Last shot of the day on a film set, also the last name of the author of this blog. Martin - Latin singular, those soldiers who work for Mars, God of War. A smith. In this lifetime of words, music and film. AKA "The Afterlife Expert" (Coast to Coast AM) If you want to reach me, I can be found on FB, LinkedIn, or Gmail under MartiniProds (my youtube channel)
Hacking the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer, Luana Anders, Amelia Earhart, Napoleon and Steve Jobs
The third book in our ongoing discussions with people no longer on the planet. Books one and two include numerous…
(Chapter Ten, Part two)


Another day, another trip to the fieldhouse on the flipside. In this session, I decided to see if I could call upon a historical person, someone I knew that I had no possible connection to. The questions I asked him were related to questions posed to me by an Oscar award winning screenwriter. My questions are in italics, Jennifer Shaffer’s replies are in bold.
Rich: I talked to somebody yesterday who we interviewed in your office. My old boss, the screenwriter Robert Towne; friend of Luana’s.
Jennifer: He came to mind.
I told him what we were doing and I said if you could talk to anyone on the flipside who would you like to talk to?
His dad just came through but I know that’s not who he wanted to talk to.
I told him “You can talk to anybody.” I’ll tell you this, it’s a historical figure.
The first person that showed up was Abraham Lincoln, but I don’t think it was him.
Well perhaps Abraham can help us. Luana knows who this is, because it was who I was talking to.
Was he a soldier during the Civil War?
He was a soldier but not during our Civil War. I’ll tell you that he wasn’t from this country.
Winston Churchill?
No, longer ago. If I give you a hint, you’ll get it. 200 years ago my dear. I have to think about this — we normally have someone in our class who knows someone who knows someone. Luana has to ask her friend.
(Jennifer aside) When was Napoleon?
That’s it. (Ding!) He was around 1820.
Napoleon! How many tries did that take?
It doesn’t matter. (For those keeping score, it was five.)
It’s frustrating. Finally they showed me Napoleon.
Who showed you Napoleon?
Can we talk to him directly?
Um… He’s a little bit of a shit. Give me a second. Yeah, I guess we can. Mmm-hmm.
What do you see in your minds’ eye?
He’s actually kind of handsome.
Can you see his face?
I see his lashes — he’s actually quite handsome.
Can you touch his hand?
There’s something on his hand, felt like there’s a wound on his hand.
Let’s ask him — how did you get this wound my friend?
It feels like psoriasis — everything was cracking.
Look around the class; is this unusual for you to be here?
He says, “Yes it is.” He says he was here like 3 times before.
So you recognize a few people in this group?
He said, “Yes.”
So you guys in our class that know him, can you help?
(Jennifer aside) They are.
Mr. Napoleon — I apologize for having to take time out of your day, but I have some questions for you.
I keep getting … based upon the paintings I’ve seen of him — he had lighter eyes.
Let’s ask him — what color are your eyes?
They’re blue.
(Note: He had fine white teeth, which he was proud. His nose was slightly curved, with a “sharp and delicate modelling, [but] was less prominent than one is inclined to suppose from the evidence of his portraits.” His eyes, deep-set, were reportedly gray or gray-blue.” Wikipedia.)
They’re dark on the outer iris and blue inside.
Who was there to greet you when crossed over?
He says, “His mother.” He showed me there were 2 days he was going in and out of consciousness.
What were you ill from?
I want to say it was something around here (gestures) in the stomach.
Was that natural issue, or was that something given to you that you died from?
I felt like it was… transmitted. I also got an image of the plague. I don’t know what that means.
Who transmitted that into your body?
Felt like it was in the water.
So let’s talk about that — did someone administer that stuff in the water, or was it natural from the place you were?
“It was not natural,” he says.
So somebody put it in your water or food?
He says, “Yes; felt like a drink.”
Tell Jennifer what it was.
He says, “It was poison.”
