Showing posts with label Bill Paxton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bill Paxton. Show all posts



Thanks to Camille Alcasid​ for making me aware of his podcast where Bill says, in essence, what he's said in our interviews ("Talking to Bill Paxton" documentary on Gaia) or our podcast "Hacking the Afterlife" with Jennifer Medlyn Shaffer​  The original podcast is from Rebecca Rosen and Rob Lowe on LITERALLY! podcast. (see link in article)  I left a message for Rob about the unusual coinkydinks in his dream and the interviews we've done with Bill. Hope to hear from him!

TALKING TO BILL PAXTON via Rob Lowe and Rebecca Rosen

Photo courtesy David Kirkpatrick

I got this message on the Book of Faces from a friend who is a fan of the Flipside books, a fan of our podcast HACKING THE AFTERLIFE WITH JENNIFER SHAFFER. This friend knows that when my old pal Bill Paxton passed, I was in the midst of filming mediums talking to the flipside. So as an experiment, I had three different mediums ask him the SAME QUESTIONS.

“Where did we meet?” “What were you doing in your career?” “What happened in the operation?” “Who greeted you on the other side?” “What’s it like over there?” “Is there any private messages for friends and family?” “What do you want to tell your friends and fans about your journey now?”

They’re mind bending questions. I put them together in a documentary film for Gaia, the film can be viewed on Gaia “TALKING TO BILL PAXTON.” (

As fans of our podcast know, one of the three mediums I interviewed to speak with Bill (the other two were and Raylene Nuanez (

In that instance, I supplied the questions to my friend Dr. Elise Medhus, and she asked them on camera. So I wasn’t in the room, and couldn’t “influence the subject.” (The definition of a blind study.)

All three answered the questions exactly the same.

In the case of Jennifer Shaffer, Bill actually took her on a trip in the bathysphere to the Titanic BEFORE SHE KNEW WHO SHE WAS SPEAKING WITH. That moment happens in the film HACKING THE AFTERLIFE on Gaia. Literally she doesn’t know who “Bill is” until she asks me “Was he in the film Titanic?” (She didn’t know him or his role.)

When I asked him questions via Kimberly Ray, he wouldn’t give her his name (and I wouldn’t say it) but he answered all the questions the same. However, when I asked him to “tell her your name” he “zipped his lip.” A few seconds later (on camera) her dad called from Ohio to ask how her trip was going — and she asked what he was doing. He said “I’m watching this film Twister with the actor Bill Paxton in it.” (What are the odds?)

So when my friend Camille sent me this link to Rob Lowe’s podcast, I thought — wow, another chance to hear from Bill again.

So yes, I knew him when both of our careers started. He helped me rewrite my first feature “You Can’t Hurry Love” — would have starred in it if his agent didn’t nix the plan. But we hung out in Cannes, other places, came to see one of my screenings in LA — I loved hearing from him, like everyone have a million great stories about his generous spirit.

When Rob Lowe suddenly started doing his voice during the podcast, it was hilarious and great.

Here’s the podcast. It’s an hour, take a listen, then come back and hear my comments: Rebecca Rosen: Spiritual Medium Literally! With Rob Lowe.

I met Rob some years ago, though I doubt he’d remember me. We sat at adjoining tables at the old Louisa’s on 26th street in Brentwood — I didn’t start the conversation, he did, was as charming, funny as anyone I’ve met. Our daughter’s late boyfriend Tyler worked with him on his 911 series and only had glowing things to say about the fellow.

All I can speak about in this post is the fact that everything Rebecca Rosen says Bill Paxton is saying to Rob I’ve heard him say to other mediums. Not the exact same words, but similar context, and I will explain in the “Notes below” — this is a transcript of a text owned by TeamCoco, all rights reserved to Rob Lowe and Team Coco and this excerpt is offered for educational purposes only.

(I’m not an AI plagiarism machine.)

I recreate the text below so anyone can hear what I’m talking about. (Transcripts of our conversations with Bill are in the book ARCHITECTURE OF THE AFTERLIFE, or can be found on our podcast if one “searches for Bill Paxton” in the search part of

Rebecca Rosen (terrific medium, her links are below) comments are in italics, and Rob Lowe’s comments are in Bold.

In the midst of this podcast, where Rebecca Rosen talks about her journey to becoming a medium, at some point, Rob mentions a dream he had:


“I want to walk you through something that happened to me; I want to know what it is… I know one of your things is talking about meditation, opening yourself up to all of this. So I’ve been doing a lot of that in the past few years, the meditation thing finally clicked after 30 years.. I found TM (Transcendental meditation) and it stuck. I was struggling to do it then met some very cool people who would call me about TM. I start the TM, and I start to have these dreams that are super visual.”

“One of my best friends in life was the actor Bill Paxton, he was in Titanic, Apollo 13, Twister. God he was such a great guy — he died tragically having a routine heart procedure…. And I never got to say goodbye.”

“So I have this dream, Bill walks into the room, I’m like “Oh my God, Bill doesn’t need he’s dead. How do I tell him?”

“He says (Bill’s voice)

“HEY MAN, HOW YOU DOIN’? I’VE BEEN SO BUSY… I’VE BEEN GOING BACK AND FORTH!” Like that — “I’ve been so busy I’ve been going back and forth.” I’m like — “He doesn’t know he’s dead!” And then… then I realize that he’s talking about going back and forth between (both) worlds.

And then he said “I’LL SHOW YA!” and he took me.

And the next thing I know, I’m still me — but I’m not in my own body, I don’t have a body, but everything is the same, the same interests, everything. Except I’m flying. And I’m not in my body. I’m with Bill… but he’s not there any more either. He’s… but he’s there.

And we’re flying and (below) it looks like a cross between “Fern Gully” and the land of Avatar is what it looks like. And the feeling I have… I start crying in my dream. You know how you’ll wake yourself up laughing in a dream? And I started weeping. Weeping in my dream… of love.

