to his wife for the wacky behavior he credited to CTE, all the things that had gone wrong, and described in detail what it was like to live with CTE. He offered that players and the league need to do more, protect more, find better ways to armor their heads and shoulders.  (Gina said that it was comforting to know that he's still around, especially for the children he left behind.)

About a month later, during the start of a session, Jennifer said; "That Microsoft guy is back. He says we're not done. Then Junior came forward and said "You're missing the other player."  

And then he brought Dave Duerson forward. (Dave told us that "The Fridge " had "given CTE to a number of people" while playing football, but noted that how he's suffering from it now).  Jennifer didn't know who "the Fridge" was, but I did when he said it.

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William Perry "The Fridge" from Yahoo Sports article
"likely suffering from CTE"
I was a fan of Dave Duerson, of his career, knew about him - he had personal private messages for his family which I have passed along.  It's hard to do so - because who wants to hear that their loved one, who they've been grieving about for years has come to tell them that they've always been with them, and they have life advice? From some strange Hollywood dude?

All I can say is that we hear it often.  "We know we are still here. Our loved ones don't believe we are.  It's annoying because we are still involved, we want to help them, we have a different perspective and can see things they cannot.  But they insist that we don't exist."

Enter me.

I've noted previously that we talked to Aretha Franklin and she told us that her niece would find her "handwritten will."  I did the research, discovered that indeed her niece was the executor for her estate, and let her know we had chatted with her aunt. She said that she was in contact with her own mother on the flipside, but didn't believe what Jennifer had said to tell her. Then after she did find the handwritten will, I wrote to her again, and she said that "she always felt she would find the will, and while she believed she is in contact with her own mom on the flipside, that what Aretha told us was inaccurate."

Which is fine.  Again, it wasn't my idea to pass along to a perfect stranger a note from her aunt on the Flipside.  It's not up to me to convince anyone of anything.  I did my job passing it along (to her and other musicians who have come forward to help assist their families with lawsuits.)  Those folks have heard from this wacky filmmaker in LA who claims their loved ones asked me to reach out to them. I can only report. We may have the details of the message incorrect, or precisely what they said - but the important part of the message is to let them know "they still exist. Are not gone. They just aren't here."


More than once I've been standing somewhere - on our balcony, watching the sunset, and I hear somewhere in my head "I understand you're the guy I need to speak to about contacting my family." 


I try not to judge when that happens.  ("Robert Kennedy? Really? What could you possibly tell me that I could pass along to anyone?" "John McCain? Really? I wasn't a fan of your politics, and even though you want your daughter to run for Governor, how the hell am I going to get that message to her?") 

I don't mean to be coy but Robert came through and asked me to reach out to his daughter Rory (@RoryEKennedy) and encourage her to make a documentary about his life and death, and that the "truth" needs to be told about what "really happened." (Not the official story, two shooters, etc)  I said "I'm sorry, that's a tall order, as much as I'm a fan of you and your work, why dig up that kind of trauma? It's history now. How does it help?"  (He was saying those behind his death are still alive, and that there are people alive who can tell the story accurately, and he wants his daughter (a filmmaker) to do so.)  

I must say - I have resisted writing this into a post - the Kennedy family has enough to deal with without people claiming to talk to their loved ones on the flipside (it will be in the next book) but I will add that the following week, someone else came through - someone who was famous over 150 years ago, the wife of someone we had interviewed - and she said "I want to tell you that you were wrong to tell Robert that his story is history."  She said "We still exist, and these events mean alot to us, and it's important to rip the bandage off to get the wound to heal the nation.  The whole country is going through that now with the current President, so you might as well report what really happened so people can heal." Note taken.

But when someone shows up to "speak with us" I tell them the same thing:

"Get in line."

We have a line of people who want to speak to us, we have a formal process. They have to get their "backstage pass" from Luana Anders - and then they have to wait until Jennifer and I are together to sort out what it is they want.

She's got the clipboard.

So - Junior Seau and Dave Duerson both want to thank the doctors who helped figure out that CTE was behind their demise. They offer that there are more athletes than we know (including hockey players or surfers) who are suffering from CTE and in need of help.  They specifically pointed to Joe Namath (who said he had cured his CTE through oxygen therapy) as a person who is on the right track.  They claim that Joe's method of curing CTE is worth exploring.

