Since my last Coast to Coast appearance, I've been getting some interesting posts on my various youtube pages. I'm sharing their questions and my answers here, as it allows me to "reply all" in a different fashion.
"I'm an empath/indigo child... I cringe at the idea of being like some people or animals, (or coming back as such) I try not to be judgmental but I have become extremely bias as to who I am and how fortunate I am and the way I think. I'm also terrified of getting old, not sure why but that didn't hit me until recently. I think that's mainly because of my physical abilities and I feel like if those ever left me I'd be miserable and trapped here while the next wave gets to enjoy the party...
I've never felt depression hit me this hard and I've never once had suicidal thoughts but sometimes I just don't know how I'll react when I get to a certain age. If I do. I've just been so on the fence about what's really true or not. It's like when you die, how can you still be conscious somewhere else? I'm trying to decipher that. But then we just decide to take on another body when ready? I've been terrified by what scientists say how there is no soul, no god, no anything and we are just here a glitch in evolution and that we tell ourselves these things do we are not scared or feeling hopeless.
Now that really brings my hopes down, the only thing I can think of that tells me there is something else out there is when I was little I saw energy orbs, spirits, and entities or whatever you want to call them. I also remember my first memory and coming into existence, it felt like a continuation of something but I can't say I definitely remember any kind of past life. I just have an attraction/connection to a specific time period..."
Cool. You're tuned differently. Don't stress over it. We tend to walk around the planet thinking we have to be like, or somehow are like the other beings on this planet. Yeah, that's true, we are, but then again, we aren't.
Neil DeGrasse Tyson points out that there are no two rainbows alike. That's science. You and I stand side by side, we see different rainbows. We can both call it a rainbow, but what we're seeing is accurately different to each of us, depending on a lot of factors. Does that make the rainbow any less beautiful?
I have written extensively about these questions you're raising. Why am I here? Why do I feel different? People come up with terms like "indigo child" or "empath" to try to pin down what it is they're seeing or experiencing. During a between life session
I was filming, a young woman was accessing her spirit guide, an older curmudgeon kind of sage, and when she asked "What's the shift in consciousness people are talking about?" he said "Oh, you humans always think that by labeling things you'll get a better handle on them. In terms of the cosmos, it's no big deal, but if you want to understand a shift in consciousness imagine yourself a tiny little crab walking on an ocean floor, and you suddenly open your eyes and realized you're in an ocean. That's a shift in consciousness."
That's in "It's a Wonderful Afterlife" - so a shift in perspective is to see a number of things differently. For example, we choose to come to the planet. We choose who we are going to be. We choose to incarnate only as a person that we want to be. (We don't choose animals for the most part, they have their own realms and own version of reality, and it wouldn't be very polite or needed to choose that existence, but there are some extremely rare cases, one I report in my books.) But it's a choice. You chose to be empathetic, or more tuned into your empathetic abilities than the next person.
So what to make of that? Cool! You chose to have a different kind of stereo receiver. Everyone gets their choice - some have different filters, some don't. So your choice was this special kind of receiver that experiences emotions and other people's feelings in a different way. Doesn't make someone worse or better, just makes them appreciate things differently.
Does everyone have this ability? Absolutely. But some of us choose a journey with more filters - less ability to understand and feel the emotions of others, because there are lessons we've signed up to learn.
Think of your life as a classroom - you can come here to learn some pretty profound lessons, and sometimes people don't learn the lessons, so they may decide to take the class again. Sometimes people realize they know these lessons and sign up to help others learn them.
The point is - you've done this a bunch of times. You got this. Yes, you may feel like it's going to be odd to be older - but since we don't die - we can't die - no one dies, they just head back home at the end of it all, try to appreciate what you signed up to do. You decided to come here to experience this journey to its fullest.
Not to just wander around the amusement park and never go on any rides. Get on the ride that fascinates you, that makes your heart beat faster. Reach out to the people that fascinate you that make your heart beat faster. You're here for a reason, try to stay open to that reason. You've been old a bunch of times, you may still be connected to the ego emotions of growing old (looks, money, friends, etc) but that's all just vanity.
