
How lucky am i?

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With renowned Intuitive and Medium Jennifer Shaffer. (JenniferShaffer.com)


Amelia Earhart, Thanksgiving Toasts and the Flipside

Jennifer Shaffer and I were conspiring the other day on how we can turn our unusual lunchtime chats into a larger venue.  We came upon doing some kind of weekly event, where we chat up people on the Flipside while having our normal out of this world conversation.

Jennifer Shaffer

For fans of "Hacking the Afterlife" you'll know Jennifer from the extensive interviews I did between her and Amelia Earhart which are transcribed in the book.  I know how unusual that sentence is - but if you'll read the book, you'll see there's no other way to describe what that event was like.  She is the third medium who I have spoken to "Amelia" with.  So just as a data subset, I've asked the same questions with three different mediums. And the answers have been consistent and verifiable.

Many of the questions are not public knowledge because I've been researching her story for 30 years.  (Like one question to a medium was "who was the love of your life and was it a painter?" was correctly answered by all three.)  I knew that she had a relationship with a woman painter, and I knew it was part of her open relationship with her husband George.  I didn't know the exact identity of that painter, and during the second session, she offered that she would share that information with me in a "private session" - meaning one that wasn't being filmed.
Fred Noonan and Amelia
Not only was I able to track down that special friend of hers, but was able to verify a number of other profound details about her life, her disappearance, her death.  I won't go into detail here - it's in detail in the book, and clips can be found at EarhartOnSaipan.com - but suffice to say, Jennifer was the third person confirming the same details, and further offered "new information" that wasn't part of the public record, or any of my research over the past 30 years.

Imagine my chagrin when I verified that these details were accurate - meaning a detail that only Amelia would know about, because no one else on the planet was aware of it, and I was able to verify its accuracy. 

But last night I was at a friend's house, and inevitably the conversation drifted in the Flipside direction.  One of the people at the table had met with Jennifer at my suggestion, and proceeded to tell how Jennifer connected to this woman's brother who passed earlier this year.  The story could only have come from her brother, because it happened years ago in another country in their home kitchen.  

A party my grandparents went to in London 1933
As the story unfolded, this woman's brother showed Jennifer a scene that occurred in this woman's youth - ("He's showing me something that happened in your kitchen a long time ago...") a scene my friend had forgotten, had never shared with anyone, except her mother.  And later, she called her mother and told her what Jennifer had said, and the mother recalled the name of the person in the scene. "Oh you're talking about so and so. I remember that!"  My friend couldn't remember the girl's name, but her mother did. It was new information coming from someone no longer on the planet.

As I pointed out - this story would not convince, could not convince anyone else at the table that there was a Flipside, or that our loved ones are still around.  It would only be "beyond a shadow of doubt" to one person at the table - and that was my friend telling the story. Since no one reading this knows this friend of mine - then just my saying "it's accurate" does no good at proving or disproving anything.  

And if you spend enough time going through all the possible permutations of an excuse - all of it comes up empty.  Either it happened or it didn't. People can make up their own minds how that could have happened. All I can say is that it's consistent with ALL of my research.  People on the Flipside remind us of stories that only they would know - on one hand to tease us about them, on the other hand to prove to us that they're actually communicating with us.

In this case I know it happened, and I've seen and filmed it happen many, many times.

But as someone else at the table said "Well, I think it's great that the Flipside exists, but I like it here, I like being alive, I'm in no hurry to go anywhere else, so what's the point of examining that?"  And I said "Here's the point.  You honor your loved ones by acknowledging that they still exist.  They don't love you any less from over there, in fact they love you unconditionally from their perspective.  So if it's possible to love someone unconditionally who isn't on the planet, how hard can it be to start loving people unconditionally who are on the planet?"

So as an experiment - and based on Jennifer and my "conversation" with Michael Newton the previous week, I suggested this.  I poured a toast into the glasses of the people sitting near me and said "I want you to think of one person who is no longer on the planet that you'd like to make a toast to.  Only I want you to make the toast to them in present tense, as if they were still here, as if they were literally in front of you when you make the toast."  

One woman picked her grandmother, who brought tears to her eyes, because she felt so connected to her. When she started speaking of her in past tense, I asked her to change it, how sweet she is, how incredibly generous she was, became "how generous she is."  And this woman's face brightened as she spoke. As if the simple act of putting the memory of her grandmother into the present tense allowed her to let go of the sadness surrounding her passing.

Vatican connected light
Another fellow called upon his 104 year old grandfather, who had been strongly influential in his life. And as he spoke of him in the present tense; you could hear the pride he had in how this person lived his life up until he passed. 

How influential he still is in his life. And my friend spoke of her brother, who made/makes everyone laugh, and what a bright light he was/is in his family.  As she got used to speaking of him in present tense, toasting his humor, his family, his spirit, it really did feel as if he was in the room.

It was an odd moment.  Everyone expressed a joy doing that. And then a few minutes later, a woman who had claimed skepticism of the topic ("I don't believe in any of all that") said - "I've never told anyone this before, but when I was 22 I had this out of body experience, I didn't believe it at the time, but I was standing there in front of a campfire, and suddenly I lost sense of time until someone shook me."  

I said "Well, let's try to go back to the moment just prior to someone shaking you. What do you see or experience?" At first she said "I don't remember." And I said "Every moment is recorded, we don't have a delete key, so the memory is somewhere if you just allow it to come forward."   She quietly looked off in the distance.  "Okay. Well... I had this feeling of connectedness to everyone.. and to all things. I could see the connections to everyone, its like the invisible strings that connect everyone that we can't see. They look like lines of light, light that exists between objects... and they have color, like red and white."  

I pointed out that I'd heard reports like this before - seeing a "spider web" of light that connects everyone and everything. I asked if she had any emotion with this vision.  She said that she had a sense of love... "overwhelming unconditional love." 

