
The Old Guard and The Flipside

Perhaps you've seen the latest film on Netflix starring Charlize Theron.  If not, perhaps shy away from reading this post. It contains spoilers - not about the plot, but about how consciousness works. 

The Old Guard

The film is about these "Guardians" who don't know why they're Guardians, don't have a clue as to what makes them Guardians, but in general they keep coming back to the planet.

Like the rest of us. But I digress.

In this story, there's only four that have found each other - there could be more, others may show up willy nilly, no one knows. (It was also the plot of a series I pitched to a number of folks as a series some years ago. The idea based on the old myth that there are "Guardians" who guard the planet at any given time.) 

I first heard the idea from Mr. Spock - that is the actor who played Mr. Spock was talking about it some years ago, this tradition that the Torah talks about "Guardians" who function like "Angels" who walk among us to save the planet.  (At the time, I pitched it to tech companies looking for a series to be played on mobile devices, or to TV entities.) I called it "The 84" - and had an elaborate plot of these "Guardians" saving the planet from rebooting. One company pretended to love it, another pretended to like it, and one other pretended they'd already made it.

I guess I was a bit early on that one.  Or too late perhaps in light of the planet in the midst of rebootage.  But again - I digress.

In the soon to be a series, successful Netflix film "The Old Guard" - it highlights folks who show up on the planet (never die actually) and play these roles over and over again. 

7 Archangels Symbols | Archangels Names and Meanings | Seven archangels,  Archangels, 7 archangels
The so called "Archangels"
Oddly enough in "Architecture" there
are four of them mentioned.

Except of course, they took out the messy part about being born and growing up - and just had folks be themselves 100 years ago, a thousand years ago - etc.  Like "Vampires" who never die, except they fight on behalf of "the good."

Guardians of another era.

The show sidestepped "What constitutes fighting for good?" by having the characters offer "Depends on the century."   Sometimes they fight on behalf of "the good" and other times they fight for whomever pays them.

Enter Chiwetel Ejiofor.
Chiwetel Ejiofor (google)

Chiwetel is good and bad in this show. (As a character, he's a great actor.) I got to work with Chiwetel on the film "Salt."  He's a charming Brit who can't resist football. (Torn Achilles during filming forced crew to shoot around his injury. No running, jumping, kicking - scenes designed so he could pretend he was about to do those things.) Not that it affected his acting - he's a consummate actor, and I defy anyone to point out the scenes where he was in pain. (Hint; all of them.)

In "The Old Guard," he's the "bad guy" who realizes that "Andy" (Charlize) has been spotted over the centuries saving people's lives, and each one of those folks goes on to save more lives.  So he's also the good guy.

This details shows up often in the flipside research.

During "the life review" on the flipside, people are often shown these details. A person who insists "they didn't do anything worthwhile" during their lifetime had their guides and teachers show them - "Oh, you remember that kid you saved from the runaway carriage? That kid grew up to be Marie Curie." 

In Michael Newton's "Journey of  Souls" he spoke of a client who recalled being in front of his council going over his lifetime. When asked "Did you help anyone?" He talked about all the charities he contributed to, all the donations he made... and the council member repeated the question. "But did help anyone?"  And this man, who was recalling a wealthy lifetime from the 1920's couldn't think of one.  So they showed him.

Stock Market 1929: The Highest Point Before the Crash | Time
Rich fellow recalled a life of ease.

He was on a trolley in a city and he came across a woman who was weeping. She had lost everything was feeling abject and worthless and couldn't help her sobs.  The man put his arm around her and said "Everything is going to okay."  His council then showed him how that simple act had "saved her life" and like a wave of positiveness had healed many other people as well.

In David Bennett's near death experience, which he reveals in his book "Voyage of Purpose" David recalled a life review.  

He was a science officer aboard a ship and drowned for 12 minutes - during that time, before a wave smashed him into a rock and brought him back to life - his guides showed him two events. One of which was a woman who used to come into the store where he worked - a grumpy Gus whom no one could make smile. So he took it upon himself to make her smile - did this thing that went out of his way to bring some joy into this woman's miserable life.  

And he saw how that event had "moved like a wave" through the woman's life, effecting her family and others.  Every act of love we make begets other acts of love. We can't see it - the way that Charlize's "Andy" was not aware of it - but it is there if we want to access it.