Someone in class, can you put it in her mind what kind of poison that was and who administered it?
“Someone very close to him — first I got a female, then I got someone who was trying to overrule him. Felt like somebody he trusted, like a captain or something.”
A man?
Yes, but maybe it was the nurse that administered it.
I’m going to ask you about a woman who was there when you died.
He’s telling me Serafina. Sounds like Serafina.
I’d like to ask you about Betsy Balcombe.
She was a child. It felt like there were three kids. It felt like there were three kids associated with Betsy. She was like 9 when she met him.
That’s about right.
(Note: This was a question that Robert Towne the screenwriter asked me. He said “If you talk to Napoleon, ask him about Betsy Balcombe. I’m asking this question on my old boss’ behalf. From the historical record, Betsy was 12. She lived on St. Helena with her two siblings and befriended Napoleon at age 12.)
(Jennifer aside) She could actually “see” — she was clairvoyant.
What makes you say that?
I saw information coming from the heavens (waves her hand)
Napoleon, was Betsy giving you messages from the flipside? Or were you friends?
“Yes,” he’s saying he protected her. He was like a mom to a child, brother and sister, he protected her.
It’s reported your last words were you reporting for duty.
Yes. He saw his horse.
(Note: Reportedly, Napoleon’s last words were, “France. L’armée. Tête d’armée. Joséphine (“France, the army, head of the army, Joséphine”). I noted in “Flipside” that it sounds like he’s reporting for duty, and then sees the love of his life.)
There was a woman you had a long relationship with.
16… like 16 years…
(Note: Napoleon married Josephine, the widow of a man killed during the reign of terror, they were together as lovers and then married for 16 years. She died in 1814, he died 7 years later in 1821.)
They said you called out her name. Her name was Josephine.
Sara Josephine — which is my sister’s name — Serafina. That’s why I was hearing Serafina.
Let’s talk about your journey — have you incarnated since?
No. I saw a picture of (current President) and started freaking out, then a picture of Hitler.
I suspect you are talking about these individuals in terms of the negative energy they represent. Were you part of that energy?
He said, “Yes.”
What was up with you and Russia? Is that the Trump connection?
He says, “Yes.”
Millions died while you tried to conquer Russia, what were you doing?
He said, “I was trying to take over the world.”
What could you possibly gain?
He says “In his demented mind he thought it would bring more peace under one rule.” He made a poof sound.
(Note: A very French sound to make. The Italians say “Boh” and the French say “Beouf.” Means “what can I say?”)
That’s very French. He did have a lot of ego, is he still carrying that around?
He says “No more than Prince.”
(Note: Hilarious comment. Prince shows up often in our sessions. Always very helpful.)
Touche’ — okay, what actor might represent you on the planet?
Joe Pesci.
(Note: Would have been great if he said Joaquin Phoenix, but I think he’s closer to accuracy here in terms of height and demeanor.)
Were you Etruscan? Like Danny DeVito, they were notoriously short.
He says, “They were well bred. No; it was like his father’s father that was short. Somebody ruined the gene pool,” he said. Why is Joe Pesci showing up? He’s showing me he had Joe Pesci’s attitude as depicted in movies; killing people. Now he’s showing me a screenwriter, how they try to take over the world with movies. He says “I had a lot of blood (that was) shed, more people died. It’s easier to make movies where people die and they don’t bleed.”
I’m aware a couple of filmmakers have tried to make a film about you.
He knows that. Who was the guy that was in the “Ten Commandments?”
Cecil B Demille?
He said, “He’s over here.”
Have we talked to Stanley Kubrick yet?
I don’t know who that is. We’re not done with Napoleon!
It’s okay, is Stanley around?
Yeah, he is. He says “He’s a step ahead of you.”
Stanley; this is Napoleon. You wrote a long movie about this fellow.
(Jennifer aside) I asked him “Did you get the story right?” and he said “No… the ending was wrong. That’s why there were blocks about getting it made.”
