Showing posts with label Junior Seau. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Junior Seau. Show all posts





Richard Martini
3 min read

Addiction and the Flipside.

We did not plan for this episode. But our moderator on the flipside, Luana Anders clearly did, and brought a number of people to chat about it.

She said she wanted to discuss the process of addiction.

Elvis came to give his two cents about it. About how wanting to escape from reality comes from the idea that one is unloved, or suffering. Points out that in his life, he didn’t realize that he was causing others to suffer — and yet he now regrets having done so.

Janis Joplin came through to talk about her addictions — and how trying to escape from reality “was an illusion.” She offers that “escaping from the illusion of reality” — meaning becoming aware that one is onstage during their lifetime, creating a reality, and that by trying to escape from the reality they created for themselves, they lose the connections to others.

Then Aretha came through to say “everyone has addiction in their family.” She pointed out some of the smaller ones, like being addicted to soft drinks, or other vices that people have — that’s another form of addiction. And how everyone has a family member that suffers from addiction, so can be more empathetic about it.

Then Junior Seau showed up to talk about how addiction affects the brain in a similar manner to CTE (which he took his own life over). How the “hits to the head” cause the CTE, but the addiction is like taking “hits to the head.” Then he made the statement that the same therapy that cured Joe Namath from his CTE (which he’d come through to tell us before and is in the film TALKING TO PAUL ALLEN, JUNIOR SEAU AND DAVE DUERSON on Youtube for free) — he said that “oxygen therapy for the brain will help with the treatment of addiction.”

That may be a known fact — I don’t know. But it certainly bears looking into. I just hope people remember where they heard it — from Junior Seau on the Flipside.

Finally Anthony Bourdain came through and talked about how his use of heroin as a youngster had robbed him of the ability to experience joy, which contributed to his leaving the planet early. He expresses remorse for that — as noted he’s come through often on our podcast, and is always hilarious- but in this case, he reiterates how meditation can help people to survive being on the planet, but emphatically argues that “rehab” and “detox” are blips on a person’s time line. That they should have no fear of doing so, that they should say “fuck it, I’m going to do this” as well as to love oneself enough to care to fix the problem.

That was his “mic drop moment” which ends the podcast.

Again — no planning was done between Jennifer and I, the comments are so out there, so profound, so beyond any scope of theory or belief that either I or Jennifer could invent, and anyone who is a therapist, or interested in the subject of addiction should take a lesson.

Finally, I asked Anthony to ask someone in our class a question, and the one he asked them is “what’s the one thing that would have stopped you from being caught up in addiction?” and they all answered with the same word.


Mind bending to hear, mind bending to report.

Jennifer can be found at, the podcast is HACKING THE AFTERLIFE on itunes, the forum is HACKING THE AFTERLIFE on Quora, the website is and the film is on Amazon HACKING THE AFTERLIFE.

It’s an hour long podcast today, but is worth listening to by anyone.


CTE can be cured by Hyperbaric oxygen therapy says Junior Seau, Dave Duerson, Paul Allen

 A public service announcement. CTE can be cured by hyperbaric oxygen therapy. That factoid comes from some mind bending interviews with people who suffered from it and are on the flipside, including Dave Duerson and Junior Seau.

The film (free on Youtube) "Talking to Paul Allen, Junior Seau and Dave Duerson" details how they "came through" to report the information that Joe Namath has "cured his CTE" by using hyperbaric oxygen therapy. As odd as it is to hear this from this odd research, it's a public service announcement. If you don't believe the message came from the flipside, that's fine - the important part is the message. Science can cure CTE with the use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

If you disagree, don't believe, or want to learn more, do the research into the topic. Look up Joe Namath's story, which he's tried to tell people, but ran into a wall of disbelief. He stopped saying that he believed it cured him, but the cat is out of the bag. People on the flipside know it cured him, and wanted us to report it. Will post a link to the film below. PSA.

Phillip Adams: Ex-NFL player who shot six dead had CTE brain disease”

Phillip Adams: Ex-NFL player who shot six dead had CTE brain disease
US footballer Phillip Adams' brain showed evidence of damage linked to repeated head trauma.

A former US football player who police say shot dead six people in April has been found to have been suffering from a degenerative brain disease.

A post-mortem on Phillip Adams, who took his own life, revealed he had chronic traumatic encephalopathy.

Known as CTE, the disease is linked to repeated head trauma.

Officials say Phillips shot dead Dr Robert Lesslie, his wife and two of his grandchildren, along with two men working at Dr Lesslie's home.

The 32-year-old later killed himself after a stand-off with police in South Carolina."

Here's the film:


Hacking the Afterlife chat with Jennifer Shaffer, Junior Seau, Robin Williams, Prince and my mom

Another mind bending session with Jennifer Shaffer.