Like… I’ve never experienced it… I may have experienced it when I saw my babies being born… maybe? That’s as close, but it was so overwhelming, so overwhelming, you just weep for joy… love… whatever.

And then I have this thought, “Oh no, what about my wife Sheryl, Matthew and Johnny and I’ve left them?”

And here’s the trippy part: Bill goes “NO MAN! THEY’RE ALREADY HERE!”

I go, “What?” and it hit me; that there is no… not only that there is no end, there’s also no time. So all of that is already happening.

And in that.. wherever I was, anybody I could have known, if I thought about them they were there. And what there is — is very specific. It’s not like we’re bumping fists or high fiving, that’s not happening, that’s why we come here. We don’t get that there.

What we get there is, the best way I can do (describe) it is, with someone you know deeply and love deeply, and you’re sitting and watching TV, or driving cross country in a car or they’re asleep beside you, you know that they’re there and that’s what it is.

And then the dream is over, and I woke up feeling “Well, I know what happens next, I have no illusions at all about what the next chapter is.”

(Richard’s NOTE: The thing that Bill has repeated in every interview, when asked “What do you want me to tell people about you?” he says “Tell them I can fly!” (It’s in the footage of “Talking to Bill Paxton” on Gaia) And literally here was Bill showing his pal Rob “how to fly!”

How to travel at the speed of thought. In terms of Rob’s dream — it’s what people often report. That we exist prior to incarnation, we bring a portion of our conscious energy to a lifetime and the rest stays home. That home portion is always there — even when we are incarnated. So when he says “they’re here!” it is because a portion of who we are, the conscious energy that we bring to each performance onstage still exists back home. People report we bring between 20 and 40% of our conscious energy (soul) to a lifetime, and when the curtain falls we return home.)

Then later in the podcast, Rebecca does a “mini reading” for Rob. She demonstrates her excellent skills, her ability to validate so many different, complex things, but at some point senses Bill Paxton has entered the discussion; says “He’s in the room.”

REBECCA: “Your buddy Bill is standing here right now, he’s showing “surfing. “Like “Let’s go surfing?”

Rob laughs.

Rebecca: I don’t know if he’s ever surfed or you know how to surf?

Rob: I surf. I surf all the time.

Rebecca: “Okay. Another form of moving meditation. And he’s showing his heaven like being on the water with you.” And he has a good sense of humor. He’s actually showing me that he’s a better surfer than you in that realm.”

Rob: That’s what he went up there to learn, because he did not surf in this world. That’s amazing.

Rebecca: Okay, so “Now he has all the time in the world to do it.” He’s showing me you — something about your ankle. It’s like “be careful.” I don’t know if you recently hurt your ankle, your foot, your toe? But it’s like one of those minor, the universe “waking you up, slowing you down” — you have something going on.

Rob: It’s so funny you’d say that, the last two days I’ve had an ankle thing, and I’m like “I wonder if this is something?”

Rebecca: There is something there. It’s a ‘weak link.’ They’re telling me to tell you “to pay attention,” and I see you going in to get an adjustment, a chiropractic adjustment or some body work. Because if you said “Hey, I’m going to go for a run” you might twist your ankle. They always say things, because knowledge is power, to help you, to prevent things.”

(Note: It’s also in the film TALKING TO BILL PAXTON on Gaia. When I asked him about “what he’s experiencing now?” he described this sandy beach, beautiful water and waves. He described how it’s possible to “create” any environment on the flipside, using our awareness of beaches we’ve been to before. It’s like we do the mathematical construct and the blue lagoon appears. So when Bill says that he’s “surfing now” he’s not kidding. It’s a mental construct — the balance, the feeling of being on the board, the riding of the waves, the turning the board — it’s all part of the same construct that he’s mastering.)

Then a little bit later after Rebecca giving him great career and health advice:

Rebecca:“Your friend Bill is here. And he’s showing me… this is interesting. Was he around 56 or 65 when he passed?” (49:17)

Rob: Yeah, he was 62 or something like that.

Rebecca: There was a window in there in terms of a soul contract where he had an exit point. And he’s looking at this. “Did he want to go? No.” So on a human level, did he want to die? No.” On a soul level was it a probability? A high probability, the answer is “Yes.”

He’s showing me it has something to do with love, heart chakra stuff. It evolved over time, setting down some.. he may have had some big lessons around — in giving and receiving love, that he didn’t necessarily master and over time evolved into a heart problem. Okay. He’s showing me “I learned from my mistake here, it’s all about living from your heart.” (To Rob) You do this. You know how to show up for your wife, your family, for your audience and this will heal your heart stuff.”

Rob: Yeah.

NOTE: He said something similar but slightly different in our interviews (also specifically in the interview with Kimberly Ray.) He talked about the “exit point” or “exit ramps” that come up in a lifetime (as others have spoken of) where we have the opportunity to “return home and start planning for our next journey.” Sometimes people “take that exit ramp.” But he also said the same thing recently in an interview with Jennifer Shaffer — that idea of “It didn’t make sense for him to leave on a human scale, he wanted to stay” but on a spiritual scale “It was the thing that he realized he was supposed to do.”

In terms of his heart surgery, from what he’s said (before, in print and after) is that it was routine, and came from scarring in his youth. But the love that Rob experienced has been mentioned often in the podcast. In one interview, Elvis came forward to talk about being greeted on the flipside by a baby girl he didn’t have — who died before she was born. And he said this child greeted him with a profound sensation of unconditional love — and he said it in the same terms that Rob did — “I know that a lot of people loved me in my lifetime, but I had never felt anything like this, like this profound feeling of love.”

And it’s overwhelming in many accounts — the idea of weeping from the sheer joy of it, from the overwhelming nature of it, it makes one wonder why that isn’t the focus of everything we talk about on the planet. But we do come here to learn or teach lessons; the point is; we all return home. Everyone we’ve known or loved is available to us.)

