Showing posts with label Prince. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Prince. Show all posts


The Discovery and Unconditional Love

There's a film about the Flipside that has gained some attention lately - starring Robert Redford, Jason Segal and Rooney Mara.  Written and directed by Charlie McDowell, the premise is that Redford is a scientist who has proved that "there is an Afterlife."

The result of that discovery is that people decide they're going to commit suicide - for whatever reason - they aren't happy here, I guess, but there's an epidemic of people choosing to be somewhere else rather than being here.  It's so pervasive that people just can't wait to get off the planet, and depending upon whatever their feeling is at the moment, they're dropping like flies.

Which is pretty funny if you think about it.  (Actually, I laughed often watching the film, seeing the writing of it as a comedy, and the dark music and cinematography betrayed what is - in my mind - a dark comedy).  People who are so unhappy with being on the planet they can't wait to get "somewhere else."

Only in this story, without going into what happens too much (spoiler alert), we discover that things aren't what they appear to be.  That this version of reality - might actually be somewhat manufactured.  Which of course leads us to a myriad of other questions - what other details in the storyline are manufactured? Imagined?  And if all of it is a construct, then why this particular construct?  And why the idea that Jason Segal needs to fix anything? If it's a construct to begin with - what's the point of reliving the construct if you already know where the story will conclude?

Here's the good news - they're making films about the Flipside.  This allows people to examine it, talk about it, be part of that journey.  So that's a good thing.

The bad news - they're still trapped in the idea that being on the Flipside - outside your body - is a bad thing.  I'm not saying it's a good thing - I'm just saying "It is what it is."  If you chose to come here to the planet to live this life (as all the research points to that only conclusion) then there's a pretty good reason why you're here - on this stage, on this playing field, in this game.  In this construct, if you will.

And the reason to be here is to figure that puzzle out. To realize why you're here, and what you're here to learn, to teach, to explore.

Ain't no pizza on the flipside.  Ain't no cappuccinos either.  Oh, to be sure, there's plenty of fun things to do over there, and quantitatively, people report consistently that it's "better" over there - because they're this feeling of Unconditional Love.

Let's chat about that for a moment.

A majority (roughly 70%) of people who've had near death experiences say that at some point in their journey they experienced "unconditional love."  I've been filming people under deep hypnosis for the past decade, and out of the 35 cases I've filmed, a majority of them say something equivalent.

Further, as I've interviewed people (who are fully conscious) about their experience and journey, when I ask them to "examine" those moments - they can actually feel that experience again.  Feel the feeling of unconditional love.

What the heck is it?

It's not something that we commonly speak of. There are no books about "unconditional love" - no TV shows, no movies, no commercials. "Hey drink this beer and you'll feel unconditional love."  In fact I have no idea of the entomology of the concept - "unconditional love."  It's just what people say about the afterlife.


This guy.  Still loving from the Flipside. Makes an appearance in "Hacking the Afterlife"

That while they were there - during an NDE, during a between life hypnotherapy session - they argue that they had this feeling of "unconditional love."

When I ask them about it - they'll say "It's like nirvana. It's blissful. It's all encompassing. It's beyond words to describe."  

We know what unconditional love is here - it's that love between a parent and child (often) or a person and a pet (often.)  It's love without conditions.

As I'm fond of saying "hard to do when someone runs over your foot. Or pointing a gun in your face. Or claiming they're going to build a wall."  We tend to love "conditionally" while on the planet. If you love me, I'll love you.  Or... I love the way you love me, I wish I could love you that much. Or... I love you so much I don't know myself - but when you reject me, I can't stand the thought of you.

Conditional Love.

Then we have this unusual description of "what or who God is" in the book "It's a Wonderful Afterlife."  "God is beyond the capacity of the human brain to comprehend, it's just not physically possible. However, you can experience God by opening your heart to everyone and to all things."

That's a pretty good description of what unconditional love is.

Open your heart to everyone and all things.

Easy to say, hard to do.

But if we can conceive of it - we can understand it. And if we can experience it, then we can know it.  So you want to know what God is?  Just open your heart to everyone and all things.

Go ahead. I'll wait.

But while I'm waiting, back to the film.

Yes, the flipside is a place of unconditional love. No, you shouldn't be in a hurry to get there. Why?

Because you chose to be here. You came for a reason. You may even have come "under a contract" - meaning you agreed to come and experience things and learn things and teach things that are hard for you to experience, learn or teach while you're here - and seem impossible to do - but you promised your loved ones, your spirit guides, your soul group that you would accomplish these things. You promised you would.

If you break your promise - there's no hell waiting for you. No punishment, other than disappointment - from yourself mostly, for setting out to accomplish something and screwing it up.  But no one is going to spank you, put you through the spanking machine (as we used to have in "kick the can") - but you will be disappointed because you screwed up everyone else's play, you screwed up everyone else's game, out of selfish reasons. "I couldn't take it anymore. I know I signed up for this life, but I just couldn't hack it. It was too hard."

Okay. No one is going to punish you. But think of all the work it took to get you to that sentence - think about having to do it all over again. Just to learn the same damn lesson.  Kind of annoying to think about isn't it?

So stick around.

When science proves there is an afterlife (and I've had it proven to me dozens of times, and I write about it in my books, and I can't change anyone else's mind - because everyone has their own path and journey and if it's not in the cards for you to change your mind about life and death this time around - hey, that's allowed, it's okay) I don't think everyone is going to sign up to get off the planet.

 But for those of you who are looking to see into a deeper reality, see beyond the limitations put upon us by society, see what the science really says (and I mean science in terms of consistent results that are replicable under any circumstances) - then it's okay to go down this path with me.

But - now the question is - how do we experience "unconditional love" while we're here on the planet?  What is that?

Well, get a pet is a start.  You can experience it while you stare into your pet's eyes.  Or have a child. Hold that baby in your arms and look into its eyes and ask yourself "why have you come into my life?"  You'll hear an answer - you may dismiss it, but you'll hear it.  Then practice unconditional love when you're out in the world - someone got your order wrong, screwed up your plans - smile at them. Say "It's ok, I understand. No worries" when you're really saying "I love you unconditionally. There's nothing that you can do wrong or that would screw up my appreciation of being on the planet.  I'm here. You're here. We both get to experience this together."

As one famous film director said to me recently - from the flipside, he's been off the planet for awhile now, and he showed up while I was interviewing Jennifer Shaffer - with a message for his widow which I passed along - he said "No one comes over to this side wishing that they had "held back" more during their lifetime."

Think about that for a second.  "No one on the Flipside wishes they held back more."  How cool is that????

That applies to all of us. Don't hold back. You're having a hard time? Don't hold back. You're feeling judgmental? Let it go. Don't hold back. Someone is making it hard to love them unconditionally? Don't hold back.  Let it go.  Let it be.  Let it surround you.  If you can't love unconditionally, then live unconditionally.

My two cents for the day.


I mention this in my books, I usually mention it - if you're having suicide ideation, you need to seek out some experts in this field.  It turns out that a side effect of SSRI drugs is suicide ideation - and it's also why doctors prescribe SSRI drugs.  I would ask anyone who is depressed to seek professional help - as the brain can trick us into wanting to check out.  

Trick us?

I say that because the monumental study done by Richard Davidson at the University of Wisconsin shows that "Meditation can cure or alleviate the symptoms of depression."


How does that work? Well, I attended a lecture he gave at UCLA. He showed that the study proves that meditation can "cure or alleviate depression." Because meditation affects the amydala - which is the regulator of serotonin.  Why is this important?

Because people who have amygdalas that aren't working - have misfiring serotonin.  We find misfiring serotonin in people who are having trouble sleeping, people who are depressed, upset, or some other brain function that is awry.  And meditation helps the amygdala - in fact "one session of meditation can change the shape of the amygdala."  This isn't opinion - it's in the study. Scientific fact.

I asked Richard what form of meditation he was using in the study. He said "Tonglen, but a non specific version."  Meaning instead of the typical Tonglen session where a person imagines curing or helping another person using only their mind - they would imagine the planet Earth was in need of being cured instead of one person.

Why is this important? Tonglen is a meditation that allows the meditator to try and "cure" or "help alleviate" pain in someone else. And it turns out - the amazing fact is - that it cures or alleviates depression in the meditator.

Do the meditation, do it every day, like doing pushups, and the depression, the ideation of harming yourself will GO AWAY. Without drugs.  There's no side effects.  If you have depression, or symptoms of depression - seek out someone who can help you find the best meditation expert near you.  See your doctor - indeed - but make sure your doctor has seen the statistics that show up to 15% of the people who use SSRI drugs have ideations of suicide (this state comes from a friend who is a doctor) - and make sure your doctor has seen the evidence that shows that meditation can "cure or alleviate the symptoms of depression."