How to access the life review without being dead or having a near death experience?

I thought the only logical way was deep hypnosis, hypnotherapy. I recommend finding a hypnotherapist trained at the Newton Institute only because I've filmed so many of them. If one wants to work via Skype, there is a searchable list on their database.  I have worked often with Scott at - he's a virtuoso at what he does. 

But as demonstrated in "Architecture of the Afterlife" one can access this information without any help at all.  

I demonstrate how just asking someone simple questions can lead to the same information. The results are not the same because hypnotherapy can help and assist people with a host of issues, but just in the simple search for "evidence of the afterlife" - having people who are skeptics, disbelievers suddenly access this information is ringing a gong behind them.

They may not recall how that gong was rung, but eventually the waves of frequency will affect them in ways they've yet to discover.

So - yes, the "Old Guard"  is accurate about the journey. Except the small detail that we all come back, we all choose to come back, we all volunteer to return.  

No, there's no evidence of a squad that is aware of this information.... although one could argue that hypnotherapists are; Dr. Weiss, Michael Newton, Dr. Helen Wambach were all aware of how the process works. Arming them with weapons might not be such a great idea - but at the moment, I'm pointing out that the "backstory" of what happens in the "Old Guard" is related to the research.

That is - that we all reincarnate (if we choose to do so.) We are fully aware prior to incarnation of all of our lifetimes, and the basically blueprint of what we want to achieve or accomplish in this lifetime we've chosen. 

We bring "about a third" of our conscious energy to that lifetime - but the human brain puts up filters around the age of 8 (when the skull hardens, so it's likely a frequency issue) so we aren't aware of this information unless we have a near death event, out of body experience, do guided meditation or hypnotherapy.  Those are all avenues to bypass the filters.

Or one can watch a film like "Old Guard" and consider that it's possible they've been here before, that we've been here before. That the times we experience "deja vu" it's likely related to experiences we've had before in different parts of the planet or even on different planets (See "Architecture of the Afterlife" for an indepth discussion of that.)

Luana is one of my Guardians

It's not my opinion, theory or belief that people say the same things with or without hypnosis about the afterlife. I've been filming them do so for over a decade.  

And thanks to Charlize and company for making a film that puts at least the possibility that life goes on into the zeitgeist. 

My two cents


An interview with Nelson Mandela about Green Peace

An interview with Nelson Mandela on the Flipside on behalf of 
"Nelson Mandela Day" 

Happy birthday Mr. President!
Nelson Mandela - Google

Backstage Pass 3

Jennifer Shaffer and I in our usual table at a restaurant. We’ve been speaking to the flipside for about half an hour by this point with the help of our class moderator, Luana Anders. Examples of the kinds of interviews we conduct can be found at - in this excerpt from the book, my questions are in italics, the answers are in bold.

Luana is there anyone else we need to talk to today?

Jennifer listens, then makes a face.

Richard: Don’t judge it. What?

Jennifer: Nelson Mandela.  

Nelson, welcome - I think we asked Nelson a question or two before – can you sit down and talk to us?  What does he want to say?

I think there’s an anniversary coming up. (Note: It was on June 20th that he addressed US; June 22nd the UN; his birthday is July 18th)

Nelson what do you want to say to us?

What do you mean by that sir?

He says, “They’re helping the planet from up there like we’re trying to help it from here.”

(Note: I think he means how people on the planet here are trying to help with climate change, people who are no longer on the planet are also trying to help us with awareness from over there.)

So the layers are you guys helping and us trying to help...

(But) He’s showing me like a room full of people on cell phones not paying attention.

What’s a way for us to break through that?

He says, “Your books.”

(Note: This is not a plug for my books or asking for help from flipside. Jennifer answers questions often before I can ask them.  He's referring to the research in the books - that is the thousands of clinical cases from Dr. Helen Wambach ("Reliving Past Lives") or the research from Michael Newton and the Newton institute, or the documentary "Flipside.")

What can I say to them that will help?

“Science” he says.

