Showing posts with label architecture of the afterlife. Show all posts
Showing posts with label architecture of the afterlife. Show all posts


Meta Meta Metaphor and "You must learn to kneel before you can stand"

In my ongoing observations of conversations I've been having with folks on the Flipside (no other way to put it) the latest two topics are related to the concepts of "Meta meta metaphor" and "Learning to kneel helps one learn to stand."

As noted before, having all of these "conversations" with folks on the flipside via Jennifer Shaffer, appears to have opened a garden gate to my subconscious. (Perhaps it's the six deep hypnosis sessions that I've done with Newton Institute trained hypnotherapists (Jimmy Quast of Easton Hypnosis, and Scott De Tamble of - both trained by Michael Newton).

As noted in "Flipside: A Tourist's Guide on How to Navigate the Afterlife" - the second time I did a deep hypnosis session, this time with Scott instead of Jimmy Quast, I had the experience of "walking out the screen door" into a backyard again.  It was like I had opened the garden gate already, and when Scott began to "count me down" I saw the gate was still open - he got a few seconds in and I said "No need to do that, Scott; I'm already back there."

Flipside squad: Jennifer Shaffer and Scott De Tamble

And in that moment, I was aware that I was spontaneously back in a classroom that I had visited two years earlier via Jimmy Quast... a classroom I've never seen before, am not consciously aware of, but is relative to the one that my friend Luana Anders told me about before she crossed over.

 The one I witnessed was not like the one she had a "memory of" prior to passing ("Everyone is dressed in white speaking a language I've never heard before but completely understand") - in my view, I was standing at the back of an auditorium "in the cheap seats" of an auditorium style lecture hall one might see in a large University.

I saw my friend Luana in the back  with her pals, wearing a pony tail, looking about 20 (I met her years later in her life, but recognized her instantly) and she looked at me as if to say "What the heck are you doing here?" 

I spoke aloud (to Jimmy Quast, the hypnotherapist who had asked "What is this place?") and was startled that the class stopped and everyone, including the teacher looked at this interloper.  As if I had "materialized" in the midst of a lecture, and now was speaking aloud (speaking aloud to the hypnotherapist Jimmy Quast and on camera) saying "Um, I'm in a classroom, and I've interrupted them, and I'm not sure if I'm supposed to be here."

Cut to two years later - doing a session with Scott De Tamble. 

On the set of my film "My Bollywood Bride"

It was his suggestion that I "try another session" and I thought "Great idea!" as perhaps the first deep hypnosis session (recalling a lifetime as a Sioux) was somehow fantasy, and I'd have a completely different experience.

But that wasn't the case. 

As he's counted me down, I become aware that I was teleported "back in that classroom" I had visited two years earlier, only in this time frame it was a few minutes later. I became aware that in the interim, Luana has walked me down to meet the teacher after class, and was apologizing (profusely) for my interruption of the class.  


She was in the midst of telling the teacher "I'm sorry, but this is my friend and he's doing a documentary and he didn't mean to interrupt the class..." And I'm having the "Shakespearean nightmare" where an actor wakes up from a dream on stage in front of an audience and doesn't know what play he's in.  

I become aware that I was standing next to my friend (I don't recall walking down from the back of the auditorium to the front of the class) but she's in midsentence when I become "consciously aware" she's making these apologies on my behalf.

 Luana in double reflection.

I had the presence of mind to look up at the teacher (about 8 feet tall) and see that he wasn't upset, kind of disinterested. He said simply "So what are your questions?" 

And I launched into a number of them - (transcription in "Flipside") including "What's this class about, and was I correct two years ago (in my earth time) in my assessment of how the process works?"  And he answered those questions succinctly and without emotion. I was filming this session and the transcript is in the book as well. The answers are not anything I could make up, could not be cryptomnesia, as the answers were beyond any science I've heard of, or any religious concept I'm aware of.  I'm just reporting.

But here we are 12 years after those events, and I'm having these series of dreams where I am "mid conversation" with a group of people. 

                          Portrait of Luana from her fellow classmate (and young star who                              died in a car accident Tom Pittman).

I can't consciously say who they are, but I know that Luana is with them. And they are "discussing with me" various aspects of consciousness - how it functions, how incarnation works, and what the heck we're doing on the planet in the first place.

I have no other way to describe it.

I am no sage, I'm not a medium, I'm not someone trying to sell someone the concept. People buy my books and I warn them - "this may alter your path, so be prepared to get a refund."  It's my caveat I often use - "Please return this book if it bothers you in any way. I won't be offended. Get your money back, give the book back to whomever gave it to you."

But I would be remiss if I didn't report. After all, my books are filled with people sharing their most intimate thoughts with me (anonymously if asked) and I put them in print for everyone to see.  So I have no problem saying "Last night I was having a conversation with an avatar and we were talking about this..."

This is an ongoing discussion apparently. The posts about it are continuing - I have no story beats or outline of what I'm supposed to talk about. I'm just reporting here.

Four nights ago it was Luana talking about photographs being a piece of captured time, and how photographs are "meta meta metaphors" of reality.

Pere LaChaise. Are these objects our loved ones?
Or metaphors for our loved ones?

