Murders in South Carolina and other Flipside observations.
Questions about murderers, psychopaths etc comes up often in the research.
It’s a question often asked; “What about so and so?” Because what people report is that when we get offstage, we have a life review… and people experience the negative things they caused others to experience, but they experience them first hand. So it’s a form of hell if one wants to use that terminology — it doesn’t exist per se in the research, data or footage, but in the desire to be accurate about what people report, they report that those folks who have created mayhem, get to experience the mayhem first hand.
Also when discussing psychopaths — we only have the language of genetics or sociology to help. “His DNA is predisposed to lack of empathy.” or “He or she was abused as a child, and abusers act out of abuse, in a never ending pattern.” Both appear to apply to psychopaths in general. But there is this other element; their spiritual path. Things that occurred in previous lifetimes, agreements or discussions made prior to coming to the stage. We can’t judge someone completely unless we know all the facts about why and how their teachers, guides, classmates and council members thought this might be a worthy effort onstage (for discussions about Divine Councils, see “Divine Councils in the Afterlife” for some examples of planned journeys, or “Architecture of the Afterlife” for additional accounts).
But something else is in the mix, and a headline is prompting me to comment about it. I don’t really have another place to comment about it, I may write about it for an article at Medium or my blog (MartiniShot) but the headline is this:
“Judge who sentenced Alex Murdaugh to life tells disgraced lawyer his murdered wife and son ‘will visit you at night’”
From an observational perspective, that may or may not be the case — the visiting I mean, because as noted, we have filters on the brain that prevent us generally from being aware of people visiting us. However, some people wracked with guilt, may experience this. And is what the judge is referring to.
But it brings to mind the defense attorney from a midwestern state who reached out to me, and is a chapter in the book “It’s a Wonderful Afterlife” (2) where she reached out to me to talk about an unusual aspect of her work. She is a defense attorney in 2nd degree murder trials.
It’s Chapter Twelve “I Can Help You.” (in the book IT’S A WONDERFUL AFTERLIFE; VOLUME TWO)
Basically she said in her 100 cases defending second degree murderers (drunk drivers, accidental shooting) ALL of them were “visited by their victims.” (Not some of them, or a percentage of them.) When she said that, I wondered about what they learned from those visits.
She said, “They all reported some form of “I’m okay” and “You don’t have to blame yourself” (again, these were second degree murders, accidents from willful disregard) or “I forgive you.”
It’s a startling statistic, it’s a disconcerting piece of data. I searched the records, and found a case in Seattle where a guy had murdered an entire family, and during his sentencing phrase (he admitted it, he was in a drug haze) he said “I was visited by the family that I killed, and they told me that they are okay. I just wanted the victim’s family to hear that. No matter what happens to me, I want them to know they still exist.”
One of the jurors was moved by that testimony — and commuted his sentence to life in prison.
In the case of this recent South Carolina murder — he claims he didn’t do the crime. However, the visitation will be the same. His family can come to him, can explain what happened.
And he will have all that time in prison to reflect upon, perhaps help someone else while he’s there. This guy was a lawyer who prosecuted many people — he’s going to have a hard time of it wherever he ends up, but in essence, he has the “rest of his life” to help prisoners with their appeals, to set up a law practice in prison (as Bob Odenkirk does in “Better Call Saul”) where he can earn some “points on the flipside” by helping those who are still on the planet.
I know the sentence was said as vengeance, but that won’t bring back his wife and son — and further, shows that we cannot learn anything from our journey on the planet if we cannot discuss the data, research and footage that shows both his wife and son are “alive on the flipside.” Have gone home, early, as planned, we cannot know unless we ask them.
But in terms of justice, I’m offering that the more people become aware that this isn’t our only lifetime, that we bring conscious energy to a life, and the rest is back home — the more we can understand why and how we on the planet, and why things happen (including bad ones.)