I can promise he or she is not aware of it - unless they were at the lecture that Davidson gave. And there were easily 500 people in the room, many who identified themselves as psychiatrists "trying to learn a way to wean their clients off Prozac" or to "find an alternative to prescribing SSRI drugs to their teenaged patients."

Okay?  Seek a doctor, but make sure the doctor knows about the research that you've already done into the condition.

The Dalai Lama and his pal Richard Davidson, University of Wisconsin


Book Quotes from the Flipside for Hacking the Afterlife

The following is a fun experiment I did with my ability to gain access to the flipside from others.

It goes like this - during the past year of interviewing mediums, channelers and others with access to the flipside, I came across a number of individuals whom I wrote about in the book.

To be clear: I did not know these people. Was not "friends" with them in this lifetime (except for Howard) (Or any other lifetime I'm aware of).  These are people who are in the public eye, who for some reason or other, appeared in front of me, like a deer standing on a road on a dark moonless night in the desert.

Your car lights come upon them; you have no time to think about or wonder - "How did they get here?"  They just appeared.  In like form, these folks appeared in my book for one reason or another, because I simply "ran into them."

So when it came time for me to finish the book, I thought about the folks I would send it around to for commentary - Gary Schwartz PhD (Harvard/Yale/UofAriz) generously wrote the foreword to "Flipside" - then Charles Grodin, my friend and mentor, wrote the foreword to "It's a Wonderful Afterlife" and Galen Stoller (who passed away some years ago) wrote the foreword to "It's a Wonderful Afterlife" volume two - the first time I'm aware of that happening.

But I couldn't think of the most appropriate person to ask to write a foreword for "Hacking the Afterlife" ... so instead, I thought about doing something a bit different.  This has been edited down from original, but you'll get the idea:

Some cats appear to have the ability to access the flipside.


I asked Jennifer Shaffer if any of the people interviewed in the book might give a quote or “blurb” for the book cover. I wrote her (tongue firmly in cheek): “I assume no one spends time in the afterlife reading books, however, perhaps one of them might be able to give a quote I can put on the book?” She asked each person on my list for a reply:

Edgar Cayce
Edgar wiki
Tell Richard that his book has an appealing thunder for controverting settings that are falsely depicted, for those that need (to hear) it. (Jennifer asks Cayce “Need what?”) The truth we need is, how we survive our bodies, (arrive) in the afterlife to different situations that make up (I think he means comprise) the past, present, and future outcomes of our spiritual existence. (“Controverting” may mean “contradicting misconceptions.”)
Tell Rich not to fear the outcomes of what it is, that (the response to this book) will have people questioning their own disbeliefs and belief paradigms. And that we all have to, (and) at some point of our spiritual growth, need this “upheaval” to make a difference. Rich, you are that translation of the ethers. For now; I’m “The Awakened Prophet.” (laughing.) (Note, Jennifer had a hard time with his syntax and I’ve done my best to unpack it. Edgar Cayce was known as “The Sleeping Prophet” so his comment “The Awakened Prophet” is pretty funny.)

Howard Schultz 
Northbrook boy
Howard is a lifelong friend who grew up down the block from me. He came out to LA and became a successful TV writer/producer, creating successful shows “Extreme Makeover” and “Naked Dating.”  He offered to do a between life session with me, which I filmed and included in “Flipside” (but made him anonymous at the time.) We spoke often of doing a “spirit show” together, but it just never happened. We were talking about doing a show together the last time we spoke, but he passed away from a sudden heart attack a month later. Jennifer asked him for a quote:

Jennifer: Howard told me “The beginning is near and the ending is nonexistent.” (I see this as Howard playing with “the end is near!” when it comes to talking about the Flipside.) It’s something we all have to incorporate into the well of our being. Not to “look for the now,” but to “live for the awakened shift.” And not to use fear to have it… (Jennifer; “oh my gosh, he just showed me, a picture of a fear monger who’s running for President”)  Not to use fear tactics within your soul’s purpose to gratify who you are now.

He says “Tell Rich I support him in all his endeavors, even more so because I get where he’s coming from. Much luck to you… and you Jennifer… for making the unbelievable claim that there is even an afterlife. (Jennifer laughs.) He’s so funny; he showed me (a cover of) The National Enquirer; “The irony is that all the things we’re afraid of are actually true in the afterlife.”

Then he showed me the main characters from the movie “Men in Black.” “Everything was true.” “Truth” is written in big bold letters. “Truth has now become a way of making fear and the lies are the fear’s way of making truth nonexistent.” Then he showed me a wheel, he says “It’s a never ending circle of stupidity in the population of the planet and the people in the afterlife are trying to make up for it.” (Jennifer asks “Of what you guys caused?”) He says “No, of what’s going on now; the past and the future, it’s all one - in a nice bow that looks like it hurts." (She saw a picture of a Tiffany box with a bow that Howard pulled until the box bulged.)

He says “Tell Rich to keep listening, I’m there.” What else did you want to say?  He showed me Amelia Earhart and said “Tell Rich not to worry, everything will work out, (“I think he means financially”) - spiritually he just showed me you were skyrocketing over him. Howard it was good to talk to you. He gave me that cute look of his. Gosh I love that… see you soon.”

Wiki Prince
Since Prince and Robin Williams appear in the book, they’re naturals to ask if they have a quote for the book. Jennifer sends me a file where she asks on her cellphone; “Is there anything Prince can say about why people should or should not should read this book?” “He says “They should read it if they want to fly.” (Jennifer laughs “to the moon?”) “then Robin Williams came in and said “That’s mine!”

“Prince showed me the book opening up and then stars floating from the page, like it’s magical.” He says, “But it’s history repeating itself.” Jennifer: “He said put lyrics in the book from his song Purple Rain; it’s the fourth section. (Jennifer: I hope I’m interpreting it right.)   

(Note: The 4th verse of "Purple Rain" (that neither I nor Jennifer were aware of) is this: 
"You say you want a leader
But you can't seem to make up your mind
I think you better close it
And let me guide you to the purple rain"
with regard to the quote above, I assume he means electing a leader like the one recently elected is merely "history repeating itself.")

Jennifer: He’s showing me the magic of the purple rain going up instead of going down, with the sparkles that happen upon opening up the book; it makes the reader open up. They’re calibrated, is what it feels like, into what you’re reading. “It’s beautiful written music, Rich.”

He’s also showing me an image of the Radio shack logo - that’s so funny. He says “You’re a transmitter of a spiritual language, hitting the masses in this dimension, which is hard to do unless you wear high heels like he did… which hurt his back. He’s showing me it’s ultimately what caused his death.” 

Jennifer asks “So you died from high heels?” 

“Technically yes,” he says. “What would you have done differently?” He said “I would not have used that piano (to jump from) … Ah, I see, it’s a metaphor. He wanted more, so he jumped off of it; jumping off his favorite instrument, trying to reach the ethers. Jennifer asks: “So you could have just done that by playing, no? “Yes,” he says, “he could have done that by playing.”

He’s showing your book at the piano. “Just do it” he says, laughing. But what does Rich have to do with jumping off a piano? He’s says you’re jumping off a different cliff, but he’s showing me a trampoline (laughs) – that you’ll be fine.  Because you feel like you’re jumping off a cliff with this endeavor.  He said “Balls to the wall.” He says “Tell Rich I can only have him hear me when he wants to listen.” “What does that mean?” Oh, (that) you don’t care to have things pushed on you.  Jennifer asks “Are you pushing him?” “Kind of…” he says, “to the point where…” ah, I see, that’s where the disbelief comes in.

He says he won’t push you, he’ll “Enchant your writings. Like on the piano, like a duo;” He showed me both of you guys side by side on the piano bench… (Note: Something I spent a lot of time doing with my mom who was a concert pianist who played duets.) “Tell him that we’re all doing this from all aspects.”

Oh… aw.. he just gave me a flower, I hope that was for me, I’m actually blushing… He gave me a daisy, not a rose.  He said “The rose is saved for God.” What does that mean? He says, “God is all of us, in you and me. The daisy is the enchantment of something. Something different in the matrix.” And then he showed me a beautiful array of flowers… wow. He said “Signed Prince.” He made an x for a signature… “He’ll know what that means,” he said. (Like a sideways version of his signature of the “Artist known as Prince.”) “See you soon.”

Robin Williams

Jennifer: I first want to say happy birthday to you, Robin (It’s his birthday as we write this.) Do you have a quote for Richard’s book, a direct message to your fans and friends? 

“I have only two words; “Love… Love.” Jennifer asks, “Love all?”  “No, love Love.” He says “That’s the key ingredients for happiness; love the love. Find that. In everything that you are. Whether you are in hell (metaphorically speaking) or in your prison cell, (physically speaking); find the truth. Love is God’s connectedness, love is God, it’s every single one of us, even if we can’t hear it. Love… Love. And then send it to everything." Oh my gosh, the sun just came through my window, my heart’s pounding. I said is that it Robin? He says “No; that’s everything.”  Wow that makes me want to cry. Thank you.