That is - the photo is taken of us, who are standing in a time frame with loved ones. Those loved ones are energy, light if you will, inhabiting form.  They are playing the roles of the parts they've agreed to play - parent, friend, enemy, etc - (see previous post "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy" reference from the poem that continues “rich man, poor man, beggar man, thief”) and the camera is capturing "time and space" of that moment when all were together.  That time frame still exists - can be accessed like a packet of time, or like a floppy disc with all the details of the holograph of that event.  By accessing the photograph we can explore further details - what guides were involved, who else was there, etc.

A photo of Prince? How does an outline translate
into an emotion? Is his energy included in
his notes, his image? If so, how do we access it?

But that too is a metaphor. Like books that we consider sacred are metaphors for behavior, like scientific facts are actually metaphors for how things really work.. One could say that all photographs are 1s and 0s (as translated in computer language) and all experiences are 1s and 0s as well. After all, all sensations are "translated" by the synapses of the brain - whether sound or light, touch or emotion - all are translations (or metaphors) for what existence is.

Further, mind bendingly, it appears (based on the research) that every event we experience is like putting a URL or a link in our mind to the experience.  So we don't have to store the actual information in the lengthy (stretched out rope) of a brain... it's stored there like a link is stored on a computer.  It's refers to information that is offsite. But even that offsite information is also composed of metaphor - 1s and 0s that represent experience.

This NASA photo is metaphor - as these lights
existed billions of years ago, took that long to arrive
on the planet. We are looking at light that no longer
exists, and yet it does exist. Meta meta metaphor.

Hence why, when I asked "How am I going to consciously remember this conversation?" she said "Just remember the term meta meta metaphor and it will come back to you."  So that's what I've done, and that's what's above.

All paintings are metaphor; including Raphael's.

Last night it was the phrase:

"You need to learn to kneel before you can learn to stand."

Since I have bad knees from playing sports (football) I couldn't kneel if I wanted to, and if I'm in a church service, when it comes time to "use the kneelers" I'm one of those fellows who "pretends to kneel" but uses the pew to support the ruse.

Can't do it.

So the idea of "kneeling" for me is a rough concept. It also relates to "kings and queens" and "kneeling before royalty."  Which to me is contrary to my persona - I once was asked by a Prince's Chief of Police if my comment "What he did is tacky" if I was "insulting the Prince."  I knew this fellow was royalty, and I was in his country, observing his tacky behavior and had the temerity to tell him to his face. To which his bodyguard/chief said the sentence in a way that if I answered I could have been arrested.

But we didn't fight a war with the British to suddenly start bowing and scraping - so the idea of bowing to someone else over a bloodline is a primary no no for me. Won't do it. If you catch me doing it, kick me - as I wouldn't do it otherwise.  Blood lines are ridiculous in terms of how we navigate the planet - sorry, just not going to go there.

So the sentence has my hackles up as I hear it. I know I protested the "sentence" for me to remember.  But I have to allow it considering the person who said it.

Let's unpack it for a second. "Kneeling" is often associated with prayer. What is prayer? It's both meditation and supplication.  On one hand, we meditate (Latin to measure - "med") on the person we are asking intercession from, or we meditate on the person we are trying to gain help for ("Tonglen" Tibetan meditation that according to peer review studies, can "cure or alleviate symptoms of depression") - so by meditating, or praying on someone else's behalf, we are technically in the kneeling position (at least mentally) of asking for assistance or help.

"You need to learn how to kneel."  

Perhaps a way of saying "By dropping our ego, dropping our desires or wants on behalf of someone else, we get closer to the core of things, how consciousness functions, how we are all connected at all times, and by "kneeling" and dropping the ego, we get closer to source by doing so.

"Before we can stand" - to me, seems to be about "standing our ground" or "standing on firm logic."  

So in essence, if we want to argue something, or argue with someone - we at first need to "kneel" to the idea of understanding how we are all connected, and how this person I'm arguing with is also from source, but may have an alternate experience than mine - and by "kneeling" we are able to then "be able to stand." Standing in terms of understanding how consciousness functions. "Under Standing."

Frankly - that's about as best as I can do with the concept.  

I know that it sounds like a religious concept - but like I say, when I heard it, I rejected it, and said "Isn't there another metaphor I can use?" and the answer was 

"You need to learn to kneel before you can learn to stand."

I looked over at Luana (in my mind's eye in this dream) and said "Who are we talking to about this?" And she said "Jesus." And then I looked back and saw that fellow, that guy - but consciously so.  Robes and all. Smile too.

Startled - and at the same time thinking "Really? I've been having this conversation with him all this time and only at the very end do I become aware of it?"

Like I say - return the book (or post) if its problematic, move onto the next post if this is confusing or sounds egocentric.  It's not. I'm just reporting. I have argued that in all of our chats with him (via other people, reported in "Hacking the Afterlife" and "Architecture of the Afterlife") that I have nothing to do with access to him - that everyone appears to have their own access to him (and any avatar) whenever they so choose to learn to do so. (Or open the garden gate to do so.)

Ladakh. "Future Buddha."

And by "any avatar" that's demonstrated repeatedly in "Architecture of the Afterlife" where I film people accessing Buddha, Ma Durga, Krishna, Shiva and other avatars, including "Archangels." (Self identified - not my word I would use, but they offer it.)