The ending was wrong? You mean the truth about Napoleon being poisoned?
“Yes. They always wanted it to be an enemy but it was his best friend.”
Okay, I think I know who that is — the guy who invited him to St. Helena.
He said, “Yes.”
Here you are talking to Stanley who wanted to make a movie about you — and Luana’s friend Jack wanted to make a film about you…
Jack Nicholson.
(Ding!) That is correct. And yet Jack appeared in another one of Stanley’s films.
(Jennifer aside” Was that the “redrum” movie?
Very good.
He just showed me Jack’s head. “The Shining.”
Who was there to greet you when you crossed over Stanley?
When did he pass?
Like ten years ago. After the Tom Cruise movie came out.
“Eyes Wide Shut” Stanley?
Yes, Clockwork Orange, The Shining… Who was there to greet you when you crossed over?
He’s showing me his dog. Kind of grayish… first I saw something blond…
A hound?
It’s bigger… really big. I’m not sure of the name — I don’t know breeds.
(Note: This is accurate in terms of Stanley’s affection for his dogs. According to a recent documentary, he moved to a larger home specifically to make room for his dogs and left detailed instructions about each one and how they should be fed. “At home, children and animals would frequently come in and out of the room as he worked on a script or met with an actor. Kubrick’s many dogs and cats, toward which he showed an extraordinary affection, were often brought onto film sets or editing rooms.” Wikipedia)
What do you miss about being on the planet?
“The smells, the tastes, the frequency — I have to tell you more about that too.”
You were famous for not flying… was that OCD?
He showed me having panic attacks, but now he knows it was a past life thing. Now he does.
You were famous for calling people up and talking on the phone for hours and hours.
He’s showing me how his mind works.
Who do you wish you could talk to?
Everyone’s laughing because he said “Luana.”
He says, “Because it’s like you have to take a number to talk to her. You have to take a number.”
Who do you want me to reach out to?
He said, “Jack.”
And say what?
He said, “Stanley wants Jack to know that he’s okay.”
Well, Jennifer’s got to run. Napoleon thanks for coming in to see us…
He says “He’ll haunt you in your dreams.”
In honor of the film released recently, I’m reprinting this excerpt from the book “Backstage Pass to the Flipside” book three.
For more info:, or
HACKING THE AFTERLIFE with Stanley Kubrick and Napoleon
This is an excerpt from the book "Backstage Pass to the Flipside 3" (Homina Publishing, 2020, All Rights Reserved.) Book is available at Amazon, Engram Spark, all online outlets.
Reason I'm posting it is recently a wag on Quora noted "Everyone who has a past life regression thinks they were Napoleon."
I pointed out statistically that's not the case - in the 100 cases I've filmed, or the 2750 clinical case studies by Dr. Wambach, or in the 7000 reported by Michael Newton and the Newton Institute - not a single person recalled the life of Mr. Bonaparte.
Further that we had "chatted with Napoleon" and that he pointed the finger at the culprit who poisoned him. This person got upset that I reported that - called me a "fraud" (a surefire ticket to the cornfield in the forum "Hacking the Afterlife" on quora), and I left the story at that. However, for those who are curious about this "chatting with the afterlife" process - I dug up the interview.
Having worked for an Oscar winning screenwriter, remaining pals and demonstrating to him how we can access people on the flipside, one day he casually mentioned he was curious about a detail about Napoleon's life. I suggested that we might see if it was possible to ask him questions. I said "Let's pretend we can. What would you like to ask him?"
The construct is this; I work with Jennifer Shaffer, who works with law enforcement agencies nationwide on missing person cases. I've demonstrated in our work, weekly for six years now, that people can access loved ones on the flipside, get new information from them. (For examples, see the film "Talking to Bill Paxton" on Gaia where I converse with my old pal via three different mediums, asking the same questions and getting the same answers.) Jennifer solved a case for NYPD commissioner Bill Bratton which got her a ticket to NYC where he grilled her as to how or why she knew details about the case - how she could accurately describe what forensically happened.