(Note: I think he means citing the science.  I've filmed over 100 people saying the same things about the afterlife, half under hypnosis, and half are not. They say the same things (consistent data) that folks in Wambach and Newton's work say about journey; those reports are contrary to religious beliefs, opinion or scientific theory.  Reportedly we bring "about a third" of our conscious energy to a lifetime - two thirds is always "back home."  Hence why we are able to converse with him, as he notes later that "part of him is already back here.")

What can we say on your behalf in your words, (coming from) your heart that will convince people this is you speaking?

I hope I’m getting this right; “Peace is when the amazon forest is full of life.”


He’s saying, “Full of life.” He’s showing me all the trees, all the animals. “When we take away the amazon we take away the peace of the two different kingdoms – between man and nature - and it makes it so unbalanced that things start happening (natural disasters) like a shark attack, things getting disrupted.”

What can we do to get people to pay attention to the planet in a different fashion?

He’s showing me you on a picket line with a sign.

What’s the sign say?

“Green peace.”

Two words or one word? Greenpeace is an entity.

He says, “No. Two words.”

So two words; “Green Peace.” Do we need your help reaching out to people who should we reach out to? I mean, myself on a picket line is not going to do much for this message - but you had many famous friends. Which of your friends would be receptive to your message?

(Jennifer aside) This is so weird. I’m not going to judge it. He’s showing me Puerto Rico. Something in Puerto Rico – I’m thinking “Why Puerto Rico?” I don’t know.

Hold on – let’s break it down – I asked “Which of your friends.. and you showed her Puerto Rico; does that mean Lyn Manuel Miranda?

(Nodding, tapping her nose for "correct") He said, “Yes.”

I get it.

(Jennifer aside) I don’t know how!

Well... He put it your head to go to my head; Lyn-Manuel is from Puerto Rico; he was recently there with "Hamilton" - (a new thought) Are you saying he should do a play about you?

He said, “It’s already in the works.”

(Note: “Already in the works” could mean “it’s being planned up here on this side of the curtain.” Doesn't mean Lyn-Manuel is doing it - but it could mean that. It could mean there's other projects as well.)

Okay, that’s someone to reach out to... so you want us to tell him; “We were speaking to Nelson Mandela and he told me to reach out to you and tell you there’s a play you’re going to do about him.” Which will convince him that this is actually you speaking... (if he's already writing it - perhaps he isn't yet) and the message he wanted us to pass along is that he wants you to help save the planet through "Green Peace.”

He said, “Yes.”

Okay, who else (can we share this with)?

“To Sting.”

Do you know Sting, Mr. Mandela? Did you meet him?

He showed me Sting and Bono – I think he’s saying “They’ve thought about what’s going on in terms of the Amazon.”

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What message to Sting could I pass along knowing it’s coming to you?

He says, “That’s he spoken to him recently.”

Since crossing over?


In a dream? Or a song?

Just like this – us talking. He was getting a message.

So Sting had a dream or a message recently?

He showed me everyone getting the same message at the same time...

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Okay, so everyone is getting this same message we are, Sting is getting a message, and Bono is getting a message? I’ll do my best to reach out to them.

He’s showing me cleaning up the oceans, how dense the salt is in the ocean, we should be cleaning that up. Making clean energy.

So your top three are Bono, Sting and Lyn-Manuel Miranda?

“Yes.” He says “They’re all getting messages, they’re planning it everywhere, they’re all getting the same message.”

So what’s the best way for others to participate and help?

He’s saying “Think tanks. Like minded groups.”

Image for post

What about President Obama? Should we reach out to him?

(Shakes her head). He’s showing me there’s almost not way to get through.

Well Nelson’s a big name – if he can get the message through, he’ll get it. Not from me, but from someone else.

He says, “He’ll come in later.”

What about your pal Oprah?

I was shown an image of Oprah and her dogs; super happy... that kind of pure happiness. Yes, absolutely; reach out to her.

How Nelson Mandela Emerged From Prison a Better Man - Video

Look, the people who are aware of my work, aware of Jennifer’s work – the ones who have experienced speaking to their loved ones on the flipside know that we’re not making this up. I’m happy to pass it along. May I ask you some of our mundane questions about your journey, Nelson? Who was there to greet you when you crossed over?

He says, “His mother.”

Okay, who are you hanging out with now?

He showed me some of the members of our class. He’s showing me Luana, for example.