I asked if anyone was around in spirit form when she experienced this moment 15 years ago. She said "Yes." I asked if it was male, female or both. She said, feels like both, but predominantly male. I asked if she could see him, she said "No, he just seems like a bright light." I asked about the content of the conversation and she said "He is telling me how things work. How the universe works. But it's not a linear story. It's like he's downloading all that information into me at the same time."  I asked if any emotion was associated with this information. She said "That everything is going to be okay."

I noted that it's not the first time I've heard about this apotheosis. That Mario Beauregard PhD talked about his experience at 12, when he was in a forest behind his home and "saw how connected to everyone and everything we all are" and had spent his life and career examining that as a neuroscientist. There are other cases, and I mention them in "Flipside" and "It's a Wonderful Afterlife" where people suddenly feel "connected to everyone and all things."

I guess it's not that unusual I would meet someone at a dinner party who had the same experience.

I offered that we honor those who are no longer on the planet when we listen to them, especially when they bring along such a profound experience.  She took 15 years to share that message, and now I get the chance to share it as well. 

"Everything and everyone is connected. And everything is going to be okay."

No hypnosis.  No philosophy.  No belief. No religion. I'm just reporting as best I can what I heard at a dinner table at a friend's house, simply asking some questions that anyone could ask. Just a group of people sitting at a noisy dinner party, having a casual conversation, with me slipping in questions about the architecture of what they experienced.  

And now it's out into the planet.  How cool is that?


Sting and the Flipside

Sting and the Flipside....

Something caught my ear in this interview the other night.

Sting (Gordon Sumner) talks about how much it moves him that people come up to him and tell him how his music has been a theme in their lives, or his music changed their lives, or had a profound effect, whether they got married, fell in love to it, etc.

And he joked "I just got into it to find women."

Well, of course, he found Trudy.  And has had a gaggle of kids while finding her.  But I digress.

In the research behind "Flipside: A Tourist's Guide on How to Navigate the Afterlife" and "It's a Wonderful Afterlife," and now "Hacking the Afterlife" I've filmed people under deep hypnosis talking about their "life planning sessions."

I've reported my own five different between life sessions, but it was in my first session when I asked my guides the question: "So why did I choose my life?" and the answer was "Every thought, action, word or deed contains your energy.  So if you write a poem, sing a song, write a book, paint a painting - every talk show you do - some part of your energy, who you are as a soul, your heart - goes into that work.  Whether you work in a bank, or move digits around on a board, some of your energy goes into that as well - but if you're doing that work with your heart, then it can be a healing energy."

I said that I chose a lifetime in film because I felt that combining words, visuals and music I could help heal people.  And then I said "I just wish I'd chosen someone more successful at it."  Which elicited a laugh from my spirit guides and the hypnotherapist doing the session - the only time I've gotten laughs on both sides of the veil.

But Sting did the same. When he signed up for this lifetime he wanted to help heal people with music.  He's an amazing singer, gifted musician, and has explored a variety of different styles.  But at his core, it's not about the content of each lyric, it's about the intent and heart that he brings to his work - and that is attached to the music and lyrics and stylings - which directly affects people on the planet.

And they come up and say it to him; aloud.  "You changed my life.  Thank you."

There's no greater honor then to sacrifice your life for others.  There's no greater gift that you can give then to give your heart to others.  

Yes, he's had a great journey and path, and yes, he's had pain and sorrow and suffering too.  It's written in his face.  But when someone comes up to you and says "Your music helped form who I am as a person" you need to see that was what he signed up to do.  It's healing. It's helping. It's why he's on the planet.

Some years ago, I reviewed Sting's show at the Wiltern when I was writing for Variety.  After the show, I got to meet him backstage, and then for some odd reason, I was on a plane the next day to go to Italy.  And when I got off the plane in London, and went to the passport agent, Sting was standing in line behind me.  And I turned and introduced myself. "Hi, I'm Rich, I met you at your show the other night."

And he nodded, used to fans and fandom.  I added "I write for Variety."  The look on his face reminded me of when I was sitting next to Van Morrison and said the same sentence.  Van said "I don't talk to the media" and got up from the table.  "But I'm not The Media" I said.  (And I had my film "You Can't Hurry Love" pay him $30K for the use of "Wild Night" in a clip, but I forgot to mention that part.)

Anyways, he seemed chagrined that a "critic" was in the same line as him.  Moments later, I was going to the kiosk to catch the British Air flight to Rome, and he was there too. He waved me over and introduced me to his wife Trudy. "This is Rich Martini, he wrote the Variety review."

She brightened, and he said it as if it was something he'd actually read.  I thought "Wow, polite guy."  I tried to not hover or talk too much other than to say I was a fan.  On the plane, I sat in steerage, but as I left, passing through first class, I saw the sweater that Trudy had been wearing sitting on the floor.  So I grabbed it and when we got to customs I shouted out "Oh, Missus Sting! You forgot your sweater!"

It was worth the laugh.  "Mrs Sting" couldn't have been more appreciative.

But wait. There's more.  About six months later, I was talking to someone on his staff, and they said "He's coming into town. I'm sure he'd want you to have a ticket."  I wasn't reviewing the show, was reluctant to call, but I did.  When his personal assistant said "Why are you calling?" I said "Well, I saved Trudy's sweater on the plane."  And his assistant said, "Do you realize how many people call me every day to get free tickets to his shows? And you're calling because you saved her sweater?"

I mumbled, "Well, it was a long story, but it was because I write for Variety..." and the assistant interrupted me.  "You wrote the Variety review?"  I paused. Uh-oh.  Maybe they didn't like it. Gulp. "Yes."  

She said, "That was the best review I've read. (She may say that to all reviewers, what do I know?)  It covered his life, his journey, his writer's block, and talked about finding his voice when he went back to his father's hometown..."  I blushed... over the phone.  She said "What night do you want tickets for?"  So I went to see him again, sat in the seat like any other fan.  He's great.