The screenwriter and I have a mutual friend in the flipside - Luana Anders, who helps us facilitate these conversations. How Luana and I met is covered in "Flipside" and that fact she passed in 1996 is unusual - except "it is what it is." She started showing up with new information from the flipside, and somewhere around 2004 I began studying how that could be. And it was through Luana's intercession that I went to work for this screenwriter out of film school.
So how do we get to Napoleon? How to "dial him up?"
Well, that would be through his pal Stanley. Stanley Kubrick wrote a script about him and we had seen Stanley in another interview before - he talked about his love of his dogs (a detail I wasn't aware of and turned out to be accurate) - and Luana worked with a number of actors who worked with Kubrick... so in the "six degrees of separation" - the process is this: if you know someone on the flipside who knew someone in life, the ability of them to access those folks on the flipside is easier.
No other way to put it.
Luana knew actors who worked with Brando, who were friends with Brando, who knew James Dean, who knew everyone... etc. So we have a lot of actors in the class. I worked with Ray Charles ("Limit Up" he plays God), so when Ray shows up in the "class" every musician who knew or liked Ray is accessible.
I know that's problematic for some - but I'm not here to pave the road, repair the fences. Just reporting.
So when the writer of Chinatown asks me to ask our mutual friend Luana to access Napoleon, I can only guess that Kubrick has probably already sought the Emperor out after spending so many years on his life writing about him.
That conversation follows:
(Filmed in Jennifer Shaffer's office or in the restaurant Fishbar in Manhattan Beach. Sometime in 2019 or 2020. Excerpt from "Backstage Pass to the Flipside 3" page 175. All rights reserved.)
The Louvre: Napoleon.
Another day, another trip to the fieldhouse on the
flipside. In this session, I decided to
see if I could call upon a historical person, someone I knew that I had no
possible connection to. The questions I
asked him were related to questions posed to me by an Oscar award winning
Rich: I talked to somebody yesterday who
we interviewed in your office. My old boss, the screenwriter Robert Towne;
friend of Luana’s.
Jennifer: He came to mind.
I told him what we were doing and I said
if you could talk to anyone on the flipside who would you like to talk to?
His dad just came through but I know
that’s not who he wanted to talk to.
I told him “You can talk to anybody.” I’ll tell you this, it’s a historical figure.
The first person that showed up was Abraham
Lincoln, but I don’t think it was him.
Well perhaps Abraham can help us. Luana
knows who this is, because it was I was talking to.
Was he a soldier during the Civil War?
He was a soldier but not during our Civil
War. I’ll tell you that he wasn’t from this country.
No, longer ago. If I give you a hint,
you’ll get it.
Ali just showed up as well.
He’s got to talk to us at a later
date. 200 years ago my dear. I have to think about this – we normally have
someone in our class who knows someone who knows someone. Luana has to ask her
When was Napoleon?
That’s it. (Ding!) He was around 1820.
Napoleon! How many tries did that take?
It doesn’t matter. (For those keeping
score, it was five.)
It’s frustrating. Finally they showed me
Who showed you Napoleon?
Can we talk to him directly?
Um... He’s a little bit of a shit. Give me
a second. Yeah, I guess we can. Mmm-hmm.
What do you see in your minds’ eye?
He’s actually kind of handsome.
Can you see his face?
I see his lashes – he’s actually quite
Can you touch his hand?
There’s something on his hand, felt like
there’s a wound on his hand.
Lets ask him – how did you get this wound
my friend?
It feels like psoriasis – everything was
Look around the class; is this unusual for
you to be here?
Yes it is. He was here like 3 times before
when we were talking to George Washington.
So you recognize a few people in this group?
So you guys in our class that know him,
can you help?
They are.
Mr. Napoleon – I apologize for having to
take time out of your day, but I have some questions for you.