He says “Tell Rich I’m here for him. He says tell him that I’ll surprise him.” When? He’s going to visit this person, he’s going to visit this person and then this person is going to come to you; that’s how you’ll know. He just winked. He says “Tell Rich it’s exciting: the matrix, the connections, God…” -- it was so interesting when he said that -- and now he says “nanu nanu,” and just did like a little thing on his head, "over and out. Until now.” (A play on the parting line “Until then…”) “It’s Over and yonder.”

(A pause) Robin showed me a record. “The record is your lifetimes. Playing over and over and then sometimes we scratch the record and then we have to get a new record.” He’s showing me how in this lifetime he scratched it and he left, and (then) you come back as like a CD or a Walkman. And then we end up all virtual. (Note: I think he means at the end of all of our lifetimes. Each lifetime is like a variation on a theme, like music on cylinder, on vinyl, on digital – variations on each them we choose as our lifetime, and eventually we become that recording in a virtual way.) The music keeps going, our souls keep going, that was such a great thing he just gave me – we’re all records, sometimes we scratch, sometimes we get broken, eventually we just live on to more instruments more human bodies, I love the way he shows me the Walkman, the cd player, then we go virtual… for millions of people.

And you are that right now, Rich - you’re now the virtual .. you’re not the record player anymore, or the record, you’re now in the virtual, you’ve made it, and you’re sending it to everybody else. I commend your thoughts and love who you are and thank you and love to both of you.” He showed me a pebble of some sort, he showed me a rock “You’ll know what that means.” Something with rocks. All right, bye. (I have a collection of rocks from around the world – world’s cheapest souvenir, but reminds me instantly where I found it. I have one on my desk and my eye went straight for it.)

Amelia Earhart

“She has the most beautiful eyes by the way.” says Jennifer. “First thing she says is “Don’t find me.” She says “it will disrupt everyone.” She says that her bones will be found or get shown soon. And that she’s having fun with all the crazy people that want to find me, “I’m not worth that. They’re spending too much on resources,” What about a tv show? “That would be okay, I’ll lead you; let them pay for it.” Oh I have the chills.

She says that she wants you to lead (the search). You’ll understand what not to look for. Not sure what she means by that. (Note: I do.) Oh, the plane. She’s showing me the plane and one of the wings, like half the wing tip. She says something about it not being hers; something about 1948 (whatever that means to you, Rich.) (Note: I don't.) What else? She says: “Tell him I love him.” 

Oh, Luana came in by the way – both of you guys are conspiring something.  They both just came in while I’m talking to Amelia.

Um, aw… Ha, so Amelia just showed me her girlfriend and that you’re correct. Whatever that means. (I know what that means.)

We are all part of this play, she just showed me how she did so much – the last five years (of her life incarcerated in prison) she could live without – she says. But what about his book? Any quote? “Lift it to your soul. And see what your soul has to say. Hearing the words from the book; don’t judge it, just listen to your spirit, it will guide you and tell you that the “unthinkable” is real -- and (she says) make sure that the unthinkable is in quotes; she’s saying you’re not thinking it – it’s unthinkable. The things that you put in your head; it’s the stuff you don’t put in your head that’s real.

She just gave you a kiss on the cheek and spun you around in the chair, She said “Bon Voyage… to what?... to the ethers.” She says “I think we all have a lot in common. And we’re lucky to have us in all dimensions, I am grateful.” She says “Be grateful for your breath. It is coveted sometimes, (breathing) not the biblical sense of coveting of course. Wanting breath is everything; it’s your source, it’s your power. Move and laugh, laughing’s the best medicine don’t waste time trying to dig up things.  Unless it’s a TV show, she keeps saying; she’s showing me September as well, not sure what that means. (Possible date of production of a documentary I’m helping about her). She says – “Au Revoir.”  

The Alpha and the Omega

I asked her; “see if Jesus has a quote for us…”

They’re fighting for it, hold on, - oh, Mary Magdalene (is here), my heart always feels better when I feel her. She says “Tell Rich he is not a saint…. Aw, that’s so sweet, she says that you’re not a saint, but you’re an etheric saint, and she showed me a statue in the ethers. She showed me like a map of the US with lights, you know how like if you were pinning destinations everywhere, with all the destinations lit up? She says that you’re doing that through your work. Then she showed me how you reach all audiences in all the quantum fields – she’s showing me the dimension on top of our dimension and all the dimensions after that; so that’s why you’re an etheric saint… that’s hilarious.

I’m being shown (Jesus) -- you know when I described him as he came to me with loafers and jeans and button downed shirt and his hair long, looks like a 1960’s guy yet cleaned up? He has brown eyes, beautiful eyes, that’s amazing, but they change.

First thing he says is “Tell Rich “Thank you.” Why? “For allowing a different outcome in the way people can hear my story.” He’s showing me the Bible and showing me your work and how they stacked up against each other… that’s so funny! Well, not funny.. but.. wow. He’s showing me how my brain is like an antenna, thank you, and my heart as well…

Tell Rich that his work is the truth. That people have become fearful and might say bad things (about it); it’s one of many multidimensional truths that has to… heed the warning from not putting it out. That’s where damnation happens - by not putting truth out there – it was taken out of context, (like) what was written in the Bible.

“You’re a truth-gnostic.” What does that mean? He’s laughing. “Tell Rich that a truth-gnostic is someone who is unbiased and wants what others have to say, that resonates with his heart. You put it out there, even when you might not believe everything that you’re listening to (or writing about).

Then he just showed me like lightning of some sort, like a lamp going out with a flash, just the frequencies bursting – what an amazing metaphor! He’s showing how the frequencies (are affected), like your (way of putting things,) your language is making things crash, with people internally… You’re breaking the old lamps so they can put a new bulb in, to bring forth the light, instead of (just) trying to dust off the old light. He says “Thank you for doing that.”

“It is a challenge frequency that always hurts initially. Follow your spirit and only look back for the theater of history it plays in, or plays to. And know the audience members have to watch the play - the modern day version of it - enough times for them to have it sink in. Like (the Broadway play) Alexander Hamilton – using the different races that played the historic characters in Hamilton. People prep the stage for it to last.

He just showed me the Michelangelo painting where they’re touching fingers in the Sistine chapel - where God imbues the human spirit with his touch – he says “Everyone touches God and makes up (comprises) what God is.” He says “It’s molecules of light in different shades, in different colors of light in different shapes and sizes. And some are big lights like you, so others can follow - not in a hierarchy way, but so they won’t get lost on the path.” He’s showing me a dirt path. He says “Sometimes a dirt path is harder to stay on and being in a car is easier, but some people choose to keep walking up hill because they’re told it’s the only way.”

(laughs) “You’re giving them a hybrid choice - to question (reality) – nobody would have believed in the electric car (before it was made) – (Jennifer: He just showed me my electric car and said “but you already have one.”) He says “I love you and everyone.” 

He’s showing me all the U.S. presidents, and says “Everyone (of them) made a difference. In the quantum field of light and darkness, without one, you would not have had the other. So for you, for one, please do not judge.” He showed me an image of Paul Revere. He says “Do not judge the messenger and its contents to set you free; “free” meaning in your heart, where in the ethers is (always) “true.” We all are Shakespeare’s love.

He shows me that we technically die and rise together. Whether in our hearts or in our spiritual uncertainty, or in our spiritual uncertainty or demise. We can rebuild. He says take my advice; Gandhi did it right. And we all have Gandhi inside our hearts. And he just showed me Robin Williams and said “Love the love. Within us all. And peace. And then peace has to follow.”

“Thank you Rich. We are entertained by your thoughts.” Why was that shown to me? The Holy bible? “It was a foundation.” Now he showed me a lightbulb and breaking it with the frequencies, and showed me a new lightbulb and showed me your book, one of many books incorporated into – not “the new age” but “the new vulnerability.” “Love the love.  It’s so simple yet dissected into a thousand different ways, thousand different shades of light that make up one… “Without darkness there is no light, and vice versa…. you get the drift.”

He says “Sing well. And listen more. To your own advocacy. Of this multi-dimensional world.” He’s showing how you have to get along with all dimensions, not just this dimension, but you have to have the awareness that (reality) it is multidimensional. He shows me there is no stealing, everything is free. As long as your heart is (free) and you take action…

“Like you, Rich. More people will be changed by your words, than the ones who can’t hear what you’re saying. That is their path. Maybe the next lifetime; but again, he shows me the contract between people that you have to have both; people who can hear and people who can’t hear the difference, otherwise everyone would be following him or someone like him - like a saint. (Jennifer: hey, you’re a saint in the ether, how’s that make you feel?) I said I don’t want them to leave but they’ll be back. He just said “Rich; you are an en-Richment.”
Luana with Michael Gough
And finally, a quote from Luana Anders, which I heard in a dream six years after her passing: she said “The hopes of a thousand generations are resting upon you.”