Here's the video:

This turned out to be an episode where folks came forward from the flipside to talk about the pandemic.  Junior Seau wanted to reinforce the idea that hyperbaric oxygen therapy cures a host of brain issues (and a shout out to Joe Namath), Robin Williams wanted to speak about depression and the pandemic - how to alleviate it.  Prince wanted to talk about using water and music to help with mental issues, Dr. Salk spoke about the properties of elderberry with regard to the lungs.  A pretty unusual session that included some wise words from my mom, and a neighbor who died of Covid last week.

I'll add that this is an unusual podcast for a number of reasons.  I didn't tell Jennifer it was my mother's birthday (as noted) but she was aware of it.  I didn't ask for Junior Sea to  come forward but he reiterated what he's said before (and is on this page under

Robin Williams showed up to talk about depression and the pandemic - a topic worth discussing. For those fans of thehere were more in the session.) Prince wanted to talk about the healing aspects of water (first time he's offered that, but I understood what he was saying.)

Then my mom came forward to talk about my son - on her birthday. That was sweet and absolutely accurate. I mention her website

Finally a neighbor of mine who died on the floor below us.  I had thought of asking him to show up - but left it up to

Again - not trying to prove anything to anyone. Just getting people to think about stuff that they can consider on their own.


Hacking the Afterlife with Carl Jung, Krishnamurti and Bill Paxton

Proof of concept.

For flipside fans, this won't be too hard to digest. For those who are unfamiliar with the term, this may be the hardest to consider.

Some months ago - perhaps a year - Jennifer and I were conducting a "class" - well, Luana Anders conducts the class, Jennifer and I just show up to interview folks in the class.  And during this interaction she said "Carl Jung is here." (HackingTheAfterlife Podcast)

I may have said "do you mean Carl Sagan?" because we had chatted with him before. 

But she said "No, Carl Jung."  

Carl Jung - Quotes, Books & Theory - Biography
Carl Jung.
We were interviewing someone else at the time, so I put him in the back of my mind as someone to interview in the future. After all, if he took the time to show up in our class, and identify himself (I couldn't pick him out of a lineup, so for her to do so, is uncanny) I should at least ask him why.
Jennifer is a medium who works with law enforcement agencies nationwide on missing person cases. She's helped Bill Bratton with a case (ask him about it) and has helped others nationwide.  I've been working with her for over five years and know how accurate she is and can be.

Prior to our sessions, I often "say the name aloud" of the person I'd like to speak with.  So I did that in this clip - said his name aloud - used the "Greenwich Mean Time" clock (on the right side of this page) to indicate when the name was evoked - and then began to tape the session.  I'm in an apartment building upstairs - sometimes too many folks are on the wifi at the same time, so apologies for the intermittent cutting out of my voice - but her voice is not interrupted.

Prior to the session I did some casual research into the fellow. I have a friend familiar with his work (David Kirkpatrick, thanks) who supplied me with a couple of questions, because oddly enough that morning he was referencing him - and I said "If you had a couple of questions, what would they be?" He supplied the "Why didn't you go to Rome?" and "Why didn't you meditate or do a hypnosis session?" questions.

Here's the Wikipedia page where I gathered some of the details - the "soul stone" for example.  When I read that I can only think of the many filmed interviews I've done with people under hypnosis ("Flipside" to "Hacking the Afterlife" - "Architecture of the Afterlife" includes about 50 of people not under hypnosis.)  In those cases, when a child does something as odd as Carl did - making a totem of a native culture - I assume it's related to a past life memory.
Carl Jung; Wikipedia

In terms of his mother, Emilie, indeed, he reported that she "spoke to spirits."  He's also the person who created the concept of "Collective unconscious" as well as the term "Archetypes."  

Which brings us to point two.  Bill Paxton and I were friends many years ago, we stayed in touch over the decades, but his career skyrocketed while mine floundered.  When he passed away, I did a series of interviews with him ("Talking to Bill Paxton" on Gaia) via three different mediums.  So when I was referencing that "we have friends in this class who lived in Ojai" - while interviewing Krishnamurti, I was referring specifically to him.

One of Ojai's famous residents
I didn't ask for him in this interview - but was referring to him when I said that.

Jiddu Krishnamurti

So I wasn't surprised when she said his name - but I was surprised when he said "Ask him about archetypes."  I did not know that he had created the term until I read it that morning - and here was my old pal referencing something that I had not written down (I had written down "synchronicity" and "collective unconscious") - but here was someone asking a question from the flipside to someone we are interviewing.

Jennifer is not an expert on Carl Jung - as she freely admits on camera. She had no idea that Carl had invented the term.  But Bill did. And he is the one who asked the question. Here's the video:

This morning, former studio exec turned author David Kirkpatrick wrote to me to thank me for sharing the video with him. I wrote back: 

"Thanks for the questions. I tried to focus on the things that relate to this research (his "soul stone" sounded like a past life memory) his mother seeing spirits - Bill saying "ask about archetypes" is "new information."  