They all claim to be "radiating at the same frequency."  And by "claim" I mean, I ask the question - "So how is it this person is seeing you at this moment in time? Is this related to their path and journey, are they creating a visual of you because they want to? Or do all of the avatars have something in common? And your appearance in this conversation is related to other conversations?" It's mind bending when "they" refer to conversations I've had with "others" that the person reporting has no access to.

I had not hear of Ma Durga - but met her first via Jennifer Shaffer. Then after a number of "conversations" looked her up.  It's a metaphor for who she is. Avatar.

The answer I've filmed/recorded/reported is: "We are always accessible to you, and we all radiate at the relative same frequency." 

So in this ongoing "chitchat" with folks on the flipside, I assume other folks across the planet are having the same experience, the same kinds of conversations, consciously or not. 

Perhaps with their higher consciousness involved, perhaps unaware of them, but for some reason, "the veil is thinning" and I'm hearing it more and more often in the comments on Quora.

Book available online, "Hacking the Afterlife" forum is on Quora.

The "Hacking the Afterlife" forum has over 30k members, and 14 million views. It very well could be that their "higher selves" "guides" or "teachers" are sending them there to share this information... but either way, I'm just reporting. 

My two sesterce.

When you know, you know

“When you know, you know.”

This quote came from an Oscar winning writer yesterday.  We were talking about something that had just occurred – he got some new information from the flipside, the afterlife, that could not have come from anyone else except the person he was talking to on the other side.

It's a bit like talking about skydiving. People who've never done it can have an opinion on it, but only those who've experienced it "know" the experience.

                Luana Anders. An avatar in a mirror.

In this case – it was this writer's dog.  

I knew his dog well, walked him for three years when I worked for his owner, and had no clue that we could access his dog… until we did. 

About a year or two ago, I organized a skype session with him and Jennifer Shaffer, medium extraordinaire. During the course of the session, I was filming, he was accessing a close pal no longer on the planet, when I asked if we could talk to "Hira.” (It's in the book "Backstage Pass to the Flipside" Part one)

                         With Jennifer Shaffer

My friend paused. “Can we do that?” 

I said “Let’s see.”  

And Jennifer said “Why am I seeing a giant white rug?”  My friend held up a photograph of him – he was a giant Hungarian sheepdog – a bit like a giant white shag rug.  That day we conversed with him – asked him questions, he gave answers that only he would know (about me, about a trip he and I went on together, about a trip he went on with our friend that only he would know about – that Jennifer could not because I did not.) 

My friend had a million questions after that session. “How could that be?” 

I have done my best to encapsulate the research, the thousands of cases of deep hypnosis I’ve examined, the 50 I’ve filmed, the 50 I’ve filmed without hypnosis – people saying the same thing over and over.  “We don’t die. We know we still exist. It’s you, our loved ones, who pretend we don’t.”  

I’ve spoken to friends of this writer, friends of mine – I’ve filmed those interactions and shared them with their family members or the public in the books “Backstage Pass to the Flipside” books one, two and three.

Yesterday my friend had a chat over the phone with Jennifer – just a casual chat saying hello. 

And she said “Hira wants you to take a yellow cough drop.”  My friend hadn’t coughed, so he said “What? Why?”  

And Jennifer said “I don’t know why, but Hira is saying you used to take these yellow cough drops – and he’s concerned about you, and wants you to take them.  And my friend revealed to her that very morning he had woken up with a cough, and that no one else knew about it.

It’s an example of new information. 

The medium, Jennifer could not have known that he woke up with a cough. Could not have known that he used to take these particular “yellow cough drops.”  (They’re specific and special, and believe me, having worked for the guy for years, could only be found in one or two stores on the planet.)  And yet, here was his dog, who passed over 30 years ago – telling him that he needed to take those same drops for his current cough.

Get it?

“When you know. You know.”

                                       With a couple of avatars.

As I pointed out to him, no one else is going to “believe” that they can access their loved ones on the flipside from hearing that story. 

In fact, only one person on the planet would realize this to be accurate, that this story was meant for him, that this story would prove beyond any shadow of any doubt that he had, it was true.

But he has an Oscar and I don’t. 

In the hierarchical world we live in - he's got a PhD in writing, while I'm just a fellow who films people talking about the afterlife. So until he wants to announce to the world that he knows what he knows, people will have to take my word for it that he said it.  

But it made me think of another comment I was replying to. About "PhD's" in consciousness.

This fellow on was complaining about my reports on the flipside.

I had posted an innocuous comment in the forum I moderate and created “Hacking the Afterlife” on  (It was in response to someone posting about the accuracy of consciousness existing outside the body...)

RM: "Thousands upon thousands of people have had NDE’s that are skeptics, non religious or every variety imaginable. Check out for the most reliable source of information on NDEs - and there are quite a few to read..."

This Poster asked: "Why do you think that there is such a thing as a disembodied mind?"

RM: "I don’t think about it much. Or to quote Carl Jung “I don’t think, I know.” Having done six deep hypnosis sessions, having filmed over 100 (50 without hypnosis) I’m aware of how consciousness works when not incarnated in a body. 