Some years later, I ran into him at an art gallery.  I said "Hi, you don't remember me but..." He interrupted me: "Rich Martini" he said. Shook my hand. "Thanks for saving my wife's sweater."

This guy is something else this Sting.

So I know he's going to read this post. He's that kind of a guy.  Checks stuff out, remembers it, soaks it in, turns it into a song. If not him, then his assistant, or someone out there in the ether will pass it along.

He will read this blog, this memory down life's lane.  And I'm here to tell him that the story he told on Colbert is the essence of why he chose to be on the planet.  How do I know that? Because in the 35 cases I've filmed, the 7000 I've examined from Michael Newton, and the 2000 from Dr. Helen Wambach - they all say the same thing. 

We choose to come here. And we choose to do the work that we're going to do so we can help other people. 

I print transcripts of these filmed sessions in the book "Flipside" and "It's a Wonderful Afterlife" and "Hacking the Afterlife." And the film "Flipside" is actual footage of people saying these things. Consistently. Over and over and over again. Under hypnosis. And in the latest book - not under anything at all.

So Gordon chose this life - chose this name, which is not only associated with bees, but is a musical term, like a cymbal being smacked - a "sting" - On behalf of all those  people on the planet that you chose to change their lives; thanks dude.

Some questions from my youtube videos...

Since my last Coast to Coast appearance, I've been getting some interesting posts on my various youtube pages.  I'm sharing their questions and my answers here, as it allows me to "reply all" in a different fashion.
The flipside of the flipside

"I'm an empath/indigo child... I cringe at the idea of being like some people or animals, (or coming back as such) I try not to be judgmental but I have become extremely bias as to who I am and how fortunate I am and the way I think. I'm also terrified of getting old, not sure why but that didn't hit me until recently. I think that's mainly because of my physical abilities and I feel like if those ever left me I'd be miserable and trapped here while the next wave gets to enjoy the party... 

I've never felt depression hit me this hard and I've never once had suicidal thoughts but sometimes I just don't know how I'll react when I get to a certain age. If I do. I've just been so on the fence about what's really true or not. It's like when you die, how can you still be conscious somewhere else? I'm trying to decipher that. But then we just decide to take on another body when ready? I've been terrified by what scientists say how there is no soul, no god, no anything and we are just here a glitch in evolution and that we tell ourselves these things do we are not scared or feeling hopeless. 

Now that really brings my hopes down, the only thing I can think of that tells me there is something else out there is when I was little I saw energy orbs, spirits, and entities or whatever you want to call them. I also remember my first memory and coming into existence, it felt like a continuation of something but I can't say I definitely remember any kind of past life. I just have an attraction/connection to a specific time period..."


Cool. You're tuned differently. Don't stress over it. We tend to walk around the planet thinking we have to be like, or somehow are like the other beings on this planet. Yeah, that's true, we are, but then again, we aren't.

Neil DeGrasse Tyson points out that there are no two rainbows alike. That's science. You and I stand side by side, we see different rainbows. We can both call it a rainbow, but what we're seeing is accurately different to each of us, depending on a lot of factors. Does that make the rainbow any less beautiful?

I have written extensively about these questions you're raising. Why am I here? Why do I feel different? People come up with terms like "indigo child" or "empath" to try to pin down what it is they're seeing or experiencing. During a between life session 
I was filming, a young woman was accessing her spirit guide, an older curmudgeon kind of sage, and when she asked "What's the shift in consciousness people are talking about?" he said "Oh, you humans always think that by labeling things you'll get a better handle on them. In terms of the cosmos, it's no big deal, but if you want to understand a shift in consciousness imagine yourself a tiny little crab walking on an ocean floor, and you suddenly open your eyes and realized you're in an ocean. That's a shift in consciousness."

That's in "It's a Wonderful Afterlife" - so a shift in perspective is to see a number of things differently. For example, we choose to come to the planet. We choose who we are going to be. We choose to incarnate only as a person that we want to be. (We don't choose animals for the most part, they have their own realms and own version of reality, and it wouldn't be very polite or needed to choose that existence, but there are some extremely rare cases, one I report in my books.) But it's a choice. You chose to be empathetic, or more tuned into your empathetic abilities than the next person.

So what to make of that? Cool! You chose to have a different kind of stereo receiver. Everyone gets their choice - some have different filters, some don't. So your choice was this special kind of receiver that experiences emotions and other people's feelings in a different way. Doesn't make someone worse or better, just makes them appreciate things differently.

Does everyone have this ability? Absolutely. But some of us choose a journey with more filters - less ability to understand and feel the emotions of others, because there are lessons we've signed up to learn. 

Think of your life as a classroom - you can come here to learn some pretty profound lessons, and sometimes people don't learn the lessons, so they may decide to take the class again. Sometimes people realize they know these lessons and sign up to help others learn them. 

The point is - you've done this a bunch of times. You got this. Yes, you may feel like it's going to be odd to be older - but since we don't die - we can't die - no one dies, they just head back home at the end of it all, try to appreciate what you signed up to do. You decided to come here to experience this journey to its fullest. 

Not to just wander around the amusement park and never go on any rides. Get on the ride that fascinates you, that makes your heart beat faster. Reach out to the people that fascinate you that make your heart beat faster. You're here for a reason, try to stay open to that reason. You've been old a bunch of times, you may still be connected to the ego emotions of growing old (looks, money, friends, etc) but that's all just vanity.

And I mean by vanity as in, the way to happiness while you're here on the planet is to help other people. It's a physical fact that when you help someone else it changes the amygdala - the repository of depression - if you look up the meditation "tonglen" you'll find that its been proven scientifically (Richard Davidson at the U of Wisc) to effectively cure or alleviate symptoms of depression.