            *                *             *             *             *

 Okay.  I'm not insane. 

I don't post these quotes believing that they are verbatim quotes from people on the flipside.  I mean c'mon - Edgar Cayce taking the time to say he's the awakened prophet? Or Jesus making a pun about en-richment?

Or Prince and Robin and Amelia all having a conversation with me?  It's beyond sane.  It's beyond an argument.  I include it because that's what I do. I include the good, the bad, and the bizarre in my writing. Because when you do that - some people will be turned off - turned away - will get a refund for the book. 

That's fine, that's what they're supposed to do.

But others will say "Hey, wait a second. If he's reporting this verbatim, then how do we define what he's saying?"

I can tell you that I've known Jennifer for a couple of years now, I know that she works with law enforcement agencies nationwide, I know that she's helped solved some crimes and mysteries.  I know she's not 100% accurate all the time, and I know that anyone who puts a sentence together calls upon memory and syntax and reference in order to be able to speak.  So let's call that our "grain of salt" when examining these "quotes" from people no longer on the planet.

 But when you take away the salt what do we get?

We get a number of people "speaking" through Jennifer in an unusual way.  She's a friend of mine, so I hope that some of these effusive comments, and compliments, come from someplace in her heart, or from her higher self.  But even when you carve out the compliments, we're still left with some pretty unusual observations.

Edgar Cayce's syntax for one. Who talks like that anymore?  No one I'm aware of. Is Jennifer familiar with his work?  Not by any stretch of the imagination I'm aware of.  I read his books over 30 years ago - and am not familiar with his syntax. But after this quote I did look it up - and see that it matches the way he spoke during his life.

I know Howard Schultz very well. Do I think he might have made those jokes? Turning phrases on their heads "the end is near!" Yes, that was like him. His sense of humor. Do I think he would say something like "Good luck with even saying that there is an afterlife"? Well yes.  He was pragmatic as well.  But then Jennifer and I have spoken to him before, and in that prior conversation, he accurately described where I was during his funeral.  (Which Jennifer was not aware of.) So I already have a profound feeling that when he speaks to me through Jennifer he's speaking of things only he and I know of.

Then we have Prince and Robin Williams.  Prince's syntax - the way he puts together words - is quite unusual.  It's almost like a musician composing sentences - using the turn of the phrase.  Like "your words moving off the page and into the sky" - it's something a writer or a musician might compose or think up in a good moment. 

But again, in this construct; Jennifer is having a glass of wine while on vacation with her family, and responding to my request with whatever comes off the top of her head and speaking them into her iphone, then emailing them to me. One after the other. All in a row. No time to write or compose the concepts within.  I know writers who could turn that phrase, use that metaphor - but they're paid to do that, they do it for a living.  It's not something I would say, nor Jennifer.

And then him telling her that he "died from wearing high heels."  She did not know what he meant, and asked him to explain it to her. I didn't understand it either - what is he talking about? He certainly did wear high heels on stage... but then he explains it - one of his amazing feats was to jump off a piano onto the stage. I saw him do it when I reviewed the concert for Variety. 

But Prince explained to her that the stunt caused him joint pain, bad joints and what eventually led him to take pain meds, and become addicted to pain medication - which led to his demise. If Jennifer had been thinking about it - or had conceived of that metaphor, she wouldn't have had to ask him "What does that mean?"

In the book, both Prince and Robin Williams make a joke about teaching a class in "how not to leave the earth early."  (Which is also odd, because when asked what I teach in film school I tell them "How not to have a film career in hollywood" because if you follow my advice, you won't have one either. Ha!)

And then Robin Williams' quote: "Love love."  What I love about it is that Jennifer asks (as I could hear her ask on the audio, just after saying it;) "What does that mean?"  If anyone is making up a story on the spot, even subconsciously, when it comes to a turn of phrase - like "love love" - you would KNOW what that meant and could explain it.  You wouldn't ask. In Jennifer's case, she does NOT KNOW WHAT HE MEANS.

And so, he explains it to her.  Love the act of love. Love what love represents. Share that feeling and emotion of love. Give love.  It's way more profound concept than anything I've ever said in any of my books, and I would offer that it's not something I've ever heard Jennifer refer to or be aware of.  
"Love love."  She says it now, and I say it too - it's something we should all contemplate and think about.

As mentioned in the book, when it comes to Amelia, I had three different mediums access her, each asked the same relative questions, and each gave the same answers which are not public knowledge. (i.e, the identity of her girlfriend, which she refers to above, and that only her husband George Putnam knew about, and I've since confirmed.)  "The unthinkable is real."  Not a turn of phrase I'm aware of, but makes sense in this context.

It's not me saying or claiming these details - but it is someone who has or had intimate knowledge of Amelia and her life. And the answers were consistent among all three mediums. But beyond that, she's saying "DON'T LOOK FOR ME." As if it's a waste of time.  I understand what she means by that as well.  
And finally, I thought long and hard about including anything about The Alpha and the Omega in my books. Good friends advised me not to.  As it causes "brain freeze" or it just steps on too many toes.  

But my entire concept here is to just report what people are saying.  The good, the bad, the bizarre - whatever it is they're saying so that people can decide for themselves whether what people are saying has any resonance for them.  

I was surprised when people starting saying the same things - and even more surprised when people on the flipside should show up and say the same relative things they'd said to other people ... in the book! "Oh by the way, Richard asked this question to this council two years ago, and now we have an answer for him."

A long way of saying "If you don't believe me, just read the transcripts."  And the transcripts are in the book "Hacking the Afterlife."

Okay, enough about me...

Enjoy the show! Stay tuned!


Just got off the phone with Prince...

I was not a fan of Prince's work.

I have to be honest.  I reviewed him for Variety some years ago, and certainly I thought the concert was amazing, and his talents were pretty amazing, but I was not a fan per se... I was backstage at a VIP party where he was there with a throne, and a line of women were waiting to meet him.

"It's the same line these days" he said a few moments ago... (as in today, as I'm writing this.)

I filmed an interview with Raylene Nuanes a medium a few hours ago, and Prince came through "clear as a bell."
I said to her "I didn't know Prince during his life, I reviewed his concert, and while backstage found it silly that he was sitting in a throne and women were lined up to meet him."  That's when she said "He's telling me "it's the same now.""

I laughed.

As mentioned in "Hacking the Afterlife" Prince first came to visit me in a restaurant in Manhattan Beach. I was in the middle of interviewing Jennifer Shaffer ( for my book, when she said "Prince is here." (see below, I reprint most of the chapter from the book.)

I said "Prince who?"  I was joking, but I was also a bit startled. After all, why would Prince show up in a restaurant in Manhattan Beach to an author writing a book about the Flipside?  

Jennifer Shaffer and Scott De Tamble
(Recently, a woman complained in a review of "Hacking the Afterlife" that "too much name dropping is going on." I agree.  Name dropping should not be going on. It reminds me of when I was having dinner with my old pal Rebecca Broussard, and every time someone said the name of a celebrity during the evening, she'd drop a fork loudly.  "Name drop!" and then when someone said "Oh, Jesus Christ!" everyone dropped their forks.  Talk about the ultimate name drop. (He appears in "Hacking the Afterlife" as well. Doesn't get any bigger name than the alpha and omega.)

What can I say?

If I said "Someone who was dressed in purple just showed up" everyone would know who I meant anyway.  And the point is - he's not "showing up" to me - he's stopping in to speak to the medium that I'm interviewing. I'm not asking the medium "say, can we talk to the purple one?"  That's not the case. He's just "showing up unannounced."

In this case, it was while speaking with Raylene that Prince showed up.  

The construct is this: 

I'm on Skype, filming Raylene as I interview her in Colorado.  Raylene has come into my field of vision through Dr. Elisa Medhus, whose son Erik has been showing up from the flipside to speak to his mom through various mediums. (Jamie Butler, Kim Babcock and others.)  Erik reached out to Raylene, and now she and Erik hold conversations with people on this side to help them with their lives and path and journey.

Erik checked himself off the planet some years ago.  I became aware of his presence through his mom's website ( and I reached out and befriended his mom.  In Flipside, I reprint the transcript of a session that Erik had with Jamie Butler, a session that I had come across and pointed out to Dr. Medhus that some "voices" can be heard on the audio from the taped interview.

We've become friends, and last week she gave me a call and told me about two mediums she's working with - I interviewed Raylene this week, and the other I will interview next week.

Because I'm pretty familiar with the architecture of what's going on over on the flipside - and by that I mean if you're read my books you'd know what I'm referring to - I don't interview a medium to prove to myself that what they're saying is accurate.  In my case, I interview a medium to see if I can gain access to people on the other side and ask them questions that I don't know the answer to.  I'm in search of "new information."  Meaning something that I have never heard before, could not have seen, or made up.

