
Einstein's Brain

Einstein's Brain.

There was a recent issue of National Geographic about genius.  What is it?  What creates the environment for it? (May 2017) "Genius" by Claudia Kalb, "Some minds are so exceptional that they change the world. We don't know what exactly makes these extraordinary people soar above the rest of us, but science offers us clues."

Michelangelo's David. Photo by Paolo Woods (NG) May 17

The article talks about the creation of the IQ test, and how it was conceived as a way of understanding genius.  People who had high IQs were followed for years, and it turned out - they had the same outcomes as most people.  Out of their control group, 2 had gone on to some fame in their field, but the rest struggled like... well, the rest of us. So high IQ doesn't mean that a person will achieve great success, but it arguably "sets the table" for someone to achieve that label.

The article talked about Michelangelo's genius, and compared how some famous geniuses had a "circle of genius friends" who were also very talented, and they had charts and maps of how by charting "social networks" of genius, there might be clues as to how and why they accomplished so much.  

They repeated the myth that Michelangelo took a "discarded piece of marble" and crafted the David from it. Actually, as I learned while researching "the Demedicis" for HBO, Mick won the marble in a contest.  His father had notified him in Rome this monster piece was being offered in a contest, and convinced the 25 year old to enter. Mick found a flaw in the marble, which would have made it worthless - but he followed the fault with his chisel to start the knee of this statue.  

For those familiar with his technique, he "let the person emerge" from the marble - honing small details first, knowing precisely how they would work in the overall piece. In other words he "saw the statue inside the marble" before he began.

Most sculptors work "outside in" - shaping as they go along, chipping away what wasn't necessary, but in Mick's case, he did the opposite.  Revealed the statue within. 

They also miss out on the point that Lorenzo De Medici, 20 at the time, met Michelangelo when he was 11 and a student of the Academy.  Lorenzo saw his genius, brought him into his home, and allowed him to flourish amid their "Platonic Academy" where they would read Plato (many for the first time) in Italian (Lorenzo's father Piero had them transcribed from Latin to the local language so anyone could read Plato and Socrates) - and not just those books okay'd by the Vatican. This is why the Pope sent an assassin to kill Lorenzo and his brother Giuliano (the model in Botticelli's "Primavera") but that's another story...)

Mick's patron, a poet turned ruler Lorenzo

The article points to this ability in geniuses.  

Seeing things from a different perspective.  Being able to "see a building" in 3 dimensions - or as Nick Tesla revealed that he "saw his inventions as fully functioning objects in his mind" before he went to a prototype. 

Beethoven credited his genius not with the other artists he knew, or his circle of friends, or his "social network."  He firmly credited it with coming from "the outer spheres" - E. T. A. Hoffmann, the author and music critic: "Beethoven is the "sublimest" of composers: his music "opens the realm of the colossal and immeasurable," and "leads the listener away into the wonderful spiritual realm of the infinite."

Beethoven said as much about his inspiration.  It came from the outer realms - he was not a religious man in the Age of Reason, but claimed that the source of his inspiration came from "beyond our realm." 

He was accessing the Flipside in order to download his music.

But the point of this Martini Shot essay is to open up a new avenue to understanding "genius."

If what thousands have said in this research is accurate: that we use consciousness the way a computer uses hard drives, that a portion of our consciousness is "always back home" while we are here - if it's true that we "only bring about a third of our conscious energy to a lifetime" and that "roughly two thirds is always "back home" while we are on the planet" - then we have to redefine what genius actually is.

Because science is married to the concept that consciousness is dependent upon genetics and sociological factors, and the brain is like a computer that is filled with information, and then "for some inexplicable reason" uses that information to make us believe we are conscious. (In a Martini nutshell)

That's an unfortunate way to view life on earth - but it's pretty much what science thinks is the case.

That "the brain is the sole creator of thought."  That If we slice up the brain we'll find out how the brain works.

There's a photograph in the article of the slices of Einstein's brain that they carved up, put on slides, and is on display at the National Museum of Health and Medicine in Maryland

Slices of Einstein's Brain 
So what the heck are slices of Einstein's brain doing in a museum?

It's like taking apart a stereo receiver to figure out why Beethoven's Ninth is playing inside of it.  Or taking apart a speaker to examine why music is coming from inside.  Or looking for the tiny man in the operator suit who is hiding inside the machine.

Oh look. A slice of Einstein's actual brain.

Post materialist scientists (like Dr. Greyson at UVA) claim the brain functions like a stereo or television receiver. That is uses limiters and filters to parse information into where it is needed or can be used.

They claim the brain functions like a receiver of consciousness, that it is not the only source of consciousness, since people have yet to wrap their brain around this research - And until we do, we will forever be slicing up brains thinking that's the source of consciousness.  Or that's the only place to find it.

As the research shows, the brain is not the only source of consciousness. By "research" I'm citing clinical psychologist Dr. Helen Wambach's 2000 cases of people under hypnosis claiming that we "plan our lifetime" that we are consciously aware of what or who we are going to be prior to coming to the planet, or a decade later psychologist Michael Newton's 7000 cases (a decade later) where people consistently claim that we come to the planet "around the 4th month of inception" and that we exist prior to coming here, that the majority of our conscious energy ("soul") remains behind or "back home" while we are here, and is accessible in "outside consciousness events" (NDEs, OBEs, LBLs, etc)....