We’ve had quite a gathering of people in this so called class, from Abe Lincoln to Martin Luther king... What do you think of what we’re doing, this connection to our class?

He said, “Amazing. Amazing.” He showed me Morton again, (Michael Newton) how they’re leaning how to talk to people here, and we’re in turn getting people to open up their minds so they can do it.

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I was thinking of friends of mine who are from South Africa who might help you...

“You should talk to them, definitely,” he says.

I’ll do my best. That’s cool. So you’re hanging out with people in our class? What do you miss about being on the planet?

He’s showing me tangible, touching. He says, “Holding people. The sand in my toes. The feeling of people – Hugging. Physical touch, water between my feet, sand at the beach, clean water."

I can almost hear you saying “clean water” in your accent.  Are you planning on coming back soon?

He says, “Part of him is already (back) here.”

(Note: This is a bit unusual in that people often report "staying out of the fray" for awhile, to rest and relax.  But there are those who "come back right away" perhaps because they were denied a lifetime outdoors as Nelson Mandela was for so many years.)

Okay, where?

“The Amazon."

As a male or female?

He’s saying “A male.” He showed me a guy with a spear –  I asked “Like are you spearing fish?” He said “No.”

Do you mean like an indigenous native?

“Yes. That’s it.”

What country?

He says, “Peru.”

Working with Indigenous Peoples to Conserve and Protect the Peruvian Amazon
Peruvian Amazon (

Why did you choose that lifetime?

He says, “I wanted to feel the dirt.” What he’s saying is that he can feel all what this person is feeling, so he’s understanding firsthand that there’s no fish, the animals are dying in the forest.

Seizing Wells and Going on Strike, Peruvian Protesters Stand Up to Big Oil  | Common Dreams News
Peruvian protesters fighting oil companies. (Common Dreams org)

What percentage of your energy is in this guy?

“Thirty” He says.

(Note: Michael Newton would ask people “how much or your conscious energy was in your lifetime?”  I noticed that the number was usually between 20 and 40% or “about a third” or our conscious energy.  Two thirds of that energy is “always” back home.)

He’s showing me “It feels like 100% of his energy to the person that he is incarnated in, but that person is not aware of it.. maybe like 10% is aware.

Is he aware in his dreams? Does he sometimes recall your life?

He says, “Yes.”

Which does he remember more of; the pain or the later adulation?

He showed me a flag – he says, “that’s a symbol of being free.”

So in a dream he might remember being you?

He says, “No, he doesn’t see him but he comes through in a different way...” (Jennifer aside) I just saw something... I was just shown that in the dream state we get to go within our soul group to experience other versions of ourselves; we get to see through their eyes what they’re doing.

Actually, I was writing about this morning.

(Jennifer aside) Really?

I was writing about how we spend a third of our lives asleep – cats sleep 14 to 18 hours a day – nature doesn’t make mistakes, so why would nature create a creature that sleeps 2/3rds of its life? Unless somehow we have it reversed; while we are asleep, our etheric bodies are doing all kinds of things.

This Is Why Cats Sleep So Much
"Why cats sleep so much"

“Correct” he said.

We sleep a third of our lives, we have other activities while we are asleep. Is that what you’re saying?

He says, “Yes. Nature doesn’t make mistakes; we do.”

Nelson any last words?

(Jennifer holds up two fingers.)

Bright green Green Peace words. Classic and universal text for cards,  badges, postcards, posters, prints white isolated - Buy this stock vector  and explore similar vectors at Adobe Stock | Adobe Stock
He says, “Green peace.”

Thank you sir!

Image for post
Green Peace


Hacking the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer and exiting the stage early

This is a bit unusual - we had no plans for this particular discussion, even though last week in the midst of a conversation with Jennifer's father, a text came in to Jennifer's phone about someone losing their grandson. 

I didn't know if he wanted to continue that discussion, but I left it up to Luana to see what she wanted to discuss and who was here.  In this case, the grandfather came forth again to follow up on the death of his grandson.  Luana steered the conversation into a general discussion of people who "choose to leave the stage early."  

We asked some class members who had left the stage early to weigh in, Anthony Bourdain and Robin Williams.  At some point, I asked Luana a direct question about a phone conversation I had yesterday and she correctly identified who it was related to in her world.
She then had us speak with a recently departed actress - at some point, Jonathan Krane (who is interviewed in "Backstage Pass to the Flipside") came through for her and and we asked the questions we normally do - "who was there to greet you on the other side?" "Do you have any messages for your loved ones still on the planet?" "Is there anything you want to express about your experience now?"  

Everything she says is in line with the research in "Hacking the Afterlife" and "Architecture of the Afterlife."  It wasn't planned - as can be seen on camera.  As noted, it's a difficult topic, but a necessary one - what people claim is that not everyone chooses a lifetime that they can handle, but eventually we all go home - ("We are all walking each other home") but that no one's life "ends" - people claim that we find ourselves on the flipside.  

However, that being said, this actress who recently departed offers a unique pov - to "fight like hell" - fight as if one was fighting cancer to remain here on the planet.  

When the desire pops in to "exit the stage early" Jennifer hears a specific methodology of how to deal with it; "find someone immediately. Ask for help.  Call for help. If help is not available, to force oneself to give it 24 hours as something will happen in that interim. Ask for direct help from one's guides and teachers - they are always available. If one can't think of how to do that, ask for direct intervention from one's mother - if not on the planet, then off the planet. If one doesn't have a mother to turn to, their guides are always, always, always available."  

Finally, we quote Anthony Bourdain's comments about "learning meditation" and finding a way to focus on changing the mindset in that fashion.  Also a general discussion of the research done by Richard Davidson that shows that meditation can "cure or alleviate symptoms of depression."  

A lively discussion about a difficult topic.  

I've left out the names of the folks interviewed in this description as we're not trying to draw people to this conversation. The people who have found these videos, who are aware of the kind of work we are doing will not be offended by this discussion.  It's a requirement in Jennifer's methodology that I offer the first name.  

I don't assume everyone who watches these clips knows who I'm referring to, if they do or do not - that's okay too. It's a general discussion about the flipside. 

There are more in depth discussions in the books "Backstage Pass to the Flipside" part one, part two and book three.  Not for everyone.  If one is aware of the previous research, perhaps take a look. The point is to demonstrate that our loved ones are not far away if we take the time to learn how to directly communicate with them.  

If someone is thinking of leaving the stage early seek professional help. Call a hotline. Or as described here - grab a friend or a stranger. Learn how to meditate, but find and seek help.  

There's a reason we all signed up to be here - volunteered to be here - we are never ever alone, our guides and loved ones are always nearby. We need to remember that at all times. 

But if someone is talking about it, find them professional help - call a hotline - or force them out of their loop, get them into nature, the best tonic for whatever ails one.  Important to discuss. We are all just walking each other home. Take someone's hand who might need it.

My two cents.


James Van Praagh speaking to Luana Anders

Luana in a mirror of a mirror. Hello Lu.

In case folks missed it, some years ago I was producing segments on the Charles Grodin show. Chuck was best friends with Luana Anders, and she introduced us. He and I became pals and he's the godfather to our children... and when Luana passed away, Charles called me up and invited me to come and work for him on this show. 

Charles Grodin
from his CNBC days
I had seen James on CNN, and suggested that Chuck invite him onto the show (for two appearances.)  I've never met James in person, although I have seen him in person - but at this point, I wondered if it was possible for James to communicate to Luana (who had appeared in my dreams at this point as a younger woman.)

Charles is an equal opportunity skeptic - he has always suggested that we let evidence speak for itself. That being said, he was the person who initially turned me on the work of Robert Monroe and out of body experiences.  But in this case, he did not believe or disbelieve that James could speak to the afterlife, but invited him on at my suggestion.

We devised an experiment.  I would call in from my home and pretend to be an average caller - Charles arranged with a producer on the show to take my call, but she had no idea why I would be calling.  So live on the air, Charles took my call, pretended not to know me (and there was no interaction with James prior or after the call about this conversation with Luana) and the following is what occurred.

In the call, she refers to a few things in my apartment including my cocktail glass collection (my last name engenders gifts that are Martini glasses of all shapes and sizes.)  But there's a moment in this clip when I realized beyond any shadow of doubt that James could speak  to our departed friend - further that our departed friend was "still alive" - as she had to have been "over my shoulder" when I put the only photograph of her on the refrigerator and said aloud "Oh, look, the essence of our relationship. Cappuccino's and cookies in Italy."  Laughter as well. Lots of laughs.