And I mean by vanity as in, the way to happiness while you're here on the planet is to help other people. It's a physical fact that when you help someone else it changes the amygdala - the repository of depression - if you look up the meditation "tonglen" you'll find that its been proven scientifically (Richard Davidson at the U of Wisc) to effectively cure or alleviate symptoms of depression.
What's tonglen? It's a mediation on helping others. So if you're feeling even the slightest bit depressed, stop what you're doing, step away from what you're doing and help someone. Help them across the street. Walk someone's dog for them. Write someone a thank you letter. Thank a teacher you always loved, but never thanked.
These "acts of kindness" are really acts that make the amygdala work better, process seratonin better, make the brain not worry about what others are thinking, because you're busy with the act of helping. I know that this sounds like a religious concept - but it actually is based in science. Help someone else because it will help you. Love your neighbor as yourself, because doing so will make you feel better. Will help the other person and will help you at the same time.
So if you take anything away from this research, it's that you've learned one simple fact: loving your neighbor as yourself is actually the reason we're on the planet. Because back home we experience unconditional love (and by back home, i'm referring to the place where 35 of the people I've filmed have called the flipside) and we come here to teach and learn and experience variations on unconditional love. You chose to be here. Allow your heart to show you why you chose to be here, and enjoy every day as if its a gift. Because... it is.
(From a thread asking about proof of the afterlife)
Not challenging anyone's experience, just some interpretations of it. Why? Because I want that to be true (probably due to my fear of death) and want to clear it to myself, not to accept something on the bases of wishful thinking. So, It wasn't about you, and challenging your and other people experiences, it was about me and my system of believes, how to pull all that things through my firewall.
Anyway, thank you for your time!
Appreciate it!
...So - that's what you're wondering about. In essence a question we all have - how can I prove to myself, beyond a shadow of doubt, that life goes on? And how can I do so withoutrelying on second hand accounts - or authors pontificating about the afterlife (this one included) - it's one thing for me to say "well, the research points to this fact - that we don't die. It's counter intuitive, its contrary to what we can observe.
Things live and then they die. Except when we start to observe the planet and our lives from another perspective. Like I say - it's a bit like trying to describe jumping into a pool to someone who has never seen a pool of water. It's an experience that's beyond some people's experience - and no amount of describing the feeling of diving into a pool and floating to the top will help.
What I've found effective is hypnotherapy. The Michael Newton institute has a searchable database. And if you do some research and talk to the hypnotherapist, you'll find the right person for you. That's one method.
Another method is having a near death experience. Which I don't recommend. Or taking a strong hallucinogen. Also don't recommend. But there's one more method I do recommend, and its meditation. If you think of meditation as a verb rather than a noun - it's an exercise, and doing pushups makearms stronger - meditation makes the mind stronger. If you do some every day - ten minutes is fine - eventually you're going to be able to focus on things you couldn't focus on before.
The simplest one, two, three method I've come across is to take a photo of a loved one and meditate on it (after you've done some other meditations and built up your ability to focus and "unfocus"). Imagine how the photo was taken, recreate it all in your mind - what the clothing felt like, the light on the face, the sounds - all the sense together. Then imagine the loved one inthe photograph alive - as they were in the picture - and let them see you observing them. Try to be fully in that moment.
Then ask them some questions you don't know the answer to. Questions that you assume there is an answer to - and a question that you figure they might have access to. So - questions like "how are you?" and "Where are you?" are answered by "I'm fine. And I'm here." Questions like "What or who is God?" are usually answered by "That's above my pay grade." so try to ask them questions that you think they might know the answer to. Like... what city was great grandmother from - and did she have a twin brother? A question you don't know the answer to, but they might know, and you can later research it.
It can't be a path changing question - "what are the lottery numbers" are almost always met with "and why should you win that?" They know what you'd do with the money, and how it would alter the path you've signed up for. And try to avoid "future" questions - as the future is not set, can always change. But "Where is?" questions can be answered. Sometimes with a sense of humor.
Then you have to be open to the answer. Not everyone can communicate through words, so the answer might come from a friend, might come from your attention being directed to an article, or to a song. The key is to not judge the answer, but to examine if it's accurate or not.