Rebecca: Bill wants me to tell you something about “getting your window fixed?” You have a window that’s cracked, I don’t know if it’s a car, house…(50:24)

Rob: Yes! I have a cracked moon roof in my car that has been my bete noir, it has been the bane of my… it has taken forever, I’m driving this rental car that I hate, I’ve been calling them, when am I going to get my car — it’s a minor thing obviously but it’s a big thing.

Rebecca: And nobody knows that. It’s what I mean by evidence, nobody would know that. He’s in the car with you, he sees it, he’s saying


Or that he’s behind the scenes helping speed up the process, I bet in the next week or two, there is resolution around your moon roof.

(Rob laughs) I love that I have a spirit guide helping me get my car fixed.

Rebecca: “Anything to make your life easier.” I always say you can ask them for a parking spot if it’s going to make you feel inner peace.”


I share this information mainly because I don’t know what else to say. We have a forum on Quora “Hacking the Afterlife” where people share their experiences with the flipside, or share data, research. We have 50k subscribers and 35 million views. Jennifer Shaffer and I have a podcast where Bill shows up often. Seven different appearances are linked below.

I know beyond any shadow of doubt that when a medium I’m talking to says “Bill is here” I know that he has the floor. He was such a warm hearted guy, such a fun person to be around, I only wish I had spent more time professionally with him. For me that was always a sadness.

But I feel like a kid with a popsicle on a playground on a hot day.

Been filming people bypassing filters and returning home for fifteen years. Its mind bending, but liberating as well.

I’m like a kid with this awesome popsicle. Looking around, “Does everyone not know how good this is?” I try to share it with others on the playground.

I’m often met by the unique human behavior, “if Ihaven’t tasted it, it doesn’t exist.” “My religion/science tells me there’s no such thing.” “It’s bad for you., its evil it’s voodoo etc..” (“How can you be talking to Bill Paxton when he was a closer friend?”)

It’s about the filters. If we can bypass the filters via meditation, hypnotherapy, mediumship, we can speak directly to our loved ones on the flipside. We can fly with them. Still laugh with them. Surf with them.

Fifteen years of filming people saying the exact same hallmarks about the process. Digging through thousands of case studies from scientists who found the same information in their research, via near death events, out of body experiences, in a lab setting, using MRI, using hallucinogens, using hypnotherapy, using no hypnosis, guided meditation, examining dreams…

The same hallmarks. Guides, teachers, classmates, classrooms, libraries, crystal cities, mental constructs, golf games, concert halls, musicians continuing to play, to learn, create , still existing, having fun, delirious fun, laughter, joy, nirvana. Councils. Divine Councils in the Afterlife.

How could I not share it? What kind of human could i call myself if I didn’t share the popsicle?

Its why i designed this HACKING THE AFTERLIFE forum.. Jennifer Shaffer and I have been meeting up weekly for 8 years, past 2 on a podcast. Every week learning new information from people off stage. She works with law enforcement agencies nationwide on missing person cases so I know how effective she can be.

On our podcast Hacking The Afterlife we demonstrate anyone can contact their loved ones. People dont have to, they can. But let’s not pretend we didn’t know about the popsicles. That some eureka moment will make people realize they are responsible for the play they’re in.

We can alter it. Revise, edit it. Through meditation. It’s never too late.

As the late actor HARRY DEAN STANTON said to me and Jennifer (in the film HACKING THE AFTERLIFETell people to believe in the afterlife.” I laughed, reminded him that all his friends were skeptics. He gave me three private messages (evidentiary) to tell his friends as his memorial. They were all flabbergasted. I told them what Harry the devout skeptic said to tell them:

“Tell people to believe in the possibility of an afterlife and then they won’t waste another minute of their life arguing about it like I did.”

Wise words.

Thanks Bill.

Bill with Harry Dean Stanton

Rebecca Rosen, Rob Lowe July 20th.

Rebecca Rosen: I’m a spiritual medium, an evidential medium… “Small Medium at Large” Her books

Rob Lowe: @teamcoco @roblowe


Here are articles I’ve posted about our chats with Bill. Enjoy.

Hacking the Afterlife podcast with Jennifer Shaffer


Happy Birthday on the Flipside Bill Paxton - here are three mediums talking to Bill Paxton

 Jennifer Shaffer and I have been chatting with Bill Paxton for six years since he crossed over.

With Harry Dean Stanton

The documentary about three mediums asking my old pal the same questions can be found on Gaia: - "Talking to Bill Paxton" 

In honor of Bill's "Birthday" on the flipside (their term, not mine) - like a homecoming or the date of a return, here are three interviews where he shows up.


With Kimberly Babcock (click on the video to watch, or use this site:

With Raylene Nuanes (I supplied the questions)

With Jennifer Shaffer

Not gone, just not here.

Happy flipside birthday mon ami.


Hacking the Afterlife film on Gaia via Amazon Prime

In the podcast, "Hacking the Afterlife" that's on itunes and other places, we talk about process. About accessing people no longer on the planet.

On the webpage, there are videos of all of our podcasts, as well as clips from book talks, documentaries on the topic, and other raw footage of filming people talking to loved ones on the flipside.

Your reasonable narrator

This documentary is a culmination of the past ten years of filming people accessing the afterlife via hypnotherapy, mediumship or meditation.

I call it meditation as there's no word for it really - me grilling people with questions when they're accessing a vivid dream, a memory, of asking them to revisit their near death experience.  People might suggest it's leading - it is leading. That's the idea. I'm leading them back into a memory of an event. I'm familiar with the architecture of the afterlife, so I know when I'm leading them back into that memory what we're going to find there.

Michael Newton is featured in the film

A guide, perhaps more than one. Classmates, teachers, councils and council members. All are available, all possible to access.  We have this illusion that we cannot access the flipside.

It's not my opinion, theory or belief that people say the same things about the journey - with or without hypnosis - it's on film. It's footage. And this film is the best example of what I'm referring to with regard to "Hacking the Afterlife."