This isn't coming from me or Jennifer.  I had NO IDEA JOE NAMATH HAD CURED HIS CTE.  Jennifer, in three separate sessions said "There's a quarterback, he has wavy hair, I can't think of his name - but they're showing me this guy."  I filmed all three of those sessions and then the last time instead of looking up "quarterbacks who died from possible CTE" I looked up "Quarterbacks. Famous. CTE" and found Joe. (See this article: Joe Namath believes he's found a cure for CTE)

I texted his photo to Jennifer and she wrote back "THAT'S HIM!"

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Joe Namath on YouTube

So - Junior Seau and Dave Duerson teamed up to tell us that CTE is something that can be protected against with better padding ("think a knight's armor that went from the shoulders up") and that oxygen therapy (hyperbaric therapy) is a method that can cure or help the symptoms. Dave says by 2050 the game will be "virtual and the injuries won't occur at all." 

From your lips to God's ear Dave.

Then last week Bill Paxton came through to say hello. Said he wanted to reiterate that he's still one of the funniest guys I ever met (accurate) and that he's still keeping an eye on his family and loved ones.  But when I asked him "What should I post on my blog that will be helpful to those who don't believe we can access you?" and he suggested the following clip.

So - this is me and a skeptic talking about the flipside live on camera.  I was on Susan Pinsky, Dr. Drew's wife's blog radio talk show and prior to coming on, I was talking to him about the work and said "Hey, you want to see where we can go?" and he said "Sure."  

A true scientist doesn't bother with what he believes or doesn't believe (he does not believe in an afterlife) - he allows the data to lead him down the path.  In this case, I had no idea what he would say, what I would say - but I can tell you that in the 50 cases I've filmed of people under deep hypnosis, and the dozens I've recorded without hypnosis since. they all say the same things about "guides" and "councils."

This clip is courtesy of my old pal Bill Paxton.

So believe, don't believe - I've been demonstrating for awhile now that ANYONE can talk to the flipside, and they don't need to be under any form of hypnosis. (Although Drew said "I felt hypnotized."  I said "That's fine, but I'm not a trick hypnosis guy - and you said the SAME THINGS everyone else says about their council and guides.  How could that be if you were making it up?")

And finally, a note about Robin Williams.

It's been five years since he checked off the planet.

Happy flipside birthday Robin. 

As Jennifer's dad told us "Try to turn grief to nostalgia. Grief has only sad memories. Nostalgia has both sad and happy memories. When you can turn grief to nostalgia you begin the healing process." When we asked Robin for a blurb for "Hacking the Afterlife" he said "love love." 

My guess what he means is love what you do, love who you are, love those around you, love the love baby, love what is, could be, ever was, its why to get up in the morning, why to get into bed at night (with whoever's stealing covers), why we choose pistachio over peanut butter. 

Love love.

Jennifer Shaffer trying to keep a lid on me.


Here we go again....

Robert Ballard found the Titanic. Can he find Amelia Earhart’s airplane?

Ocean explorer Robert Ballard will lead a major expedition to the remote Pacific in hopes of discovering the famed aviator's fate.

Best known for his 1985 discovery of the Titanic, Robert Ballard will bring his proven undersea search strategy and high-tech research vessel, E/V Nautilus, to the hunt for Amelia Earhart.
Amelia Earhart and navigator Fred Noonan disappeared more than 80 years ago, on July 2, 1937, during the second to last leg of their around-the-world flight. After taking off from Lae, New Guinea, in Earhart’s Lockheed Electra 10E, the pair aimed for tiny Howland Island, just north of the Equator. But they couldn’t find it, and despite many attempts, no one has been able to find them.
Now Robert Ballard, the man who found the Titanic, is planning to search for signs of the missing aviators. On August 7, he'll depart from Samoa for Nikumaroro, an uninhabited island that’s part of the Micronesian nation of Kiribati. The expedition will be filmed by National Geographic for a two-hour documentary airing October 20.
The National Geographic Explorer at Large brings a state-of-the-art research vessel, the E/V Nautilus, and extensive underwater expertise to this historic search. In addition to locating the Titanic, Ballard discovered the remains of John F. Kennedy's World War II patrol boat in the Solomon Sea, the German battleship Bismarck in the Atlantic, and many ancient ships in the Black Sea, as well as hydrothermal vents near the Galapagos.
People have been looking for Earhart ever since she went missing. The U.S. Coast Guard and Navy scoured the area by ship and plane for two weeks. George Putnam, Earhart’s husband, enlisted civilian mariners to continue the hunt. Eventually the U.S. government declared that the plane had most likely crashed and sunk into the Pacific.