What's tonglen? It's a mediation on helping others. So if you're feeling even the slightest bit depressed, stop what you're doing, step away from what you're doing and help someone. Help them across the street. Walk someone's dog for them. Write someone a thank you letter. Thank a teacher you always loved, but never thanked.

These "acts of kindness" are really acts that make the amygdala work better, process seratonin better, make the brain not worry about what others are thinking, because you're busy with the act of helping. I know that this sounds like a religious concept - but it actually is based in science. Help someone else because it will help you. Love your neighbor as yourself, because doing so will make you feel better. Will help the other person and will help you at the same time.

So if you take anything away from this research, it's that you've learned one simple fact: loving your neighbor as yourself is actually the reason we're on the planet. Because back home we experience unconditional love (and by back home, i'm referring to the place where 35 of the people I've filmed have called the flipside) and we come here to teach and learn and experience variations on unconditional love. You chose to be here. Allow your heart to show you why you chose to be here, and enjoy every day as if its a gift. Because... it is.

The center of the universe, Mt. Kailash

(From a thread asking about proof of the afterlife)

Not challenging anyone's experience, just some interpretations of it. Why? Because I want that to be true (probably due to my fear of death) and want to clear it to myself, not to accept something on the bases of wishful thinking. So, It wasn't about you, and challenging your and other people experiences, it was about me and my system of believes, how to pull all that things through my firewall.
Anyway, thank you for your time!
Appreciate it!


...So - that's what you're wondering about. In essence a question we all have - how can I prove to myself, beyond a shadow of doubt, that life goes on?   And how can I do so withoutrelying on second hand accounts - or authors pontificating about the afterlife (this one included) - it's one thing for me to say "well, the research points to this fact - that we don't die.  It's counter intuitive, its contrary to what we can observe. 

Things live and then they die. Except when we start to observe the planet and our lives from another perspective. Like I say - it's a bit like trying to describe jumping into a pool to someone who has never seen a pool of water.  It's an experience that's beyond some people's experience - and no amount of describing the feeling of diving into a pool and floating to the top will help. 

What I've found effective is hypnotherapy.  The Michael Newton institute has a searchable database. And if you do some research and talk to the hypnotherapist, you'll find the right person for you. That's one method.

Another method is having a near death experience. Which I don't recommend. Or taking a strong hallucinogen. Also don't recommend. But there's one more method I do recommend, and its meditation.  If you think of meditation as a verb rather than a noun - it's an exercise, and doing pushups makearms stronger - meditation makes the mind stronger.  If you do some every day - ten minutes is fine - eventually you're going to be able to focus on things you couldn't focus on before.

The simplest one, two, three method I've come across is to take a photo of a loved one and meditate on it (after you've done some other meditations and built up your ability to focus and "unfocus"). Imagine how the photo was taken, recreate it all in your mind - what the clothing felt like, the light on the face, the sounds - all the sense together.  Then imagine the loved one inthe photograph alive - as they were in the picture - and let them see you observing them.  Try to be fully in that moment.

Then ask them some questions you don't know the answer to. Questions that you assume there is an answer to - and a question that you figure they might have access to.  So - questions like "how are you?" and "Where are you?" are answered by "I'm fine. And I'm here." Questions like "What or who is God?" are usually answered by "That's above my pay grade." so try to ask them questions that you think they might know the answer to. Like... what city was great grandmother from - and did she have a twin brother?  A question you don't know the answer to, but they might know, and you can later research it.

It can't be a path changing question - "what are the lottery numbers" are almost always met with "and why should you win that?" They know what you'd do with the money, and how it would alter the path you've signed up for. And try to avoid "future" questions - as the future is not set, can always change. But "Where is?" questions can be answered.  Sometimes with a sense of humor.

Then you have to be open to the answer. Not everyone can communicate through words, so the answer might come from a friend, might come from your attention being directed to an article, or to a song. The key is to not judge the answer, but to examine if it's accurate or not.

All I can say is that based on my observations from a lifetime of seeing and sensing "ghosts" and then having this research fall into my lap, having done 5 between life hypnotherapy sessions with different Michael Newton trained therapists, I've expereinced the pool first hand.  Everyone can experience that pool, and everyone eventually will. 

You had a question about "why" this information is coming about, and whether knowing it would alter someone's path.  First, I'd offer the reason you're commenting on this page is because of that detail - and from what I've heard consistently is that "the veil is thinning." So it appears to no longer be some kind of "out there" paradigm - that it's becoming more prevelant because either it "needs to be" or that it physically is becoming easier to connect to the flipside.

Again, I'm not debating these points, or putting them out there for what they might imply - it's just what the research shows consistently. I can't control what others think about this research, I can only share it so that others in the future will be able to examine it. The reason I've come to realize I'm doing it is because the planet needs for us to be aware of the concept that we choose to come back here - and if that's the case, doesn't it make sense to leave behind a clean campground with clean air, water or earth?  If not for our children, but for our own return?

Earth doing it's thing with light.

Queston/Comment - Reply:

"Thanks. ... My problem with hypnotherapy is: how can I know that I am not daydreaming, taking from my subconsciousness resources, making up things, etc, although it seems it is from external source? How I can know I’m not speaking only with my subconsciousness? And now, after I know for all elements like ‘’soul mates’, ‘soul groups’ etc. it wouldn’t be strange at all if my brain start making up things from that elements. 

AND NOW, that is the moment YOU step in! You recommend me to check some information only deceased one knew. I like it. That is what I am looking for. Some objective outcome. You understood me.That is what my scientificated 3D brain needs. Doesn’t left much room for interpretation, wishful thinking, imagination, etc.