All I can say is that based on my observations from a lifetime of seeing and sensing "ghosts" and then having this research fall into my lap, having done 5 between life hypnotherapy sessions with different Michael Newton trained therapists, I've expereinced the pool first hand. Everyone can experience that pool, and everyone eventually will.
You had a question about "why" this information is coming about, and whether knowing it would alter someone's path. First, I'd offer the reason you're commenting on this page is because of that detail - and from what I've heard consistently is that "the veil is thinning." So it appears to no longer be some kind of "out there" paradigm - that it's becoming more prevelant because either it "needs to be" or that it physically is becoming easier to connect to the flipside.
Again, I'm not debating these points, or putting them out there for what they might imply - it's just what the research shows consistently. I can't control what others think about this research, I can only share it so that others in the future will be able to examine it. The reason I've come to realize I'm doing it is because the planet needs for us to be aware of the concept that we choose to come back here - and if that's the case, doesn't it make sense to leave behind a clean campground with clean air, water or earth? If not for our children, but for our own return?
Queston/Comment - Reply:
"Thanks. ... My problem with hypnotherapy is: how can I know that I am not daydreaming, taking from my subconsciousness resources, making up things, etc, although it seems it is from external source? How I can know I’m not speaking only with my subconsciousness? And now, after I know for all elements like ‘’soul mates’, ‘soul groups’ etc. it wouldn’t be strange at all if my brain start making up things from that elements.
AND NOW, that is the moment YOU step in! You recommend me to check some information only deceased one knew. I like it. That is what I am looking for. Some objective outcome. You understood me.That is what my scientificated 3D brain needs. Doesn’t left much room for interpretation, wishful thinking, imagination, etc.
But seconds later you disappoint me, when you said: “Not everyone can communicate through words, so the answer might come from a friend, might come from your attention being directed to an article, or to a song.” It again seems so vague, unclear. How long I should wait for the answer? Would my attention become overselective, would I start to looking for secret “meaning” in every song? Become paranoid? You know, I am back again on uncertain terrain, that leaves me too much room for interpretation.
But ok, maybe deceased one could communicate through words anyway.
One general question - Is it possible to organize some experiments with objective testable outcomes? Sam Parnia tried something like that with OBE cases (I only know of Charles Tart before him). Although he published preliminarily results, it is still to early for any conclusions. But at least something is happening. The same with hypnoses or mediums would be good. Isn’t it so? If they really communicate with higher realms, why is it so hard to prove that in controlled experiments one and for all. Personal experience is one thing, but this, this would change things more than billion personal experiences. Moreover, everyone would like to check it personally..."
My friend, take it one step at a time. What's your hurry? If you discover today that life doesn't end, how does that change your day? Change your lunch?
So ask your relative a question. See what happens. If something happens, you're done. You've answered the question you have.
If you don't get the answer immediately, right away, this very second, then stay open to whatever else might come into your view. Does this mean you have to spend the rest of your life being open? Yes. It does.
Try to stop judging others for their path and journey. It's not how we are taught, it's not how we are raised as humans. But the reality is, everyone is equal. Everyone has their own path and journey. We can't judge them unless we are in their shoes and understand why they chose this path and journey. Easy to say, hard to do.
Here's the physiological data with regard to the research: about one third of your life's energy shows up in the body. Sometimes more, sometimes less, depends on how much you wanted to bring with you. Two thirds of your energy (or soul, or whatever you want to call it, consciousness) is always back "home" - back where you normally reside. So only about a third of you is here in this body at any particular given time. It varies when you're consciousness is altered; a coma, for example, even being asleep. But generally, in your conscious mind while reading this sentence, there's roughly two thirds of you out in the theater sitting in the seats observing (or not, depending) what's going on stage.
That's just in the reports.
So if what these folks are saying is accurate, there are all kinds of factors involved with communicating between those in the audience, and those on stage who have taken a form of amnesia drug so they don't recall their past lives. Why does everyone take that potion? Well, not everyone does, and some experience it differently.