We have this illusion that it begins with us - like an avatar in a video game believing that they are in actuality the source of their behavior. The research shows we bring about a third of our conscious energy to a lifetime, two thirds is always “back home” where we started from. 

All the research points to the same thing; we choose our lifetimes (avatars) we construct them to behave in this environment (as best we can, we have free will to screw things up and often do) and when the game is over we return home and become aware of all the other lifetimes. I’ve been filming people saying the exact same thing for over a decade now, so no - it’s not a belief of mine."

Poster: "You've been filming the exact same thing for a decade now, so in a nutshell, what have you deduced from this?"

RM: "Let's see... I have 8 books on the topic. You want one sentence? Life goes on. Life didn’t begin either - we chose to come here, volunteered for the mission so to speak. We have no awareness of it unless we have a consciousness altered event - NDE, OBE, LSD, meditation or hypnotherapy. .We can bypass the filters. It’s not for everyone - but for those who want to figure it out, there’s a path. In “Architecture of the Afterlife” - I filmed about 50 people doing the exact same journey, saying the same things people under hypnosis said - without any hypnosis. Check it out. Mind bending."

Poster: "We choose to come here? What a load of nonsense. I don't care if everyone rambles the same under hypnosis. People interpret what they want to believe. Science outright rejects an afterlife.

There is no such thing as a disembodied mind. Good day."

(Ah, finally - we get to the opinion of this poster. That materialist science is accurate and non materialist science is not (as they refer to it at UVA, where they study consciousness)  So I replied (how could I not?)

RM: "I'm sorry. Let me amend that. Everyone chose to come here but this fellow.

In all the thousands of cases I've researched, the 2750 from Dr. Helen Wambach, the 7k from Michael Newton, the 100 I've filmed of people accessing previous lifetimes with historical accuracy - half under hypnosis and half not I've finally found the one person who didn't volunteer to incarnate.

I'd pop champagne if I could.

I would offer that there's plenty of science that demonstrates consciousness exists outside the brain.. I could cite the over 100 peer reviewed studies done by Dr. Greyson at UVA, the peer reviewed studies done by Ed and Emily Kelly PhDs at UVA, “Irreducible Mind" or the 1500 cases of reincarnation under review by Dr Tucker at UVA, the 30 years of research by Ian Stevenson at UVA or the 10 years of NDE cases cited in the Aware project by Dr. Sam Parnia… but what would be the point?

This one fellow claims he didn't choose to be here.

I could query all those involved with that choice - parents, siblings, teachers, guides.. I could even query this person's higher self (the two thirds of conscious energy that stays behind during a lifetime) and without this fellow’s awareness here - could learn why he chose to be here and not realize why.

Again - without his even being aware of it here, his higher self knows what I'm talking about. (As demonstrated in the book “Architectureof the Afterlife.”)

But I wouldn't do that. 

It would be fun… but it would be impolite. One cannot interfere with a person's path or journey.. people don’t all sign up to know how the play ends… for the most part we aren’t allowed to interfere with anyone’s chosen path or journey… except I just did.

Everyone who has read this reply has a higher self that knows exactly what I'm referring to and by reading this comment has realized it's possible to direct someone's awareness to the research.

Oops. Sorry. Have a good day.”

Folks don't like hearing that no one is dead. Not sure why.

The poster was not finished: 

Poster: "You should read Antonio Damasio’s papers. He's a renowned neuroscientist, you are not."

RM: "You should read David Presti’s book “Mind Beyond Brain.” He’s a renowned neuroscientist as well. or let’s take a gander at Dr. Greyson’s peer reviewed papers:  or watch the video “Is consciousness produced by the brain” where Greyson cites the medical cases where it is not only.

Or these peer reviewed studies about consciousness:

Or these peer reviewed studies about consciousness existing outside the brain: Irreducible Mind

Or take five minutes to look at the research at DOPS at UVA. It's not my opinion, theory or belief. I turn on the camera, film what they say and am startled that they say the same things the research demonstrates. Division of Perceptual Studies | University of Virginia School of Medicine.”

Poster: "…Also when the brain is put in a dream like state, it can be coaxed into coming out with all sorts of fantastical things which, unfortunately is interpreted as a past life."

My final reply:

RM: "I try to focus on new information. That is - details that can be proven that aren’t cryptomnesia. New information that the person under hypnosis, or not under hypnosis (as demonstrated in “Architecture of the Afterlife”) observes, sees, learns during the experience. 

That is not limited to near death events (Dr. Alexander learning he had a sister who had died but never met, Todd Burpo learning he had a sister who died he had never met, David Bennett, scientist who died from drowning for 12 minutes (“Voyage of Purpose”) where he saw the events that would occur later in life - a diagnosis of cancer he would overcome - and then 20 years later it occurred. He’s been studied in the DOPS lab at UVA - perhaps this poster isn’t aware of it - but it’s a place to study consciousness outside the brain (as cited above.) Division ofPerceptual Studies | University of Virginia School of Medicine -

While Antonio Damasio is a scholar (and a neighbor, as I went to USC), he’s dealing with materialist science without the benefit of post materialist research (quantum mechanics visa vis the brain). I recommend listening to some David Bohm (physicist) conversations with Krishnamurti (at the site in Ojai, where they have all online) or a proof of concept exercise. Antonio (or anyone) can visit a hypnotherapist - see what the process entails - do their own session and see what the results are. It’s one thing to talk about skydiving, but another to experience it.