Jennifer never studied Jung (formerly a financial analyst in Manhattan beach) I had just read in the wiki entry that Carl invented the term. 

Bill literally raised a point only he could raise. Asked Carl his own question.  (Not mine. Not from Jennifer.) It's mind bending and proof of concept. I mean... am I missing something?  Is this not proof of the afterlife?  

Jennifer doesn't know anything about Carl.. and yet recognizes him. Doesn't know about archetypes yet repeats a question from an actor she met "in class." Proof life goes on. Full stop. 

Those whose path doesn't include this knowledge will not see it. Will assume we "cheated" or she "read my mind."  But she asked things not in my mind. She repeated answers I could not invent. Welcome to my world."

Indeed. Proof that life goes on. Proof of concept. Proof of the flipside. Proof of heaven (although everyone calls it "home" instead). Proof of being able to "Hack the afterlife."  I could go on... I frequently do.  But in this era when our friends are falling around us like flies, it's important to report that life goes on. They know it. We just aren't privy to that same information. Our loss.

Post script:

Some wag wrote on the MartiniZone page: "Why did you have to give her so many clues as to the identity of the man?   Totally unconvincing."

To which I replied: "Well, since this is the first time you've seen us work together, or have watched any of our videos, you wouldn't know that I've done this for five years with her. 

Sometimes she gets it immediately (as reported in "Backstage Pass to the Flipside" books) sometimes it takes three or four guesses.  It's not a contest. 

I'm not trying to prove that she can do this kind of work - I've been doing that for over five years now.  I had her for 45 minutes. The clues I gave her were "he's shown up in our class before" she picked Einstein. Instead of saying "No" I said "of that era."  She's not scanning my mind - or scanning her knowledge of Carl - she's asking the class "Why are you showing me Albert?" And then she said "Carl Jung."  (I just now remember that it WAS Albert we were interviewing when he showed up in the classroom - asking him about turning salt to fresh water for pennies, or how to create energy from non carbon sources.  The image of who we were interviewing popped into her mind - and from there came the answer.)

I'm sorry if this is the first time you've watched us do this. I'd say "watch the other 20 clips here" or "read the three books where I provide transcripts" or "watch "Talking to Bill Paxton" on Gaia.  

Or watch the clip on here called "Talking to Paul Allen, Junior Seau and Dave Duerson."  

In this clip - live - I asked for three people to assist us - and she named them in a row, one after the other.  (John Lennon because I'm a friend of his son, Steve Jobs because we'd interviewed him previously, and Anthony Bourdain because I assumed they met. She names them live on camera - one after the other in a row.) 

Again - I'm not trying to prove anything to someone who did not sign up for a lifetime to know how the play ends. It's pointless.  

As Harry Dean Stanton told us "Tell people to believe in the possibility of an afterlife then they won't waste any more of their time arguing about it like I did."  Once there is the possibility - then one can focus on what the content is. And that is a conversation about his mother, about his soul stone, and my old friend Bill Paxton reminding me to ask him about archetypes.  

Not my idea - not Jennifer's idea. Bill's idea.  

So thanks for the comment so that I could report that this is just one of many many many interviews we've done.  People can read them, view them, discuss them at their own leisure - eventually we all get to a point where we realize how much time we wasted arguing about something that was possible."

My two cents.


A quora question about Paul McCartney and John Lennon

Question on Quora: 

It would seem to me that someone like John Lennon would very readily connect/communicate with Paul McCartney given how close they were in life for so many years and what they experienced together. Is this a valid insight?

My answer:

I think if you ask Paul about it, he’ll tell you that they “chat all the time.” We tend to miss the idea that when a person doesn’t talk openly about their communications with their pals on the flipside, they aren’t happening. Lest we forget, it was a “vivid dream” that spawned “Let it be.” Paul very eloquently reported (it’s in the James Korden clip that everyone’s seen) that one night he had a dream that his mother came to him.

(I guessed this to be accurate, here's Paul talking about talking to John) 

She had been gone for many years, but it was like she was in the room. And she was there to comfort him because he was worried about money. Her advice wasn’t “You’re going to become a zillionaire!” It wasn’t “Everything’s going to work out.” It was “Let it be.” It’s a profound sentence, and was “new information” for Paul. Seeing his mother, letting things be. (It’s the last chapter in “Backstage Pass to the Flipside book two).

As I note in the latest book “Backstage Pass to the Flipside 3” John had a similar experience when his mother passed away. But it came at the hands of Peter Fonda, the person who told him “I know what it’s like to be dead.” Peter was referring to his own near death experience - he accidentally shot himself as a teen - and he saw his mother (who had committed suicide). And he told John about it (while John was tripping on LSD).