It's not a typical documentary - I know - I'm a Director's Guild Member, Writer's Guild Member - but you wouldn't suspect that from looking at the craftmanship. Filmed in noisy cafes, restaurants, on podcasts, zoom, skype - wherever people felt comfortable accessing the information.

I know it's possible to go into a sound stage, to put on makeup, do proper lighting, rehearse, put the microphones properly in place, have someone yell "quiet on the set!" I've done that my entire career - either me sitting in that director's chair, or me standing by the director and telling others to do the same. I've been doing it since I worked on "Personal Best" in 1980, and have spent 41 years learning the craft.

I know what a C 47 is - and most do not.

I know what a Best Boy is, and for those who want to find a Best Boy at Best Buy cannot.

The late great friend Howard Schultz accessing the flipside

But I also know when lightning is in a bottle, I know when someone is not acting, is recounting, remembering, accessing new information that wasn't scripted or is doing so for camera. 

I can spot an actor acting a mile away - and I know it's next to impossible to get them to have their cheeks turn red, their breath disappear and tears to fall down their cheeks as they remember a powerful event from a previous lifetime. Not something most actors can do - many try - but there's a difference when it happens in front of someone.

So I present this documentary - with all its flaws - technically anyway - as evidence that life goes on.

I have 100s of hours of other footage, other examples, and this original edit for this film was in the six to eight hour range... so what's seen is a glimpse, an example of what I've been filming for over ten years.

Recently someone asked me "Well, how can you quote someone who isn't on the planet?"

And I had to point out - I'm not.

Phillip Noyce, Australian director and pal introduced me one day as "this is Richard Martini, he thinks he can talk to the dead."  To which I replied, "No. I don't think I can speak to anyone. I film those who can speak to those no longer on the planet."  I don't talk to the dead, but I film people who do. And by the way, they can't be dead if they reply, or give new information, can they?

It's not my opinion, theory or belief that people claim the same things over and over. It's not my theory, opinion or belief that they say the same things about the afterlife that thousands of clinical case studies from Dr. Wambach, Dr. Weiss or Michael Newton and the Newton Institute reported. It's footage. It's on film. 

So if you have questions about the flipside, and want to ask me them via Quora (where we have a forum with 45K subscribers talking about the afterlife, with over 22 million views) I recommend taking a look at this film first.  It's free if one signs up for a trial run with Gaia.

There are three of my films on here, "Flipside" "Talking to Bill Paxton" and "Hacking the Afterlife" - but I'd say the most recent one has the most information. Apologies for all the subtitles, there's a lot of information to convey - and I recommend watching it a few times to get the most out of it. Trailer: Hacking the Afterlife


Available at or via Amazon Prime. Search for "Hacking the Afterlife."


Hacking the Afterlife documentary is live on Gaia

Hacking the Afterlife is LIVE ON THE AIR!

LIVE ON GAIA NOW!!! Ten years of chatting with the afterlife. Jennifer Shaffer, Michael Newton, Scott De Tamble, Kimberly Babcock, Howard Schultz, Bill Paxton, Harry Dean Stanton, Luana Anders, Charles Grodin - all make appearances. As Gary Schwartz PhD put it in the Foreword for "Flipside:" "This is the kind of book once you have read it, you will no longer be able to see the world in the same way again." The same can be said of this film. Don't watch it unless you're prepared to change how you see the world... and the world beyond.

1. The feature length documentary (1:49). 

2. The trailer for the documentary also at Gaia: 

Here's the trailer via my YouTube page at

A little background about the film:

Luana Anders
It's taken me ten years to make a sequel to "Flipside" 

The film is a distillation of that research over the past ten years. There are a couple of clips from the original "Flipside" documentary for context.

The documentary is in three sections:

1. Hacking the Afterlife via hypnotherapy.

In this section, the footage touches upon the hypnosis sessions that have been done by a number of clinical psychologists and others. I start with Michael Newton, because he was responsible for my entry into this arena - clips from his last filmed interview (which makes up the documentary and book "Flipside.")

I feature a clip of Dr. Brian Weiss talking about the research, as his was the first book I read that introduced me to the topic.  Charles Grodin's wife, Elissa Grodin turned me on to the book, "Many Lives Many Masters."

Later on in the film is an excerpt from a talk with Dr. Helen Wambach. Dr. Wambach was a clinical psychologist in the 1970's who did extensive research into using hypnosis to access previous lifetimes. By eliminating bias she was able to verify historical accuracy. She eliminated bias by not focusing on personal experience or journey - but on recalled details. What kinds of utensils were used in what time period, the weather of the region recalled, the clothing worn, the construction materials used. By focusing on historical details she could demonstrate that people were recalling things with veracity - historically accurate events that aren't part of the zeitgeist (books, films, etc).

I feature a number of hypnotherapy cases I've filmed - two friends of mine who both agreed to have me film their hypnosis sessions. One a lifelong friend who was a successful TV executive, another a screenwriter with Parkinson's. Both have revelatory memories about previous lifetimes while under hypnosis.

Michael Newton in his last filmed interview

The Second Part is "Hacking the Afterlife" through mediumship.

I focus on mediums that I know or have worked with in the past. Jennifer Shaffer works with law enforcement agencies nationwide on missing person cases. The other mediums are people I know to be accurate in their work. In the film "Talking to Bill Paxton" also on Gaia, I have three different mediums answer the same questions I ask my old friend on the flipside.  Each one answers the same way - the same answers - even though in one case I wasn't in the room when the questions were asked.

Jennifer Shaffer
Also a filmed interview with James Van Praagh that was part of the Charles Grodin show which I produced and participated in, where James speaks directly, live on air to my friend Luana Anders on the flipside.

There are dramatic scenes speaking with the late actor Harry Dean Stanton, my friend, friend of Luana Anders (who helps us from the flipside) and his dramatic recounting of his crossing over to the afterlife. He provides accurate information about his last days on earth, as well as personal private messages to his friends.