So indeed, his family is likely going to visit him in his dreams, but it may not be for the reasons the judge has offered. There’s a larger, more elaborate picture to examine, and it includes why we choose to be on the planet.
Please read this ebook to the end, even if you just flip all the way to the end, thank you! (it's a new policy, and I…

Here’s the chapter: (reprinted from It’s a Wonderful Afterlife Volume Two)
Chapter Twelve — “I Can Help You”
Interview with An Attorney
I’ve changed the name of the attorney and other details to protect the families and client/attorney privilege.
The Attorney
RICHARD: Where are you from?
ATTORNEY: I grew up in the West, went to law school in California, practiced there two years; there were few female lawyers (where I lived), and I ended up here in (my home state).
Did you have any spiritual experiences in your life?
I was taking ballet as a child, there were a lot of Russians there after the war, and we had a lot of Russians (in my home town). I was about 8 years old, I remember the teacher saying “In Russia, they pick dancers by the shape of their feet.” I can remember consciously thinking “If I’m not a dancer in this life, then I’ll be a dancer in my next life.” I had never been exposed to the idea of incarnation, as I was raised Roman Catholic. Also when my mother passed, I had a visitation from her.
I’ve practiced law for 30 years. And all of my clients, every single one of them has had a visitation — even the most staunch Baptist who would never believe “any of that,” an off the wall conservative, or religious; it doesn’t matter. All have had a visitation and 90% try to discount it, “Oh, it’s just my imagination.”
What do you tell them?
I tell my clients they need to just “listen.” Most of those I’ve worked with who’ve killed people have done it at least inadvertently; I’ve worked with many who killed people with their automobiles. It is still a criminal act, but usually caused by alcohol or some other factor. Every single one has been visited (in some fashion) by the person they killed, either in a dream or a hypnogogic state.
What are the most memorable ones?
There were four most strongly remembered. Two that still pull on my heart strings; one was a young adult who had just gotten a new pickup. He was having a speed contest with another kid on this winding country road and decided to pass him, crossing over the double yellow line.
Suddenly there were kids on their bikes, they split, and one went his way. This boy braked as hard as he could, but he killed one of the children. And it was horrible. I was his lawyer and he was charged with many things, but he would tell me that this child would come to him in his dreams. Mind you, during the accident he only saw the child for an instant. And in his visions, the child would come to him and say “I’m ok. You don’t need to worry. I’m safe and happy where I am and I can help you. But you have to let me help you.” And my client would wake himself up.
I’m Ok Where I Am
I worked with this young man for a long time, and I would tell him “You need to listen to your subconscious and deal with this grief and move on from this incident.” But he was having none of it. He’d say “It scares me, it’s a nightmare.” For a while he didn’t sleep, sometimes for days at a time. Anyway, he really went off the rails after that. He wasn’t a great student to begin with, but he just did all the things you’re afraid kids will do; by the time I saw him some years later, he had gotten into drugs.
Can you repeat what the child said to him?
The child said “I’m ok where I am. I’m happy. I’m safe here. I’m in no pain.” Basically telling him “You don’t need to feel guilty.” The main message was “I can help you, but you have to let me help you.” But this boy was having none of it; it was too frightening to him. His family was strict Baptist, so there was no solace for him in his Church.
How about you? Are you religious?
I consider myself a Buddhist.
Are there other cases you can mention?
This other case was a young man who joined the military, came home on leave, one thing lead to another; he went out with his friends drinking beer. He was not drunk, but he flipped a jeep and it landed on his friend.
His friend was still alive, and the friend said “I can’t breathe, get me out.” So this man would use all his effort to lift up the Jeep, but eventually he’d have to put it back down. He picked it up until his arms didn’t work anymore, and finally went to get help and the friend died.
In this case, the driver lost all of the hair on the leg that the other boy had been holding onto when he lifted up the Jeep. Later, he said he could still feel his friend’s hands burned into his skin.