Colors in the Universe.
In this case, Prince said "Music is like color."  He said that from his perspective, he sees music as a color.  He said, for example, if you hit a guitar string and it vibrates, from his perspective he'll see the color red. I offered that made sense, since red is a wavelength, and a string on a guitar makes a sound that's a wavelength - both are energy and both move through the air to be seen or heard.

I knew a performer (Abbie Adams Yaffe) who was an amazing singer, always on key, and once she told me that she sees colors when she sings, and when she hits the correct note she sees it as a stronger color.  This is in tune with what Prince was saying about the vibration of music and color.

I asked him where music comes from. 

He said "From Source."

I asked him to describe how that occurs. He said "Think of it like wind. We can't see wind, but we see it in the trees as they move.  We feel it on our faces.  The wind, like music is moved and comes through the source." I asked if there was a particular "source" that was making the music move, and his answer was "God is what people associate with different religious figures, it all is variations on the theme, that each individual sees God through their perspective" to which I said "You mean like the "garden" is God? That the garden itself is what God is, and it's not a particular flower or bird or insect that is singled out as God, but that when you take the entire garden in, that's what source is?" - and he said "Yes."

He said "Music is part of source and what we do when we create music is to tune ourselves into that wavelength. We may experience that as downloading music, but it's also just that we are tapping into it."

I asked if he had any message to the Prince Museum about their announcement that they're going to release new tracks and albums of his music.

He said "Don't alter it in any way."

I said "What do you mean by that?"

He said "I'd prefer it if they didn't alter my music or the tracks that I've put down in any way, to preserve their authenticity."
Image may contain: 1 person, closeup
From the Prince Museum
I said "You mean in terms of "mixing down" or blending tracks to make them fit?" and he said "Yes. Don't alter them in any way."

I said "Well, I appreciate that authenticity idea, but does it really matter if people alter your music or mix them down, when after all, centuries from now we have no idea how they'll be presenting your music?"  He said "That's correct. I agree with you.  But you asked about the release of these tracks. I ask that they not alter them in any way, change my voice or use different tracks than what I intended."

I said "Okay. I'll let them know."

(Ha!  This is how I'm letting them know. "Hey Prince Museum. Not that you were going to - but try not to alter his tracks in any way.  If they're funky, just let them be so.  You heard it here first.")

I get around. Haven't been to the Prince Museum yet,
but have been to Tibet.
I asked if there was any simple way for his fans to be in touch with him, or to access him.

He said "Just think of me. I can appear or be anywhere because I'm outside of time. I appreciate it when people think of me, or that I can be of some help to them."  He said it doesn't require any special meditation or gift, or anything else that's difficult. It's a matter of "just thinking about him."

I asked what he thought of the Bruno Mars performance at the Grammys.  He said "I was there to watch it, I was there to observe the rehearsals. I thought it was excellent. He did a great job." I told him that I posted something on Facebook referring to it as "Purple Light" - as in Miller beer, but also in sense of being the light that is purple.  Raylene said "Yes, he's appearing to me in this purple light as you speak."

Now. For those of you stumbling across this blog: I'm not a medium. I'm not a sage. I'm not a new age author.  I'm a filmmaker, and have been documenting what people say under deep hypnosis for about ten years. What they say is consistent and it is replicable (which is what science requires.)  This is not a belief, a philosophy or some kind of argument. I am literally "reporting" what people say on the flipside to people here (still on stage.) What people were saying was so consistent, I began a documentary about it (Flipside) and then wrote a book using those transcripts.  Then I expanded the research to include scientists ("It's a Wonderful Afterlife") and near death experiencers.  The latest book includes Mediums who appear to be able to access people on the other side.

Not making this up. I swear.
From "Hacking the Afterlife" - Chapter Seven - "An interview with someone who appears to be Prince:" 


Available at Amazon, audible, itunes, etc.

Interviewers: Erik Medhus, Dr. Elisa Medhus, a Medium that works with Dr. Medhus (Kim Babcock) and the Artist formerly (and currently) known as Prince. Dr. Medhus asks the questions from Texas, and The Medium answers them from her place in Ohio.

Dr. Medhus: Hi Erik.
The Medium: (speaking on behalf of Erik) “What’s up, mom?”

(She gives him a couple of options of people to talk to) 

Where would you like to start? He’s showing me images, “We’ll talk about Prince, we’ll go there.”

Can you go get him?
He’s making fun of you; Erik says “I can get him but I don’t have to “go anywhere.” “Let’s just connect to him. Think about it like that.”

Ok, let’s think about it like that.
I’m going to shift and tune into him – he’s definitely stepping forward next to Erik, coming in next to him. I’m seeing images that look like Prince. It’s funny - I did a session one time for a client where Michael Jackson came through, and the energy coming from Prince feels the same – very calm, very gentle, extremely gentle in his approach.

(NOTE: This is a transcript of a video that is available on youtube where Kim Babcock "interviews" Erik Medhus.  The questions are supplied by Erik's mother, Dr. Elisa Medhus, and in this particular case "Prince" - or someone who appears to be Prince - comes through.  I was not there during this session, I only asked permission to reproduce it.)

Initially – he’s expressing gratitude. He says “I already know what this is going to be about.” There must be a lot swirling about how he passed. Why he passed.

First, thank you for coming forward. You are missed. 
 He was leaning into that (as you spoke), he was thanking you. He says “Thank you for giving me an opportunity like this to have a voice. Maybe to clear up a few things…” and he kind of takes a bow and goes like this (hands in front, bowing) He says “You have the floor.” He’s being very um… chivalrous.

I don’t know that much about you Prince, but that seems right.
(Medium, aside) Me neither.

What was your state of mind when you passed over?
He’s going like this with his hands (indicates passing over calm waters). “Very calm.” He’s giving me a sense of feeling very calm. He says – again not telling me how he passed, but he says he didn’t fight it. It didn’t feel like there was a fight or struggle, it felt very natural. “As far as my mindset -- where my heart was, it felt natural with the timing and all.”

Was it one of your “exit points” that you designed for yourself?
He quickly said “Yes.”  

What did you die from?
He looks down at his body and he says “frail” - making me feel his health was frail, not superior, somehow his health was compromised. But I also feel like this is.. he’s speaking with images, with energy, I see his body as unwell. I feel like because his body was in a compromised state, it must have been medication that he was taking…

He said “Yep.” Or medication that he was on and its’ effect on that compromised body – like someone who takes heart medication and they die from it.

It was medication to a frail body that caused your demise?
He says “Yes.” He’s very soft in his yes.

Any particular medication? Or several?
He wants me to see there were several, but I don’t feel like it was abuse. I asked him if it was any kind of abuse... he says “Perhaps they shouldn’t have been used together.” Perhaps it was some prescription for him? 

(Note: Apparently this is accurate based on his autopsy. This interview was soon after his death.)  

One of the members of our blog asks “Why are so many musicians dying?”
He’s so sweet. He tipped his chin, smiled real big and says “No matter who you are when you come to Earth -- and then when you come back home -- once you make your mark… It’s not like it’s planned,” he says, “that we (musicians) all leave in waves… (But) once you make your mark and accomplish what we need to, you transition back… you come home. That’s why some people design different or later exit points.”

He makes me feel like (he’s demonstrating) “Here’s an exit point in my 50’s -- but I still have some work to get done, so my exit point (over) there if I accomplish what I want to - with freewill thrown in - or (over) there’s another one that I have in mind.”
He says “I felt like I was a voice for many - based on my actions - or for many who couldn’t speak (up, but) who were introverted or afraid to express themselves. I knew I made an impact, I know I left an impact, (and) that has something to do with the timing of my exit.”

Were you a devout Jehovah’s Witness?
Hmmm. He said “Yes” then gave two words to describe why… - and he’s giving energy that says something different. I’ll try to break it down for you… He said “Safety and comfort. It felt safe and it’s where I felt comfortable with beliefs.” But now he’s making me feel like he understands the framework that kept him within – “It doesn’t mean it is wrong, certain types of beliefs…” He’s laughing (now), says “…It doesn’t matter who you worship or what avenue you worship through, we’re all truly worshiping the same thing; it’s all just different light.”

(Note: Here again the concept of “light” being the source, or web of the universe, how all are connected. We’ll see many references to God as “light” to other souls as “light” to the “healing light of the universe.” What is light? It’s both particle and wave, and apparently some form of consciousness.)

Was it just a comfortable belief for you??
He says “Yeah, it was conditioning.” He says “Comfort and conditioning.” (Aside) He gives really short fragmented answers. I’d describe him as a man of little words; just very direct and to the point. Not someone who speaks a lot.. just someone who speaks directly to the point.  