Here's the photo that was on the fridge. The only time in my life I've spoken to a photograph as I put it up.

"The essence of our relationship."

Here's the moment when James Van Praagh connected to her.

People still exist who are not on the planet.  It's up to us to figure out a way to communicate with them.


Hacking the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer, Elvis, Bill Paxton and Steve Bing

Another mind bending session with Jennifer Shaffer Allow me to repeat - this is live on the air, I have not conversed with Jennifer prior to the session. 

I invited three people - my pal who said something to me in the kitchen of my home, a friend of mine who passed away whose son has down syndrome, and my pal Bill Paxton. 

I had no idea that Elvis would appear or have something to say - however as noted, we interview him in "Backstage to the Flipside 3"...  I had invited Steve Bing the previous week, but he wasn't "ready yet" to have this conversation (as his death was the day before, and it takes some time to get used to the environment). 

Steve Bing with Bill Paxton, Cassian Elwes, Adam Rifkin, James Caan
When I saw this photo after his passing, I knew that Bill could
facilitate this conversation (and he does. From Adam's FB page.)
What Jennifer says about him - not knowing who he was - is absolutely correct. (Steve was a filmmaker who died by his own hand, jumping from his apt. in Century City). Sometimes people are "not ready" to speak with us, but later are. I leave it up to Luana Anders and her clipboard. During one session, Tom Petty came forward, and I asked him "why?" since I'd never met him in life.  He said "You have no idea how hard it is to talk to you two. Luana is like the person with the clipboard who decides who gets the VIP pass." Hence the title "Backstage Pass to the Flipside."

In the intervening weeks, since our last session, and when we heard he "wasn't ready to speak to us" I saw a photograph posted by one of Steve's friends that included Bill Paxton in it.  

Since Bill is an old friend and frequent contributor, I invited him to help us talk to Steve. 

Dennis Hopper and Luana in "Night Tide" - later
Dennis cast her in "Easy Rider."
Luana Anders is my friend on the flipside who runs this class, and knew Bill in life, and Jennifer through me. Jennifer has no idea that I was going to ask Bill about Steve - and I captured the moment when she realized who he was.  
She's the holder of the clipboard.  If you aren't on the
clipboard, you don't get into class. Sorry.

For those who know these folks - we are here to demonstrate how easy and simple it is to communicate with our loved ones on the other side.  The idea that Elvis would give us the theme for this episode - "write the love song of your life" is mind bending and poignant.  

Elvis Felt Pressured to Marry Priscilla and 'Trained' Her to ...

I do not name the family that has a child with down syndrome because I will direct them privately to this episode - its for their eyes and ears only, but for anyone out there who has a sibling, child with down syndrome - what this young man had to say "I only have about 10% of my energy on the planet" is in line with the reports we've done with others.  
Down syndrome and TV's Born This Way
Great show, great cast
That Jennifer saw him as a "hologram" - meaning "see through" - or "not all there" is also in line with reports from the flipside about people who are still on the planet.   (People who have near death experiences and see people "who are still on the planet" often see their pals or loved ones as "see through.")

A note about Steve's "soft landing."  We first encountered this during our interview with Harry Dean Stanton just after his passing. (From "Backstage Pass to the Flipside book One"Upon crossing over, Harry saw himself in this car, driving up to Monterey. He “assumed it was a dream.”

There was a third friend in the car as well. Let’s call him “Fred.” (I reached out to “Fred” yesterday as Harry had a message for him, and answered some questions raised here.)

Harry said “I thought this is what happens when people die — they go to a happy memory, like a dream, and then they’re in that dream forever in kind of a loop.” The idea that a dream or memory would just play out over and over when someone was no longer on the planet. Then, he said, they had a flat tire.

And as they were fixing the flat tire, Harry said he “realized this was not something that had happened” — that they did not have a flat tire on this trip. So he looked at his friend “Fred” and said “We didn’t have a flat tire.” And “Fred” said “I know.”
It was at this moment he realized he wasn’t in a dream — but “in the afterlife.” Harry chuckled as he said (through Jennifer) “Luana gave me a soft landing by doing that.”