Or by citing Dr. Bruce Greyson's youtube talk "Is Consciousness Produced by the Brain?" which I reproduce in "It's a Wonderful Afterlife."  He argues with medical cases that consciousness is "not only produced by the brain." (Go ahead, click the link, it's only 90 minutes; I'll wait.)

I'm also including the 45 hypnosis sessions I've filmed (4-6 hours each) and the 5 that I've done myself.

"Consciousness is NOT confined to the brain."  

It's funny. This sentence upsets some people.  They argue "the reason people "believe in the afterlife" is because they "fear death, they fear annihilation." I would argue the opposite. The "belief" that life ends is the issue. That the word "believe" is the culprit. If you've experienced something (NDE, OBE, LBL) "belief" becomes "experience." Either one experiences it or does not.  

In terms of NDEs, thousands claim they "know" that life goes on, in LBL (between life hypnosis) sessions, people "experience" "returning home" after this lifetime. ("Home" is their word).  
By "home" they don't mean here.

The point is; eyewitness reports should not engender fear or disbelief, but rather a desire to understand where they come from and if evidence shows they could not have made it up or learned it elsewhere to examine the consistency in those reports. 

If we can prove there is "new information" during the event, (as I do in my books) then it can't be coming from the brain.  New information can't be cryptomnesia, synesthesia or hypoxia.  If the information turns out to be accurate, then the experience therefore cannot be created by the brain.

The brain functions like a stereo receiver, with limiters, filters and ways of parsing that information where it should go.

Oh look, here's  how I parse information I get from the Flipside.

We can access our "higher consciousness" through hypnosis, meditation, out of body experiences, near death events. When we do so we get a glimpse of the amount of information that we have access to.

People claim that we have "portable hard drives" that follow us around in the shape of geometric fractals that "contain all the information from our previous lifetimes."  ("Flipside") 

It's not my theory that occurs, or my belief that's the case, but is what people consistently report.  Not all the time - but enough times that I can argue what these geometric shapes supposedly contain.

"Access codes."

The Beethoven's Ninth is hiding an Access Code. Listen to it in its entirety and you'll see what I mean. (I'm kidding but kind of not kidding.)

Not literally, figuratively. 

Access to our "higher consciousness" which does not float around the universe like a Carl Jungian pool of consciousness - it would be cool if that was the case, but that's in none of the reports.  What is in the reports is the consistent claim that we are unique - we have our own consciousness that is ours, but by the nature of how consciousness works - we can shift our perspective, experience other people's experiences, or tap into the vast feelings of love that connect us all.

So genius - isn't confined to the brain.

It does have a "social network" in the sense that we seek out, in a quantum entanglement fashion, the people and loved ones that we normally incarnate with.  That we've already made a plan with to reconnect with again in this lifetime. That we find ourselves running into and feeling "as if we've known them forever."

Because, in a sense, we have.  We've known them "before" and continue work and hang out with them again.

Another fellow who seemed to have access to multiple lives
When we come here we choose a lifetime that we think we can handle.  When we are here, there are environmental aspects that are conducive to helping us achieve our goals. (In the article they cite how rappers and other musicians are able to "supress pathways" or "open pathways" that allow them to access spatial information we aren't normally aware of.)

So - it is possible for a person to "open up those pathways" to access more information?

Meditation allows the brain to "work out" like an athlete would to get certain muscles to function better.  

Meditation can open the mind up to other possibilities.

Reading about anothers journey or path can open our mind up to these possibilities.  I know when I first began reading Michael Newton's work, I avoided his conclusions about what was happening and focused just on the first hand reports.  Later, after I confirmed beyond my ability to deny what they were saying was accurate, I went back and read his comments about what people were telling him.

Hmm. Space. The first frontier.

Finding a Newton Institute trained therapist and doing a between life session will grant access to that "higher information." (I recommend them because they are familiar with the architecture of the flipside, and know what questions to ask. They have a searchable database on their site.)

Indeed, doing a between life session led me to the other research, to interviewing people who've had near death events, or people who've had contact with loved ones either through dreams or a medium or some other fashion - to see if the portrait or the architecture of the "afterlife" was the same.

Indeed, to my chagrin, it was.

Flipside. It's a Wonderful Afterlife. Hacking the Afterlife.

The architecture of the afterlife is a knowable entity.  Reportedly we don't bring "all of our consciousness" to a lifetime because it would "blow the circuits of the brain" with "too much energy."  (And we do see people walking around the planet with blown circuits as it is.)

But we can access this information in such a way as to not harm our path and journey, and in such a way that we can gain insight into why and how we came to the planet, and what happens to us when we depart it.  (In a spiritual sense.)

But in the future, we won't be slicing up people's brains to understand why they worked. It's like taking apart a tennis shoe  to understand why a runner is so fast. Or taking apart a car to understand how it can win so many races. Certainly the construction of the tool is important, and the ability to use it with ease is important.  