I’ve filmed 100 cases, done six myself - and done the forensic research to see how accurate my memories are (“Flipside” book and film, “Talking to Bill Paxton” film, “It’s a Wonderful Afterlife” interviews with scientists, “Hacking the Afterlilfe” interviews with mediums, “Backstage Pass to the Flipside” interviews with people I knew on the flipside, and “Architecture of the Afterlife” with people not under hypnosis accessing the same information.) 

It’s not my opinion, theory or belief these people say the same things. I’m only filming them. I’m a filmmaker you see. I film people and then transcribe what they say. And beyond a shadow of any doubt I have - I could connect Antonio to his parents on the flipside, and prove beyond any shadow of doubt he might have that they still exist and are accessible. But anyone can do that. 

I suggest one try, no harm in self experimenting.”


My two cents

Which is my way of saying “When you know, you know.”


A message from the Flipside

Needless to say, with so many of our fellow travelers not making it or having their lives ended by something as senseless as a "zombie virus" - it sends the mind reeling. Looking for answers.

If one looks through this blog they'll find some practical advice from none other than Jonas Salk.  Zinc (elderberry) aloe vera (juice) and acai.  Daily. Stay home. Wash hands. Eventually there will be a vaccine, and or the amounts will lessen.  These things take time.
Elderberry, Aloe Vera, Acai
from Jonas Salk
Or we can try to look for value in the pandemic; "Well, I can finish up my books about the afterlife, just in case."  That was on my mind, when I raced to finish both "Backstage Pass to the Flipside 3: Talking to the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer book three" and "Architecture of the Afterlife."   I had these two very large books over 600 pages each, and I knew if I spent the next three months trying to edit them, they might never get done.

So I put them out, then recorded the Audible versions.  That too was a matter of urgency, getting the recording equipment together, finding the right space to record it - and then reading about 40 hours (for both books.)  Then because Audible was in another mode because of the pandemic it took two months to get those versions released.

I'm aware some quality control has slipped through the cracks - a fan wrote today that he found a 100 typos in "Architecture of the Afterlife."  The good news is that once I recorded the Audible, I saw many typos, then edited the copy and submitted new editions (something not available to authors before, but nowadays it's a click of a button to resubmit a new edition.)  So my sincere apologies for any typos I missed. (If you have an "older edition" send me an email to "MartiniProds" at gmail and I'll forward a newer edition (PDF) without the typos.)

Also, I heard that in "Backstage Pass to the Flipside 3" one can hear me "making corrections" while I'm reading the text. (Scribbling in the margins) Which is pretty funny - or a testament to recording. Again - apologies if the sound of a pen is distracting. An early review had one person complain they could hear my "cat meowing" in the original audio of "Flipside." So in subsequent introductions I proclaim "I'm the kind of author that has cats meow in his books. If that's an issue, I sincerely suggest getting a refund. You also might hear me get choked up while reading a passage (often) - I can't help that. Part of what I'm doing is catching lightning in a bottle - and sometimes that includes crickets."

But this post is about something else.  

The other day, I was in my kitchen where sometime I hear folks saying things to me. Robert Kennedy approached me there (I clearly heard his voice say "I understand you're the fellow I'm supposed to speak with to pass a message to my children.") Startled, I said "No, sir, I'm the guy who knows the people who can help you. If you want to speak with us, show up at our weekly session where Jennifer and I speak to the flipside via Luana." 

Luana Anders waving hello.

Then the following week, on my way to see Jennifer - lo and behold when I arrived at our meeting place she said "Robert Kennedy is here."  (What he had to say I did pass along to one of his children.)

That has happened more than once - another time with John McCain - another time with Paul Allen (see "Paul Allen, Junior Seau and Dave Duerson" on YouTube for direct visual evidence of what I'm talking about.)  But again - that's not what this post is about.  

This is about something I heard the other day.  I heard the voice of a friend who had departed, and I heard her say something clear as a bell.

I don't know what she meant by it. I immediately thought it might mean one thing - and I took offense at hearing it. "What are you telling me that for?"  

However - I normally don't have a problem with people reaching out to me from the flipside as I know they do so for a reason.  And despite the thoughts that surrounded what she said - I have to allow that if it's accurate, it's for a reason.

So next week I'm going to address this in a session with Jennifer. 

I've been doing this research for over ten years.  My books are filled with the hows and whys those events have occurred.  They're like bread crumbs to the same place, the same conclusions.  If one wants to take that ride, and reads them in order, they will see the same information that I've seen. 

What I've seen is that everything happens for a reason - nothing happens without the connectivity of all of our previous lifetimes, all of our guides and teachers and loved ones participating. There are no coincidences, and our loved ones can communicate with us from the other side if we're open to the possibility that they can do so.

I've also learned that time exists relatively over there - while some say "there is no time" or that "everything exists at the same time" I've found that not to be the case in terms of the research. We apparently live each life in a linear fashion, we experience them in a linear fashion, otherwise we couldn't learn anything. 