I keep getting ... based upon the paintings
I’ve seen of him – he had lighter eyes.
Let’s ask him – what color are your eyes?
They’re blue.
(Note: “His eyes,
deep-set, were reportedly gray or gray-blue.” Wikipedia.)
They’re dark on the outer iris and blue
Who was there to greet you when crossed
“His mother.” He showed me there were 2
days he was going in and out of consciousness.
What were you ill from?
I want to say it was something around here
(gestures) in the stomach.
Was that natural issue, or was that
something given to you that you died from?
“I felt like it was... transmitted. I also got an image of the plague.” I don’t
know what that means.
Who transmitted that into your body?
Felt like “It was in the water.”
So let’s talk about that – did someone
administer that stuff in the water, or was it natural from the place you were?
“It was not natural,” he says.
So somebody put it in your water or food?
“Yes; felt like a drink.”
Tell Jennifer what it was.
“It was poison.”
Someone in class, can you put it in her mind
what kind of poison that was and who administered it?
“Someone very close to him – first I got a
female, then I got someone who was trying to overrule him. Felt like somebody
he trusted, like a captain or something.”
A man?
“Yes, maybe it was the nurse that
administered it.”
I’m going to ask you about a woman who was
there when you died.
He’s telling me “Serafina.” Sounds like Serafina.
I’d like to ask you Betsy Balcome.
“She was a child. It felt like there were
three kids. It felt like there were three kids associated with Betsy. She was
like 9 when she met him.”
That’s about right.
(Note: She was 12. She lived on St. Helena with her
two siblings and befriended Napoleon at age 12.)
“She could actually see – she was clairvoyant.”
What makes you say that?
I saw information coming from the heavens
(waves her hand)
Napoleon, was Betsy giving you messages
from the flipside? Or were you friends?
“Yes,” he’s saying “He protected her. He
was like a mom to a child, brother and sister, he protected her.”
It’s reported your last words were you
reporting for duty.
“Yes. He saw his horse.”
(Note: Reportedly, Napoleon’s last words were, “France. L'armée. Tête d'armée. Joséphine ("France,
the army, head of the army, Joséphine").
I noted in “Flipside” that it sounds like he’s reporting for duty, and
then sees the love of his life.)
There was a woman you had a long
relationship with.
“16... like 16 years.”
(Note: Napoleon married Josephine, the widow of a man
killed during the reign of terror, they were together as lovers and then
married for 16 years. She died in 1814, he died 7 years later in 1821.)
They said you called out her name. Her
name was Josephine.
“Sara Josephine” – which is my sister’s
name – “Serafina.” That’s why I was hearing “Serafina.”
Let’s talk about your journey – have you
incarnated since?
“No. I saw a picture of (current
President) and started freaking out.”
I suspect you are talking about these individuals
in terms of the negative energy they represent. Were you part of that energy?
What was up with you and Russia? Is that
the Trump connection?
Millions died while you tried to conquer Russia,
what were you doing?
“Trying to take over the world.”
What could you possibly gain?
He says “In his demented mind he thought
it would bring more peace under one rule.”
Who did you say thanks to?
He made a “poof” sound.
That’s very French. (Italians say “Boh!”
and the French say “Poof!”) He did have a lot of ego, is he still carrying that
He says “No more than Prince.”
Touche’ - okay, what actor might represent
you on the planet?
Joe Pesci.
Were you Etruscan? Like Danny DeVito, they were notoriously
They were well bred. No; it was like his
father’s father that was short. “Somebody ruined the gene pool,” he said. Why
is Joe Pesci showing up? He’s showing me he had Joe Pesci’s attitude as
depicted in movies; killing people. Now he’s showing me a screenwriter, how
they try to take over the world with movies. He says “I had a lot of blood shed,
more people died. It’s easier to make movies where people die and they don’t
I’m aware a couple of filmmakers have
tried to make a film about you.
He knows that. Who was the guy that was in
the “Ten Commandments?”