But equally important is the pilot, the person running the race or driving the car, who brings their skill and ability to that particular task, and further, they're bringing the ability to access "all their other lifetimes" or to think in a spatial way that is "open to the answer no matter where it comes from."

E equals what again?

Hence why Einstein used to play his violin in order to think.

It wasn't because it was a casual thing to do. It's because he was using music as a way of linking up with the flipside and downloading the answers.

You're welcome.


Walking Dr. Drew into the Flipside

A clip from the Susan Pinsky show where I got the chance to interview Dr. Drew about a dream he had as a small child.  It's a form of "Hacking the Afterlife."

Appeared on Susan Pinsky's "Calling Out" with your truly

I used the dream as a "gateway" to access his "consciousness" - (not subconscious, as it could not have been in his memory banks - what he describes during this interview was not part of his awareness, could not be cryptomnesia or some other event.)  

He describes the same "council" and afterlife guides that everyone else does while under hypnosis or while being asked the same questions that they get asked under hypnosis.  This is a 15 minute real time "flipside hack" - because I'm familiar with the architecture of what he was saying, it was just a matter of directing him to these events. 

In it, he was able to see three of his 12 guides, and get "new information" from them. For further info, or search my books on Amazon. Enjoy!


The Flipside of Adam and Eve and the Tree of Knowledge

I'm about to dig into the story of Adam and Eve as told in Genesis.  I add a warning or caveat to folks who this might offend.  But what else is new?

Eve ate the apple from the "Tree of Knowledge."  Something she has been chastized for doing for, oh, a long time.  But what if that's not what happened?  What if we've been telling this story all wrong all along? 

What is this story about Eve and the tree of knowledge? As it was explained to me (in Catholic school of all places) this story in Genesis of Eve and Adam "eating from the tree of knowledge" is a metaphor.
not a nun, but a picture of one.
I had been raising my hand for sometime in Sister Daniel's class at St. Norberts Parish in Northbrook, and perhaps when she answered this question, she was just trying to get me to stop asking questions.  

What Sister Daniel explained that day, was that this story of Adam and Eve and the Tree of Knowledge was a "metaphor for human consciousness or sentience." 
Goddess of Whatchamacallit

Meaning, once a human being went from being an animal (or ape) living in tress, and become aware, or sentient - he or she realized they were “naked” etc, and started civilization (and wars, crime, violence, and all those things that don't exist in the Garden of Eden). 

Further, that the knowledge that we "were naked" and "had to be clothed" outside the Garden of Eden was the end result of eating from that tree.  ("Damn! If only we hadn't taken a bit of the apple, we wouldn't have had to suffer here - birth and death and all of that - we would continue to be blissfully aware in the Garden!  What a bummer!")

But alas, that danged snake talked her into it.  (And lawyers, politicians followed soon after.)

Funny enough, when I heard this explanation in 8th grade from my nun the science teacher, I realized the entire bible was a metaphor, was not to be believed word for word per se --- and informed my parents I wouldn’t be “attending mass” anymore. Because I didn't believe that those folks who wrote the book were accurate.

To my surprise; they agreed.

But now, based on my decade of research into the flipside, I see another interesting metaphor in this story. 

One day I was filming an interview with Jennifer Shaffer, and during that interview "Michael Newton" (whom she took to calling "Morton" as she could not remember his name) appeared during one of our conversations and said that he was on the flipside doing "noetic science."  

I had read about it in Dan Brown's book - but I had to look that word up to understand that he was saying that from his perspective now, in the afterlife, he was helping people with understanding how to communicate with people "on the other side."  

I asked him to clarify - "You mean you're helping people over here on the planet to speak with their loved ones over there?"
Michael Newton

He said "No.  The opposite."  He was advising people no longer on the planet as to how they can communicate directly with their loved ones still on the planet.  Not what I expected to hear - but there it was.

And when I got to my car, the word "Mnemonic" was on my cellphone. I had not typed it - it showed up as if I had.  I allowed it might have been my pocket just creating that text - but I did look it up. 

I knew it was a word related to "memory." (A mnemonic is a phrase to help with memory, like using "every good boy deserves fudge" to remember the notes on a treble scale of sheet music.)

But looking up that word, I learned that it was related to one of the most famous goddesses humanity has known but somehow has forgotten.

She was as equally important as Venus or Eros, or Mars.  Her name used to be invoked before every play ever performed. She was the Goddess of Memory; Mnemosyne.

Before every greek play, the group would lead the audience into a prayer to her so they would remember their lines. (Some plays went on for days.) 

But the story of her - the goddess of memory includes this detail"

"In Greek mythology, there was also a need of mind erasure, all mortals had to do this between their two lives, forget everything before being rebirth-ed...
Jennifer Shaffer

Lethe was one of the five rivers in Hades, the underworld in Greek mythology. It was also known as the river of unmindfulness. The river was told to flow through the cave of Hypnos, the god of sleep, who would murmur his drowsiness into the water... 

One would experience complete forgetfulness of the past after drinking water from it. (Lethe came into modern English as the word lethargy. Lethargy characterizes a condition of extreme drowsiness, fatigue, laziness or torpor, and usually a lack of emotion or interest. Lethargic means unnaturally drowsy, dull or torpid.)