But seconds later you disappoint me, when you said: “Not everyone can communicate through words, so the answer might come from a friend, might come from your attention being directed to an article, or to a song.” It again seems so vague, unclear. How long I should wait for the answer? Would my attention become overselective, would I start to looking for secret “meaning” in every song? Become paranoid? You know, I am back again on uncertain terrain, that leaves me too much room for interpretation.
But ok, maybe deceased one could communicate through words anyway. 

One general question - Is it possible to organize some experiments with objective testable outcomes? Sam Parnia tried something like that with OBE cases (I only know of Charles Tart before him). Although he published preliminarily results, it is still to early for any conclusions. But at least something is happening. The same with hypnoses or mediums would be good. Isn’t it so? If they really communicate with higher realms, why is it so hard to prove that in controlled experiments one and for all. Personal experience is one thing, but this, this would change things more than billion personal experiences. Moreover, everyone would like to check it personally..."


My friend, take it one step at a time. What's your hurry? If you discover today that life doesn't end, how does that change your day? Change your lunch? 

So ask your relative a question. See what happens. If something happens, you're done. You've answered the question you have.

If you don't get the answer immediately, right away, this very second, then stay open to whatever else might come into your view. Does this mean you have to spend the rest of your life being open? Yes. It does. 

Try to stop judging others for their path and journey. It's not how we are taught, it's not how we are raised as humans. But the reality is, everyone is equal. Everyone has their own path and journey. We can't judge them unless we are in their shoes and understand why they chose this path and journey. Easy to say, hard to do.

Here's the physiological data with regard to the research: about one third of your life's energy shows up in the body. Sometimes more, sometimes less, depends on how much you wanted to bring with you. Two thirds of your energy (or soul, or whatever you want to call it, consciousness) is always back "home" - back where you normally reside. So only about a third of you is here in this body at any particular given time. It varies when you're consciousness is altered; a coma, for example, even being asleep. But generally, in your conscious mind while reading this sentence, there's roughly two thirds of you out in the theater sitting in the seats observing (or not, depending) what's going on stage.

That's just in the reports. 

So if what these folks are saying is accurate, there are all kinds of factors involved with communicating between those in the audience, and those on stage who have taken a form of amnesia drug so they don't recall their past lives. Why does everyone take that potion? Well, not everyone does, and some experience it differently.

Sam Parnia is a doctor who set up a 7 year study of near death experiences. Along with Dr. Bruce Greyson (I highly recommend watching his youtube talk "Is Consciousness Produced by the Brain" - it's 90 minutes you won't forget, and I reproduced it for the book "It's a Wonderful Afterlife") - both of these fellows are not concerned with the between life realm as I am. They're scientists who set up protocols to measure and learn from people who have near death experiences. So they're cataloging the results - how many people do have one, don't have one, how many people see a light, experience meeting another person, etc, during their near death experience.

My research isn't concerned with trying to prove these experiences - what I've learned is that each one is unique. No two near death experiences are the same. No two rainbows are the same for that matter, but we have just one word for them. 

Yesterday I read that science has learned that water has another form, besides gas, solid and liquid. Apparently between 40 and 60 degrees celsius it takes another form altogether that they're just learning about.

Think about that for a moment. 

The very thing that keeps us alive, we barely understand. So we're talking about consistent experiences in the "afterlife" - for lack of a better term. My point is that we can't even communicate properly about these items if we can't get the words straight. "Afterlife" means nothing if you can't define consciousness. There is no "afterlife" - there's just "life" and it's various realities.

But it's not willy nilly, nor is it chaos, nor is it ruled by some overlords, nor is it ruled by the "laws of science." None of that applies to this research. It appears that we are in charge of this journey - we are in charge of our reality, and we choose to learn from it (or not.) No one else is dictating who or what we're supposed to be, no one is dictating who are what we're supposed to accomplish - other than our desire to help our friends and loved ones and fellow travelers experience what they've signed up for.

A long way of saying "don't worry about it." Just take it one step at a time. Your first step is to take out a photograph and talk to your relative or friend no longer on the planet. And then see what happens. You may get a thought that comes faster than you can think it - like an answer to your question that comes faster than being able to form a sentence. Write it down. Don't judge it. Meditate on it.

Here's a simple question for your relative no longer on the planet; "Is what he is saying correct?" Write down the answer. Yes. No. Maybe. There are only three. Then meditate on what that answer means to you.

My two cents.


Some thoughts on Death and Thanksgiving

This popped into my head today.

As recounted in "It's a Wonderful Afterlife" during one of my "past life regressions" I experienced, remembered, imagined a lifetime as a Tibetan monk. There were some details that I found contrary to what someone "wanting" or "wishing" that they were a monk in a past life..

Like the fact that I hated the teacher because I felt like he didn't know what he was talking about. (I had a vivid dream of being in this class at another time in my life, so when it popped into my head with the help of Scott De Tamble, it didn't seem foreign to me.)  But other details; my monastery was a "day ride by donkey cart" from Lhasa.

I remembered being punched by my father in that lifetime, who had a hard life.  He scarred my face, but I didn't hate him for it. I felt bad for him because our mother died young. I saw my younger brother follow me into the monk hood - which was a proud day and a terrible day for my father in that life... as he lost both boys to the monk hood. (Historically accurate, usually every family in Tibet would donate one child to the monastery, which protected them in times of famine)

HHDL and Richard Davidson of the U of Wisc/Madison
I remembered taking the long tests for geshe - teaching certificate.  It involved reciting, debating, dancing - mind you, I've attended a geshe graduation ceremony in Dharamsala, and was amazed at seeing it again, albeit from a first person point of view.  So I was aware that I might have been just recounting something I'd seen in my current life.

My homies in Kashmir

Until I experienced the last days of this monk's life.  I was an old man. And I was coughing, like a death rattle, in the cold, damp monastery.  I remembered the feeling of graduating to my own cell from the group cell, and sleeping in my own room - but trying to not be attached to it... and later, I was experiencing what that sound is like when your coughing echoes in a building.  But I was reflecting on what it means to be an old man.  

