
After Death film opening this weekend


Saw this film last night. One of those times in your life when you say "Damn, I wish I'd made this film." Then I realize - I did! It's on Amazon! HACKING THE AFTERLIFE!

But no really, these guys did a fantastic job. #AFTERDEATH film

I pointed out to folks that the statistic "23%" is inaccurate - it's 1-3% that NDE's have a "hellish" experience - but that doesn't take away from breath taking accounts. Plus - Angel is putting it out - which means you can get a FREE TICKET by going to the Angel Com website, as well as "pay it forward" to someone who needs to hear that LIFE GOES ON.

That consciousness is not confined to the brain. That there is data, research and footage the demonstrates it. Kudo's to producer Jason Pamer and Stephen Gray a first time director who got their epic documentary into 2700 theaters for opening weekend!!!

Which is HISTORIC in film history.

A must see film (and free if need be!)


All of my audible book samples on one page

BACKSTAGE PASS TO THE FLIPSIDE BOOK TWO WORKBOOKAll of my Sample Audible files on a single page…



Took awhile, but here are links and audible samples to all of my books (except book two of It’s a Wonderful Afterlife)


Richard MartiniZone

This is the workbook from BACKSTAGE PASS book one and book two. It’s designed to help anyone access their loved ones offstage.…ACX0_293814_rh_us

This is book one of our BACKSTAGE PASS BOOKS. This book includes a workbook of “how to talk to people offstage.”…ACX0_293815_rh_us


The above is a link to the audio book for HACKING THE AFTERLIFE. Take a listen, and sign up to hear the whole book at Audible!


The Greatest Story Never Told as told by Jesus and those who knew Him


 (Don't tell Martin Scorsese as he's promised the Pope to write his own script about the alpha and omega and the details in this story might upset that narrative.) None of this would have happened if David Kirkpatrick hadn't suggested that I take the reports people were saying and put them in chronological order. Thanks to David who wrote the foreword to the book.

Here's the introduction to the AUDIBLE of the book (LINKED ABOVE) set with some photos for context.

This came to me in a dream. As fans of the podcast Hacking the Afterlife have heard in the past, sometimes things show up in dreams as ideas we should pursue. I had this notion that I should do some kind of "clip" about the book THE GREATEST STORY NEVER TOLD AS TOLD BY JESUS AND THOSE WHO KNEW HIM. I haven't done much publicity for the book - mainly because it's a controversial topic that people shy away from. Which is understandable. I shied away from it as well, until someone convinced me to put it out into the world. We'll see what people think of this "promo" and I may do them for all of my books, and perhaps add more chapters. Here's five minutes of the 18 minute introduction from the book THE GREATEST STORY NEVER TOLD AS TOLD BY JESUS AND THOSE WHO KNEW HIM. Enjoy.


Quora reports 45 million views of our forum HACKING THE AFTERLIFE


We have a forum over on Quora called 


Here's the link.

Apparently we've had over 700K views this past week.

Stop by and share a story about the flipside.

45 million views. 260K upvotes, 55K comments.





Richard Martini
3 min read

Addiction and the Flipside.

We did not plan for this episode. But our moderator on the flipside, Luana Anders clearly did, and brought a number of people to chat about it.

She said she wanted to discuss the process of addiction.

Elvis came to give his two cents about it. About how wanting to escape from reality comes from the idea that one is unloved, or suffering. Points out that in his life, he didn’t realize that he was causing others to suffer — and yet he now regrets having done so.

Janis Joplin came through to talk about her addictions — and how trying to escape from reality “was an illusion.” She offers that “escaping from the illusion of reality” — meaning becoming aware that one is onstage during their lifetime, creating a reality, and that by trying to escape from the reality they created for themselves, they lose the connections to others.

Then Aretha came through to say “everyone has addiction in their family.” She pointed out some of the smaller ones, like being addicted to soft drinks, or other vices that people have — that’s another form of addiction. And how everyone has a family member that suffers from addiction, so can be more empathetic about it.

Then Junior Seau showed up to talk about how addiction affects the brain in a similar manner to CTE (which he took his own life over). How the “hits to the head” cause the CTE, but the addiction is like taking “hits to the head.” Then he made the statement that the same therapy that cured Joe Namath from his CTE (which he’d come through to tell us before and is in the film TALKING TO PAUL ALLEN, JUNIOR SEAU AND DAVE DUERSON on Youtube for free) — he said that “oxygen therapy for the brain will help with the treatment of addiction.”

That may be a known fact — I don’t know. But it certainly bears looking into. I just hope people remember where they heard it — from Junior Seau on the Flipside.

Finally Anthony Bourdain came through and talked about how his use of heroin as a youngster had robbed him of the ability to experience joy, which contributed to his leaving the planet early. He expresses remorse for that — as noted he’s come through often on our podcast, and is always hilarious- but in this case, he reiterates how meditation can help people to survive being on the planet, but emphatically argues that “rehab” and “detox” are blips on a person’s time line. That they should have no fear of doing so, that they should say “fuck it, I’m going to do this” as well as to love oneself enough to care to fix the problem.