Interestingly enough, there was another river which had just the opposite magic of Lethe, that was river Mnemosyne. It had the ability to make those who drink water from it remember all things and acquire omniscience." (From the net)

So; two rivers to drink from: one included the erasure of the memory of the previous lifetime, the other allowed you to remember "all of your lifetimes." 

Based on the the thousands of between life hypnotherapy cases (2000 from Dr. Helen Wambach and 7000 from Michael Newton, the 45 I’ve filmed) that’s pretty accurate. 

When we come here to the planet we forget all of our previous lifetimes so we can live this one fully (imagine how stressful it would be to constantly recognize people around you from the previous lifetimes/plays) and when we get “back home” we reconnect with the conscious energy we left behind so that we remember all of our previous lifetimes. (That is how we eventually recognize all those people as players we’ve “known forever.”  Because we remember all the lifetimes we've had with them.)

(One can do this on their own with relative ease by finding a therapist trained by the Newton Institute - that’s their specialty. I’ve done 5 of these sessions, and have filmed 45 of other people doing the same.)

But it just occurred to me that this same myth applies to the story of the Garden of Eden.
The Garden of Eating

The Garden of Eden is the place of total happiness, no judgment, a place of unconditional love.  When we come to the planet we take a "bite of the apple" and suddenly we are "thrown out" of the Garden of Eden, and we experience life, birth, death, hunger, famine etc... but all the while holding onto our memory of this eden like place - where we all "come from."

In the 45 between life sessions I've filmed, people consistently refer to this place that we "come from" as "back home."  When I first heard it I was puzzled - where's home? Do they mean the home of the previous lifetime they just remembered? Or do they mean the home of this lifetime where they are doing the remembering?

It turned out neither.

They mean "back home" as in "not here."
Back home... in the twilight zone.

I just now realize that the myth of the tree of knowledge may actually be the opposite of what it depicts. 

Not that Adam and Eve lived without knowledge - and then ate the apple and had knowledge… BUT THE OPPOSITE.

Eating the apple was the way of “forgetting where we come from.” Like taking a drink from the river of Lethe - forgetting that we come from a place of unconditional love, and while here we are “human form” which includes being naked, having to eat, give birth - but also to experience “unconditional love” - while we are here on the planet, but experiencing this realm from the perspective of our existing as "human beings/animals." 

Something we generally “forget” when we get here (some do remember, often children up to the age of 8, but for the most part, we forget).

But when we "return home" we don't have to take a drink from the river Mnemosyne, because when we "get back home" we merge with the energy we left behind (people claim it's about two thirds of our overall energy), we "remember all of our previous lifetimes."

They don't report omniscience (we become "very smart," we are aware of all of their lifetimes, but not aware of how everything works, including who or what god is). But they do report this same information consistently.

The book of Genesis is... a cook book! (Sorry, just kidding, I couldn't resist the Twilight Zone reference).

The book of Genesis in this scenario is not a myth - but a metaphor for how we show up on the planet in the first place, and the tree of knowledge that we take the bite of the apple from - that apple bite represents a metaphor of the experience of what it's like to be human.  

We forget that we are all spiritual beings in human form, but we will remember this when we return "home."
Garden of Eden....



Hacking the Afterlife with Heather Wade

So here's the deal.

Luana in the Mirror

I had a friend come and visit me from the Flipside. (Luana Anders) It was after she passed, but it was definitely her, and she appeared to me in a younger form, a form I didn't know because it was younger than when I knew her.

But I knew it was her.

I dismissed it as fantasy/dream, until I started to reflect on what she had said to me before she passed "I have this recurring dream I'm in a classroom in another universe, everyone is dressed in white speaking a language I don't know, but somehow completely understand."  After she passed, a close friend of hers called me about a dream she had the night she died, "she was in a classroom in the 4th dimension wearing white, and seemed really happy."

What are the odds?
Michael Newton (

It led me eventually to read Michael Newton's book "Journey of Souls" where someone describes while under deep hypnosis, being in a classroom in the afterlife where everyone is dressed in white.  I thought it would be interesting to interview Michael - and he granted me his last interview. (He passed 8 years later, but at the time he said "this is my last interview" and it was.)

I researched what he was doing, I began filming people under "deep hypnosis" and was startled that everyone I filmed, whether they had heard of his work or not, had the same experiences.  They offered me one, I thought it a grand opportunity to prove it inaccurate - unfortunately that's not what happened.
The first book

I traveled into the flipside and met with Luana, who's reaction to seeing me there was "What the hell are you doing here?"  That has led me to write four books about the topic where I expanded the research from between life hypnotherapy to near death events, to speaking directly with people on the flipside through mediums.

That's part of my work; "Flipside" "It's a Wonderful Afterlife" (2 vols) and "Hacking the Afterlife."  Ultimately I've filmed 45 deep hypnosis sessions (courtesy a number of Newton Institute trained therapist, including Scott De Tamble in Claremont (  Recently I've been filming my weekly lunches with Jennifer Shaffer ( who is a talented medium who works with law enforcement nationwide to help find missing children.