While that story has been told as if John was “freaked out” by Peter whispering in his ear “I know what it’s like to be dead” - the song that came out of it reports something else. Basically, “I don’t’ want to hear that, because if what you’re saying is true, then it means that all the troubles of life are a waste of time - because when we die we return to a loving state of being. So why stay here?”
(“She Said, She Said”)

So Paul can answer this question (and I think he has a few times). They may converse “all the time.”

When doing this kind of unusual “cellphone” chats with the flipside, I always ask people “why they’re showing up.” In my case, I met a medium who is very talented at what she does (Jennifer Shaffer works with law enforcement agencies nationwide to help in missing person cases) and I realized, after interviewing her, that she was like having a “cellphone” to the flipside. (“Backstage Pass to the Flipside” books one, two and three) So I started with folks that I knew - people whose answers I could verify. (“Talking to Bill Paxton” is on Gaia where I interview my old friend via three different mediums).

Jennifer in action

By doing that I was able to verify that indeed, Bill answered my questions correctly. And then that expanded… Bill started to bring in people that we both knew (Harry Dean Stanton) and others. And from there it grew more - I worked with Ray Charles (he plays “God” in my film “Limit Up”) and everyone that Ray knew is able to “come forward.” I’ve asked them why that is.

Saturday Night Jive Podcast: 198: "Does That Mean Ray Charles Is A ...
Ray with Danitra Vance in "Limit Up"

“Frequency” is the answer. That everyone who chooses their avocation, radiates at the same frequency (generally). The focus on music, and expressing music ties all the musicians together on the flipside. I happen to know John’s son Julian (he’s in my film “Cannes Man”) so that opened that door. I asked him for specific things I could pass along to his son (and did.) I asked him about an event that occured when I was at Julian’s home. I phrased the question in such a way that the medium had to supply what happened.

I was sleeping on his couch when I suddenly heard a voice (about 6 am, and had a whopping hangover) say “Who the F#$k are you?” My eyes popped open, fully expecting to see someone (angry) leaning over the couch. But there was no one. And my brain said “What a minute. You know that voice.” I recognized the voice. But at the time, I didn’t mention it to Julian - because it was just too weird. It’s not like he said “Hey, how’s it going, tell my son I’m here.” So I let it go.

(Later, I heard the story how John had told Julian that "if there is an afterlife, I'll reach out to you via a white feather" and how when he was touring in Australia, some native Australians came to ask him for help in getting fresh water to their people. Julian said "I'll do whatever I can" and they handed him a white feather.  Which is how and why he created the White Feather Foundation.)

Then years later I’m doing this session with Jennifer Shaffer and I say (to John) “Can you demonstrate to the medium how we met?” And she said “He woke you up shouting” (or something like that.) Anyways, I’ve been doing this for over 5 years, so it’s not surprising to me anyway, and I’m not trying to trade off of John’s name or journey. But it allowed me to ask him (and Julian’s mom) some specific detailed questions which I shared privately with him.

Then later, (it’s also in book 3) I tried to “contact” someone I’d never met (Paul Allen, founder of Microsoft). On the way to see the medium, I asked for 3 folks who knew Paul to help. I knew Julian knew him, so I asked his pop, I knew Anthony Bourdain knew him (and we’d chatted with him before) and I suspected that Steve Jobs knew him (and we’d chatted with him before.) So on the way to the medium’s office, I said aloud “Can John, Anthony and Steve help me reach out to Paul?”

Well I won’t go into the details about what happened. Because they’re mind bending. Instead, I’ll offer to view this 90 minute film. It’s as it happened, in real time, in a noisy cafe… as well as some other guests who appeared and showed up to converse. I don’t know Paul Allen personally - but I feel like I do now.


How to Cure CTE from folks on the Flipside; How to Save the Planet via Trees on the Flipside

It's been my observation, since beginning to film people under hypnosis for the past decade, that there could be a practical result from these sessions.

To recap, I've been filming people under deep hypnosis for over a decade. I've filmed over 50 cases, and have compared those responses to the ones that Dr. Helen Wambach got in her research with 2000 cases in the 1980's, and with Michael Newton, who reported 7000 cases over his 30 year career in "Journey of Souls" and three other books.

I interviewed Michael for my film "Flipside" (his last interview) and released that film and book in 2011.  I did my first "Coast to Coast with George Noory on Sept 11th 2012, and my book went to #1 in all its genres at Amazon.

Since then I've written "It's a Wonderful Afterlife" which interviews scientists about consciousness studies (including the scientists at UVA and others in the field), and continued to include "transcriptions"of filmed sessions with various people.  Many I chose for their skepticism and disbelief - I would say to them "Hey, I think if you do a session you'll see there actually is an afterlife" and they'd say "That BS Richard.  There's no way that's the case. And I'll do a session to prove you wrong."