Apologies for sounding sarcastic.

But really? 

Bob Ballard is teaming up with Tighar to find the Electra... at the bottom of the sea? (I spent two hours with the editor of the National Geographic, as well as two reporters laying out the following details - at the time they told me that if "Someone came to them with a "new theory" they were directed to "run in the other direction as fast as they can." Not my quote - theirs.)

Let's break this down for a moment... and Bob, if you're reading this, congrats, I wish you the best of luck...

...but listen up.

Mike Harris, you may remember him; intrepid adventurer, filmmaker, hired Bob to be part of his own search for the Titanic.  At the time, Mike had great ideas about where it might be - and took Bob directly over the ship... but they did not see it at the time.

A still from Mike Harris' initial footage.

Mike had already done a number of trips to find it - ran out of them, but then Bob found a new sponsor, WENT BACK to the place Mike Harris had gone and found it.  (I'm not telling any stories "out of school" - Bob knows this to be accurate, and doesn't take away from his finding the Titanic.  That's how things happen.)

But Mike Harris knows where Amelia is located.  

I think Tighar has done a fantastic job of putting a website together of research. It's where I discovered in the diary of a ham radio operator, she had written on the first page "230 Miles NW" - which was the same number I found in "Last Flight" when she was "200 miles NW of Dakkar" and on a test run of the Electra was "200 miles NW of where she thought she was (according to Paul Mantz.)  We hear later on in Les Kinney's research with a different radio operator (in a previous post) that indeed, when she finally made it to safety - or so she thought - we was 400 miles off course to the NW (where Mili is from Nikumaroro).

Let's look at the record, shall we?  It's an extensive record, and everything I'm about to say is backed up by eyewitnesses.

I can tell you where the Electra is.  I've reported it consistently and repeatedly.  Here - Bob, my gift - this is a blueprint, and if you follow it and come to a different conclusion, happy to hear it.  But when  you get to the end, you're going to have to ask me where she's buried - because I know that as well.

Amelia turned from Howland for Plan B (as reported by Les Kinney) - which was to fly the Gilberts, the nearest landing strip (Nikumaroro).  Alas, she was already 250 Miles NW of where she thought she was - but the coming storm passing to the north of Howland helped blow her to Mili atoll.  

Where running on fumes, she landed the Electra.

Landed the Electra on a long airstrip (at low tide) of an atoll. A feat of great piloting.  An amazing feat from a great pilot.

Someone claimed they found this on the cell in Garapan. Tom Devine
claimed he saw it.  Whoever carved it did so for her birthday.

The brake assembly broke. Pieces of it were found by Dick Spink, a Seattle schoolteacher who brought those pieces to an NTSB investigator who ON CAMERA proves beyond a shadow of doubt that it came from her plane.  That footage exists Bob. I suggest you look at it.  The pieces were identified by an aviation expert (who has testified before Congress).

Two islanders were eyewitnesses.  Some of those eyewitnesses were interviewed in a book by a South African journalist (I have a copy) but he interviewed the Queen of Mili as well.  Two islanders saw her land the plane and reported it.
NTSB Investigator claims this piece found on Mili fits exactly with his own piece of an Electra
that exactly matches Amelia's.  As he put it "There were only two made that were in that part of the planet.  If this was found on Mili, it could only have come from her Electra."

Then Dick Spink and Les Kinney and Mike Harris returned to Mili.  They found more pieces of the Electra as well as an islander who reported that "40 Marshallese men" were ordered to move the plane to a Japanese barge. (the rail cars used to transport it are still there - the drag marks were visible from satellites until the island was swamped recently). 
Veteran Andrew Bryce was told by a stevedore he'd transported the Electra.