I mused "No one gets my jokes any more, because everyone who understood my references is already dead." So when I make a joke to my attendant, he smiles, but I realize he doesn't "get it" or know what I'm talking about.  

His polite laugh means "oh, the old man made a joke, isn't that cute."  There was a particular loneliness to old age, something I've never experienced in this life, nor could I.  But here I was - feeling like an old person, and knowing it was my last days on earth, and having that feeling that I'm leaving everything behind.  
No one got my jokes back then either.

Not knowing what the future will hold - I had the deep insight of years of training to feel like I understood it.  And then experiencing my death, rising from the body and moving through the monastery to let my attendant know that I've gone. I patted him on the head while he was asleep and then blew out a candle to let him know I had died.

What I'm saying is that consciously I wasn't making these things up - because I've never experienced, seen or heard anyone describe death in that manner.  And I understood something profound - the loneliness of old age.  We think we get it - but we won't unless we're lucky enough to get that far along.

Which takes us to all the folks dying and disappearing from our planet.  Prince. Robin Williams. Leon Russell. Mose Allison.  All people that I came into the orbit of, or in contact with - and they're all departing.  So what is left behind?
Not a monk. More monkey than monk.

Well of course, everyone they've ever touched or moved. That feeling, that experience still exists.  It's not as tangible as holding a hand, but it does exist. Then there's every time you've ever heard them play or were moved by their work. That's a personal loss - but it's also a memory.

We tend to say "We lost so and so today."  Or "so and so has been lost to the world."  Well, I'm here to correct that. They're not lost.  No one gets lost.  They just move on to another reality.  It's here where we miss them and feel their absence - but from their perspective they're on to a new journey or adventure. Not lost. Just not here.

We tend to say "Rest in Peace."  As if their body was where they currently reside.  It's more accurate to say "I hope you had a good life and were happy with it" but for all intents and purposes, they aren't residing with the body they once inhabited. They may stick around to keep an eye on loved ones - but there's no point saying "rest" or that they should be "at peace."  
Not me, but looks like me.

Once they check off stage, leave their body, you can bet they're going to be startled by the alteration of their reality.  And if they've led peaceful happy lives, it's not going to be a big deal.  If they've led tumultuous chaotic lives - sure they're going to be pretty chagrined to see this new reality.  But "Rest in Peace" isn't quite accurate - perhaps more pointed would be "I loved you, and thank you for all that love that you shared with me, whether it's creatively or otherwise. But thank you."
Michael Newton RIP

While dining with Jennifer Shaffer recently, Michael Newton popped in and said that he was helping people on the other side with how to contact their loved ones back here. That's not a construct I've ever thought about - and was startled to hear it.  But of course, if you're going to help people here talk to people on the flipside, why wouldn't the opposite of that also be a worthy endeavor?  How can people talk to us over here when we're stressed, freaked out, our energy is all over the place, we can't calm ourselves down for a moment to "hear" or "sense" or experience whatever our loved ones are trying to impart to us.

I asked Newton if pretending that they were still alive might help.  He said he thought that was a good idea.  So - when you're having Thanksgiving dinner next week, take out a photo of your loved ones no longer here - maybe put out a plate for them, put their photo on the plate, or give them a chair. Toast them. Talk about them. Tell their stories.

And this is the most profound thing I can offer.  I've been told recently that people on the flipside have been appreciative of the kind of work I'm doing. I found that fascinating, and couldn't wrap my mind around why that would be.  Why would they care whether or not we communicate with them? That's our problem over here, stressing about their departure.  Why would it be a big deal?

Jennifer Shaffer.com and Scott De Tamble LightBetweenLives.com

Because when you bring someone's words to life, when you bring their spirit to life - when you bring their stories to life, when you capture who they were in a photo, or a sentence, or a painting or a song or a poem - you are making them alive again. You are bringing their stories back to the planet.  

We may have relatives who died 200 years ago - and we can't focus on them because we never saw them. But we may have their doily, or watch, or plate, or painting - we have some form of them with us, we certainly carry their DNA - why not just treat them as if they're with us at all times? 
The whole kit and caboodle.
And I don't mean the whole kit and kaboodle. Just a few. Or just one.  Bring out their picture. Pour them a glass of wine.  "How goes it grandma? How are you doing? We're just thinking about you over here and wanted to say thanks for all those laughs.  We're sorry we made fun of your gifts at Christmas, but we had a good laugh, and we still love you and think of you."

How hard can that be?  You don't have to do it in front of anyone else. You can do it now, alone, while reading this.  In your mind, bring out a photo of your loved one.  Bring them to life.  Make them laugh. Hear their laughter.  Feel their hand on yours. Feel your heart melting when you looked them in the eye for the first time. Allow that to happen. It won't hurt anyone. And no one will be the wiser.

Except you. 

My two cents.


Reviews are in...

Having been a "critic" for Daily Variety (a sample of some of my reviews are here) and having been a food critic for Epicurean Rendezvous, I understand the odd construct of writing a critique of a performance, an event, an experience. How do you capture an experience, an event, a concert in a few paragraphs?

 The very first review I got for my book "Flipside: a Tourist's Guide on How to Navigate the Afterlife" was "3 stars" and a version of "eh, I've seen this all before." Honestly, I thought "Well, that's that, you had one person read your book, and no one else will."  

But then I filmed myself talking about this research at a local bookstore in Santa Monica. Peter Bill was there, some other friends, Larry Grennan, Kathy Suepple - people I've known at different stages in my life. But only ten were in the audience.

I posted that online, and about a couple thousand watched it. And one of them invited me to speak at IANDS in Virginia Beach.  I spoke there to a crowd of about 100, and a former Baptist minister in the audience said "You should go on "Coast to Coast."  I asked "What's that?"  He said, "I'm going to send an email to them, it's a radio show."  I went on the show and the book went to #1 at Amazon overnight (kindle in its genre.)