If after every lifetime we said "Oh, I want a do over" - everyone who participated would have to agree. And even then, all the events would be different.  Even the concept is self serving - we live our lives so we can learn things about ourselves, or learn things about love and help others, even if we can't see that's why we chose our lifetimes in the first place.

The most important thing I've learned in this research is that the journey to the planet is about unconditional love. That's easy to say, next to impossible to consider. We all have conditions about why and who and what we're doing on the planet - or opinions, reactions to what other people do on the planet.  

But by "opening our hearts to everyone and all things" we have a shot at understanding the nature of reality. Not that it's a phrase that's a panacea - or an ad campaign - but understanding that the nature of consciousness, the nature of reality is embracing the idea that we are all connected and if one wants to experience that connection they can... by "opening their hearts to everyone and all things."

And beyond that to realize that we chose to come here, that leaving here is just another part of the journey, that no one dies that no one leaves the stage entirely - we are all available on the flipside, even if a portion of us has already come back. Two thirds of "who we are" is always "back home."  If one reads all the books, they'll come to the same conclusion (or I would bet they would.)

By the way there is a "donate" button on the side of the page. If this research has helped in any way, or changed perspective in any way, it would be most helpful if one took the time to donate something to that research - any amount that they can. I sincerely thank everyone for doing so, and also I mention those donors to the gofundme page in the next book and they get PDF's of the books for doing so.

So this post is about paying attention to what people say to us from the flipside. It's also a preamble that the next session I'm going to do with Jennifer I will bring up this person and this message and see if she gets it right.  I'll post it next week. I would say what the message was - but then someone somewhere would say "But Jennifer must have read your post."  I have a larger issue to deal with - Jennifer is often reading my mind, especially when writing about her or her name. My phone routinely rings whenever I write something she said, or was about to say. ("Ring." "I was just writing your name." "Shut the front door." "No seriously. Stop bugging me.")

So do the same with your loved ones. They still exist. Allow them to speak to you. Allow for the possibility that they can. Allow that they still care for you and want you to do well, and have some pretty cool things to impart from the flipside. Live your life with as much love as you can. Love love.

Remember; they're as close as you can imagine, and never far from you despite the illusion they aren't. 

Don't take my word for it. Just ask them. When you hear an answer before you can ask the question, you'll know you've made a connection.

My two cents. 

Hacking The Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer and Prince, Beethoven, Herma...

Our latest interview with Prince, Beethoven, Bernard Hermann and others, talking about the healing nature of music, as well as discussion with a dog on the flipside giving advice for pet owners who want to continue the conversation with their pet.

Here's a link to "BACKSTAGE PASS TO THE FLIPSIDE 3" referenced in this podcast.

Backstage Pass to the Flipside 3: Talking to the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer Book Three by [Richard Martini, Jennifer Shaffer, Luana Anders]

Meanwhile: #1 new release at Audible in its genre.


Don Rickles Proves He Still Exists Live on Coast to Coast Radio

Another amazing interview with George Noory. 

For those with a score card - last time I was on the show I asked him if he had anyone to speak with on the flipside, who would that be? 

And he said "Don Rickles." 

So Jennifer Shaffer and I interviewed Don after the show (That interview is on Page 435 of "Backstage Pass to the Flipside 3")  

I asked Don Rickles (via Jennifer) if George had ever met him. He said "Yes, through a mutual friend, in Vegas." I asked him if he had any message for George Noory, he said "Tell him there's no room up here."  

Live on the air, I asked George if he "ever met Don Rickles." 

Jennifer and George at the Great Greek Restaurant

He said "Yes, I went to see Robert Davi who opened for him, and I met him briefly backstage, in Vegas."  

I pointed out - I had no way of knowing that - we had never discussed it - he had not told me that,  nor could have Jennifer. 

Just another small minor "proof" that life goes on - live on the air.

"Architecture of the Afterlife" is #8 on Audible in its genre

"Architecture of the Afterlife" is currently #8 on Audible in its genre - and rising.

Architecture of the Afterlife: The Flipside Code: Discovering the Blueprint for the Great Beyond

By this time tomorrow "I predict" it will be #1 on Amazon in its genre. Always happens after my appearances on "Coast to Coast" with George Noory.

Many thanks to all the folks who generously donated part of their consciousness (without hypnosis) to allow me to explore, probe and generally get them to share knowledge they had no clue they possessed.

(also titles at #17, #24 and #48 in the top fifty! I had no idea. Booya.)

The reviews are in, and the book are now available in AUDIBLE

Happy to report both "Architcture of the Afterlife: The Flipside Code" and "Backstage Pass to the Flipside 3: Talking to the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer Book three" are available on Audible.

Architecture of the Afterlife: The Flipside Code: Discovering the Blueprint for the Great Beyond

I think it's 16 hours for each of them - but I forget. It took me about two years to gather the reports for both books.  One dovetails the other.

Backstage Pass to the Flipside 3: Talking to the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer, Book 3

Nothing like a pandemic and quarantine to light a fire under an author to "get the work done."  

Both books represent a massive amount of help and tolerance and effort.  