I interviewed a veteran Andrew Bryce, USN who worked alongside a stevedore in 1944 who claimed he was one of those islanders who "moved the Electra to the barge which took it to a Japanese ship."

The Kyoshu.  

Les Kinney (former Federal investigator) has tracked down the ship's records and found that it was docked in Jaluit, when Bilimon Amaron (who Mike Harris personally interviewed on camera) reported that he was sent aboard the ship to tend to Amelia and Fred's wounds.  A Marshallese congressman also saw the plane aboard the ship - where it had been transported.  The plane was then transported to Saipan.
Mike Harris shot this footage - a still from his interview with Bilimon Amaron, who tended to her wounds. We interviewed Bilimon's business partner of 40 years (from Boston). He says on camera
"We all knew the story. The man was above reproach.If he said he tended to her wounds, he did."

Amelia and Fred were taken by seaplane where they landed in Saipan.  I have filmed two eyewitnesses (one still alive) who saw her come ashore, the other was told the identical story by his father. Their stories line up.  She was interrogated - Fred was presumed to be the "real pilot" or the "real spy" - and was tortured and executed for being so.

She was put in a cell in Garapan prison.  I've been in her cell - it's the only one that's been stripped or white washed in the entire compound - but I have eyewitnesses on camera who saw her incarcerated there.
One of two cells she was incarcerated in.  This was the cell with her and Fred. After his execution she was moved to a different cell.  

She spent years in that cell. I have two Saipanese (who don't know each other) who both reported seeing her transported by Japanese truck just prior to the war.  The truck carrying her and two other US pilots (those are part of the record,one was shot,the other beheaded) who were with her. As the man says on camera "I was 12 but it's not something you see every day.  A white woman dressed as a man blindfolded and being guarded by soldiers." 

The truck parked in front of his school for 30 minutes - both he and his brother are still alive and can recall it specifically. Another man in another school told us the same story on camera. (Mike Harris took me to Saipan to find 15 new eyewitnesses.) We interviewed the son of the nurse who tended to her wounds, we interviewed a worker who saw her in prison as well as saw the Electra at Aslito field.

Wire Operator in Marine HQ decoded the message "We have found Amelia Earhart's airplane."
Not something he'd ever forget.  He also guarded the plane, saw the same briefcase.

Yes, the Electra was taken to Aslito. I've filmed over a dozen people who saw it there. Including a US Marine who decoded the messages that it was found - then was ordered by his CO (whose uniform hangs in a glass case at Quantico) who ordered him to guard the plane.  Another GI corroborated the conversation he told me on camera about people wanting to "see Earhart's plane" and how he stopped them with the threat of his pistol.  "Orders is orders" he said.

Doug Bryce saw the Electra with his own eyes (and was with other GI's.) It was
being guarded in a hangar on Saipan. (He was one of 6 on camera who saw it.)

I interviewed on camera a GI stationed on Saipan (Doug Bryce) who drove with some pals to see the plane.  He described the location of the hangar, which I was able to corroborate in my trip to Saipan.  In total, I have six people on camera who saw the plane - and 12 in print who watched it destroyed. I have on camera the man who found her briefcase and passport in a safe - carried it for two weeks and turned it over to naval intelligence.  I have the wire operator who was in the tent when the briefcase was brought in, who told the same story.
The briefcase that Robert Wallack turned over to Naval Intelligence
seen by Julious Nabers.
So you see - I know where the Electra is.  

You're not looking for it in the right place.  You can find it if you want - that would be great - but I not only know where it the wreckage of it is located, I know where her body was moved to.  What you may not be aware of is that the two GI's who "dug her up" (as reported by CBS newsman who wrote "Searching for Amelia" Fred Goerner in 1963) those two GIs "only found an arm and a partial ribcage."

Fred Goerner did the initial research. Fred told a colleague of mine
that he got a letter from  then Congressman Don Rumsfeld claiming
"everything he'd found was true."
Why is that?

Because she was moved.