Have your beliefs changed since the transition? And did you refuse (medical) treatment because of your religious beliefs?
He says “Many times, yes.” He says “In his lifestyle there were many ways that he chose to live. Maybe not so much tied to my religious beliefs, but who I was and what made me happy or what made me comfortable.” He says “Often you can get you picked on for choosing to not be like all the rest – sometimes you get picked on for that.”

Did your beliefs change after you passed? Did you see Jehovah’s Witness differently?
He says “Widely; his beliefs have widely changed.” He says “Think about it like this: You go through life with a set of beliefs that you’re really attached to, or tied to them - and when you come here, you see all the rest, all the other perspectives that you didn’t accept or align with in your physical life. So here it’s more of accepting (of) all ways. You see it that it’s all the same thing.”

He uses a painting as an example; “You can have two different artists paint the very same picture with different color paint; over here you have this artist show through paint how people express themselves, but over here it is just the same; still the same thing. This is no exception with (regards to) religion. Then when you come (back) here, you break free from what you’re tied to and realize you’re all one.”

That it’s still the same thing.
“Yes, this is the same. Over here you (can) break through and see that it’s all one.”

When you look back on your old beliefs as a Jehovah’s Witness, do you see it as negative?
“Not as negative,” but how it (those beliefs) kept him with “tunnel vision and how that affects so many (people).” This (experience) was really eye awakening, really moving for him to see. He smiled and said matter-of-factly “Just to realize that it’s really all the same thing.”
Describe your transition. What happened? Did you go through a white room or tunnel?  

I heard him say “I was greeted by my grandparents.” He says that it was very quiet. He says “I’m a quiet person.” He kind of laughs, “Imagine that!” -- based on his lifestyle that he lived. “I’m a quiet person;” so his transition was very quiet, it was extremely subtle.

He shows me like traveling through a tunnel. He says “Like constant movement through what looks like a tunnel, feels like different shades of white, if that’s possible.” He says “Go ahead and repeat that for everybody because it sounds ignorant – because it’s not “shades” - it’s vibration.”

He said he felt pulled, like a pulling sensation, and it looked like a tunnel. (When he got to the other side) “There were not many there, I get overwhelmed easily, I like my space. Then it happens… there’s a sense of “all-knowing” there’s a sense of comfort that envelops you and welcomes you into…” -- he calls it “The homeland.”

(Note: In most of the 30 between life hypnosis session I’ve filmed, after a person remembers the last day of a previous lifetime, they’re asked “Where would you like to go now?” They all say what I said when I did my first session. “I want to go home.” Interesting that Prince felt “pulled” to this location (some folks say the same thing, while others feel the sensation of flying to. One person described it as “magnets pulling steel filings across a table.”)

He’s giving me a big picture, almost like stepping into it (the picture) – “Traveling is not the right phrase, but then (when I arrive) I see all kinds of people and plants. But it’s not a world like ours.”

(Note: Again, a common refrain from many near death experiences. Dr. Eben Alexander saw rolling hills and grass, others have seen trees, flowers, gardens, in many of the between life hypnosis session they see intricate architecture, trees and flowers. In Erik Medhus’ book “My Life After Death” he describes seeing grass, and in Galen Stoller’s “My Life After Life” he describes being out in a place that looks like the desert near his home. The point being – no description is identical, but they are all similar.)
The Medium: He says “I never questioned what was happening.” It was like he knew, he was never scared, and he was never like “What the heck just happened?” (That fear) It never carried with him.  

What was your life review like?
He says that he is still learning from a multitude of perspectives. He says -- he kind of looks back like he’s looking at his life review – (It was) “More profound, more deep, the depth of which I connected to people. I couldn’t have imagined.” He says “I didn’t realize the impact (I had on people), you truly don’t realize the impact you make (on others) until you feel it from an outside perspective.”

He’s giving me the word “Grateful.” He’s almost kind of speechless. He says “Don’t get me wrong; there’s a lot I don’t want to look at that, I don’t want to reflect on, but you grow and you understand that you’re (over) there in your physical life, and you don’t always understand (why things happen to you) -- you just have to suck it up.”

What was your spiritual mission in this lifetime? What were you here to learn and teach?
He says “To move people. I guess I would call myself an example; to move people, to be a voice for people to express themselves however they felt comfortable (doing so.) To be true to who you are, no matter what that means.”

Like Erik (has said) “Be your true authentic self.”
“If you try to hide something, (or) try to be something you’re not, you’ll live a life of misery and that defeats the whole purpose of being in life.” His spiritual mission was to teach…

“To help pull you out of your comfort zone. Because if you stay there you don’t learn -- you don’t know who you are.” (Aside) Woah. That was a strong statement with the energy that he’s giving. “If you stay in your comfort zone, you truly don’t know who you are.” He’s so sincere (when he says this.)

Where you here to learn anything?
He said “Just that. How to trust myself in moving outside of your comfort zone. If so many eyes are upon you at once, imagine the ridicule you could face -- that you can face; that’s uncomfortable. You’ll never learn about yourself if you don’t pull yourself out of your comfort zone.”  

Do you think you accomplished that?
He’s so kind – he keeps saying (to me) “Make sure there’s no ego” (in these replies) He says he “Wants his messages to be conveyed with authenticity and sincerity.” (In response to your question) He says “I think so.” He says “I hope people learn from me to truly express who you are, don’t hold back, it doesn’t matter… Meaning others’ judgment of you doesn’t matter.”

Were you killed by someone? You know when someone like you dies, all sorts of conspiracy theories bubble up.
He says that’s true, conspiracy theories bubble up when you have the spotlight on you, (but) he says “This was divine order.” He’s pointing (his finger) up.

What about what Erik has been teaching? Are you in alignment with what he’s saying?
He says “A lot of what Erik teaches now coincides with who I was, how I tried to live my life. Being in the public eye and being famous can easily pull you away from your own beliefs and knowing who you are. The thing I like about Erik is that he speaks truth, no bullshit. I wanted to live my life with no bullshit. I don’t bullshit people; this is who I am, you can take it or leave it.” He says there are lot coincidences between the two of them.

Talk about the angel who cured you of epilepsy (when you were a child). Can you talk about that?
He says “Yes.” He’s referring to this angelic being as being very much like a guardian angel but very motherly towards him. This is how he’s explaining it, he says “This goes back to the foundation of truth being in truth, believing it and accepting it. If you can find the core of what truth is…”

(Note: He clarifies this point – not a “guardian angel” per se, but “very much like a guardian angel.”)
So for him in that moment (it was) believing that you can be healed, and releasing (disbelief) at that same time, anything can happen. Anything’s possible; it’s a miracle that miracles can happen, people are too cynical, too sour to believe in miracles, but it was the belief in truth…” He says this very matter-of-factly.

You believed this angel could heal you. You were able to let go of epilepsy?
He said “You put it perfectly. If you believe and just let go, miracles can happen every day.”

What’s your favorite instrument?
He says probably guitar, there’s also … it looks like a saxophone, but (he prefers) the expression through the chords. I hear a guitar playing; it sounds like an electric guitar.

You should jam with Erik (Medhus)!
(Laughs) That’s what’s happening right now.
What about your will? Did you leave one?
He makes me feel like he did – or, he shows me the start of a will, but it’s not complete, not finished, like he intended to. He didn’t have his estate or belongings covered, it wasn’t complete.

But it’s only money. What inspired “Purple Rain?”
He says -- he’s using images to talk, he’s pretty good at it, I’m quite surprised -- he says “Purple rain” (was about) connecting to an understanding something outside of yourself. He says, “It’s feeling like, Elisa…” he’s using your name, “there’s something bigger and more powerful than you. (And) it represents my sense of wonder; this was to try to shine light on things that are bigger than us.” And he sends his energy outward, (to demonstrate) “Trying to find or connect to things that are bigger than us, a sense of wonder, to move people the way that I felt moved at times.”

(Note: In Michael Newton’s research, he discovered that people can “look at themselves” if asked to. They noted that people saw themselves as a light or color, depending upon the “experience” of their soul. The lighter colors represented younger souls, but the darker colors, specifically purple, represented souls who had deep wisdom.) 

….Why did you say “Don’t waste your prayers” at your last party with regard to your health?
He says (about prayer) “It’s a belief. Sometimes people take that very literally, but it’s not like ‘don’t waste prayers cause they aren’t answered.’ There’s energy there (in prayer), there’s creation there, keep praying.” But he means “Live it, be it.” He’s showing me someone praying for something they want, he’s (showing how they are) pulling their energy into themselves. “So don’t just pray it, just be it.”

....Tell us about another lifetime that you had that most influenced your one as Prince.
He gives me the word “orphan.” He looks like an abandoned child, homeless, no family, no anybody and wanting to have a voice. He says “Having a voice not just in who you are, because there’s a validation in just knowing someone (has) heard you.” He felt very un-validated in his being “In who I was (then), because I didn’t have anybody to listen to me. Not that I needed that in ego, but I needed that to sort of just validate my existence.”