So you just never know who it is out there that needs to hear this material, needs to read this material, or needs to hear my cat meow while I'm reading it.  Below are reviews from Amazon and from Audible. The material is not for everyone, so I don't expect everyone to be drawn to it. But those who are drawn to it, it's worth checking out.

For  the book "Hacking the Afterlife" -

Customer Reviews
Average Customer Review
 5.0 out of 5 stars (3 customer reviews)
5 star

5.0 out of 5 stars October 26, 2016
By Amazon Customer (Atlanta, GA) - )
This review is from: Hacking the Afterlife: Practical Advice from the Flipside (Kindle Edition)
Richard has topped his Flipside Series with Hacking The Afterlife. My favorite chapters was the chapter that had the message from Planet Earth and the long chapter about Issa. Everything I have read or listened to Richard's Audible Books are truly Awesome Research Material.

5.0 out of 5 stars "Hacking the Afterlife" is a rollicking ride requiring an open mind...loved it!, August 13, 2016 by Wendy R. Williams  
This review is from: Hacking the Afterlife: Practical Advice from the Flipside (Kindle Edition)

Had the privilege to read an advance copy of Rich Martini’s latest. “Hacking the Afterlife” is as thought-provoking and well-researched as his earlier works “Flipside: Tourist’s Guide How to Navigate the Afterlife” and “It’s a Wonderful Afterlife.”

Applaud Rich for the courage it takes to publicly share such a wide-range of controversial topics ranging from have we solved the mystery of Amelia Earhart’s disappearance, and can we truly understand Jesus of Nazareth’s life and “death”? (or eternal life)

Rich presents a rich, unique tapestry of research and approaches in an open-minded yet discerning way. Applaud the high quality past life regression and psychic medium work detailed in “Hacking the Afterlife.” Rich, you are much more than “just the reporter”! You’ve conquered “Catholic Brain Freeze” remarkably well. It is NOT easy to remove...

5.0 out of 5 stars August 25, 2016
By Shannon Johnson  
This review is from: Hacking the Afterlife: Practical Advice from the Flipside (Paperback)

Mr. Martini has brought forth more thought provoking information about the Afterlife and revealing new information from those who are in the afterlife about their lives. Highly recommend for anyone who has been venturing into the rabbit hole of spirituality and the afterlife to read all four of his books in order to finally have a new perspective of possibilities. 

Not only does he present the transcripts of hypnosis sessions and sessions done with mediums, Mr. Martini does extensive research in which the reader is able to find more information to validate what has been provided from the spiritual dimensions. 

He does a fantastic job as a skeptic and researcher in delving into the depths of information that brings the reader step by step along with him on this adventure. Thoroughly enjoyed every page of this book and look forward to future publications of Mr. Martini's work and explorations!

For the audio version of the Book:


"Thank you, Richard."
Would you listen to Hacking the Afterlife again? Why?

I was one of those people who reviewed "Flipside: A Tourist’s Guide on How to Navigate the Afterlife" negatively because of the quality of the audio book and I have to say, I'm sorry. As an author who is also producing his own audio book, I now understand how difficult it is to get the work perfect. It's not easy.

Second, you were correct in stating that the work is more important than worrying about a cat's meow in the background.

I have to say that "Hacking the Afterlife" is pretty great. Keep it up.

Have you listened to any of Richard Martini’s other performances before? How does this one compare?
This is much better than previous book(s).

Was there a moment in the book that particularly moved you?
It's all good.

Any additional comments?
Talk a little slower if you can. The words run into each other and the message gets garbled.

(Duly noted.  Thanks for the review)

Amazon Customer
"Awesome Research Material"
Would you consider the audio edition of Hacking the Afterlife to be better than the print version?
Maybe, I listened while reading the words in the Book.and the Material is very interesting and feels very true.

What was one of the most memorable moments of Hacking the Afterlife?
Listening to the chapters on the Message from Planet Earth and the chapter on Issa. Issa's story is one I have always wondered about.

What about Richard Martini’s performance did you like?
I love the pizzazz that Richard adds to his readings of his books.

If you were to make a film of this book, what would the tag line be?
It does not need one, because Richard has already supplied it.

Any additional comments?
Richard has topped his Flipside Series with Hacking The Afterlife. My favorite chapters was the chapter that had the message from Planet Earth and the long chapter about Issa. 

Everything I have read or listened to Richard's Audible Books are truly Awesome Research Material. I will be listening to this audio book several more times. I finished this book last night and started Richard's Flipside Series again this morning for about the 17th time. This material is truly awesome and consciousness awakening. I Love this information and it truly helps one love the people around one's self.

"Broadly researched, fun and educational"
This is a series of channelings/past life regressions and findings from research. The presentation is very casual - kind of like a podcast where there is only one person talking - but that's okay. The information is very interesting and covers a lot of territory.

This is well worth the price of an Audible credit if you are interested in reincarnation and enjoy reading books such as those by Michael Newton, Dr. Brian Weiss, the Erik Medhus books, Dolores Cannon, and more.

Lighthearted, yet parts of which are deeply researched, this audio book was informative, very interesting and enlightening.

Thanks for the thoughts!  RM


Flipside and the Election and the Cubs

"May you live in interesting times." Old Chinese curse

It's #6 in kindle, #25 in books at Amazon

Well, it's gotten pretty interesting the past week.  We had a 10th inning comeback from the lovable losers, who defied all the odds, and created a new paradigm by winning the world series in the 10th inning.

Cub fan? Could be.
Being a fan of the Cubs (as noted in Flipside, even knowing how the Flipside works, doesn't stop me from being a fan) I got the chance to sit down and watch all the playoff games in a row. MLB offered them on their channel - and it was only the games the Cubs won.  So I sat through edited versions of all the Giants, Dodger and Indians games.