In this interview, Steve Bing reported finding himself on a movie set, directing a film. While Steve produced a number of successful films, he also directed a feature film "Every Breath." It's a unique experience, and I can attest that being in the director's chair on a film set (I've written and/or directed 8 theatrical features) can feel like "home" to those who've directed.  It's fun, it's about visualizing what's in your mind - and it's not something we ever forget, even if the films don't "do that well."  

So by "suddenly appearing on a film set" and not knowing which film it was, is a version of a "soft landing."  A person is focused on the task in front of him or her, instead of focusing on the "where am I?" This is also why many people report that they were "greeted by pets" on the flipside - our focus shifts to the fact that we recognize someone we love unconditionally and gives us that kind of awareness - "Oh. I'm not dead. How can I be if I'm here with my dog/cat/cockatoo?"

When I refer to Steve Bing's "dark and light friends" in this interview - only they would know who I'm referring to. Some who consider themselves "closer friends" because of their status, fame, or utility to him in life - or some who could be considered "lighter friends" because he only showed a side of himself that was helpful or fun to them. 

It's weird that in life we may meet someone we dismiss out of hand, and on the flipside realize they were our brother/father/sister/mother in a previous incarnation, and their role in our life was merely to help us along the path. (We are all just walking each other home.)

Steve unequivocally states in this interview; "they're all the same, and he loves them all."

So - if one isn't aware of how to communicate with a loved one on the other side - that would mean that they have yet to learn how to do so. 

And there is no amount of money that will purchase that ability.  No amount of fame that changes that aspect.  There is no hierarchy in the afterlife - no fame, no one "hoards the jelly beans." So those who pretend it exists here are in a state of "performance illusion" - or perhaps in a kinder way, they "are fully invested in the play they're currently in" as if money mattered, as if fame mattered, as if anything but love mattered.

Steve Bing suffered from anxiety, according to this interview, and did himself in because of a "broken heart." However, because we've done a number of interviews with Anthony Bourdain, I asked him to come forward and ask Steve a question, hoping he would offer the sage advice he's give us before. "If you don't know how to meditate, learn to do so." He did have sage advice for us.

That's why we do this work. 

That's why I post these unedited, raw "as it happened live on camera." Jennifer didn't know who I was referring to as "Steve" - until she did live on camera.  

As I point out - I don't have to prove that Jennifer can speak to the flipside - law enforcement agencies nationwide ask her to do the same for them - I have at least four books ("Hacking the Afterlife" "Backstage Pass to the Flipside 1, 2 and 3") that demonstrate that she can learn "new information" from the flipside.  I'm not here to prove anything to anyone - nor is she. 

However - we do our best to be straightforward, and present whatever comes through as it comes through. To demonstrate how simple it is to ask questions and get answers. Anyone can do it.

Everyone has loved ones on the flipside who have been trying to reach out to them - and because of the filters involved, have denied they exist. 

My advice; stop that. Let 'em through. They still care about our journey. Let them give advice. Who knows, they may even pass along a lottery number or two.

This session is a bit of a roller coaster, and I don't recommend it for everyone - but if you've read "Flipside" are familiar with this work, it's in line with everything else we've done.

"Elvis has not left the building."

Finally - I'll let Harry Dean Stanton have the last word:

When the notorious atheist showed up in a session with me and Jennifer I said to him "So Harry, famous atheist fellow, what was it like to realize there actually is an afterlife?  What do you want me to tell your friends at your memorial?"

He said "Tell them there is an afterlife."

I laughed. I said "Harry, your friends are all just like you - none of them will believe I spoke to you in this fashion."  So he gave me three private messages to give to pals at his memorial. Close friends who all had health issues that I didn't know, Jennifer couldn't have known - and yet when I mentioned them to these people they knew "beyond a shadow of doubt" that only Harry Dean could have told me these things.  They were flabbergasted. One screamed. (And later when discussing these health issues with their children independently - they all confirmed beyond a shadow of doubt that Harry knew what he was talking about.)

But I also told them what Harry told me later - "Tell people to believe in the POSSIBILITY of an afterlife, so then they won't waste another minute of their lives arguing about it like I did."

Wise words. Thanks Harry. 

The late, great Harry Dean Stanton

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