Sam Parnia is a doctor who set up a 7 year study of near death experiences. Along with Dr. Bruce Greyson (I highly recommend watching his youtube talk "Is Consciousness Produced by the Brain" - it's 90 minutes you won't forget, and I reproduced it for the book "It's a Wonderful Afterlife") - both of these fellows are not concerned with the between life realm as I am. They're scientists who set up protocols to measure and learn from people who have near death experiences. So they're cataloging the results - how many people do have one, don't have one, how many people see a light, experience meeting another person, etc, during their near death experience.
My research isn't concerned with trying to prove these experiences - what I've learned is that each one is unique. No two near death experiences are the same. No two rainbows are the same for that matter, but we have just one word for them.
Yesterday I read that science has learned that water has another form, besides gas, solid and liquid. Apparently between 40 and 60 degrees celsius it takes another form altogether that they're just learning about.
Think about that for a moment.
The very thing that keeps us alive, we barely understand. So we're talking about consistent experiences in the "afterlife" - for lack of a better term. My point is that we can't even communicate properly about these items if we can't get the words straight. "Afterlife" means nothing if you can't define consciousness. There is no "afterlife" - there's just "life" and it's various realities.
But it's not willy nilly, nor is it chaos, nor is it ruled by some overlords, nor is it ruled by the "laws of science." None of that applies to this research. It appears that we are in charge of this journey - we are in charge of our reality, and we choose to learn from it (or not.) No one else is dictating who or what we're supposed to be, no one is dictating who are what we're supposed to accomplish - other than our desire to help our friends and loved ones and fellow travelers experience what they've signed up for.
A long way of saying "don't worry about it." Just take it one step at a time. Your first step is to take out a photograph and talk to your relative or friend no longer on the planet. And then see what happens. You may get a thought that comes faster than you can think it - like an answer to your question that comes faster than being able to form a sentence. Write it down. Don't judge it. Meditate on it.
Here's a simple question for your relative no longer on the planet; "Is what he is saying correct?" Write down the answer. Yes. No. Maybe. There are only three. Then meditate on what that answer means to you.
My two cents.
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The flipside of the flipside |
"I'm an empath/indigo child... I cringe at the idea of being like some people or animals, (or coming back as such) I try not to be judgmental but I have become extremely bias as to who I am and how fortunate I am and the way I think. I'm also terrified of getting old, not sure why but that didn't hit me until recently. I think that's mainly because of my physical abilities and I feel like if those ever left me I'd be miserable and trapped here while the next wave gets to enjoy the party...
I've never felt depression hit me this hard and I've never once had suicidal thoughts but sometimes I just don't know how I'll react when I get to a certain age. If I do. I've just been so on the fence about what's really true or not. It's like when you die, how can you still be conscious somewhere else? I'm trying to decipher that. But then we just decide to take on another body when ready? I've been terrified by what scientists say how there is no soul, no god, no anything and we are just here a glitch in evolution and that we tell ourselves these things do we are not scared or feeling hopeless.
Now that really brings my hopes down, the only thing I can think of that tells me there is something else out there is when I was little I saw energy orbs, spirits, and entities or whatever you want to call them. I also remember my first memory and coming into existence, it felt like a continuation of something but I can't say I definitely remember any kind of past life. I just have an attraction/connection to a specific time period..."
Cool. You're tuned differently. Don't stress over it. We tend to walk around the planet thinking we have to be like, or somehow are like the other beings on this planet. Yeah, that's true, we are, but then again, we aren't.
Neil DeGrasse Tyson points out that there are no two rainbows alike. That's science. You and I stand side by side, we see different rainbows. We can both call it a rainbow, but what we're seeing is accurately different to each of us, depending on a lot of factors. Does that make the rainbow any less beautiful?
I have written extensively about these questions you're raising. Why am I here? Why do I feel different? People come up with terms like "indigo child" or "empath" to try to pin down what it is they're seeing or experiencing. During a between life session
I was filming, a young woman was accessing her spirit guide, an older curmudgeon kind of sage, and when she asked "What's the shift in consciousness people are talking about?" he said "Oh, you humans always think that by labeling things you'll get a better handle on them. In terms of the cosmos, it's no big deal, but if you want to understand a shift in consciousness imagine yourself a tiny little crab walking on an ocean floor, and you suddenly open your eyes and realized you're in an ocean. That's a shift in consciousness."
That's in "It's a Wonderful Afterlife" - so a shift in perspective is to see a number of things differently. For example, we choose to come to the planet. We choose who we are going to be. We choose to incarnate only as a person that we want to be. (We don't choose animals for the most part, they have their own realms and own version of reality, and it wouldn't be very polite or needed to choose that existence, but there are some extremely rare cases, one I report in my books.) But it's a choice. You chose to be empathetic, or more tuned into your empathetic abilities than the next person.
So what to make of that? Cool! You chose to have a different kind of stereo receiver. Everyone gets their choice - some have different filters, some don't. So your choice was this special kind of receiver that experiences emotions and other people's feelings in a different way. Doesn't make someone worse or better, just makes them appreciate things differently.
Does everyone have this ability? Absolutely. But some of us choose a journey with more filters - less ability to understand and feel the emotions of others, because there are lessons we've signed up to learn.
Think of your life as a classroom - you can come here to learn some pretty profound lessons, and sometimes people don't learn the lessons, so they may decide to take the class again. Sometimes people realize they know these lessons and sign up to help others learn them.
The point is - you've done this a bunch of times. You got this. Yes, you may feel like it's going to be odd to be older - but since we don't die - we can't die - no one dies, they just head back home at the end of it all, try to appreciate what you signed up to do. You decided to come here to experience this journey to its fullest.
Not to just wander around the amusement park and never go on any rides. Get on the ride that fascinates you, that makes your heart beat faster. Reach out to the people that fascinate you that make your heart beat faster. You're here for a reason, try to stay open to that reason. You've been old a bunch of times, you may still be connected to the ego emotions of growing old (looks, money, friends, etc) but that's all just vanity.
And I mean by vanity as in, the way to happiness while you're here on the planet is to help other people. It's a physical fact that when you help someone else it changes the amygdala - the repository of depression - if you look up the meditation "tonglen" you'll find that its been proven scientifically (Richard Davidson at the U of Wisc) to effectively cure or alleviate symptoms of depression.
What's tonglen? It's a mediation on helping others. So if you're feeling even the slightest bit depressed, stop what you're doing, step away from what you're doing and help someone. Help them across the street. Walk someone's dog for them. Write someone a thank you letter. Thank a teacher you always loved, but never thanked.
These "acts of kindness" are really acts that make the amygdala work better, process seratonin better, make the brain not worry about what others are thinking, because you're busy with the act of helping. I know that this sounds like a religious concept - but it actually is based in science. Help someone else because it will help you. Love your neighbor as yourself, because doing so will make you feel better. Will help the other person and will help you at the same time.
So if you take anything away from this research, it's that you've learned one simple fact: loving your neighbor as yourself is actually the reason we're on the planet. Because back home we experience unconditional love (and by back home, i'm referring to the place where 35 of the people I've filmed have called the flipside) and we come here to teach and learn and experience variations on unconditional love. You chose to be here. Allow your heart to show you why you chose to be here, and enjoy every day as if its a gift. Because... it is.
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The center of the universe, Mt. Kailash |
(From a thread asking about proof of the afterlife)
Not challenging anyone's experience, just some interpretations of it. Why? Because I want that to be true (probably due to my fear of death) and want to clear it to myself, not to accept something on the bases of wishful thinking. So, It wasn't about you, and challenging your and other people experiences, it was about me and my system of believes, how to pull all that things through my firewall.
Anyway, thank you for your time!
Appreciate it!
...So - that's what you're wondering about. In essence a question we all have - how can I prove to myself, beyond a shadow of doubt, that life goes on? And how can I do so withoutrelying on second hand accounts - or authors pontificating about the afterlife (this one included) - it's one thing for me to say "well, the research points to this fact - that we don't die. It's counter intuitive, its contrary to what we can observe.