He said he was born to a poor family who couldn’t afford to keep him so he was abandoned. (That lifetime) looks very primitive, his clothing is primitive. The way it affected this life, as Prince, is kind of taking that to the complete opposite; “Being able to have a voice and being heard and the way that people responded to me, by records selling or whatever…” (This life) validated him - but also what he was trying to say to people. It’s like this extra validation in essence of who he was.

Any final message or advice to us or humanity as whole?
He’s very subtle with his energy here. He kissed a peace sign (two fingers to his lips) and said “Live your truth.”

Three words that are important, thank you for that. Erik, you want to ask him something?
Erik looked at him and said “If you could directly change humanity like that (snaps fingers) – How would you do it and what would you do?”
Prince says “I would give them vision to see what the hurt (is like) when they… what it looks like when they hurt someone, what it looks like when they cause hurt. Energetically. I would give them that vision, because then we would all be kind, we wouldn’t cause that hurt. So with the snap of my fingers, if I could change something, it would be that.”
Then he kind of pulls back and just says “Be kind to one another.”
Awesome, so many have wanted to hear from you - they’ll be very excited about this.

He says “Thank you for the love, the continual outpouring of love for who I am and accepting who I am.” He just keeps saying “Thank you Elisa.” And he keeps bowing.
You’re Welcome and thank you Erik….
(back to the chapter in the book)

“Live your truth.” “Be kind to one another.” “Don’t pray it; be it.” “If you believe it and let go, miracles can happen.” Wise words indeed. I include this interview for the simple reason that it includes new information from the Flipside. “Then it happens… there’s a sense of “all-knowing” there’s a sense of comfort that envelops you and welcomes you into…” -- he calls it “The homeland.”

I can only point to the fact that Prince is saying the same things that everyone else says. Once you “get through” to the other side – you see plants and flowers, you see that all religions come from the same light, you get a sense of all knowing, a sense of comfort (or unconditional love) that envelops you, welcomes you to the homeland.”

He uses a painting as an example; “You can have two different artists paint the very same picture with different color paint; over here you have this artist show through paint how people express themselves, but over here it is just the same; still the same thing. This is no exception with (regards to) religion. Then when you come (back) here, you break free from what you’re tied to and realize you’re all one.”

A pretty eloquent way of putting it.

We are all one. How we choose to express our memory of the Flipside, the memory of having unconditional love – is up to us. But eventually we get back to “the homeland” and see that we are all one, and all religions are the same thing. Referring to the light that connects us all, that is who we are, and who god is.

That it’s still the same thing.
“Yes, this is the same. Over here you (can) break through and see that it’s all one.”
There is it again; “Just let go.” I offer this works as well; “Just suck it up.” Then there’s this important passage:

"Erik looked at him and said “If you could directly change humanity like that (snaps fingers) – How would you do it and what would you do?”
Prince says “I would give them vision to see what the hurt (is like) when they… what it looks like when they hurt someone, what it looks like when they cause hurt. Energetically. I would give them that vision, because then we would all be kind, we wouldn’t cause that hurt. So with the snap of my fingers, if I could change something, it would be that.”

In “Flipside” I spoke of a man who saw during his NDE a review of when he beat up a man who had cut him off in traffic. He experienced the beating from the man’s POV. He could taste the blood, feel the broken teeth, and experienced the humiliation this poor man felt while the man who was having the NDE beat the shit out of him.

In David Bennett’s NDE (“Voyage of Purpose”) he recalled being in a cowboy bar in Texas where a man made a pass at him – and he reported it to the bartender, who along with everyone else in the macho bar proceeded to beat the living daylights out of this gay man. Bennett said he could “feel the wave of rage, anger and hostility” that came from everyone in the room. He said it felt “horrible.”

Paul Aurand, hypnotherapist, talked about his first LBL where he was shown a lifetime where he had been a slave owner, and experienced whipping his slaves. Treating them “as if they were less than animals.” Paul was sick to see that behavior, something he knew nothing about in this lifetime, but learned from his council of elders, was “something he’d been working on for many lifetimes.” That he had finally only directed that kind of rage at himself “but you’re getting better.”  

If Prince could give us one gift – it would be to see the effects of our actions. Now I ask you. Is this new or old information? You want to understand what it means to be alive? Check out how your actions affect others on the planet. 

Prince with Tavis Smiley in 2009:
Prince said to Tavis: "I've never spoken about this before, but I was born epileptic… I used to have seizures when I was young. And my mother and father didn't know what to do or how to handle it but they did the best they could with what little they had."

On the show with Tavis (and also referenced in the afterlife) he said "I've been having to deal with a lot of things, getting teased a lot in schoolYou know, early in my career I tried to compensate for that by being as flashy as I could and as noisy as I could."
He said "My mother told me one day when I walked in to her and said 'Mom, I'm not going to be sick anymore.' And she said 'Why?' And I said 'Because an angel told me so.' Now, I don't remember saying it, that's just what she told me," he said. Teased a lot in school. Pretty much the same thing that Prince said during this inter-life interview.

Here he is saying the same things to two different people – one is Tavis Smiley on television, the other is a medium – same topic, nearly the same words. More importantly, he was “visited by an angel” who told him everything would be okay. 

(If I had a nickel for every time I've heard someone in my Flipside research say they were "visited by an angel" that told them everything would be okay... including myself!)

Some months after I wrote this chapter, I had lunch with “my friend the medium” Jennifer Shaffer who will appear in a big way in the second half of this book. Jennifer works often with law enforcement agencies (pro bono) to help with missing person cases. 

Later in the book, I go into detail how we met, and what happened in our first meeting; but here it is a couple of years after that first meeting, and I’m editing this book when we catch a quick bite at a restaurant in Manhattan Beach near her office.
When we first met, the actor Robin Williams showed up as I was interviewing her; just after he passed on. After he showed up, I told Jennifer I had dinner with Robin once; he was the shyest most polite guy at the table. Steve Martin and Charles Grodin were at the table as well, and we all took a back seat to their lightning wit. 

I’d wished I’d spoken to Robin about the Harvey Lembeck comedy workshop, we both had that in common as well as memorable lunches with his mentor and pal Jonathan Winters. Pretty much every time I interviewed Jennifer, Robin would show up for a minute or two, say something funny and depart.

But at this point in our lunch, Jennifer and I were catching up, talking about how the “veil is thinning” when she looked up said “Robin Williams just showed up.” I said “Your pal! He shows up for you all the time.” And she said “Well you’re the one who met him, I’ve never met him.” I asked him why he showed up, for me or her? She said “I just saw the word “Love.” I said, “You mean “love, as in “love your neighbor?” Or love as in “the essence of what we call God is what love is?” “As if the word refers to the connections between all of us on the planet?” 

She said “He just showed me the word love; it appeared, coming out of “the Matrix.” (I guess she means a mass of numbers and digits that turns into letters).

I turned on my cellphone camera and asked her to recount what we had just been talking about that brought him forward:

RM: So what did you just tell me about Robin appearing? What did you see?
Jennifer: Robin showed up when you were talking about the planet. All of a sudden, he came in when you described how everyone has this gift, (i.e., of accessing the afterlife, not only mediums) and when you said how in my work, I had taken this information to a different level. How I’ve learned how to use it and how others can learn to use it as well.

RM: Also that you are able to open yourself up to the idea that no one can be hurt here because we are always fine back on the Flipside…
Right. Which took me a long time understand. And then he showed up.

You mentioned how the word “love” appeared out of the Matrix form. Then I asked if we could ask Robin a question about whether the Akashic records kept a list of everything people had done before, good or bad, and his reply was to appear as Santa Claus. You said he was holding a giant scroll which rolled out endlessly. On the scroll, there was this long list, like the ones where people’s names appear in the “naughty or nice” columns, but then you saw the lines where the names would be.  

They were all blank.
I guess the idea is that the Akashic records people keep a list of everything that happens in our lifetimes, but God does not…

Right. It would be like God keeping a record of himself. That’s in my view, where I go to. God doesn’t keep a list of himself, he just retains everyone’s experiences.

So Robin, let me ask you, is it accurate that the universe is sentient, that the universe learns things from our experiences?

(Note: This came from a discussion with a spirit guide in “It’s a Wonderful Afterlife.” He was asked if the universe was a machine, and he replied, “It’s a mechanism, but it’s sentient.”)

He just showed me a map… hold on. He just showed me something on the board… a bunch of.. (listens. To Robin) What does that mean?
What did he show you?

He just showed me like a Matrix. (Laughs.) He’s like “Come on!” He showed me the Matrix, like three different holographic TV screens, they’re light blue… they’re sentient? (He says) “Everything is celestial.” (to me) What does that mean?

Everything in the sky, the heavens or perhaps the idea of heaven?
Oh yeah, I’ve heard that. Mormons use the term “celestial kingdom.”