Then they'd say the same things everyone else would say - about guides, teachers, and how we choose incarnation. About how consciousness works.

Then I met Jennifer Shaffer, a renowned medium (works with law enforcement on missing person cases nationwide) and know how effective she is.  She reached out to me, and we interviewed someone I never met, but had researched extensively.  Jennifer reported what this person had to say from the flipside, and it was accurate and included new information that I didn't know - later verified - but proved to be verifiable.  That's in "Hacking the Afterlife."

Then we began to interview people via my friend Luana Anders on the flipside - she became the person with the "backstage pass" that allowed people to come forth and chat with us.  Apparently she was teaching them "How to do that" on the flipside, and Jennifer was reporting what she was hearing, sensing or feeling.  I would be able to forensically verify those details as they came through.

Aretha Franklin told us about her handwritten will that her niece would find (and did find), Harry Dean Stanton had private messages for friends of his at his memorial - details of illnesses he was now aware they had, and I dutifully passed those details on to them.  Each was startled and shocked that I was telling them their atheist skeptical pal not only still existed, but knew things about them they'd not told anyone. (And still have not).

So when we did a session with Paul Allen, it was an experiment.  I know one person who knew him, and he passed a private message on to that one person - but in general, my interview with him was surprising to him as it was to me.  I asked the usual questions I ask everyone "Who was there to greet you on the flipside?" "What do you miss" "Any messages for your loved ones?"

He told me to tell his sister Jody to "go to the doctor and get checked out for illnesses because she's a hypochondriac and doesn't have any."  I have no way of knowing if that's accurate or true - all I can do is report that they ask. (I've had others ask me to reach out to their families about people who are giving them bad legal advice, or from the flipside perspective are misusing funds - but that's not up to me to publically reveal those things.  I seek them out, pass it along, and if it resonates with them - fine. If it doesn't, that's okay as well.) 

But I realized there are some things we can learn about the planet from people no longer on it. For example:

In the interview with Paul, he said that two football players were there to greet him. I asked him why that was, if they were Seattle players and he said they were not.  I realized one was Dave Duerson, the other Junior Seau (Jennifer said "He's Polynesian.")  They had both "greeted him on the flipside to thank him for his work with brain trauma."  

I did research to see if the Paul Allen brain institute does that kind of work - I can't find any evidence they do, but these two players also cited/thanked the doctors who had worked on the autopsies of their brains (including the doctor at Boston University the film "Concussion" was  about.)  I sent a message to him - but doubt he has received it.  Filters and all, you know.

But that doesn't stop me from reporting.

So I arranged for Junior Seau's widow Gina to come to Manhattan Beach for a session with Jennifer - Jennifer didn't know who was coming, didn't know who she was, until her husband showed up in the session.  It was long and involved, and had a number of personal private information.  But he talked about CTE, and he talked about how to help those.  Jennifer kept referring to a quarterback and CTE - she could see his face, but didn't know his name.

My research didn't find any particular quarterback - and I let it go, but that was the second time that information came forward.  First with Paul Allen and the second with Junior, with Jennifer saying "They're showing me this quarterback; I want to say Joe Montana, but he's still alive - I don't know who this is."  I figured it was too hard to dig, and couldn't find any famous quarterbacks who had died from CTE, or reportedly died from it.

But a few weeks later, in another session, Dave Duerson came forward and gave us private messages for his family, which I passed along.  He also talked about CTE and what it had done to him, talked about how "The Fridge" has it (Jennifer didn't know who that was, but I did, being a life long Bear fan), and he joked about how many people "The Fridge" had given it to with his crushing play on the field.  (The Fridge is William Perry, and he reportedly is suffering from CTE.)

But after the session, I renewed my search, because this "Joe Montana like" quarterback showed up again. (Sometimes people will show Jennifer a face she knows and it's either the person's name or their occupation that is supposed to jog her memory - either a guy named JOE or a Quarterback.)  Turns out it was both:


Image result for joe namath cte

Joe has been talking about how he cured CTE using hyperbaric oxygen treatment.  He's been on talk shows about it - they generally want to talk about his exploits, and not about this cure.  But PEOPLE ON THE FLIPSIDE ARE TALKING ABOUT IT.  

They want me to say it LOUD AND CLEAR.  If you want to cure CTE look into the treatment that Joe Namath has been doing.  He's got the key.  Use that therapy to help those who have it, then design equipment that prevents any trauma occuring to the neck or head.

That's coming from the Flipside.  Not from me. It's not opinion, my theory or fanciful thinking.  I'm just reporting that on three occassions, these players tried to direct Jennifer's attention to a quarterback named Joe - and when I sent her a message with his face saying "could it be this Joe?" she said "THEY'RE ALL APPLAUDING.  THAT'S WHO IT IS!"

Image result for joe namath cte

Okay, now on to saving the planet.