Me, Jennifer Shaffer and Scott De Tamble

She's very good at what she does.  As is Scott De Tamble.  Together we are able to ask questions to people on the flipside, and get "new information."  Information that we could not have known consciously (could not be cryptomnesia). I want to add that what you're about to hear is a modified version of this research - it's a "proof of concept" piece.  I recommend, to those who want to explore this fully, to find a Newton Institute trained therapist near you, because hearing me talk about it isn't the same as experiencing it for yourself.

But in this radio interview (3 hours long) at some point I asked Heather Wade if she wanted to "go into the Flipside."  Using a point of reference as our gateway (she had a near death experience that as you can hear, I was not aware of) I asked her to describe what she "saw" and then shifted the tense to "what she was seeing."
Heather Wade
Midnight in the Desert

In this interview, we go into the Flipside, meet her spirit guide, meet her council, and meet individual council members.  All live on the air.  I don't know Heather outside of this interview, I appreciate her being so open to "try this out" - but we did it to prove a point.

We all have spirit guides.  We all have councils.  We all have council members that earned their spot on your council because of your efforts in a previous lifetime.  They can show you those lifetimes, or you can ask them about them.  It's no parlor trick, she's not under hypnosis in any fashion or form.  I am merely, and only asking questions.

Because I've "been there before" - because I'm like a tour guide who is taking someone on a trip to a place they're familiar with, I am able to ask the questions that allow her to make that journey.  It's not for everyone.  Nor should it be.  But because Heather already had a near death event, this helps give context as to why that happened, and what her journey on the planet will be.

But don't take my word for it.  Listen for yourself.  Share and pass along to someone who needs to hear that we don't die, we come here to learn and teach lessons, and then we go "home."  We are all from that place "home" and we come to this planet to partake in the journey called "life."  And once we become aware that is the case, we need to think about how to keep this campground clean, so that there's fresh water, fresh air and earth not only for our children - but for ourselves if and when we decide to return. (HackingTheAfterlife)

Listen my friend and you shall hear of the midnight ride of... Rich Martini and Heather Wade. 



The Flipside meets Jumanji and All the Money In the World

Happened upon two Flipside films over the weekend.  (Happy New Year!)

Can you hear me now?
In the film "All the Money in the World" (no spoiler alerts here) J. Paul Getty walks his grandson Paul into Hadrian's villa in Rome and says "I felt like I was returning when I first came to this villa."  He claims he is the reincarnation of Roman Emperor Hadrian.

The film is brilliant by the way, and Plummer plays the role of a lifetime, reminiscent of Charles Foster Kane. Since Getty is depicted as a prevaricator (or a fool, hard to tell which) I'll have to dig up the source for that claim.  (He did say he wondered that he had been the Emperor Hadrian but in General Patton's case, he "knew it" about his reincarnations as he writes in his poem "Through a Glass Darkly.")

But if it's true that he "felt like he had returned" or that he felt that he once been the Emperor Hadrian it's possible that indeed Getty was Hadrian. It's hard to tell when returning to a place that we "knew" in a previous lifetime precisely what it is about the place is so familiar.  Everything seems familiar, yet there's no guarantee you were that person who lived in that house - the only way to access the memory is through deep hypnosis (or a coma, nde or some other consciousness altering event.)

Hadrian checking out his empire.

J Paul, looking over his shoulder at the Ghost of Christmas Past.
By doing a between life hypnosis session (and I recommend those done by the Newton Institute because their therapists are trained in exploring the between lives realm where we can access not only a previous lifetime, but why we chose that particular lifetime, why we chose this lifetime and what the two had in common) we can access many details about previous lifetimes.  

There are many therapists who do this same form of therapy (Dr. Brain Weiss comes to mind) but in the Newton Institute, they examine "why" we chose a lifetime. It's a different experience learning why we chose a lifetime and more like taking "the red pill" in my estimation.

And in that instance, it's pretty easy to show what the two lifetimes of Hadrian and Getty had in common, because both lived lives that were written about. Hadrian is remembered for being an architect as well as a builder of an empire (He's credited with the Pantheon and Hadrian's tomb - though it's anyone's guess if he took credit for another's work).  Getty was famous for being a scrooge, a curmudgeon, and being fooled by fake art for decades.  

Attributed to Hadrian. (from wikipedia)
Attributed to Getty (from

(I read one account that claimed his curator was "scammed" for millions of dollars - the "Kouros" of the Getty center, the 8 million dollar statue that was claimed to have been found at the bottom of the sea, which clearly had been created in someone's workshop, is one example. I used to chuckle at the artwork in the Getty in Malibu that originally said a famous artist's name - then was changed to say "from the school of" that artist, then eventually they were all called into question, and they've gone into the basement. 
That's not to say the Getty doesn't now have fantastic art - and as the film clearly shows, there's a moving metaphor for why that happened, and who took over the curation of the estate. But I digress.)

This Getty Kouros went from "Ancient Statue!"
to "Ancient Statue?" then to the basement. From a "famous
fake art" website.

Back to the Flipside.  

Let's pretend for a moment that Getty remembered a lifetime as Hadrian in Rome.  Was he the Emperor himself? Did he remember all the details of his growing up, his ascension to the throne or his journey on the planet?  Or was it just a feeling he had walking through Hadrian's villa? If it was the latter, then he could have been anyone who worked in that villa, including slaves, including a cook, plumber or maybe a gladiator who may have been assigned to Hadrian's front door. Either way, the only method I'm aware of to access that memory is via deep hypnosis, or some other consciousness altered state.  But let's pretend he was.