And then friend then started appearing to him. My client would be in a recliner and see him, and his friend would say essentially the same thing; “I’m fine where I am, this is the way it was supposed to happen, I can help you.” Saying “I can help you move past this but you have to let me help you.” But again, there was no way he could do that.
When they talk about seeing victims have they described them visually?
Some would see them in their dreams. The boy who drove into the child on the bike said he only saw the child for a split second before his car hit him, so he had no reference for that child other than that moment, so it surprised him how the child would appear to him. It’s the same story with the friend who lost control of the Jeep; he would see his friend standing next to his chair. He would appear as a full ghost to him. In full physical form.
Was it the same message for each person or different messages?
No, just the same message; “I can help you.”
In another case, a guy and his buddy got drunk, went hunting, rolled their truck. So this man killed his close relative. That guy was charged with homicide — and his relative appeared to him.
The message he got from the relative was that he wanted him to go back to the wreck and look for something. The message was “You have to go back there and find it.” So this man kept going back to the scene of the accident, like a compulsion, looking for something — but he didn’t know what. He kept going back and never found anything.
Perhaps it was a metaphor. Perhaps to find peace or what really happened?
Or to face it. He started finding things out there; found a smashed cowboy hat, he kept looking for things that might have fallen out of his truck, I don’t know if he ever found whatever it was he was supposed to find.
The fourth most powerful experience I recall was that of an attorney I know. If there was a prize for “worst father of the year,” he would have won it; his answer to dealing with his child’s anger was to lock them in the cellar.
When I met his son, I thought “This child was too fragile for this Earth.” Once I went fishing with them and he didn’t say one word the entire day. On the boy’s 16th birthday, he came into the office and was just talking up a storm. I was like “Who is this boy? What happened?” When I got in the truck with my husband, I said to him “Something really has made him happy.”
Well, it was the night the child decided to commit suicide. About a week later, this attorney said to me “Every time I fall asleep, my boy comes and stands by my chair. How could that be?” He said the son told him “I’m okay where I am, it wasn’t your fault; I feel free.”
I told this attorney what I’ve said to all of my clients who’ve experienced something like this; “Just listen.” This happened for some months. My impression is that eventually we get beyond their concern for us, or we get used to it, or I don’t know; we just don’t see it anymore.
It’s in the research and there’s a case I heard about where a woman had the same kind of experience, losing a son to suicide, and then having him come to her in a dream. It’s unusual in this case, as he continues to come back — must be a strong connection there.
I’m considered the absent minded professional. I’m very logical, very rational, I try to rule out coincidental causes. Before my sister “Betty” died she said, “I will be in touch with you.” One day I was freaking out about something, and I looked at the floor, it was empty, but then when I lifted up my head there was money on the floor. I don’t know where it came from, but it made me think of my sister. I thought “Oh she must really be worrying about me.”
I was talking to a friend and she said “Do you know someone named Betty? She really wants to talk to you.” She said “Your sister’s really starting to yell at me.” I had never had an experience like this; she was identifying stuff only Betty and I would know, a Christmas tree we had when we were little, our tire swing at the old home, how we’d climb up onto this building and jump off with the tire swing – so my friend said “She came through to apologize to you.”
What did she say?
She said “I’m really sorry about the way I treated you when we were little girls, I yelled at you all the time, and I was mean to you.” Betty was unhappy as a little girl, yelled all the time, threw stuff, always cried in the family picture, but I only remember her throwing something at someone else, not at me.
Great story. So how many cases did you have where people had a memory of their victims coming to them?
I’ve probably had 5 of these death cases a year over 34 years — up to ten a year. It’s over 100. In every case — even with my secretary, and my bookkeeper — every single one I’ve represented has been visited by the victim or by the person close to them who died in some way.”
Wow, that’s amazing, thank you.
“As long as you are not aware of the continual law of Die and Be Again, you are merely a vague guest on a dark Earth.” — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe