Showing posts with label heather wade. Show all posts
Showing posts with label heather wade. Show all posts


Art Bell on the Flipside

I get it. I'm living in a flipside bubble.

When you spend a good part of your day filming sessions where you're talking to people on the flipside, talking to council members on the flipside, then transcribing those sessions - and you can "feel them" over your shoulder as you're typing up their words... well, it's "all flipside all the time."

Art Bell portrait.jpg
Seriously smoker. But funny guy. Art Bell from Wiki.

Recently I went on the show with Heather Wade.  Heather was the person who contacted me a few years back, because she was working with Art Bell and Art asked her to call me about appearing on his show.  He had heard me on Coast to Coast (his old radio show) with George Noory, and suggested I come on to talk about the research into the flipside.

But at some point he must have had a change of heart, or other things transpired - and he stepped away from the mic and Heather took over for him.  I was on the show "Midnight in the Desert" that Art had begun, but she was doing.

Heather had a near death experience years ago - and because she'd had that, I suggested instead of me "talking about the research" we might try an experiment.  I would ask her some questions and we'd see where we could go.

We went. We went far and fast and furious. (For three hours!) She was able to access her guide (he introduced himself as Mr. Chown and she described him in detail) we went to visit her council and she described them in detail as well.  She also described an event that occurred in the future, where she saw herself (they were showing her an image from her Akashic records) of herself down the road, retired and happy.

I went on to do other things, Jennifer Shaffer and I worked together - I wrote two books with her assistance, talking to the Flipside.  I went on Coast to Coast so often talking about the flipside, George Noory dubbed me "the Afterlife Expert."
The last show I did someone called in and said "Could you talk to Art Bell?  He's dead now."

I knew that Art had died.  I was familiar with his show decades ago, and when he called to invite me on his show I thought that would be "full circle."  But it didn't happen.  However, I'm not the person who "talks to people in the afterlife."  I talk to people who can talk to people in the afterlife either via deep hypnosis or through a medium.  I'm not doing the seeing, hearing or talking - just asking questions to a third person.

Got it?

Not me. Them.

But this guy was adamant on the call.  "But why don't you talk to Art Bell?"  I said "I didn't know Art, and frankly someone who knew him should talk to him because then they'd know if the answers were accurate."  I further suggested that based on my research, "Anyone can talk to Art Bell by taking out his photograph, asking him questions and listening for answers. "When you hear an answer before you can form the question you'll know it's him."

This guy then wrote to me at another email and said "I'm reporting you to Coast to Coast as a fake.  You said you'd channel Art Bell and then you said you wouldn't."  I tried to be reasonable about that oddball threat - or annoying email - but just let it go.  I didn't know Art. Wouldn't know what to ask him.  "How's the flipside?"  "Fine."  It wouldn't be up to his standards of radioshowmanship.

But eventually we did talk to Art Bell on the Flipside; via someone who knew him well.

I was transcribing Heather's session for my next book.  And I was amazed at how far we went on the air - I've posted it here before.  She saw and heard and described things in wonderful detail.  I must add that she wasn't describing anything I hadn't heard before in terms of the flipside - but she could see it all very clearly. Live on the air.

Here's that clip.

So I sent her the transcript, and discovered she hadn't been on the air in awhile, and was just returning.  I have no idea of any drama that went behind the scenes, but I'm under the impression his death hit her hard - as it did his family, friends and fans.  

She set up a time and gave us three hours to go on our adventure.  And oh my, it was quite the adventure.  It was fun for me, because I was already familiar with who her guide and council were - I wasn't sure if she would remember - but she did, with great clarity.  Like we'd never left.

We covered a lot of ground. She revealed she'd had an accident that broke her foot, then Art "showed up" and talked to her about his perspective on the flipside. Told her new information - things she'd never heard before about what he was seeing and doing.

And the people he was hanging out with.  How we was having conversations with people's "higher consciousness" which they would not be aware (perhaps vaguely) and could continue where he left off. He talked about accessing memories - and then revisiting them in real time. Talked about visiting his pal Whitley Streiber, etc.

A packet of time with George Noory
Which is in the research. 

Stephen Hawking told us the same thing - (in "Backstage Pass to the Flipside") time packets of events are like CD's of that event.  You can revisit all the information from that event, and then examine it from a different perspective, plus talk to a person's higher consciousness directly.

Which is basically what I'm doing in my interviews with the flipside.  Accessing an event (a dream, a near death experience, hypnosis session etc) and then treating it like a hologram - a time packet - and revisiting it, but bringing in new characters and information (guides, teachers,councils, etc.)  

Art was describing exactly what I've been doing.

Heather talked openly about her depression after he crossed over, including a point where she felt so low she wanted to check herself off the planet.  

So I wasn't surprised when her guides said "We stopped you from ending your journey prematurely. And we want to remind you that it's important you not do so. You still have people to help on the planet."  I had no idea those events occurred to her and learned them on the air from her council. 

I will add here that there are some rabid Art Bell fans - who just are upset that he died, upset that Heather talks about him, upset she's a woman, not really sure what they're so upset about. 

But for some reason there were odd sounds bleeding through her studio - she couldn't hear them, but some in her audience claimed to hear them. Heather mentioned it on air.

I can barely tear Jennifer away from her law enforcement
gigs.  Plus she's booked a long time in advance. But hilarious
to think she'd ever "feed" someone answers.

One of those wackier fans came up with the theory that the medium Jennifer Shaffer was "feeding her the answers from Art."

If we can think about this one for half a second.  This theory is not saying that we're making this stuff up - that Heather was pretending to be "speaking to Art Bell on the flipside" - but that somehow, a medium (who works with law enforcement nationwide on missing person cases) who is booked months in advance, took the time out to spend three hours to feed answers to a radio host she doesn't know, never met - based on my personal loopy questions.  

Argh. People can be really bizarre with the mental pretzels they work up around this stuff.

The other vitriol came from people who were furious that Art's family would be upset.  Art wasn't addressing them directly - wasn't reassuring them he was okay, wasn't apologizing to them for dying - he was answering my questions in rapid fire fashion, asked me questions that threw me for a loop and generally acted like the Art Bell he always acted like.  (If they contacted someone like Jennifer to assist them to talk with him - he'd say exactly what they needed to hear.  Those messages should be private.)

And the idea that this was disrespectful to his grieving family - hold on a second.... what grieving family wouldn't want to know that their loved one still existed?

Think that over for a minute.  Sure, they can believe that I'm making up these questions, and that Heather (or a medium or a "wacky voice on the phone") is making up the answers - but if you actually listen to what Art was saying "I like to walk around alot, there are landscapes over here and I walk alot, I can move at the speed of thought, the vistas are amazing, the forests are filled with color and I can create a sound studio using my memories of how its put together and I'm having a blast...."

No one could make those up... but me. 

Because he was saying THE EXACT SAME THINGS other people I've interviewed have said on the flipside.  

It's not just Art Bell creating a radio sound stage - it's Robert Towne's father Lou Towne creating a racetrack where he gets to watch Seabiscuit run (!), it's Garry Shandling saying he creates golf courses that would defy imagination, when asked if he "plays 36 holes or 18?" he said "Two. The tees are very far apart."

Or Jonathan Krane, my old friend and film producer who said he was "on a yacht and sailing."  There are no yachts on the flipside. We have to create them - like CGI.  And yes, it takes time and effort and focus and concentration - but all of them said the same exact things about how to do that. "Math."

Garry Shandling's thought

Bill Paxton told us he was creating white sandy beaches, where he loved to walk and "think."  Paul Allen told us he was playing a ukelele because it was the "easiest instrument to craft" - Harry Dean Stanton described an elaborate trip to the Monterey Pop Festival from 1967 that greeted him on the other side, and it wasn't until they got a flat tire that he realized his old friend Luana had created the entire event to give him a "soft landing." All created images, from memories. Sorry. It's just data.

I have little tolerance for intolerance. 

To those Art Bell fans upset that Heather would deign to speak to her old friend - hey, move along, these aren't the droids you're looking for.  

Travelers. With Jennifer Shaffer and hypnotherapist Scott De Tamble.
Either or both can walk you into the Flipside. I've filmed both
of them doing so for a long time now.
But if you want to know how that could be - why that could be - what that means for our own journey on the planet, open a book, take the time to read scientists at UVA talking about reincarnation, scientists at talking about near death events that prove consciousness isn't created only by the brain, read up on PSI studies down by Ed or Emily Kelly, examine the science that shows our consciousness lives on. Or even watch the three hour clip above. That was a preamble to the show, which I'll post at a later date.

Then bring it back home and do your own research - try to talk to your dead grandmother. She won't mind. You're not grieving for her anymore, and she's aware of that too.  You haven't said her name or mentioned her in years - went right back to the chat room after her funeral, left Granny's memory along with all the other discarded photos in a box in the basement.

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The one and only Irene Ryan. America's granny.

But she still exists. She knows she exists. And she's been waiting for you to reach out to her.

Not through me.  I'm not a medium. Not even a medium needed. Take out her photo - if you still have one, or haven't deleted them yet - and say her name aloud.  Ask her questions you don't know the answer to.  Wait until you hear an answer. When you hear the answer before you can start the question you'll know you're connected.

Don't blame Heather Wade for talking to her old friend.  To those fans out there, he's an abstract esoteric chain smoking fellow who hung out in bunker in the desert talking about things that went bump in the night.  But now he's the thing that goes BUMP IN THE NIGHT and he wants you to know it.  

Nothing to fear here.  Except the liberation of your spirit - your loved ones still love you, Art still loves his fans, try to show him some love back, see what he actually has to say.



I've included the same footage from the previous video - because I own it, and it's something interesting to look at while listening to the audio.

Again - nothing written, scripted or rehearsed here. A LIVE ON AIR demonstration that people don't need to be under hypnosis to talk to loved ones, to recall previous lifetimes, or to speak with their council.  All courtesy of the maestro himself, the one and only Art Bell.

My two cents


"Luana Anders Says Hello"

“Luana says hello.”
Luana Anders when Francis met her - He was the sound
man on "The Young Racers" (Mark Damon pictured)
He pitched Roger Corman his first film set in Ireland, Luana and friends
stopped in Ireland on the way home to make it.
It was 40 years ago that I went a screening of “Apocalypse Now” at UCLA, came out of the Bruin and bumped into Francis.  I knew that he had directed my new best friend Luana Anders in his first film, "Dementia 13" and was currently assigned to work with her on a screenplay in a screenwriting class at USC film school.  

FFC with his Final Cut of Apocalypse Now

Being such an intensely private person, I knew I was crossing a Rubicon by walking up to Francis after the screening of his film and saying “Luana says hello.”  

However, when I told her about it, she was thrilled to hear he had said “tell her to call me.”

That call led to a whole bunch of wonderful times at the Coppola home, playing piano, eating pasta, laughing till the wee hours.  Eight years of really fantastic Thanksgiving dinners in Napa valley.

Some of the cast of Apocalypse Now

So it was fun to be able to walk up to him after his recent screening at the Cineramadome of "Apocalypse Now: Final Cut."

To say “Luana says hello.”  Bookends?

The Maestro

Because in essence, she can and does say hello often.
Just after she passed, she began appearing in dreams – I could hear her voice in my apt. It was clearly her, but a younger version of her. I wondered about that, and while working for Charles Grodin at CNBC had an out of body experience where I felt like I had visited her.  So I started looking into the esoteric science (took Buddhist philosophy with Bob Thurman at Columbia) at how that could be.  

Which led me to the research of Michael Newton, a hypnotherapist in LA who claimed that his 7000 clients reported the same things about the afterlife under hypnosis.  It was reading his book “Journey of Souls” where I spotted something Luana had told me before passing; “I have this recurring dream I’m in a classroom in another universe – it’s a class in spirituality, everyone dressed in white speaking a language I’ve never heard, but somehow I understand what they’re saying.”  

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Michael's last interview is in "Flipside"

In Newton’s book, one of his clients said the same thing. The night after she passed, the day after Francis called her to say goodbye on a satellite phone in Asia, Luana's pal Sandra Nicholson told me “I had a wonderful dream last night, Luana was in a classroom, everyone dressed in white in the fourth dimension.”  She didn’t know that was Luana’s recurring dream.

Which I thought might make an interesting documentary. (It’s called “Flipside” and is on Amazon and 

I’ve filmed over 50 people to date saying the same things about the afterlife – many I’ve chosen for their skepticism. I was startled they all say the same things which are contrary to science or religion.  

Jennifer Shaffer

Then about four years ago, medium Jennifer Shaffer (who works with law enforcement) reached out to me. Since our meeting, I’ve filmed her every week for four years – a couple hours where we “chat” with the flipside.  

Luana wrote the “introduction” (no other way to put it) to "Backstage Pass to the Flipside: Talking to the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer" and is our primary “guide” or “medium” on the other side, helping us access my friends Bill Paxton (Harry Dean Stanton, Robin Williams and others.)  I try not to pass judgment on what they say – just report it.

Backstage Pass to the Flipside Book One: Talking to the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer by [Martini, Richard]
Backstage Pass to the Flipside

I was amazed, flabbergasted at how wonderful the film "Apocalypse Now; Final Cut” is – wonderful to see a modern day Michelangelo be able to go back to a painting and reconstitute it to his original vision. It’s timeless. Breathtaking. Deeply moving. Funny. And will live forever. (Like we all do.) 

Peter and Dennis in Cannes

Just heard that Peter Fonda has left us into the Flipside.  Luana played his girlfriend in "Easy Rider."  From what I've learned, it sometimes takes away for folks to adjust to their new environment.  Sometime they're startled to see themselves in a place they didn't think existed.

I hope she says hello to Peter.  Help him to make that adjustment that her other pals have; Dennis, Harry Dean, etc.  If she does, I'm sure we'll hear about it.

Luana and Edd Byrnes

Last night I spoke to Art Bell.

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Asked what he missed about being on the planet is in his hand.
I know Art's no longer on the planet, and I didn't talk to him directly - but I did a show with his protege Heather Wade where she spoke to him.

Two years ago, I did a session live on air with Heather. It was just at the start of my "seeing if we could access the flipside" with no hypnosis at all.  

In Heather's case, she went fast and far... and while transcribing the session for my next book, I reached out to see if she wanted to "take another ride."

Heather Wade
Heather Wade
She did - and we jumped right in.Talked to her guide (same fellow) went to see her council (same number) but met new people. (Dave with the beads.)

And we talked to Art Bell.  What makes this so powerful and fascinating isn't asking Art about his theories, his show, or any of the things so many people talked to him about on the air for decades.  It was him saying to her;

Image result for art bell
Art described how you can create your own
sound studio on the flipside cable by cable.

"I've been trying to talk to you since I crossed over!"  He showed her about "25 different times" where he was there, watching her sleep, trying to enter a dream, help with her broken foot - she even recalled a moment when her foot felt like someone was touching it - she didn't believe it at the time, but here she was accessing that memory FROM HIS POV.

He had some other amazing things to show her - how he "creates a radio studio" from scratch.  Places he likes to walk on the flipside - took her to a grove of beautiful bright colored trees.  To demonstrate something I've learned, I had her "hug" one of the trees, and then "talk to the sentient being within."

That being reiterated what I've heard in this research - humans used to be able to talk to nature, but have lost the ability.  If we want to save the planet, we need to plant more trees to match the amount of humans on the planet. "Plant a trillion trees."

Plant more trees. (even if UFO's fly over them.)

Art took us to visit other planets - I figured his audience would want to know about what he's learned ("I haven't found Elvis he said" - I almost asked "Would you like to meet him?" Because Jennifer Shaffer and I have interviewed him and he's accessible... but I didn't want to screw up his sense of humor.)  So Art took us to a planet he had a previous incarnation on.

Heather too - and that was really mind bending.  But I'll repost the show when she posts it - suffice to say, if you listened in for the three hour tour, your mind is as blown as mine is just repeating what we heard.

Unrehearsed. Unplanned. Improvised. Live on the air.  She went to the Flipside, picked up where she was in a memory from two years ago - and we marched forward into other realms.   Mind altering.

But life enhancing.

And indeed, your loved ones are waiting to hear from you. You don't need me - you don't need a medium - you just need to open up your ears and listen. (Or open up your heart, that's probably the first item.) They are not gone, they are just not here.

Bon voyage!!!!
Flying in.


Talking to Harry Dean Stanton on the Flipside on Coast to Coast Radio

It's always a treat to be invited onto Coast to Coast radio.

This interview was after Harry Dean Stanton passed away, and Jennifer Shaffer and I had a chat with him about his arrival on the flipside.  Harry Dean was famous for being a skeptic and atheist - but he has some funny things to say about his arrival over "there."

Here's the book "Backstage Pass to the Flipside: Talking to the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer" 

Jennifer Shaffer, medium extraordinaire

And as an addendum to this post:

For "Chris C", who wrote the following to me on "The Book of Faces:" 

"So when will you tell me about Art Bell in afterlife, it was a request made on Coast to Coast with George Noory"

Indeed, I remember one of the callers asked a question about Art Bell - I didn't know Art, but he did reach out to me about appearing on his radio show after hearing me on "Coast to Coast" (a show he created) which I did with his Heather Wade (and posted below).  But to this fellow on the Book of Faces I replied:

"Honestly bro i dont have any questions for art bell. If you do you can ask him. Just say his name. Ask your questions.  When you hear an answer before you can form the question you'll know you've made a connection."

(I'm not ducking the question.  I get asked all the time; "why don't you talk to so and so?"  I also offer that "so and so" is welcome to come to one of the times that I'm filming a medium speaking - (including my weekly chats with - but I really don't have much to ask Art - "Why did you get involved in this kind of research?"  "Who was there to greet you when you crossed over?"  I didn't know him - so I couldn't verify any of his answers.  The answer that I gave Chris came directly from someone on the other side as a "method of how anyone can speak to us over here.")

To which Chris replied:

"You led us to believe you could talk to the dearly departed, I will bring this up on Coast to Coast during open lines, I am sadly sorry you sound like a fake, I thought maybe you were real."

 Ok. Chris C - since you weren't listening; I don't speak to the afterlife; I film people who do.
As per one of those conversations, we can all communicate with the afterlife - not just mediums. 

Art Bell is waiting for you to reach out to him. Tell him I said hi. (Not knocking Art, he reached out to me to be on his show before he died - but find it ironic my reluctance to talk to him would piss off one of his fans.)

And because I didn't answer your question the way that you preferred ("Wait, hold on,  yes, let me get on my headphone and speak to Art on your behalf") you are promising to go to "go on Coast to Coast" and tell everyone what a fake I am.

Too late. I'm way ahead of you bro.

Again. I'm not claiming to "talk to the dead." I've been filming people for ten years "talking to the dead" "talking about the dead" "talking about how the dead are not dead" "talking about how we don't die." 

So in that vein, "Hey Art Bell, do me a favor and "ping" this fellow so he can know that you still exist, so he can ask you questions - because as we both know, no one dies, no one is gone, everyone we've ever known or loved is accessible if we take the time to ASK THE QUESTIONS."

(Of course Art is welcome to join our chats, just not going to seek him out without a booker paving the way. I'm sure he's a busy man even on the flipside, answering all of the questions everyone has for him.)

So here's the interview I did for Art Bell's show with Heather Wade (his hand picked replacement). Heather reached out to me on his behalf years earlier, but it took a couple of years before they had me on his show, and sadly, Art passed a few months after this aired.  But Heather goes to a place pretty unusual during this interview - visits some things that are pretty unusual - so it's a fun listen either way. I know he enjoyed hearing it.



Hacking the Afterlife with Heather Wade

So here's the deal.

Luana in the Mirror

I had a friend come and visit me from the Flipside. (Luana Anders) It was after she passed, but it was definitely her, and she appeared to me in a younger form, a form I didn't know because it was younger than when I knew her.

But I knew it was her.

I dismissed it as fantasy/dream, until I started to reflect on what she had said to me before she passed "I have this recurring dream I'm in a classroom in another universe, everyone is dressed in white speaking a language I don't know, but somehow completely understand."  After she passed, a close friend of hers called me about a dream she had the night she died, "she was in a classroom in the 4th dimension wearing white, and seemed really happy."

What are the odds?
Michael Newton (

It led me eventually to read Michael Newton's book "Journey of Souls" where someone describes while under deep hypnosis, being in a classroom in the afterlife where everyone is dressed in white.  I thought it would be interesting to interview Michael - and he granted me his last interview. (He passed 8 years later, but at the time he said "this is my last interview" and it was.)

I researched what he was doing, I began filming people under "deep hypnosis" and was startled that everyone I filmed, whether they had heard of his work or not, had the same experiences.  They offered me one, I thought it a grand opportunity to prove it inaccurate - unfortunately that's not what happened.
The first book

I traveled into the flipside and met with Luana, who's reaction to seeing me there was "What the hell are you doing here?"  That has led me to write four books about the topic where I expanded the research from between life hypnotherapy to near death events, to speaking directly with people on the flipside through mediums.

That's part of my work; "Flipside" "It's a Wonderful Afterlife" (2 vols) and "Hacking the Afterlife."  Ultimately I've filmed 45 deep hypnosis sessions (courtesy a number of Newton Institute trained therapist, including Scott De Tamble in Claremont (  Recently I've been filming my weekly lunches with Jennifer Shaffer ( who is a talented medium who works with law enforcement nationwide to help find missing children.

Me, Jennifer Shaffer and Scott De Tamble

She's very good at what she does.  As is Scott De Tamble.  Together we are able to ask questions to people on the flipside, and get "new information."  Information that we could not have known consciously (could not be cryptomnesia). I want to add that what you're about to hear is a modified version of this research - it's a "proof of concept" piece.  I recommend, to those who want to explore this fully, to find a Newton Institute trained therapist near you, because hearing me talk about it isn't the same as experiencing it for yourself.

But in this radio interview (3 hours long) at some point I asked Heather Wade if she wanted to "go into the Flipside."  Using a point of reference as our gateway (she had a near death experience that as you can hear, I was not aware of) I asked her to describe what she "saw" and then shifted the tense to "what she was seeing."
Heather Wade
Midnight in the Desert

In this interview, we go into the Flipside, meet her spirit guide, meet her council, and meet individual council members.  All live on the air.  I don't know Heather outside of this interview, I appreciate her being so open to "try this out" - but we did it to prove a point.

We all have spirit guides.  We all have councils.  We all have council members that earned their spot on your council because of your efforts in a previous lifetime.  They can show you those lifetimes, or you can ask them about them.  It's no parlor trick, she's not under hypnosis in any fashion or form.  I am merely, and only asking questions.

Because I've "been there before" - because I'm like a tour guide who is taking someone on a trip to a place they're familiar with, I am able to ask the questions that allow her to make that journey.  It's not for everyone.  Nor should it be.  But because Heather already had a near death event, this helps give context as to why that happened, and what her journey on the planet will be.

But don't take my word for it.  Listen for yourself.  Share and pass along to someone who needs to hear that we don't die, we come here to learn and teach lessons, and then we go "home."  We are all from that place "home" and we come to this planet to partake in the journey called "life."  And once we become aware that is the case, we need to think about how to keep this campground clean, so that there's fresh water, fresh air and earth not only for our children - but for ourselves if and when we decide to return. (HackingTheAfterlife)

Listen my friend and you shall hear of the midnight ride of... Rich Martini and Heather Wade. 



The Flipside of Memorial Day

Well that was interesting.

For those of you who did not get a chance to tune in to my interview with Heather Wade on Art Bell's "Midnight in the Desert" show - you can find it here:

It's worthy of note for a number of reasons.  Heather was familiar with her own near death experience (which I was not aware of) and she was passingly familiar with the accounts people had during a "Life Between life" hypnotherapy session, the kind done via the Newton Institute.

But she noted that in her near death experience, she had a profound past life review - where she got to "experience" everything good or bad she's done in this lifetime, and saw her journey in an instant.  "Flashing before her eyes" so to speak.

But she didn't meet anyone during this event.  Nor did she see any of the hallmarks associated with a between life hypnotherapy session (meeting your spiritual guide(s), seeing your soul group, or visiting your council to meet those who've been keeping an eye on your for all of your lifetimes.)

These are common experiences for those who've done a between life hypnotherapy session, but not common in near death experiences.  I think the reports show that a percentage of people "meet" others, or "higher consciousnesses" during their near death experience, but rarely to people spontaneously remember a visit to their council - at least not in the way that people who've done between life therapy had.

I can speak from experience - because I was skeptical of going anywhere during a between life session - and I went to see all the hallmarks of these sessions, including my soul group, my guides, and meeting my council. It was a humbling experience which I recount in "Flipside: A tourist's guide on how to navigate the afterlife."

But Heather had not seen anyone in her between life experience. 

Until now.

I asked Heather if she wanted to "try" to revisit her near death experience "live" on the air while we were talking over three hours.  She said she would like to.

I preface the following with this technique that I've honed from having filmed 40 between life sessions, having read Michael Newton's books, looked over Dr. Helen Wambach's cases where she asked people about "choosing their lifetime" under hypnosis.  I've also spent some time interviewing people who've had near death experiences, and as of late, using my knowledge of the between lives realm to interview (through mediums) people who are no longer on the planet to see if they can confirm or deny some of these reports.

So when I said "would you like to explore it?" I meant - "I've been exploring this awhile, and if it's possible to find something - we might find it."

I had no idea if Heather would "find" anything or anyone.  She had no idea I was going to ask her to do this. Again, I had no knowledge of her near death experience, other than her mentioning it on the air - and saying that she had this "incredible past life review."

I asked if we could go to the moment just prior to the review. To a moment that still had clarity in her mind, like flying or traveling through space in spirit form.

She said she could access that and I asked if she was floating, zooming, or being pulled.  She described a zooming sensation, but that it was not deliberate - as if she was being drawn somewhere.  I asked if it was like "metal fillings" being drawn across a table. (a description I'm familiar with.)  She said "Yes."

She then said she felt after passing tiny pinpoints of light, it was as if she was slowing down.  She stopped just shy of a brightly colored cloud.

Now at this point, most scientists stop their inquiry.  They'll ask "did you go through the cloud?" speaking in past tense. It's at this point, because she's being so descriptive, I asked "Can you put your hand in the light? And if so, tell me what it feels like?"  She said it was warm, almost hot, but not uncomfortable.  In fact she said there was a feeling of "contentment" associated with it.

After getting her to describe the colors inside this cloud, I asked her to "go through the cloud" in her minds eye and describe that feeling. She did. As she came through the other side she said she felt a "presence nearby."  I asked what it was - male or female, and she said she didn't know - just that it was a presence that felt familiar to her.

Because of my familiarity with these surroundings - and because we were live on air - I asked her if she minded if I "skipped ahead."  She said no. I asked whoever it was that is the presence nearby if he could shift his energy to appear to her in a form she could recognize and we could ask questions to.  She said "I see a male. He's old, looks Asian, has long gray hair and a long gray beard."  I asked if there was anything he wanted to tell her - and she said "He's telling me "it took you long enough to come back here."

Now I don't know what the means, because I don't know how long ago her event was. I do know it wasn't what she expected to hear - and noted that it was "new information" for both of us.  A guide laughing and saying "It took you long enough to come back here to see me." Pretty funny.

But we came up on a commercial break. As Heather said "I'm afraid if I break I'm going to lose this connection" and I said "Let me ask your friend to stick around until we come back."  When we came back after a few minutes, she said "during the break he was laughing, and become more and more clear to me. I feel as if I have one foot in the radio studio, and another in this other realm."

I thanked him for doing so - asked him his name. He gave her "Mr. Chown."  I thanked him for "putting that name in her head." Then I asked some simple questions about her path and journey. "How is she doing?" He said essentially that she's doing great, that she's doing what she set out to do, and even though it was a surprise (for her to take over this Art Bell show) it was the right thing for her to do. 

She said he looked a bit
like Pai Mei - character from "Kill Bill"

I asked if she knew this person, and asked him if he was her guide. He said "Yes" and she said "no, I've never seen him before, but I feel like I know him."  I asked him how many people were in her soul group. She said "18."  

We could have gone to visit the soul group, but knowing we only had so much time on the air, I chose to ask him to take her to the place that she was skeptical about - the place that she'd read about but didn't quite believe - her own council.

Skid Marks on Mars.
I asked her to describe if we were "inside or outside."  She said "Odd. We're outside, but we're in outer space."  I asked how many people were in her council. She said "12."  (Newton said the average is from 6-12, and the more people on a council reflects more accolades earned for difficult lifetimes.)  I asked how they were arrayed. She said "In a circle."  She was standing, they were seated.

I asked her to approach whomever seemed to be the leader of the group. (there's usually a spokesperson who speaks on everyone's behalf.) She said a woman, also asian, long grey hair was holding a book and she felt herself come forward to her.  I asked the woman to show her the book she was holding in her hands.

Heather said when the woman opened the book, it was as if each page had a moving hologram inside of it - that she could see the world inside, and it was her life story.  She got about a third of the way into the book and said "I see my house on the page. I'm sitting on a rocking chair on the porch, I have long grey hair." This was also "new information." I've never met anyone who saw a book in the afterlife that was holographic in nature, or that could show us images of something in the future - or was as she described it.  It was something she had never seen of, heard of, and had never experienced before.

NEW INFORMATION. Not from anyone or any source on this planet, or cryptomnesia from any book or TV show, or any other device. No one has depicted a book of your life that you could open and see holographic/moving images of your life.  That I'm aware of anyway, or that Heather is aware of. Which is what new information requires.

Hans Holbein - in costume

Now if she was in a session with a hypnotherapist, she could explore this in detail - why this moment in time perhaps?  But I wanted her to hear or feel from her council. I asked if they could give her a sensation in her body that would reflect on their appreciation for the job she's doing.

 She said "I'm in this very cold recording studio and I just saw them all stand up for me, and the entire room I'm in feels like it's now crowded with people." 

I asked her lead council member to put a sensation in her body that she could remember, so that when she felt it, it would trigger a memory of this event.  She said she had one.

I told Heather that it would likely take a few days for her to "return" fully to her self. That walking into this event does feel like you've stepped off the earth - a physical sensation of concomitance - existing in two places at the same time. I said it would eventually wear away, but you will remember more clearly the things that you've seen here.