Hadrian was also a poet - one of his ditties: 

"Animula, vagula, blandula
Hospes comesque corporis
Quae nunc abibis in loca
Pallidula, rigida, nudula,
Nec, ut soles, dabis iocos...

"Roving amiable little soul,
Body's companion and guest,
Now descending for parts
Colourless, unbending, and bare
Your usual distractions no more shall be there..."

Flipside anyone?  

Even the Emperor understood that this amiable little soul was not going to spend much longer as his body's companion.   Funny to think that 1800 some years later, (which according to some accounts, feels like a month on the Flipside) he'd suggest a lifetime as the most unhappy person in the world; "Oh, I think I'll come back and be the richest man in the world.  Learn some lessons in being a Scrooge.  Sure, why not?"

Wonder what he'll come back as next time... we'll have to stay tuned.

The other Flipside film I caught was Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle."

I'm not here to criticize my fellow filmmakers or their work.  The film had many laughs in it, a few cringe worthy moments, but the screening I was in was crowded with families chuckling throughout. Thumbs up from me.

But the Flipside aspect is this:

Life is a game.  Just like the game in Jumanji.  We are who we are back home - back on the flipside before we choose to come here.  (Like the high school students in the film) Then we choose our avatars, and we vaguely know what roles we are supposed to play (i.e. Dwayne Johnson, had a character that he knew his strengths and weaknesses, as did everyone else, but had no clue as to how to navigate the game) and we sign our "contract" to come here and play that role.  We come here to the planet without a map of how to navigate the game, so to speak, but we dive in anyway.

And while we play this game called "Life" we learn, as the characters do in Jumanji (no spoiler alerts here) that we all need to "help each other" in order to successfully navigate the game. It is the point of the game.

Some people are offended when I call life a "game" - because they feel its an attempt to diminish the kind of suffering and pain that many people experience while they're here.  But it's a metaphor for what is happening.  We take the "blue pill" and show up here on the planet and do what we think we've signed up for.  Some part of our consciousness is always "back home" aware that this is a game, or a construct, or a university where we are trying our best to learn or teach lessons, often lessons in love, but lessons nonetheless. (People claim only about a third of our consciousness or soul come to any particular lifetime, we leave roughly two thirds behind.  When asked why, people claim "it would blow the circuits of the human brain" or "we've got other things to do back home while we're playing this game.")

In this version of the film franchise, four people sign up (unwillingly, but to be sure, they did actually sign up to play the game) to experience an adventure. And as a Meta example, there are actors (Jack Black, Dwayne Johnson, Kevin Hart etc) who are playing characters in the film, who are actually other people "back home."  So in their guise of being each avatar, they are also actors pretending to be actors pretending to be... well,  you get the point.

It ain't real.

But it is real.

It's the game we play every time we come to the planet.  

Hacking the Afterlife

And according to the research I've been doing (which includes 45 filmed sessions, 5 more that I did myself and filmed, and the 2000 cases from Dr. Helen Wambach and the 7000 cases from Michael Newton) - based on this research, we can opt out, or choose NOT to play a character.  Just the way these characters do when they are actually signing up to play Jumanji. 

"Do you want to play the scientist or shall I?"  "You like science, why don't  you play that guy?"  "Oh okay, I think I'll give it a shot."

It's as simple as that.... and yet as profound as that.  

I'm fairly certain the screenwriters nor Jake Kasdan the writer/director are aware of this between life research - or aware of the accounts of people who claim that the "Journey of Souls" is a bit like the game #Jumanji. 

But there it is.  It is what it is.

It's not my opinion, belief or theory this is the case.  I'm only reporting what people consistently say about the flipside.  It's not up to me to convince anyone to believe in any particular aspect of it - and I offer it only as research. Take what you need and leave the rest.

Happy New Year!


Chief Seattle and Hacking the Afterlife with Dr. Drew

Came across this quote today, courtesy of

"There is no death, only a change of worlds." Chief Seattle.

Chief Seattle didn't have 10 years of filming people under deep hypnosis under his belt. (Or the 2000 cases from Dr. Helen Wambach, or the 7000 from Michael Newton) (There's dispute whether he actually said these words - even if he's accurate - the dispute is argued here the speech was printed here)*

He just had the wisdom and insight from thousands of years, of a people who understood the nature of reality, when those pale faces did not.  Still do not.

"NOT GONE. JUST NOT HERE." Maybe it's better in caps. has a number of near death experiences worth examining in light of this "between life research" and what I've been filming. This is from their website today:

From Peter N's NDE (NDERF):

"I felt the small of my back involuntarily arch off the road as a flood of searing pain hammered its way through me. It was as if my whole body was trying to get away from itself. I felt my back start to lower back to the road as what I knew to be a tremendous wave of loss of place and self-started to surge up in me. This wave distressed me very considerably as I knew that it was so strong and was rising so fast that I might not be able to resist it at all. As this thought came to me, I sensed a quick movement near my head as someone came to kneel beside me. I thought I heard words like, 'We're nurses! Get out the way! Move back!' I looked to see a face near me then felt the wave start to swamp me. I knew I was not going to be able to resist it, it was so strong. It was rising too fast for me to get a hold of and deal with it. I felt it rising, I felt myself losing, and... (It was at this point that, I would later know, I lost consciousness.)