For the past couple of years, I've been filming sessions with people not under hypnosis.  That is - I'm just talking to them, sometimes live on stage - and they often report seeing a "place of healing" on the flipside.  I ask them about this "place of healing" and sometimes it's inside, but more often they see a "grove with trees."

Image result for muir woods

One day I thought "I wonder what these trees are? They're energetic constructs on the flipside - so if they're energy, who is creating them? Is it the person seeing them?" So I asked the person I was talking to, "Can you go over and touch this tree?" They say they can.  I ask "Can you put your hand into the tree? It's a construct after all." And they say "Yes, I can." Then their eyes grow wide and they say "I'm sensing something. An entity. A person. An energy."  I ask questions about that - male, female, what's the emotion associated with this energy?

Image result for muir woods

They say - and it's been about a dozen - "This is a very old soul.  He (or she) had incarnated on earth in the past, but now they're here, just like my energy is here as well." What I've LEARNED from talking to trees on the flipside is "WE USED TO BE ABLE TO COMMUNICATE WITH YOU BUT YOU ARE NO LONGER ABLE TO."

Image result for muir woods

Sobering thought.  They say "Trees retain all of their memories in their roots - and because of their long life cycles, they see the foibles of humans in perspective. The most recent tree said he was over 600 years old, had once been a human being who died in battle,and this was his choice to incarnate as a tree...and after his death, he was now existing in this healing place."

But my point isn't to blow one's mind about trees.  Yes, hug trees. Yes,they're sentient.  But I asked "So how can we save our planet?"

Image result for muir woods

And one fellow answered "Plant a trillion trees. We are the lungs of your planet - our physical structure is the same structure that are lungs, but the opposite. If you plant a trillion trees, the temperature of the planet will cool, there will be more oxygen and less carbon."

That's from a tree on the Flipside.

It's not from Jennifer - in fact it was someone else who was accessing this tree. It was from someone who claimed to be a tree and from their perspective could see what it is we're doing killing our oxygen supply.

Image result for muir woods

So plant a trillion trees.  

I'm working on creating an app that will do that. Connecting tree lovers worldwide with tree planters worldwide.  Finding the right property or space - the Amazon may be the best place for trees, but it's not the only place.  And it's worth figuring out how to do that - a million trees at a time.

Image result for muir woods

I bought "" 

It's something to do while I finish my two books on the flipside - one with Jennifer, the other with councils around the universe.

Stay tuned.

Chats with Paul Allen, Junior Seau, Dave Duerson, Bill Paxton, Robert Kennedy, Robin Williams on the Flipside

"Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't." Ad for Almond Joy candy bar

If I can set the stage for the following, I'll offer by way of explanation; "I was a hall monitor in high school."  I'm not sure how I got the gig, I don't remember lobbying for it - but I would sit at the end of the hallway asking for a "pass" before allowing someone to go on their way.

Only I don't believe in passes, because I don't ever remember telling anyone that they could not go down a hallway.  But I did wear some orange belt thing, making myself stand out.  People could come to me for advice, help, directions.

And sometimes I'd stop fights  "Hey! You really don't want to do that!"  That was one thing that came out of my mouth one day - as if I knew the arc of this person's life and that punching out a fellow student, or being bloodied by the victim was not something they wanted to do.  
Glenbrook North. Billy Meyer 21 has his hands where they should not be.

I was a football player in high school, guard then middle linebacker, I roamed the field with abandon, would work myself into a semi trance prior to the game, and generally was considered a formidable foe. (I once heard the coach of our opponent say out loud "Stay away from Martini. He's the best player on the team!")

I like to think I heard it that way. (Coach AllBright of New Trier.  He had been my coach freshman year, then he was elevated to Senior coach at the toughest school in the league that year.  And indeed they did stay away from me the entire game (except for one pass where they fooled me badly because I thought "finally!" and race up to make the tackle as the ball sailed over my head and went for 20 yards.)  But enough about me.

"Enough about me. What do you think about me?"
with Rebecca Broussard, Anne Cusack on set of my film
"Point of Betrayal" film directing era

This is a post about the flipside.  I guess I'm talking about my football bonafides (8 years in grade and high school) because I have a fondness for the Chicago Bears.  I grew up with the names Butkus and Ditka, and later was thrilled to see McMahon, The Fridge, Dave Duerson and company swallow the entire league in their Super Bowl run.

I mention this because I talked to Dave Duerson recently.

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Dave Duerson.  Super Bowl Winning Chicago Bear.

For those of you not aware, Dave killed himself back in 2011; he was having brain problems and issues from CTE, left a note for them to donate his brain to science and then shot himself.  A year later, his colleague Junior Seau did the same thing.