Again - she was not under hypnosis. I am not a hypnotist.  It was live on the air. Everyone in the audience heard what she was seeing as she said it... and she said "she felt naked" by the experience.

Goddess of Memory

I've done this live with other folks, in a couple of IANDS talks, which I haven't posted them because it does feel like a journey into your most private place to see yourself as you truly are. 

I asked her guide to show her how he sees her - as a ball of energetic light, peach in color.  I asked her to describe the "cloak" she saw her council member wearing - it was white, or filled with reflective light that made her face glow.

These are also pieces of new information. I imagine there's a art director out there who can imagine an article of clothing that's white, yet adds light in a shimmering way - but it's not me, and it's not Heather.  It's the kind of visual I could not make up - and it's the kind of visual Heather would argue that she did not make up.  It was shown to her.

What to make of this?

Well, it's just a way of demonstrating that the nature of reality is not what it appears to be.  It's a way of demonstrating that we all have guides looking over us, loved ones keeping an eye on us - we are never alone.

And on this day - Memorial Day 2017 - it's important to realize that we can access anyone we've been missing, any loved one who is no longer on the planet - they won't show up to disrupt your reality, but they will show up to help you with this one.  Just say their name aloud and ask them some questions.

And that my folks is my two cents for the day.


Interview Tonight with Heather Wade on Art Bell's "Midnight in the Desert" radio show

Talking tonight with Heather Wade on "Midnight in the Desert" - Art Bell's radio program.

Tune in/call in - talking at Night about the Living Dead.  Or "Talking about the dead who claim they are still living."  or "Hey, this crazy filmmaker claims that he talks to people who talk to the dead."

Foto by Russ Titelman

Midnight in the Desert
Live Late Night Talk Radio

Wed May 24 – Richard Martini – "Life Between Lives"

9pm-1am PT / Mid-4am ET

Dark Matter Digital Network

Author and award winning filmmaker Richard Martini has written and/or directed 9 indie films. A former free lance journalist for Variety, Inc.Com, Premiere and other magazines, a graduate of the Masters of Professional Writing Program at USC, FlipSide: A Tourist’s Guide to the Afterlife is his debut non-fiction book on a topic that’s been haunting him since the death of a soul mate.

After a dream vision of visiting his friend in the Great Beyond, Martini went on a literary quest to find out what the prevailing science and philosophical opinions on the Afterlife are. He journeyed into Tibetan Philosophy, made documentaries in Tibet and India, and eventually was introduced to the work of the Newton Institute, founded by renowned author and hypnotherapist Dr. Michael Newton, Journey of Souls.


If you'd like to bone up on the latest reports from the flipside; here are my books, available in Kindle, ebooks, audible, print - they haven't figured out how to charge for remote viewing "yet" - but here are the links:

"Flipside: A tourist's guide on how to navigate the afterlife"

These are transcripts of filmed "between life" therapy sessions, as well as how I came upon this material.  The sessions were filmed for the documentary below, at some point I realized that by transcribing them, I had a way of showing them unedited.  Includes Michael Newton's last interview about his work.

"Flipside: Journey into the Afterlife" FILM

This is the accompanying documentary with clips from the filmed sessions. Includes Michael Newton's last filmed interview, where he explains his journey and work in detail. 

"It's a Wonderful Afterlife: Further Adventures in the Flipside" volume ONE.

I began to interview scientists about near death experiences, about their work into consciousness outside the brain. Includes interviews with Dr. Bruce Greyson, Gary Schwartz PhD, Mario Beauregard PhD, and includes near death experiencers who also did a between life hypnotherapy session to see if they could revisit their "near death event" with greater clarity.

"It's a Wonderful Afterlife: Further Adventures in the Flipside" Volume two.

Part two includes more sessions and some interviews with unusual reporters: an attorney who claims that all of her clients had a vision, visitation or experience from their victims where they said "I'm okay, and I can help you." 

"Hacking the Afterlife"

Following the premise that "we don't die" I begin to interview mediums (whose work I have verified) to see if we can ask the same questions to the same people on the flipside, using different mediums to see what the results are.  I include those results, as well as interviews with a number of people who claim while fully conscious, to be able to access this same arena. The second third of the book are mediums who contact someone who claims to be Amelia Earhart, the third part of the book is easily the most controversial; examining claims for people who say that they "met" or "spoke to" Jesus during their near death event, while having an out of body experience, while under hypnosis.

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