Charlton Heston?
“He’s over there.”
Have we talked to Stanley Kubrick yet?
I don’t know who that is. We’re not done
with Napoleon!
It’s okay, is Stanley around?
Yeah, he is. He says “He’s a step ahead of
Stanley; this is Napoleon. You wrote a
long movie about this fellow.
Native son.
I asked “Did you get the story right?” and
he said “No... the ending was wrong. That’s why there were blocks about getting
it made.
The ending was wrong? You mean the truth
about Napoleon being poisoned?
“Yes. They always wanted it to be an enemy
but it was his best friend.”
Okay, I think I know who that is – the guy
who invited him to St. Helena.
Here you are talking to Stanley who wanted
to make a movie about you – and Luana’s friend Jack wanted to make a film about
Jack Nicholson.
Correct. And yet Jack appeared in another
one of Stanley’s films.
Was that the redrum movie?
Very good.
He just showed me Jack’s head. “The Shining.”
Who was there to greet you when you
crossed over Stanley?
When did he pass?
Like ten years ago. After the Tom Cruise
movie came out.
“Eyes Wide Shut” Stanley?
Yes, Clockwork Orange, The Shining... Who
was there to greet you when you crossed over?
He’s showing me his dog. Kind of
grayish... first I saw something blond...
A hound?
It’s bigger... really big. I’m not sure of
the name – I don’t know breeds.
(Note: This is accurate in terms of Stanley’s
affection for his dogs. According to a recent documentary, he moved to a larger
home specifically to make room for his dogs and left detailed instructions
about each one and how they should be fed. “At home, children and animals would
frequently come in and out of the room as he worked on a script or met with an
actor. Kubrick's many dogs and cats, toward which he showed an extraordinary
affection, were often brought onto film sets or editing rooms.” Wikipedia)
What do you miss about being on the
“The smells, the tastes, the frequency – I
have to tell you more about that too.”
You were famous for not flying... was that
He showed me having panic attacks, but now
he knows it was a past life thing. Now he does. He’s showing me how his mind
Who do you wish you could talk to?
Everyone’s laughing because he said
“Because it’s like you have to take a
number to talk to her. You have to take a number.”
Who do you want me to reach out to?
And say what?
“Stanley wants Jack to know that he’s
You want me to tell Jack that he’s going
to be okay?
“Yes.” He’s showing me the letters that
were found in the furniture at Jack’s home.
That was a copy of Marlon Brando’s will
that Jack found hidden in a chair. Marlon, do you want to weigh in on
(Note: Brando’s will was found in a chair in Jack Nicholson’s home (he lived next door.) Jack didn’t know how it got there, but made a copy and sent it off to Marlon’s attorney. A friend of mine showed me a copy and it clearly was altered (Marlon’s signature isn’t his signature). I mentioned this when we interviewed him in “Backstage Pass to the Flipside.” I won’t belabor the point here but reportedly (from him) his heirs didn’t get what he wanted them to get.)
You were very quiet the last time we talked
to you.
“I don’t say much anyway. I don’t need to.
I can feel it.”
Well, Jennifer’s got to run, sorry we have
to let you go Marlon. Napoleon thanks for coming in to see us...
He says “He’ll haunt you in your dreams.”
Stanley we’re all fans of yours.
Was he a Buddhist?
He may be now. Anything you want us to
tell your friends?
He says “He loves Nicole and Keith (Urban).”
Were you a fan of Nicole?
Our pal Jan Sharp was close to her.
Okay, next time! Thanks class.
It feels like we’re bouncing around the playground,
but I’ve found that by just filming and transcribing, it’s the overall effect
that makes these interviews notable. They consistently say the same things
despite being years apart in some cases.
"Everyone gets out of here alive."
We all go "home." We are always accessible, even if we've reincarnated (returned.) We only bring about a third of our conscious energy, so two thirds is always "back home" and accessible. Even if it's that fellow from France.
My two cents.
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