In the case of "Backstage Pass to the Flipside 3" it meant I had to drive along the gorgeous coast to Manhattan Beach once a week, and have lunch with the effervescent, always hilarious, able to leap small buildings in heels - Jennifer Shaffer.  A true gem of a person, who for some godforsaken reason puts up with my incessant questions, peppering and badgering her while she tries to listen to what folks on the flipside are trying to convey.

The Backstage Pass books are filled with people I knew or met in my 30 year journey through Hollywood, filled with people my companion and pal on the flipside Luana Anders knew and brought in to meet with us. 

Me and Lu in Roma
It is also filled with people I've never met, people I could never have met in life, but yet somehow insisted, cajoled or wormed their way in to the head of the line of people that Luana claims are "waiting to speak with us."  

I sincerely know how wacky that sounds.  

But I turn on the camera, I ask Jennifer whatever pops into my head - and she replies on behalfl of Luana who is helping the person who wants to speak with us communicate. 

There is no other way to put it. 

Interview after interview with people who have died recently, people who died years ago, people who died centuries ago - and yet somehow, inexplicably, are able to give us answers that I can forensically investigate.  It's mind bending to be sure - but if someone wants to see or hear an "Alternate history of the Planet" - this is a place to start.

Books "Backstage Pass to the Flipside Part One and Two" include a workbook that helps instruct people how to "do this at home" without a medium, without getting in line to speak to someone on the flipside. Just "accessing their loved ones" in the simplest form possible.  That workbook is not in this edition "3" because it's longer than the first two put together.  But just as much fun. 

Part One:

Backstage Pass to the Flipside: Talking to the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer, Part One

Part Two:
Backstage Pass to the Flipside: Book 2

Here are some reviews for the above two books:

Reviewed in the United States on April 5, 2019

"I have read many many books on this subject but I have never read anything like Martini's books. They read like a movie in Spectra Color! Vivid and Capturing subtle secret nuances that tickle the mind. I have read All of his books and all surpass others in this arena. So go ahead.....Have a Martini!!!!! :-)

Reviewed in the United States on June 25, 2019

"I've enjoyed all of Richard Martini's books on the afterlife and recommend reading them in order, but the most recent two have a different format that I really enjoyed. He puts his questions and comments in italics, the medium's answers in normal type face and what she's hearing from the Other Side are in bold type. The result is remarkably like sitting at their table in the café where they conduct their sessions. Going back to see exactly what the person speaking through the medium said is so much easier than if the book was written in the conventional way.

And the medium--! Jennifer Shaffer is a really gifted and committed translator for the Other Side. Damn she's good. Over the years, I've sought out mediums and found a very few whose gift was flat-out amazing to me. Unlike armchair "skeptics," I've spent this lifetime actively seeking to understand life and death and what happens in between and have experienced a range of gifts when it comes to communication with the so-called dead. It's as if some gifted people have to fight a sort of "static" through which they work to translate what they're perceiving. But for some of them, the connections are exceptionally clear and the information very, very accurate. It's a blessing that Shaffer also uses her gift to work with law enforcement on missing person cases and unsolved homicides.

Jennifer Shaffer reminded me almost immediately of a medium I saw many times around 50 years ago. They both seem able to "get out of their own way" and let the information come through, which is wonderful for the sitter. Both are humble and very open in saying if what they're getting is in any way unclear to them. And they both take responsibility for their own "errors in translation" and meticulously correct themselves. The result is very high quality communication between realities--almost as good as a cell phone conversation.

And these two most recent books communicate in a clear way too. The reason I have all of Richard Martini's books and have reread most of them is that he writes with such clarity and humor. The latter is sometimes lacking in books on the afterlife, but he writes as if death and the survival of the human soul are simply parts of Life. And Life can be very funny sometimes and tragic others. Just as Jennifer Shaffer is an excellent psychic medium, Richard Martini is an excellent writer. They've both led interesting lives and I'm so grateful that they've made the effort to share them with the rest of us in such an entertaining way."

Reviewed in the United States on October 13, 2018

The "Flip Side" books (and the audio versions, read by the author Rich Martini who is delightful) helps even the most rational, skeptical person become open to the concept that the "Other Side" could be real. As a person who believes in the Other Side, these books helped me to open my mind up to even more possibilities, because of Rich Martini's matter-of-fact, funny, and "what if this were true?" style of questioning (for example, I didn't put much stock in past life regression or life-between-lives, and now that stuff seems highly possible and worth exploring). Rich Martini's books WILL change your outlook and perhaps your life.

If I could go back and do reviews of all his books (I have listened to them all), I would give them SIX stars. This one (PART 1 of two books) perhaps only a five. I give it "only" a five because as a Flipside Fan, I was able to draw even more amazing revelations out of this book. But I do not recommend it as the first Rich Martini book you read, only as a follow-up.

