Here's where to find the books and DVDs for the "Flipside" series. (ON SALE NOW!)
Here's a clip from the film "Flipside"
Here's a link to purchase the DVD of "Flipside"
Here's a link to purchase the streaming video of "Flipside"
Here's the book to the best selling (Amazon) "Flipside: A Tourist's Guide on How to Navigate the Afterlife." NOW ON SALE
Flipside on Sale.... 3.99 ebook, 14.99 paperback.
The ebook is on sale here: (kindle)
The audio book is here: (itunes)
The print book is on sale here: (CS)
The print on demand international is here: (B&N)
Here are links to "It's a Wonderful Afterlife: Further Adventures in the Flipside" Volumes one and two.

It's a Wonderful Afterlife on Sale..... 4.99 ebook, 16.99 paperback
The ebook for volume one is here: (Kindle)
The ebook for volume two is here: (Kindle)
The audio book for volume one is here: (itunes)
The audio book for volume two is here: (itunes)
The print on demand for volume one is here: (CS)
The print on demand for volume two is here: (CS)
The print on demand international for volume one is here: (B&N)
The print on demand international for volume two is here: (B&N)
Finally, here are the youtube book talks in their entirety - browse at will!