I was in a dark, blank, black place. I could see nothing at all but blackness. Though I had registered that this was so it was not a matter that in any way I felt concerned about. I seemed to be disinterested in this. It was also the case that I seemed not to have a body, I was existing only as consciousness, and this did not in any way concern me. What was of more interest to me was the nature of something else that was occurring. (I would note that over the years I have read accounts of NDEs in which this kind of situation is spoken of as being a 'void'. I do very much see the parallels between what I have written and the descriptions of such 'voids'. However, I have not used the term here, as I did not experience this place as a 'void' while I was in it. Specifically, I did not have any experience of 'negation' of anything at all while in this phase of the experience. I just experienced it, as it was a 'dark, blank, black place'. However, I do see how others may refer to this as a 'void' particularly so if there is sense of 'negation' associated to being in that place.)

It seemed to be the case that I had somehow asked a question. When, how and why I had come to ask this question I did not know. But, by backtracking on my emotions, I knew that I had seemed to have asked a question about my family - about the people that I cared for. I had asked this question as if I was in some way concerned about their future. As if I thought or felt that there might be some kind of impediment to my being able to help them. And the notion of this impediment, whatever it was, made me feel very sad. The feeling was like that I would not be there for them. I had no idea as to why I had had these thoughts, and why I had these feelings - only that this was so. In some ways, it seemed to me that my feelings understood something that did not have a direct, fully cognizant, analogue in my thoughts. As I noted this and noted its existence something happened which very briefly took me by surprise but in no way frightened me. A voice came into being.

Where the voice came from I had no idea, but I could recognize that its source was exterior to me. However, though being exterior, it had such a power in terms of authority, understanding and gentleness that so affected my feelings as to make me feel as if in some way the voice were entering me in a way that I had never experienced a voice to do before. The presence of this voice manifesting around, and then, inside me, seemed to be soothing my sadness away in some way. The voice was saying outside me and also inside me, 'It's okay. They'll be fine. Nothing can hurt them. They cannot even be touched.' At the same time as this was happening I had a strong sense of a being that was close beside me, but I could not see it as it was so black and dark in this place.

I would have to say that this voice was curious to me because of a strange effect it had that I had not experienced before. Though it was evident that it was literally answering a question its answer did not manifest in me in a way that I understood, for its effect was such that it was clear to me that I was being given the essence of an understanding (not just receiving what, in ordinary life, we would call an answer). 

The very strange thing about this was that in the way that it was being given to me it seemed that the voice was actually communicating to something inside me that actually already knew of the validity of the answer that was being communicated. The voice was communicating directly to a part of me that knew that this was true. There was an amazing sense of authority embedded in that voice and the communication. It was clear that the being that was producing the communication wasn't guessing as to the truth of its answer, it was utterly clear that it knew what it was talking about. No if's, no but's, no maybe's, it knew.

There was then something like a very brief pause. In ordinary life, we might say that it was something like taking time for thought. However, what I seemed to be doing was something that I hadn't been aware of doing before. I seemed to be comparing my sensations of sadness against the understanding that the voice had given me. It was as if I was comparing them in some kind of terms that could be best described as 'how two frequencies matched each other'."

I recommend checking out these stories at IANDS' Facebook page - they're pretty consistent and mirror the research that I've been doing for a decade, filming people under deep hypnosis.

Here's the facebook page:

Iands is the International Association for Near Death Studies - and they have chapters all over the world.  It's a place where people can report what happened to them without any bias or judgment - in fact they start their sessions with an admonition to "listen with an open mind."  If people saw something disturbing or witnessed something distressing, this is a place where they can share it with others, and others can talk about their "near death events."

I've spoken at a number of Iands groups - including Chicago, Upstate NY, Virginia Beach, San Diego, Tucson, Phoenix, Orange County, LA and Santa Barbara... and at their last year's national convention in Orlando. (Part one below)

So how am I so confident that what my research shows mirrors what is in the research of Dr. Helen Wambach and Michael Newton?  (Dr. Wambach did sessions with 2000 patients before publishing a decade prior to Michael Newton, who had 7000 cases over his 40 year career, interviewing people under deep hypnosis about the afterlife - or "Journey of Souls.")

What I found in Dr. Wambach's research that mirrors Michael Newton's is that we:

A. All have a spirit guide.  You may not be aware of yours, but that doesn't mean that your guide isn't aware of you.  You may not have access to your guide, but that doesn't mean your guide doesn't have access to you.  As I do in this brief example of "the Martini Technique" - (I just made that up) is that I speak directly to people's guides and ask them to help them access other information.  Like:

B. We all have a council.  These are wise elders who have overseen all of our lifetimes.  For references on councils, I suggest checking out Michael Newton's books, or my books (based on 45 sessions I've filmed, 5 I've done myself) or even the eulogy that Dave Schultz's father Phillip gave when his son died.  He revealed (in PA accounts) during the service, that his son had come to him when he was 5 and said "My council said I could come and teach a lesson in love, but I won't be here very long."  He told Phillip they were "old men with gray hair."