If you want to know where she was moved to - I suggest getting in touch with me.  You can look all you want in the ocean, all you want on Nikumaroro (Elgen Long suggested that artifacts will be "planted there" to make it appear she has been found - I found that to be a bit beyond the pale, but it is his words verbatim, and told me what the object would be) but she was never there - Fred was never there - neither of them sank to the bottom of the ocean or were on a deserted island.  Sorry. 

What happened to them deserves to be told.  But it won't be if you begin by looking for them underwater. They were never there.

I applaud your desire to solve the "mystery." I applaud National Geographic for getting involved (even after I spent two hours explaining what the eyewitness evidence shows.)

But it ain't a mystery if you know where she's buried and where the Electra is currently located, is it?  Happy to share it with you mon ami.

Stay tuned.


Children's Past Lives via Carol Bowman

My pal Carol Bowman presenting evidence of reincarnation in some of the cases she's studied. She's a former student of Ian Stevenson at UVA who wrote peer reviewed studies of reincarnation while at UVA, and Carol is also a trained hypnotherapist (trained by the Newton Institute as well) so she's capable of doing some deep digging into the topic. 

"I'm not trying to verify a case in every past life memory... but I see it as an opportunity to help heal the soul (of the child)." It's a riviting true story. It was her book "Children's Past Lives" that I gave to Oxford professor Robert Beer that led to his suggesting I look into Michael Newton's work that put me on the Flipside path. 

If you have a couple of hours to learn about something mind bending; watch this. (And read the comments in the section below - other parents sharing their details). Her talk starts 50 seconds in (after the MUFON commercial) but Carol is the real deal. 

A scientist who has opened her research up to the possibility of the continuity of consciousness. Bravo! Thanks for sharing Carol Bowman!!!!


Note from the Flipside

A letter I got today (and meant for those who have lost a loved one, and how to communicate with them. Sharing with permission. Thx Tim).

Dear Rich, 

I'm feeling compelled to contact you. I've read or listened to most of your books. I've just completed BACKSTAGE PASS #1. (With Jennifer Shaffer)

Book One
I'll do my best to keep this as short as possible. My wife left the planet May 2017. We had a closeness in life that we couldn't explain nor could any of our friends or family understand. We didn't believe in death and would often joke about " whoever left first was cheating". We knew we'd been together before.

When she became ill it simply seemed like what was supposed to happen. Most of our affairs were in order but during the last few months we worked together on her memorial service and as well as what my life would be like by myself. Never really believing I'd be alone. What I didn't realize was I had spent so much time on the practical, I wasn't prepared for the spiritual. For a while, after she passed, I felt disconnected. It was discouraging.

I knew I was the disconnect. Looking back I know it was her idea but I went back to the same books that had began to open our eyes 24 years before. Ten minutes into the first audio book I found her. It was a hot day I was doing yard work while listening. All of the sudden the hair on the back of my neck stood up, goose bumps on my whole body and tears I couldn't control.

In that same moment I heard her unmistakable voice. "I'm here". Before I could mentally compete the word "really?" She answered "yes". Since then we've had an ongoing, moment by moment conversation. I hear her voice, her cadence, her words. Things I would never think or say. I've felt her leaning her head on my shoulder as we walk arm in arm in the evening.

There are times I get too busy but if I just take a deep breath and slow down we're together. I've tried to keep notes on dreams and most of the significant encounters we've had. If somehow it would help someone I would like to share them. (I just thought to write that I don't know how to do that. Very loudly I heard "yes you do ") She's always been a step or two ahead of me.

I don't know how unique we are. She's told me the Veil is thinning. That this is something being worked on over there and we're helping. Someday soon it will be normal if it's not already. Most of the time I haven't any doubt it's her. But there's times when it's really hard to not think it's just me and a good imagination.

I was wondering if you have a speaking engagement in the Los Angeles area or better yet near Palm Springs. I'd really like to attend and maybe spend a few moments speaking to you. I'd really appreciate your feedback as non of my friends or family are prepared in any way to approach this topic.

If our paths never cross, that's really ok. I've learned that what's supposed to happen will.

Best Regards from both of us."

Can't think of a better or more important post. It's not about me sharing what I've learned - it's about people sharing what they've experienced, including when loved ones stay in touch with us from the Flipside.

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