Fans of this blog will note that during a session with Paul Allen (I thought, hey Paul Allen passed, I wonder if we can chat with him?) he came clearly through, talked to us about his passing, his legacy, his brain institute, and told us that a "football player was the person to greet him on the other side."

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Paul started Microsoft, but purchased a football team,
something he loved since he was a kid. Seahawks.

More specifically two football players. 

Jennifer Shaffer, my partner in this endeavor, was accessing Paul Allen through Luana Anders, my pal on the flipside who is a mirror image of Jennifer in that she's a medium "over there" that helps people chat to us "over here."

Jennifer Shaffer
Paul Allen was talking about our mutual friend (Julian Lennon) and gave me specific messages to deliver to him. (I did) He then started talking about these football players that were there to greet him on the flipside.  He described a Polynesian player who had killed himself, and then described an African American player who had done the same - they both had suffered from CTE and they came to "thank him for the work Paul did in the field."

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With Julian

I can tell you as far as the public record is concerned, Paul Allen donated 300 million to his brain institute. As far as I can discern they are NOT studying CTE, but they are studying the brain.  However, these players told us that Paul had spent time and money trying to create stronger helmets (nothing I could find in the research) and that he felt badly because he owned a team and knew that players were suffering and that he could do something about it.

Jennifer Shaffer and Gina Seau

Then I saw on ESPN Junior Seau's widow Gina talking about CTE and how much it affected her life, so I reached out to her on social media.  Something like "I know this sounds weird but I think Junior showed up in a session I was filming the other day with Jennifer."  Gina was intrigued, curious and we spoke about her coming up to meet Jennifer ... and I suggested an experiment.  "Let's do a session with Jennifer - I won't tell her anything about you, and let's see if Junior shows up."  I told her I would film it (I did) and that it would be part of a chapter in an upcoming book. (It will be.)

I did not tell Jennifer anything about her at all. 

We went to Jennifer Shaffer's office and started filming. In a few minutes, she was connected to Gina's husband (didn't know his name, but he kept showing her a version of "mini me" (Junior)).  Jennifer correctly stated part of his birth name (which I wasn't aware of) and she said that her husband was chatting with his wife earlier in the day (she said she "heard him") - and knew the objects in her purse she brought to show Jennifer. 

And then suddenly Jennifer looked at me and said "Oh! This is the guy! That football player who showed up with the Microsoft guy!"

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UPI photo. Junior Seau

It was startling.  I filmed her seeing that "Polynesia football player" during the session with Paul Allen, and now her she was recognizing  him from that event, live on camera)  

We spent the next hour with Junior - as he apologized to his wife for the wacky behavior he credited to CTE, all the things that had gone wrong, and described in detail what it was like to live with CTE. He offered that players and the league need to do more, protect more, find better ways to armor their heads and shoulders.  (Gina said that it was comforting to know that he's still around, especially for the children he left behind.)

About a month later, during the start of a session, Jennifer said; "That Microsoft guy is back. He says we're not done. Then Junior came forward and said "You're missing the other player."  

And then he brought Dave Duerson forward. (Dave told us that "The Fridge " had "given CTE to a number of people" while playing football, but noted that how he's suffering from it now).  Jennifer didn't know who "the Fridge" was, but I did when he said it.

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William Perry "The Fridge" from Yahoo Sports article
"likely suffering from CTE"
I was a fan of Dave Duerson, of his career, knew about him - he had personal private messages for his family which I have passed along.  It's hard to do so - because who wants to hear that their loved one, who they've been grieving about for years has come to tell them that they've always been with them, and they have life advice? From some strange Hollywood dude?

All I can say is that we hear it often.  "We know we are still here. Our loved ones don't believe we are.  It's annoying because we are still involved, we want to help them, we have a different perspective and can see things they cannot.  But they insist that we don't exist."

Enter me.

I've noted previously that we talked to Aretha Franklin and she told us that her niece would find her "handwritten will."  I did the research, discovered that indeed her niece was the executor for her estate, and let her know we had chatted with her aunt. She said that she was in contact with her own mother on the flipside, but didn't believe what Jennifer had said to tell her. Then after she did find the handwritten will, I wrote to her again, and she said that "she always felt she would find the will, and while she believed she is in contact with her own mom on the flipside, that what Aretha told us was inaccurate."

Which is fine.  Again, it wasn't my idea to pass along to a perfect stranger a note from her aunt on the Flipside.  It's not up to me to convince anyone of anything.  I did my job passing it along (to her and other musicians who have come forward to help assist their families with lawsuits.)  Those folks have heard from this wacky filmmaker in LA who claims their loved ones asked me to reach out to them. I can only report. We may have the details of the message incorrect, or precisely what they said - but the important part of the message is to let them know "they still exist. Are not gone. They just aren't here."


More than once I've been standing somewhere - on our balcony, watching the sunset, and I hear somewhere in my head "I understand you're the guy I need to speak to about contacting my family." 