I've never done that before.  Like life, normally we don't get a chance to experience the thrills of sports in a row.  It's usually one week at a time, or one game per day, or even every four years.  But watching the games, I started to see the familiar patterns, which of course I've seen in a lifetime of sports - but all in a row, I could see it from a new perspective.

"Two men on, two outs, two strikes... and the wind up... and the pitch..." And something dramatic would happen. The person would strike out, or they would get a hit.  But something else was apparent.  In innings where a player made an error, that person had a chance to "course correct" the error - Javy Baez and Dave Ross come to mind in Game 7 - where they went from "goat to hero" in one inning.  But when you watch all the games back to back, you can see this happening game after game.  Only we never see games back to back like this. We only see them at various times.

It's like life - we can't see how all of our lifetimes are connected, how in one life we make errors, and in the next life we correct them or "hit it out of the park."  We can't see that we grow and evolve in each game, we get better (or we fall back) but we're there being cheered on by our friends and fans, and at the end of the game, we all congratulate each other - or hang our heads in sorrow.

A long time ago. A planet far far away.
In this research, we're shown time and again that we "choose our parents" "choose our lives" and "choose what's going to occur."  But we don't know the outcome - no one can know the outcome - because time is not set.  But we can have likely outcomes.  We come to the field with a team, and if everyone does their part, we will get the outcome we came for.  And sometimes we sign up to "lose a game" so we can experience what that feels like.  I'm sure Cleveland fans are feeling that right now - they're happy for the delirious Cub fans, but they are licking their wounds, figuring out how not to lose next time, etc.

And we come to the ballpark, or the series if you will, armed with the hallmarks we are supposed to achieve.  We come to help our pals achieve their goals.  Not everyone can pitch a no-hitter, but it requires invisible help from all of our teammates to make that happen. The manager sends signals, the catcher sends pitches, the pitch makes the pitches - and the outcome is not set in stone, but the hitters do their best to change the course of those events.

Cub fans circa 59
But when the game is over, we can't jump off cliffs, run into traffic, or blow up the neighborhood.  We cheer, we laugh, we cry, we think of all those people who've been here before, who couldn't "be here" to experience the victory. That fellow who drove to his father's gravesite comes to mind.  You know, the Cub fan who "watched the game" with his father at his tomb, based on a promise he made in 1982.

Was his father there watching the game? Of course he was.  His father was likely saying "Son, I appreciate the long drive and the trip. But I'm not here in this cemetery. I'm WHEREVER YOU ARE." He didn't have to make that long trip to watch the game with his dad.  They were all watching the game as well.

I had lunch with Jennifer Shaffer that week. And she said "Oh, they're all celebrating over there. They're all enjoying this week."

And then another thing intervened.  The election.

Jennifer Shaffer Scott De Tamble

I can vouch for Jennifer's insight into the election.  I don't believe the future is set, and I've spoken about it often.  People come to see Jennifer Shaffer because they want to know the future.  She can tell them likely outcomes, but no future is set.  But in this case we were talking about the coming election, and she got a sad look on her face.  "I'm sorry, but I don't see her winning. Something happens."

So I was prepared for the loss, emotionally.  I spoke to her after the election and she was pretty upset about it, like having seen a car wreck and helpless to do anything about it.

I meditated on it a bit, and asked my "spirit guides" (who knows? you ask a question you get an answer. Maybe it's your spirit guide. Maybe it's Harry Carey) and here's what I heard.

"We got this."

And an odd calm came over me.  As if to say "The events that have happened are meant to be, and there's a higher purpose for them."

I know that sounds... eh... not very helpful.  I equally know that in this research I've had tons of conversations about "the rise and fall of Hitler" because it's the most memorable human event where the drama of life is played out in front of all of us.  And I've heard consistently the same information about that era - that people agreed to experience the "light and darkness" of the time period.  I've heard variations on people saying "it was a lot darker than I imagined it would be" or "that experience scorched my soul."  So I'm not mitigating or diminishing it, or anyone's experience with it in any way.  I didn't sign up for a lifetime during that era that I'm aware of - and I get the feeling that I did that because I just didn't have the courage to do so, or some other reason.  But it takes courage to come to the planet, it takes courage to live through difficulties.  

So let's start there. To those who "lost" in this election, there is no losing or winning.  On the flipside, everyone is equal, there exists unconditional love for everyone, and we come to the planet to experience the loss of it.  Or the journey to finding it or giving it.  That's the process, that's why we're here.  We chose to be here. Things don't happen "by accident" - although there's variation involved.  Imagine if you were watching a play called "the world series."  

Wasn't that one of the most dramatic series ever?  

Imagine you're watching a play called "the election of 2016."  That was a pretty dramatic turn of events, wasn't it?  Someone despised by both sides of the fence rises through the ranks and "takes the crown."  Hard to take the crown for a guy who already thinks he's wearing one, but I digress - for those who "won the election" - they too signed up to experience this.

At the end of the day, the game will end, the series will be over, the election will be another one, and life will move on.  Since no one dies - there's no harm that can ever come to us.  There's suffering, but it's only the kind of suffering you get from stubbing your toe. "OW!"  But eventually the pain subsides and you move on. "What did I learn from this?  Don't walk barefoot.  Wear thicker shoes.  Love my neighbor as myself.  Love everyone equally."

After all it is about love.  The loss of it, finding it, giving it.  People are mourning for the loss of what they thought their country was.  I'm mourning to find out that the owner of the Cubs and one of its ace pitchers voted for that other guy.  But I love them too. I love the orange haired balloon as well. He's playing his role very well.  It's only when you take it all seriously that you can find yourself in the miasma that human emotions can be.  Which is okay too.  Experience pain and loss, because it only makes love and acceptance all that more glorious.

My two cents.

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