As we hear in this brief glimpse below - in my "interview with Dr. Drew" - they don't always have gray hair, they aren't all male, and depending upon your path and journey, the number varies (in Newton's research he said he'd only run into between 6 and 12).  In the sessions I've filmed (either while someone is under hypnosis, or it's just me asking questions) I've found the number varies from 3 to 12.  Everyone has them, and you earned their participation on your council.

Which means you lived some difficult lifetime, learned some difficult lesson, and "earned" them the way someone might earn a Doctoral title - sometimes they wear ornaments that reflect what you've learned (as noted in the clips below.)  But for those of you familiar with Dr. Drew (who isn't?) he graciously allowed me to badger him life on the air for 15 minutes, so you could see for yourself how far we got.

The point is; everyone is different. Everyone has their own council members. Dr. Drew "spoke to" three during this event - and was not familiar with the term or the concept.  People may argue (as I bet Dr. Drew would) that somehow I had him "under hypnosis" while he was "viewing these events."  As I point out in my summation of what had just transpired, that doesn't account for EVERYONE who has these sessions talking to members of their council, even when they have never heard of a council, have no idea what their "council" is, and in this filmed event, he actually says "What's my council?"

As I point out to Dr. Drew, I was talking to his spirit guide and not to him.  He may have no conscious idea (or cryptomnesia - because I'm the only one doing this kind of short hand review) but his "spirit guide" does know what I'm talking about.  So when I say "Take Dr. Drew to visit his council" - he (or she) knows what I'm referring to, even if Dr. Drew does not. (As is the case in this interview.)

To recap, one was a woman dressed like a pilgrim (represented the qualities of "kindness and history") the second was dressed like a Nakota Sioux (represented "Patience and healing" and he experiences a healing during this session).  The last person I asked to speak to was the "moderator"of his group.  This is the person who normally speaks on behalf of everyone present during these events (according to Newton's research we have two mandatory visits to the council - once prior to incarnating to go over what we plan to accomplish, and once upon our return when we recap what we learned.)

Watch for yourself:

I've done this live on the air with a radio personality (Heather Wade) and live on stage with people from the audience. I'll post that soon.

Here is the one in Santa Barbara - I had no plans to do this kind of exploration prior to this talk, but wound up having two people come on stage and they both got to someplace they weren't consciously aware of:

As we approach the New Year, please take a moment to reflect on all the folks and friends you've lost over the past few years, and allow into your consciousness that it's possible they are not gone, they just aren't here.  Apparently, just allowing for that possibility, according to recent interviews, opens our minds up to communication from them. (That is, if you want to communicate with them.) Happy New Year.

(*As to the controversy of whether Seattle said these words, here's the excerpt from the column where he was quoted in 1887 (from a talk in 1855): 

"Every part of this soil is sacred in the estimation of my people. Every hillside, every valley, every plain and grove, has been hallowed by some sad or happy event in days long vanished. Even the rocks, which seem to be dumb and dead as the swelter in the sun along the silent shore, thrill with memories of stirring events connected with the lives of my people, and the very dust upon which you now stand responds more lovingly to their footsteps than yours, because it is rich with the blood of our ancestors, and our bare feet are conscious of the sympathetic touch. 

Our departed braves, fond mothers, glad, happy hearted maidens, and even the little children who lived here and rejoiced here for a brief season, will love these somber solitudes and at eventide they greet shadowy returning spirits. 

And when the last Red Man shall have perished, and the memory of my tribe shall have become a myth among the White Men, these shores will swarm with the invisible dead of my tribe, and when your children's children think themselves alone in the field, the store, the shop, upon the highway, or in the silence of the pathless woods, they will not be alone. 

In all the earth there is no place dedicated to solitude. At night when the streets of your cities and villages are silent and you think them deserted, they will throng with the returning hosts that once filled them and still love this beautiful land. The White Man will never be alone.

 Let him be just and deal kindly with my people, for the dead are not powerless. Dead, did I say? There is no death, only a change of worlds."  

 I would only offer that the idea that we can visit as spirits was not something common among the people who were inhabiting his lands, so for syntax and mythological reasons, it "sounds" like it was from Chief Seattle or someone familiar with the concept that we don't die, we return to the "Great Spirit."

Walking Dr. Drew into the Flipside

Here's the last 20 minutes of this interview, where I walk Dr. Drew into the Flipside. 

There's no hypnosis involved, he's never heard of "a council" - but according to the consistent reports, we all have them. You just need to know how to "get there." I've been a number of times before, have posted these clips on MartiniProds at Youtube

I recommend doing this with a Newton Institute trained therapist, as they're licensed and trained to do this kind of exploration, but I'm trying to show that we all can access this information if we open ourselves up to it. 

(Afterwards, Drew said he "really felt something" when the Sioux Chief "waved a ceremonial stick" over him.)  Burgermeister. In Mainz, Germany. "Wisdom is Wealth."

How could he feel something if he's inventing it? C'mon over to the Flipside, the water is fine.

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