I try not to judge when that happens.  ("Robert Kennedy? Really? What could you possibly tell me that I could pass along to anyone?" "John McCain? Really? I wasn't a fan of your politics, and even though you want your daughter to run for Governor, how the hell am I going to get that message to her?") 

I don't mean to be coy but Robert came through and asked me to reach out to his daughter Rory (@RoryEKennedy) and encourage her to make a documentary about his life and death, and that the "truth" needs to be told about what "really happened." (Not the official story, two shooters, etc)  I said "I'm sorry, that's a tall order, as much as I'm a fan of you and your work, why dig up that kind of trauma? It's history now. How does it help?"  (He was saying those behind his death are still alive, and that there are people alive who can tell the story accurately, and he wants his daughter (a filmmaker) to do so.)  

I must say - I have resisted writing this into a post - the Kennedy family has enough to deal with without people claiming to talk to their loved ones on the flipside (it will be in the next book) but I will add that the following week, someone else came through - someone who was famous over 150 years ago, the wife of someone we had interviewed - and she said "I want to tell you that you were wrong to tell Robert that his story is history."  She said "We still exist, and these events mean alot to us, and it's important to rip the bandage off to get the wound to heal the nation.  The whole country is going through that now with the current President, so you might as well report what really happened so people can heal." Note taken.

But when someone shows up to "speak with us" I tell them the same thing:

"Get in line."

We have a line of people who want to speak to us, we have a formal process. They have to get their "backstage pass" from Luana Anders - and then they have to wait until Jennifer and I are together to sort out what it is they want.

She's got the clipboard.

So - Junior Seau and Dave Duerson both want to thank the doctors who helped figure out that CTE was behind their demise. They offer that there are more athletes than we know (including hockey players or surfers) who are suffering from CTE and in need of help.  They specifically pointed to Joe Namath (who said he had cured his CTE through oxygen therapy) as a person who is on the right track.  They claim that Joe's method of curing CTE is worth exploring.

This isn't coming from me or Jennifer.  I had NO IDEA JOE NAMATH HAD CURED HIS CTE.  Jennifer, in three separate sessions said "There's a quarterback, he has wavy hair, I can't think of his name - but they're showing me this guy."  I filmed all three of those sessions and then the last time instead of looking up "quarterbacks who died from possible CTE" I looked up "Quarterbacks. Famous. CTE" and found Joe. (See this article: Joe Namath believes he's found a cure for CTE)

I texted his photo to Jennifer and she wrote back "THAT'S HIM!"

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Joe Namath on YouTube

So - Junior Seau and Dave Duerson teamed up to tell us that CTE is something that can be protected against with better padding ("think a knight's armor that went from the shoulders up") and that oxygen therapy (hyperbaric therapy) is a method that can cure or help the symptoms. Dave says by 2050 the game will be "virtual and the injuries won't occur at all." 

From your lips to God's ear Dave.

Then last week Bill Paxton came through to say hello. Said he wanted to reiterate that he's still one of the funniest guys I ever met (accurate) and that he's still keeping an eye on his family and loved ones.  But when I asked him "What should I post on my blog that will be helpful to those who don't believe we can access you?" and he suggested the following clip.

So - this is me and a skeptic talking about the flipside live on camera.  I was on Susan Pinsky, Dr. Drew's wife's blog radio talk show and prior to coming on, I was talking to him about the work and said "Hey, you want to see where we can go?" and he said "Sure."  

A true scientist doesn't bother with what he believes or doesn't believe (he does not believe in an afterlife) - he allows the data to lead him down the path.  In this case, I had no idea what he would say, what I would say - but I can tell you that in the 50 cases I've filmed of people under deep hypnosis, and the dozens I've recorded without hypnosis since. they all say the same things about "guides" and "councils."

This clip is courtesy of my old pal Bill Paxton.

So believe, don't believe - I've been demonstrating for awhile now that ANYONE can talk to the flipside, and they don't need to be under any form of hypnosis. (Although Drew said "I felt hypnotized."  I said "That's fine, but I'm not a trick hypnosis guy - and you said the SAME THINGS everyone else says about their council and guides.  How could that be if you were making it up?")

And finally, a note about Robin Williams.

It's been five years since he checked off the planet.

Happy flipside birthday Robin. 

As Jennifer's dad told us "Try to turn grief to nostalgia. Grief has only sad memories. Nostalgia has both sad and happy memories. When you can turn grief to nostalgia you begin the healing process." When we asked Robin for a blurb for "Hacking the Afterlife" he said "love love." 

My guess what he means is love what you do, love who you are, love those around you, love the love baby, love what is, could be, ever was, its why to get up in the morning, why to get into bed at night (with whoever's stealing covers), why we choose pistachio over peanut butter. 

Love love.

Jennifer Shaffer trying to keep a lid on me.

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