The reason is that Rich Martini is a film-maker, who has had many friends and contacts throughout the Hollywood network for many decades. So some of the people he hears from on the Other Side are entertainers, filmmakers, and actually, some are quite famous. This book is more filled with famous celebrities than any of his former books. To RIch, this does not seem odd, b/c these people are his friends, acquaintances, or colleagues, but to "normal people" it would sound like he is name-dropping or even making up ppl who "come through" via mediums, such as Prince, Tom Petty, or Robin Williams. At times there was an "inside joke" feeling about his conversations with pals on the Other Side (thru the medium), kind of an LA cliquishness that I found off-putting. Rich's lifelong pal (and one-time girlfriend), the late Luana Anders, is a special guide on the Other Side; in his other books, she does not figure so prominently, but in this book, the ubiquitous references to her became pretty annoying. Is the book meant to help us mortals learn more about the Afterlife, or is it more of a vehicle to express the author's apparent torch-carrying for this actress?

That said, I was able to ignore these annoying elements, b/c of all Rich's other breakthrough books; I am grateful to him for his courage and storytelling ability that questions the status quo and allows an ordinary person to picture the Other Side truly being real. I do wish that in this book, and in future books or film projects he pursues regarding the Other Side, he would emphasize the learning, not inside "high school reunion" style jokes that are of no value to the reader who doesn't know these people.

Just listened to PART 2. Much better than PART 1. He still is communicating with many famous ppl, although there were more ppl that I actually care about and am curious about, such as John Lennon, Gilda Radnor, Gene Wilder, Carrie Fisher, and John Belushi. Even famous atheists, such as Stephen Hawking and Christopher Hutchins. I also felt this book had more "meaning" in it, more treatment of philosophical questions that I wonder about, more discoveries about the meaning of life. It was not just glib coffee klatch banter between old Hollywood pals, like the tone of the first book. I would urge the author to make future books more like Part 2, offering universal connections and answers to questions we all have about the Afterlife. I especially loved the end, where he discusses the appearance of Paul McCartney's mother from the Other Side that led to his greatest song: "There will be an answer, let it be, let it be."

Thank you all for posting these reviews. Very kind of you.

"Architecture of the Afterlife" is another victory of sorts. I began filming people not under hypnosis, answering questions I posed to them in casual settings.  For fans of "Flipside" "It's a Wonderful Afterlife" and "Hacking the Afterlife" they know that I have filmed over 50 hypnosis sessions where people say the same things about the afterlife that the 2000 clinical cases from Dr. Helen Wambach reported, or the thousands from Michael Newton and the Newton Institute.  They also know that I'm not the source of those questions or answers - I'm literally in the corner of the room filming those sessions.

But in "Architecture" I demonstrate in the simplest of fashions - much to my chagrin, shock and dismay - that anyone can access this same information without hypnosis.  I recommend (as I do consistently in the book) that a person should invest in the 4-6 hour deep hypnosis session because it will have deeper, more lasting effects. I mention some of the hypnotherapists I've interviewed in the past, and this book includes an interview with Scott De Tamble, who was mentored by Michael Newton, but allows me to explore this "surface method" in a noisy restaurant in Santa Monica.

This book as well is perhaps too much for one sitting - as a reviewer mentioned the other day "You need to put this book down after each chapter to digest everything you've just read."  Here's three early reviews of Architecture on Amazon.

Reviewed in the United States on June 3, 2020
R.A. Martin

"Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence" - Martin Rees' maxim

Reviewed in the United States on June 3, 2020

One of the things that makes this book - "Architecture of the Afterlife" - so compelling and justifiable, IS the amount of EVIDENCE Martini amasses to backup the interviews, experiences and explorations that are undertaken here. Martini documents with photographs and historical data wherever possible. 

I was already a believer, but I am bowled over by the meticulous (and yet never boorish) manner in which Martini supports the claims made, the souls contacted, the messages coming from counsels and guides. I was (and still am) a great fan of the extraordinary Michael Newton and his institute which investigated "Lives Between Lives" and is one of the cornerstones upon which Martini has built his own "Architecture of the Afterlife". 

It is a selfless and no doubt often unrewarding task to conduct lengthy sessions, diligently transcribing hours of interviews and then moving these documents into publication. Luckily for all of us, Rich is an extraordinary story teller, with oodles of film making experience. 

He has an entertaining, surefooted interviewing style & voice, and I have enjoyed his books as well as his youtube presentations and films he has done on this topic. And his friend, psychic/channel Jennifer is beyond beyond, absolutely an ace conduit to bringing forth the blessed sparks of consciousness and souls from the Flipside, who indeed wish to communicate with us, especially during these turbulent times.

gary eck
5.0 out of 5 stars 
Total peace. This book will bring you answers to your actions. It will take away fear because you are never alone, you have constant connections to your guides. Relax and enjoy the rides that you planned for yourself. Give your self a great gift and read this and the other books he has written.
Study the details, nourish your soul. Your life will be enhanced and you will see beauty. It is healing a shower of love and peace.

Reviewed in the United States on April 21, 2020

Gayle P. Hammond
5.0 out of 5 stars 

Reviewed in the United States on April 22, 2020
Another home run for Rich Martini. Fascinating, thought provoking, and just plain fun. I am addicted to his books. Often reread them(or re-listen).

Thanks for the encouraging words, and as promised, both books would be available on audio in early June.

Apologies for any stuttering, crying on mic (it happens, I can't help myself) or other miffs. It's me playing all the roles in this miasma of information. But for those who know me, that's old information.


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