Things live and then they die. Except when we start to observe the planet and our lives from another perspective. Like I say - it's a bit like trying to describe jumping into a pool to someone who has never seen a pool of water. It's an experience that's beyond some people's experience - and no amount of describing the feeling of diving into a pool and floating to the top will help.
What I've found effective is hypnotherapy. The Michael Newton institute has a searchable database. And if you do some research and talk to the hypnotherapist, you'll find the right person for you. That's one method.
Another method is having a near death experience. Which I don't recommend. Or taking a strong hallucinogen. Also don't recommend. But there's one more method I do recommend, and its meditation. If you think of meditation as a verb rather than a noun - it's an exercise, and doing pushups makearms stronger - meditation makes the mind stronger. If you do some every day - ten minutes is fine - eventually you're going to be able to focus on things you couldn't focus on before.
The simplest one, two, three method I've come across is to take a photo of a loved one and meditate on it (after you've done some other meditations and built up your ability to focus and "unfocus"). Imagine how the photo was taken, recreate it all in your mind - what the clothing felt like, the light on the face, the sounds - all the sense together. Then imagine the loved one inthe photograph alive - as they were in the picture - and let them see you observing them. Try to be fully in that moment.
Then ask them some questions you don't know the answer to. Questions that you assume there is an answer to - and a question that you figure they might have access to. So - questions like "how are you?" and "Where are you?" are answered by "I'm fine. And I'm here." Questions like "What or who is God?" are usually answered by "That's above my pay grade." so try to ask them questions that you think they might know the answer to. Like... what city was great grandmother from - and did she have a twin brother? A question you don't know the answer to, but they might know, and you can later research it.
It can't be a path changing question - "what are the lottery numbers" are almost always met with "and why should you win that?" They know what you'd do with the money, and how it would alter the path you've signed up for. And try to avoid "future" questions - as the future is not set, can always change. But "Where is?" questions can be answered. Sometimes with a sense of humor.
Then you have to be open to the answer. Not everyone can communicate through words, so the answer might come from a friend, might come from your attention being directed to an article, or to a song. The key is to not judge the answer, but to examine if it's accurate or not.
All I can say is that based on my observations from a lifetime of seeing and sensing "ghosts" and then having this research fall into my lap, having done 5 between life hypnotherapy sessions with different Michael Newton trained therapists, I've expereinced the pool first hand. Everyone can experience that pool, and everyone eventually will.
You had a question about "why" this information is coming about, and whether knowing it would alter someone's path. First, I'd offer the reason you're commenting on this page is because of that detail - and from what I've heard consistently is that "the veil is thinning." So it appears to no longer be some kind of "out there" paradigm - that it's becoming more prevelant because either it "needs to be" or that it physically is becoming easier to connect to the flipside.
Again, I'm not debating these points, or putting them out there for what they might imply - it's just what the research shows consistently. I can't control what others think about this research, I can only share it so that others in the future will be able to examine it. The reason I've come to realize I'm doing it is because the planet needs for us to be aware of the concept that we choose to come back here - and if that's the case, doesn't it make sense to leave behind a clean campground with clean air, water or earth? If not for our children, but for our own return?
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Earth doing it's thing with light. |
Queston/Comment - Reply:
"Thanks. ... My problem with hypnotherapy is: how can I know that I am not daydreaming, taking from my subconsciousness resources, making up things, etc, although it seems it is from external source? How I can know I’m not speaking only with my subconsciousness? And now, after I know for all elements like ‘’soul mates’, ‘soul groups’ etc. it wouldn’t be strange at all if my brain start making up things from that elements.
AND NOW, that is the moment YOU step in! You recommend me to check some information only deceased one knew. I like it. That is what I am looking for. Some objective outcome. You understood me.That is what my scientificated 3D brain needs. Doesn’t left much room for interpretation, wishful thinking, imagination, etc.
But seconds later you disappoint me, when you said: “Not everyone can communicate through words, so the answer might come from a friend, might come from your attention being directed to an article, or to a song.” It again seems so vague, unclear. How long I should wait for the answer? Would my attention become overselective, would I start to looking for secret “meaning” in every song? Become paranoid? You know, I am back again on uncertain terrain, that leaves me too much room for interpretation.