There's a portion where I introduce the life and career of Luana Anders and how she's been instrumental in my education in this area.

Harry Dean and Bill Paxton are in the film

The third section is "Hacking the Afterlife" via NDE's - 

in this case, I demonstrate how no hypnosis is required for someone to access a dramatic event. Could be a dream, NDE, or some other "consciousness altering event."  There's an interview with filmmaker Josh Davidow where he recalls a previous lifetime without hypnosis - which I provide evidence of in the documentary. There are the NDE's of Josh and Steph Arnold and then a demonstration how they can "access the afterlife" with a series of simple questions.

Film was submitted prior to the passing of my dear friend Charles Grodin - so while he's not in the "dedicated to" section, he knows he's included.

Your truly and Charles Grodin on the Merv Show

Again - ten years of trying to capture lightning in a bottle.

It's not my opinion, theory or belief that people say these things with or without hypnosis, via mediums, via hypnotherapy, via meditation - it's on film. I have hundreds of similar cases of people on camera, on a microphone doing the same.

Thanks to Scott De Tamble for his generous help in allowing me access to his work, thanks to Jennifer Shaffer and her generous help allowing me to access her gifts of mediumship.  There's no film without them.

But take the time to watch it, it's free on (for new subscribers)

For further information, or "read along" texts - I can offer my books:

1. Flipside: A tourist's guide on how to navigate the Afterlife.

2. Flipside the documentary

3. It's a Wonderful Afterlife (books one and two).

4. Hacking the Afterlife

5. Architecture of the Afterlife

(For those with a science bent, see UVA's DOPS Dr. Greyson's "After" Dr. Tucker's "Before" and Ed Kelly PhD's "Consciousness Unbound" for how consciousness can exist outside the brain. While I've met or interviewed all these scientists from UVA, their work and research isn't part of mine - However, because we are talking about conversing with people no longer on the planet, one would have to understand how consciousness can still exist by learning from scientists how that is possible.)

For more information about Scott: Scott at

For more information about Jennifer:

We have three books we've created together; "Backstage Pass to the Flipside" books one, two and three. All transcripts of our weekly interviews.

There are numerous clips, and 65 podcasts at or the audio is at - 

There are now three documentaries available: "Flipside" "Talking to Bill Paxton" and "Hacking the Afterlife" on Gaia

All flipside all the time.

If you have a chance, can watch the film, (and like it?) please leave a comment in the space provided at Gaia.  The more people who "like" a film, the more people become aware of it.  

My apologies for out of focus shots, shots filmed in crowded restaurants, noisy cafes - this is a labor of love, and despite having a career in the film industry making feature films that don't have "spotty lighting" or "bad sound" - sometimes you just have to turn on the camera and see what you can capture. It's lightning in a bottle, or in this case a tripod (or cellphone).



Hacking the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer, Bill Paxton, John McCain and Luana Anders

Another fun podcast - Jennifer and I started off by talking about the process - how she helps law enforcement on a pro bono basis, and will be teaching a class soon in the process (details on her webpage She has two workshops - one that covers how to help law enforcement, and the second is for people who want to be part of the group that does.  I've attended in the past, and it's well worth the effort,  if only to understand the process. Then we celebrated a bit of Luana's birthday - and she insisted I stop mentioning her age (as she was adamant about forgetting it while she was on the planet.)  Funny how she can still get me to laugh about it, although she's been off planet since 1996. We asked if she had anyone on her VIP list (hence the title of our 3 books "Backstage Pass to the Flipside" because one of our classmates reported that "she's the one in charge of who gets to speak to us.) Bill Paxton popped up and dusted himself off as if he'd been waiting to speak up. Funny guy Bill. He knew I had been speaking about him last week, and wanted to throw a curve ball in my recollection of how we met, and what it was like for the both of us back then.  It was interesting to chat with Bill about golf - I knew he directed a film "The Greatest Game Ever Played" written by Mark Frost, directed by Bill. He mentions two things that I looked up - one is that he played a celebrity tournament and did badly, and the other that he is currently playing with a golfing icon.  In the former, I found that his father John (whom he mentions in this) actually was in a club with the great Ben Hogan, and reportedly Bill met Hogan when he was young.  I think Bill was either referring to Ouimet, the golfer he made a film about, or the late great Ben Hogan (Jennifer describes his outfit.)  It's the kind of detail I didn't know, Jennifer couldn't have known - so she wasn't "reading my mind" - but was answering directly from Billy. Then, out of nowhere, someone elbowed Bill out of his seat - Bill said it was willingly, but Senator McCain wanted to weigh in on recent political events. And while during the election he took a particularly dim view of the former resident of 1600 PA Ave, his advice this time was to "bind up the nation's wounds" citing Abe Lincoln's ability to do so under more trying circumstances. I was surprised, but not startled, as certainly he was a man of humor and integrity - and was clearly pointing down the middle of the road for the nation to consider healing. All I can say is it is another unusual podcast, this being our 61st.


Thanksgiving with the two Billys, Paxton and Meyer, Luana and friends

Empty clipboard, we asked Luana for whomever she wanted to bring forward. 

This was a Thanksgiving episode - in advance - without or idea that it might be. Luana knew both Billys.  

 She met Paxton when he and I rewrote my script "You Can't Hurry Love" together and he supplied the title track from his band Martini Ranch.  

However, fate intervened, and our budding romance turned into his skyrocketing career.  

I made a film about three mediums talking to Bill, it's on Gaia, ("Talking to Bill Paxton") but in this instance he stopped by to talk a bit about the process of greeting others on the flipside. 

Billy Meyer was a lifelong friend, he stopped by to talk about someone we both knew, as well as to give his thanks for doing this kind of research Jennifer and I are doing. 

 William Meyer,III Obituary - Libertyville, Illinois |

Finally Luana Anders had some comments about our cat, and then we talked a bit about the animal realm and the flipside.

Here's Billy in our backyard with the Red Maple he bought to bury some of our pal Paul Tracey's ashes.