That was his “mic drop moment” which ends the podcast.

Again — no planning was done between Jennifer and I, the comments are so out there, so profound, so beyond any scope of theory or belief that either I or Jennifer could invent, and anyone who is a therapist, or interested in the subject of addiction should take a lesson.

Finally, I asked Anthony to ask someone in our class a question, and the one he asked them is “what’s the one thing that would have stopped you from being caught up in addiction?” and they all answered with the same word.


Mind bending to hear, mind bending to report.

Jennifer can be found at, the podcast is HACKING THE AFTERLIFE on itunes, the forum is HACKING THE AFTERLIFE on Quora, the website is and the film is on Amazon HACKING THE AFTERLIFE.

It’s an hour long podcast today, but is worth listening to by anyone.


Cannes man released!

 Finally, released on Tubi 25 years later! No idea by who or how. Its free.



Hacking the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer, Gary Wright, Yogananda, Jimmy Buffett and Tony Bennet

Hacking the Afterlife Podcast

Another mind bending episode. Luana Anders is our pal on the flipside who generates the guest list. In this case it was someone who passed away recently, musician Gary Wright. Gary was famous for his song "Dream Weaver." He worked with George Harrison and others in a long career. Jennifer did a private session with him in his home a few years ago, and he wanted to talk about his journey to the flipside.  He talked about who greeted him there, and what his experience was like. Gary was a fan of the Indian pandit Yogananda.  His book "Autobiography of a Yogi" changed Gary's life because he said it inspired the song Dream Weaver.  We've chatted with Yogananda before, I asked him questions about his teacher and other events in his life. It's a mind bending thing he says when I asked him "What do I tell friends of mine in India about the fact that we've spoken to you?" He said "They have me on a pedestal. You need to have me in your heart to speak to me."   He answered that question before I asked it by taking Jennifer's hand. Luana then took us to "a concert."  I had been asked about a number of people who passed recently, so I wondered if this "concert" was so we could talk to them. Indeed, she brought forth Tony Bennett. Tony mentioned the time that we met backstage on the tonight show, talked about my healthy head of hair - which allowed me to talk about the black wig he was wearing for that show in the 1980's.  Later his son switched it to a grayer one - (or he stopped wearing one, I don't know) but it was funny because he brought it up. Then we spoke to Walter Matthau. Indeed, I worked as his dialog coach on the Charles Grodin film Movers and Shakers, and he refers to our long conversations.  That brought forth Gene Wilder to remind me that we had dinner together (yes, we did with Louise Lasser and Charles Grodin, and I recalled his thick white sox.) Then Jimmy Buffett stopped by and talked about when he went over to the flipside, he walked onstage to a concert gig.  It's often reported by musicians - the feeling of walking onstage and being met by fans and other musicians.  He said "It was like playing a 12 hour gig." He talked about feeling all the love from his fans, and had words for his family. For other interviews with musicians, take a look at the book TUNING INTO THE AFTERLIFE which is mostly about them. Thanks for tuning in.


Podcast with Kristin Taylor - "How I Made it Through" about the book THE GREATEST STORY NEVER TOLD AS TOLD BY JESUS AND THOSE WHO KNEW HIM."

From a fan

Here's the latest podcast about THE GREATEST STORY NEVER TOLD AS TOLD BY JESUS AND THOSE WHO KNEW HIM via Kirstin Taylor's "How I Made it Through."

54 min


Season 3, Episode 5: Richard Martini Returns!How I Made It Through

    • Spirituality

In this episode of How I Made It Through, host Kristin Taylor welcomes back Richard Martini, a renowned American film director, producer, screenwriter, and freelance journalist who has made a name for himself in researching the afterlife, or what he refers to as the flip side. They discuss Richard's latest book, The Greatest Story Never Told, which provides a captivating account of Jesus's life as told by Jesus and those who knew him.

Key discussion points in this episode include:

- Richard's journey into researching the afterlife, starting with his encounter with a grieving friend who found comfort in hypnotherapy.

- His experiences filming people under hypnosis and the consistent patterns he found in their accounts of seeing Jesus.

- The concept of 'flecks of gold', a specific detail that repeatedly comes up in descriptions of Jesus's eyes.

- Richard's conversations with mediums who also report similar themes and messages, further corroborating his findings.

- The intriguing alternate story of Jesus's life that Richard has pieced together from his research, which challenges traditional narratives.

- Richard's interaction with a shaman who had an encounter with Mary, the mother of Jesus, and the new insights this brought to his understanding of Mary's experiences.

This episode is perfect for those who are both curious and open-minded about spirituality, the afterlife, and the possibility of alternate narratives to well-known religious stories.

Another fan!

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