But ok, maybe deceased one could communicate through words anyway.
One general question - Is it possible to organize some experiments with objective testable outcomes? Sam Parnia tried something like that with OBE cases (I only know of Charles Tart before him). Although he published preliminarily results, it is still to early for any conclusions. But at least something is happening. The same with hypnoses or mediums would be good. Isn’t it so? If they really communicate with higher realms, why is it so hard to prove that in controlled experiments one and for all. Personal experience is one thing, but this, this would change things more than billion personal experiences. Moreover, everyone would like to check it personally..."
My friend, take it one step at a time. What's your hurry? If you discover today that life doesn't end, how does that change your day? Change your lunch?
So ask your relative a question. See what happens. If something happens, you're done. You've answered the question you have.
If you don't get the answer immediately, right away, this very second, then stay open to whatever else might come into your view. Does this mean you have to spend the rest of your life being open? Yes. It does.
Try to stop judging others for their path and journey. It's not how we are taught, it's not how we are raised as humans. But the reality is, everyone is equal. Everyone has their own path and journey. We can't judge them unless we are in their shoes and understand why they chose this path and journey. Easy to say, hard to do.
Here's the physiological data with regard to the research: about one third of your life's energy shows up in the body. Sometimes more, sometimes less, depends on how much you wanted to bring with you. Two thirds of your energy (or soul, or whatever you want to call it, consciousness) is always back "home" - back where you normally reside. So only about a third of you is here in this body at any particular given time. It varies when you're consciousness is altered; a coma, for example, even being asleep. But generally, in your conscious mind while reading this sentence, there's roughly two thirds of you out in the theater sitting in the seats observing (or not, depending) what's going on stage.
That's just in the reports.
So if what these folks are saying is accurate, there are all kinds of factors involved with communicating between those in the audience, and those on stage who have taken a form of amnesia drug so they don't recall their past lives. Why does everyone take that potion? Well, not everyone does, and some experience it differently.
Sam Parnia is a doctor who set up a 7 year study of near death experiences. Along with Dr. Bruce Greyson (I highly recommend watching his youtube talk "Is Consciousness Produced by the Brain" - it's 90 minutes you won't forget, and I reproduced it for the book "It's a Wonderful Afterlife") - both of these fellows are not concerned with the between life realm as I am. They're scientists who set up protocols to measure and learn from people who have near death experiences. So they're cataloging the results - how many people do have one, don't have one, how many people see a light, experience meeting another person, etc, during their near death experience.
My research isn't concerned with trying to prove these experiences - what I've learned is that each one is unique. No two near death experiences are the same. No two rainbows are the same for that matter, but we have just one word for them.
Yesterday I read that science has learned that water has another form, besides gas, solid and liquid. Apparently between 40 and 60 degrees celsius it takes another form altogether that they're just learning about.
Think about that for a moment.
The very thing that keeps us alive, we barely understand. So we're talking about consistent experiences in the "afterlife" - for lack of a better term. My point is that we can't even communicate properly about these items if we can't get the words straight. "Afterlife" means nothing if you can't define consciousness. There is no "afterlife" - there's just "life" and it's various realities.
But it's not willy nilly, nor is it chaos, nor is it ruled by some overlords, nor is it ruled by the "laws of science." None of that applies to this research. It appears that we are in charge of this journey - we are in charge of our reality, and we choose to learn from it (or not.) No one else is dictating who or what we're supposed to be, no one is dictating who are what we're supposed to accomplish - other than our desire to help our friends and loved ones and fellow travelers experience what they've signed up for.
A long way of saying "don't worry about it." Just take it one step at a time. Your first step is to take out a photograph and talk to your relative or friend no longer on the planet. And then see what happens. You may get a thought that comes faster than you can think it - like an answer to your question that comes faster than being able to form a sentence. Write it down. Don't judge it. Meditate on it.
Here's a simple question for your relative no longer on the planet; "Is what he is saying correct?" Write down the answer. Yes. No. Maybe. There are only three. Then meditate on what that answer means to you.
My two cents.
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