                        Billy, Sherry, Olivia, Anthy and Mark






Hacking the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer, Eddie and Bill Paxton

 Aside from being a film writer/director, I had a fun chance to be a music critic at Variety for a number of years.  My pal Bruce Haring was one of the editors at the time, moving over from Billboard, then leaving for more pristine pastures; he roped me into writing music reviews under the moniker "tini" during the early 90's, then under my own name during the late 90's.

I saw it as an opportunity to turn my 150 words into an experience for people. Filmmaking can take years - writing, casting, directing, putting it into theaters - I enjoyed being able to craft an experience, and have it published the "next day." (Search "Rich Martini Variety" for some examples). I also played in a band full of "rock critics" who played the House of Blues three times and various venues on the strip. 

If anything, I was chastised for not being "critical enough" - because I felt "If people paid this much money to see their favorite act and are standing on their seats" then my job was to translate that experience into words for people who couldn't see the show.  And I saw a lot of shows that people were wild about and I was amused by how much fun they were having. It I could translate that into a phrase, or a sensation, I was happy to do so.

(Plus I hated being reviewed negatively, still stinging from Siskel and Ebert giving me a "thumbs way down" for my film "Limit Up" - so likely I avoided putting my thumbs out there for anyone else's work.)

I can pretty much say out of the dozens of shows I covered, only a handful got the "negativity" from me, and always for technical reasons, or the laziness of the artist who didn't show up at the tech rehearsal, or just lip synching their way through the set.  

I had the privilege to review and meet up with everyone from Sting to Prince, from Paul Simon to an impromptu set at Johnny Depp's club by Eddie Vedder. (Which I was fired over, because "no journalists" were allowed - and they didn't know I was invited as a filmmaker, by a filmmaker - and the agents were in a tizzy over my "sneaking in" to review the show.) That last review in in the "Variety" link above.

Be that as it may - I never had the chance to see or review Van Halen. 

I worked with the actress from "Hot for Teacher" who appeared in the short film "Video Valentino" that started my career - but never had the fortune to see Eddie, a virtuoso, play.

So when he passed this week, I did some due diligence, read up on his life and journey, put it in the context of the flipside research ("Who was there to greet you when you crossed over?") and other questions that people familiar with Jennifer and my sessions will recognize. I ask him the same questions I ask everyone who appears in our classroom (moderated by the person with the VIP clipboard, Luana Anders)

But I'm also a musician, mom was a concert pianist ( and I spent much of my life in and out of concert halls, playing nightclubs with bands, solo (Les Deux Cafe in Hollywood on Saturdays for two years where people like Don Everly would sit in) or sitting in with some awesome acts.  

                                   with Mick and his dad.

I play my own version of "Chicago Blues" in the style of Otis Spann (at least in my imagination) and have played gigs that got me other adventures in my lifetime. (Including a four week gig on a yacht during the Millennium which had a bevy of stars aboard. "The Bob Shaye Millennium Cruise." Another post, another time.)

But music has always been part of my life, so when I dive into my interview with Eddie it's knowing how we communicate through "frequency," how musicians tend to incarnate as musicians (not always, sometimes) that he can speak about music on a deeper level.  I knew that Jennifer was not aware of who I was going to ask to speak with - nor did she know that he was the guitar solos on Michael Jackson's songs "Beat It" and "Thriller."

Jennifer knew he had died of cancer, as it was in all the news - but in particular she didn't know any of the details. Who was with him, how many were with him, what his cancer was about, the idea that he got it from guitar picks - something he floated for years, or that he favored his Gibson over other guitars.

This interview with him is no different than any other interview I do with folks on the flipside, and it is no different than an interview I might have done had I spent an hour with him on the planet.   Questions about music - where does it come from - how did you write music - what are your opinions about music?

He pointedly says (perhaps in jest) that he got "pennies" for working on "Thriller" (only Quincy will know if that's accurate, we interview Ray Charles and he talks about Q in "Backstage Pass to the Flipside") - and that his brother Alex should "focus on music residuals that he is due."  Being a member of BMI  (I've scored two of my 8 feature films), I know how important that is to report and get straight.  So this is a practical interview as well as a musical one.

Bill Paxton shows up because I knew Eddie supplied music for "Twister," and he weighs in on the "frequency" of creativity - how films are similar to music in that they contain the emotions of many - the writer, director, composer, the actors... all conspire to help humanity deal with particular issues. Whether it's fear, overcoming fear, or overcoming fear of death.  It's there as well.

I give you our interview with Eddie 

Here's the Billboard article I cite in the interview (which I had not posted, or referred to. But contains quite a few of the details behind my questions.)

All of these questions are based on the five years I've been doing interviews with folks on the flipside via Jennifer, all of the context is based on the ten years of filming people under hypnosis or not under hypnosis (100 to date, half without) accessing the same information on the flipside. The same information about choosing our incarnations, and why we do so.

Finally, I send sincere condolences to his family and friends, his son, his wife, their dog, his ex wife. All who are suffering immeasurably at the loss of a loved one. I do this work because I can - not to sell books, not to sell myself, not to sell Jennifer - people who need to seek her out can find her, people who need to read the books will do so.  All I am doing is reporting.

I turn the camera on, I ask questions, I turn it off. People say the exact same things about the afterlife even though its contrary to every religious belief system, contrary to every scientific belief system. What they say is consistent and reproducible; two hallmarks of data.

I'm just the reporter here. Don't blame the piano player.



For those who are familiar with the books "Backstage Pass to the Flipside" 1, 2 and 3 (as well as the book "Hacking the Afterlife" and the film "Flipside" - this is more of the same. More verification. 

I have been doing this for so long with her, know that she works with law enforcement agencies nationwide on missing person cases (ask Bill Bratton former NYPD commissioner about her), and two of our class pals stop by. 

Besides Bill Paxton's visit Anthony Bourdain stopped by to give me some health advice that is right on the money.  