(Note: His answer, for me, seems to imply that everything on the Flipside is “heavenly,” that it is all sentient or conscious. Looking into the afterlife would be like looking through multiple holographic images. Each piece of the hologram contains all of the information from that hologram, no matter where you look. I’ve also heard a description of reality as a “multi-tiered 3D chess game, where one move affects all the rest.”) 

So when we act down here, do those celestial things learn, or are those lessons learned by the rest of the universe? Like planets learn?
He’s showing us on a stage. He puts the planet on a stage, then he put some big chairs on the stage, then a bunch of people on those chairs… They’re all learning from us, (on the Flipside) just like when we’re “The Learning Planet,” like in my session when I got crushed? This is us, now, for another planet.

(Note: Jennifer is referring to her past life memory (in a future chapter) where she lived a long time ago, and was tasked to help people cross from one realm into the next. She was in the process of helping people when her world was destroyed. The idea that people on the Flipside observe what lessons we learn here, and that knowledge helps people on the Flipside as well. We teach and learn from each other in a symbiotic way.)

So they’re learning from us and we learn from them?
How we can co-exist.
So it’s like a mutual existence – we learn from each other. They’re pulling information up from us, but allowing information to come back down to here?

(Note: This is something that’s recurring in these reports. In one of the sessions, a guide spoke of how the souls who are no longer on the planet are also experiencing and learning from those who are still on the planet. But that the process is both ways – we learn from them as well. “As above, so below.”)

So why is the veil thinning? Why is that thing between us becoming easier to access?
He just showed me Prince.

Prince the musician? What about him?
I don’t know.
He’s in the new book. (This book. I was still working on it.)

Is he? Give me a second… When you said “why is the veil thinning,” he showed me Prince. (Pause, listening.) He said “Prince just wanted to go home.”
“Prince just wanted to go home.”  

Okay I understand. I include an interview with him in the book. In the interview, he talks about what it was like when he got home.
Are you guys friends? (Robin and Prince) You guys hang out?

(Laughs.) They’re both laughing. “We go way back.” They’re laughing about the whole concept of “way back.” Like what does that mean? In their world, where they’re at, way back is like… (laughs).
Let me ask Prince a question. Are you aware of your interview that you did with Dr. Medhus and her son Erik that I’m using in my book?

He’s showing me something with the number 149.
A page number?
Could be.

(I thought Jennifer said either “a page 49” or “page 149.” It was a noisy restaurant. Page 49 is the interview with Scott De Tamble, but page 149 is the section of his interview where Prince talks about being bullied growing up.)

I used the interview where you talk about going back “home,” what it was like arriving there, and the journey. It’s funny, I asked Dr. Medhus’ permission but I didn’t ask yours. Is it okay to use you in the book?
He says “Yes, of course.” He’s showing me reading a book. Page 149. (or 49).

What’s he reading?
I don’t know. (pause) He says you’re very good at not taking things out. He’s laughing; he says “It’s a good thing.” I asked (him) “Is it a good or a bad thing?” And he gave me a look, said “It’s a good thing.”

You mean not taking things out… you mean like I’m allowing everything to be in?
Yes, everybody else takes bits and pieces out.  

Well I think I understand the architecture of what is going on up there. I leave everything in so people can experience this research as I’ve experienced it.
He says “Love is what it is.” Now he’s playing his guitar.

“Love is what it is.” What kind of guitar is he playing?
Right now, he’s showing me a classical guitar, before it was one of those…

He’s quite good guitar player.

I don’t know, I haven’t seen him play before.
He’s amazing. Like Hendrix or Clapton. So, Prince what are you and Robin up to?
“Surfing the ethers.”

Surfing the ethers? Cool. Do you go around and check out your fans, reach out to them? Or do you guys hang around and do your own thing?
(Listens) No, what? (Laughs. Nods. Smiles.) They’re both teaching (the class) “How Not to Leave the Earth Early.”

Excellent, well that’s a great class. I’d like to take that class. I know a few people who need to take that class.

(Note: When people ask what I teach in film school, I tell them my class is called “How Not to Have a Career in Hollywood” because “I’m really good at that.” The idea they’d use the same context for the same kind of joke is doubly amusing -- to me anyway.)

Again, he showed me time doesn’t exist. (Note: Meaning that it’s not a big deal for them both to exit the stage early.)

Right, but if you’re down here to learn something, if you’ve chosen to learn something, it’s important for the people who look up to you, to not see how easy it is to check out.
Right. My bad.  

No, look, we’ve all done it before… (Note: I think it’s pretty funny if I try to reassure someone on the Flipside and they reply “My bad.”)
Everything is perfect timing.

Any plans on what your next incarnation will be?
(Laughs.) That’s funny. (To Robin) Why’d you show me that?

What did you see?
He shows me a little African American kid. Then I saw Eddie Murphy. That’s funny, hold on.

Maybe he’s saying in the future he’d be a comedian, an African American kid who is a comedian?
That’s right.

Prince or Robin?
Prince wants to be a female. Robin wants to be a comedian, an African American; he’ll bring back more information, (I think she means “material”) because he’ll be able to access more. Prince is more attuned with Versace’ – the designer? Is she alive?

Gianni’s gone but his sister is alive.
Prince wants to be a female.

(Note: I assume this means “in his next life.” Prince was quoted as saying “I'm not a woman. I'm not a man. I am something that you'll never understand.” It’s up to us who we want to come back as or why.)

A female Versace’? Oh I see, like a clothing designer?

(Note: Needless to say, Prince was an amazing fashion trendsetter. As Stephen Colbert noted: not many people own an entire color.”)

Dude, you were already a designer, already a stylist.
He says “Music hurts too much;” it hurt his joints. He said “It hurts.”

I understand, you had those amazing dance moves; all that rehearsal must have taken its toll. That’s pretty cool he wants to be a designer next time around. So guys, anything else you want to impart to us sitting here in this restaurant in Manhattan Beach? 
They’ve got their arms around each other. (She rocks back and forth to show me, like two happy sailors.) They said “Thank you for not questioning our existence… from your guides.”

(Earlier I had been teasing Jennifer over the fact that during her between life hypnosis session, (later in this book) she quoted her spirit guide as saying “We get exhausted when you keep questioning whether you’re really tapping into spirit or not. And we don’t get exhausted!” I thought that was pretty funny.)

You mean, thanking you for not questioning whether or not you’re hearing them?
Robin wants to know where his part is in the book… (laughs) He’s kidding.

I did mention him in “It’s a Wonderful Afterlife.” He’s the last chapter of volume one. I met a postal clerk in NYC who was crying the day after his death, I told her I’d been doing this research that showed people don’t die, that Robin’s spirit would always exist, just not here on the planet. She loved hearing that. How about Prince, any last words?
“Live and let live.”

Thanks. You’re both welcome to come and visit either of us in a dream or whenever.

Prince is so sexy. Wow. He’s something else. (Blushes. Laughs)

(end of book excerpt)


So there you have it. Just got off the phone with someone who claims to be Prince.  

To be clear I'm not claiming it was Prince. I can only report that I was interviewing a medium who was accessing Erik Medhus, and at some point said "Prince is here." I knew who she meant and did not question it. 

You should question it - I don't post this to upset anyone's reality or paradigm. I'm not selling anyone on this research. It is what it is.  I offer it unvarnished, as they say, as I heard it. This happened today.  And I will post the interview as soon as possible. Not trying to "sell more books." As I say repeatedly in the books; "If this upsets you, please get a refund."  I offer it to anyone who feels the need to hear what people are saying from the Flipside.

Take it with a grain of salt if you need to, or take it as Gospel. Either way, I'm passing it along to you.


Just got this note from someone on Facebook who asked if I thought perhaps Prince could come and heal people from the Flipside... I wrote that I imagined it was possible people could access their own healing abilities while meditating on being healed while listening to his music (the placebo effect). And that whether they imagine that it is him helping, or if it actually is him helping; the results are the same and worth exploring...  

I wrote "everything that's in your healing doctor's kit is within your own reach... you can effect healing by tapping into that doctor's bag - through prayer, through meditation, through song, through music - just applying "healing light" to whatever it is that you're doing... and crank up a little Prince while you're at it." (Couldn't hurt, might actually help.)

She wrote this in reply

"I was sick a couple of weeks ago - scary virus like I've never had before - and I saw while on the edge of sleep a dark hand playing a white guitar.  I thought that the chord progression I heard over and over again was beautiful, and realized as I woke up that it was the intro to Purple Rain.  

Then, weirdly enough, I heard a voice from the kitchen say, "He cleansed you."  I thought that was interesting, and filed it away, and last night thought, "Hmmmm.... I told my friend I'd bring out the big guns for this healing, but I didn't expect the Big Gun to be Prince." Haha! Your reply makes perfect sense.  Thank you.  I hope you are having a beautiful day.

And then there's this... too awesome not to share. (and yes. I am a fan now.)

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