No other way to put it.  If one wants to speak directly to loved ones on the flipside, there are three methods I can recommend; hypnotherapy, guided meditation and through a medium like Jennifer. 

My two cents.


Hacking the Afterlife with Ketamine, Harry Dean, Hawking and a Visit from the Alpha and Omega

An unusual confirmation of events on the Flipside from Jennifer Shaffer and the term "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy (and the rest of the poem that includes “rich man, poor man, beggar man, thief.”) 
From Wiki: "Tinker Tailor" is a counting game, nursery rhyme and fortune telling song traditionally played in England, that can be used to count cherry stones, buttons, daisy petals and other items... It is commonly used by children in both Britain and America for "counting out", e.g. for choosing who shall be "It" in a game of tag."

The title came to mind and it appears to reference the idea that we are always connected to all of our lifetimes - no matter which role we've chosen on the planet this time around. Another conversation with the flipside about process. 

But in terms of "Tinker, Tailor" - a counting game, I think what Luana wanted me to mention, or think about - was the idea of "counting the lifetimes we've had."  We appear on the planet as all of these characters, they're all like characters in a play, and depending how long we are in the acting troupe, we might play each one of them. One day we're Hamlet, the next day Ophelia, another day Iago.  In the actor's troupe, everyone plays everything.

In the above clip, there's a brief hello from our pals from "Big Love" Harry Dean Stanton and Bill Paxton - and then a surprise visit from Stephen Hawking who tells us there is a "formula" for love. Finally, a wrap up with a few answers from the Alpha and the Omega.

Another mind bending episode into the flipside with the amazing Jennifer Shaffer helping us access a "flipside classroom."

Sometimes, post session, I hear something or get something that relates directly to the session. This morning, I received an email from the fellow I mentioned in this session, who is suffering from PTSD.  

He told me he was going to go to do a Ketamine session with the supervision of a doctor, and in light of Jennifer's experience (which she reports in detail during the session), I wanted to share this fellow's email this morning.

"Hi Rich!

Hope everyone is healthy and happy in Martini Land!
I noticed ketamine in the headline of your webpage post.  I'll have to watch it again because I missed that part...probably day dreaming.

Just wanted to let you know I did the ketamine therapy sun, mon and tues. (for PTSD).

It's going to save my life.  

I have not felt this positive, anxiety free and happy for as long as I can remember....  This is their website:

He's developed a treatment he says has been over 85% effective.  I can't say enough good things about him and the treatment.  I've never done LSD or anything like it was a cool experience for me.  

I was in another world.  Saw shapes, colors, textures...then places and people.  I swear I saw Jesus on the second day.  He said that Jesus stops by on the regular for peoples treatments.

(The doctor) asked me what he looked like.  

I could only remember bits and pieces but having just woken from the treatment, I said he looks more like Colin Kaepernick than "Catholic white Jesus".  He laughed and said people often see him the way they need to see him but he wasn't surprised at my description.  But damn it...I forgot to look at his eyes...I know they weren't blue though.  They were dark.

The Doctor also mentioned that after this treatment I'm likely to have easier access to things like spirit guides and may notice more synchronicities.  He doesn't mention anything like that before the treatment...I'm guess so as not to influence my experience.  But once we discussed my experience...I can tell he is a believer in those experiences.

Now I go back for a treatment at 3 months, 6 months and 9 months.  Earlier if symptoms start returning.  After that he's had people go as long as 4 years before they need to come back for a treatment.  Though he said I am welcome to make an appt anytime I want to come back.

It's cool stuff man!  My Wife and I also discussed that it's no coincidence that we were led to this area and he happens to be nearby.  He gets patients flying in from all over the world.

What a ride!  Thanks for all your help in understanding this stuff!


My reply:

"Fantastic.  Actually you are mentioned in the above episode. Not by name, but Jennifer begins describing her doctor/ shaman ketamine therapy and after she talks about it I mentioned your therapy. (You're the only one I know doing it for PTSD.) 

So this is a confirmation of the research.. proof if you will. 

Jesus shows up as well at the end (of the above session). He appears to people not because they're Christian but because he can. 

He appears slightly different to each person.. sometimes his eye color changes mid conversation.  The fun part is.. how do we know it is him? (He's not wearing a nametag!) 

Yet people report seeing him often. (See "Hacking the Afterlife" and "Architecture of the Afterlife" for numerous accounts where he shows up with people not under hypnosis, just accessing the flipside by a series of questions.) So very cool to hear and thanks for sharing." 


His reply: 

"And that's what the Doctor said also... people sometimes see him the way they need to see him.  Incredible!"


At the end of this session above, out of the blue I asked Jennifer if the Alpha and Omega (Jesus) could weigh in on the conversation. It popped into my head. 

For those familiar with my work, familiar with my writing, they know I'm not card carrying Christian, I'm not selling any kind of ideology - they know that when given the chance, I ask Jesus to weigh in on any number of things, some of the most controversial he's said (repeatedly via different people) are that he "survived the crucifixion" that he was "married to Mary Magdalene" that he had "children" that he "returned to Kashmir after the crucifixion to continue his legacy. 

That he's had "other lifetimes" but each one is reportedly an example of "unconditional love."  (See "Hacking the Afterlife" for specifics.) But again - I'm not answering the questions, he is, either through someone not under hypnosis ("Architecture of the Afterlife") or via a medium who spontaneously says "Jesus is also here."  When he appears, I take the opportunity to ask him questions that reflect the research.  His answers are sometimes funny, sometimes serious, but always reflect an idea of "unconditional love."

I don't want to upset anyone's belief system - if this seems problematic, I would offer to the scientists that if he's appearing based on one's perception (and sometimes that's over many lifetimes, not just this one) then it is something that is being translated by the mind -"the energy" of that frequency and coming to realize that the "avatar known as Jesus" shares that frequency with many avatars. It's often repeated - that he shares the same "frequency" as many "avatars." (Which is not commonly referred to by any religious texts.)

For those that have a mental block at the mention of his name (lest we forget, he wasn't a Christian per se; that happens after he departs) for religious or secular reasons - I am just reporting. I turn on the camera, I turn it off. Sometimes I ask questions. Sometimes a hypnotherapist asks the questions. 

It's not me seeing him, saying he's "appeared" - in all the cases, I ask questions about his appearance (often brown eyes with flecks of gold, but not always), I ask about what he looks like now - what clothes he's appearing in (and if it's too disruptive to see him in regal attire (as "he's always been painted") I ask him to switch into something more conducive to conversation.  (More than once people have reported seeing him suddenly in a tee shirt and jeans, sandals or no shoes.)

So - I'm repeating an email from a fellow who reached out to me online, whom I've yet to meet, but who has focused on healing his mind, and finally got to a place where he could do so with the help of Ketamine. It's not the Ketamine doing the transformation - but the Ketamine appears to "remove" or "alter" the filters we all have in place that prevent us from accessing this information.

People report (and I've filmed them reporting) that a near death event, out of body experience, LSD, deep hypnosis or meditation can have the same effect - but the resulting information that they share (often contrary to their belief system whether they were skeptics or believers) is something that I can report. What they say on camera is consistent and reproducible.

And here, someone is reporting that with the help of a medical professional, a hallucinogen, he was able to access the flipside, to rid himself of the life threatening post traumatic stress of his earlier life, observe things about himself that his "conscious mind within his body" could not do so - and that he got a chance to see an avatar while doing so.

Pretty cool if you ask me...


This just in, and I have to share it for anyone who needs to read it: (soldiers, skeptics, those suffering from PTSD and others.) This is his first account experience that he wrote up after his Ketamine therapy for PTSD:)

"The first thing I noticed, was the room began to shift. In a barely perceptible way. Textures became more prominent. The walls began to look softer. I started licking my lips to see if they were still there...they were. Then...they were gone. I wasn’t my body an longer. I was the walls, the chair, the light, the air….everything was me and I was everything. There was no perceptible difference between “myself” and the air or the colors or the sound. Sound was color and color was sounds. And I was all of it.

I don’t know if I couldn’t talk...but I didn’t want to nor did I have to. Whatever I thought was immediately thought by everything else. The ceiling of the room rose until I could not see it or perceive it any longer. I could no longer feel myself sitting in the chair. I was flying slowly through a maze of colors and textures. Feeling nothing but the most unconditional love for everything. There was no fear, only love.

(Note: This is also what Jennifer reports in her session... unconditional love, connected to everyone and everything.)

At first, having no reference to compare it to, I began to worry that I would not be able to control anything or get back. Then it didn’t matter. I controlled everything and nothing at the same time. 

At the time I thought I may not be able to get back, faces and people appeared. My Boston Terrier appeared. She jumped through my “mind” in the air as if weightless. We were one...and all concerns melted away. 

I saw faces of people I did not know as well as my Aunt. Jesus also floated into vision with the most all encompassing smile. He did not look like “Catholic, blue eyed Jesus”. He looked young, healthy and had olive color skin and dark eyes. 

I felt nothing but love...he did not have to tell me who he was understood immediately. He looked at me as if to say “finally, you’re home”. And I was home. Every major detail of life was gone...making me realize that none of it truly exists. The only thing that exists is love.

The feeling of love has stayed with me. It’s been 3 days since the last treatment and I can still see his face and feel the all encompassing feeling of joy that we brought each other

I saw people I don’t remember but we sat around my Aunt’s yellow topped table. I remember seeing the chairs I sat in as a child...the backrests grey with a large button in the middle. One yellow, one red, one green and one blue. The seats, though people were seated, were still visible. The same color as the button on the backrest. Then it melted away into everything else and all was one again.

I found myself in the woods that I know. It was pitch black with only stars visible as I stood in the middle of a two track road with trees hanging over the the edges. More people were there with me. There was no light, though I could see every single detail of every tree, every leaf. The air was thick like water with no wetness. 

And I was all of it...part of everything. The trees knew who I was and I knew who the trees were. There was no distinction of being separate.

As the ketamine began to wear off and the orange salt lamp on the table in front of me began to come back into sight...the only thing I said was “booooo”. My Dr. laughed and asked me gently “Well? What or who did you see?” 

I mentioned Jesus and my Aunt with a bit of embarrassment... hoping he wouldn’t think I was crazy. He said “You would be surprised to know how often he stops by during these treatments”. 

It was hard to come back. Though after coming back, the world has a softer feel to it. The harshness of the world that was there before has been replaced with a softness that I can’t quite explain. It’s now easier for me to feel connected.

The anxiety that had been running my life...keeping me in the house and from experiencing the world is gone. I can’t even remember what it felt like to have it. The fear I felt at having to leave this house has evaporated into thin air... I no longer have any use for it….there is no fear when you are everyone and everything.

The depression and suicidal ideation that permeated my every day life...I lost it. I couldn’t find it right now if I wanted to. Somehow, this treatment puts you in a place of understanding. Understanding that you are everything and everyone. None of us are separate...we never were."


(Note: In the cases of people who have had an "epiphany" or "apotheosis" they often report this feeling of being connected to everyone and everything, of being "one with everything" - which Jennifer tries to explain but was reluctant to say.  But as noted in the session, being "one with everything" appears to be our natural state of being - and that it's when we come here, for whatever reason, we experience that "separation.")

The author of this just sent this to me, and I had to add it.  For those that cannot hear they won't - but for those who can, they will.  

I'm not advocating the use of Ketamine except under medical supervision. But it appears to be a way to "remove the filters" or alter them so that we can access the flipside. (For an in depth medical discussion of "filters on the brain" I recommend Dr. Bruce Greyson's YouTube talk "Is consciousness produced by the brain?" where he cites the medical evidence that it is not only.)

By removing or altering the filters, we can gain insight into the human condition.

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