Showing posts with label Elvis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Elvis. Show all posts


Hacking the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer, Luana Anders and James Caan

Another one of those mind bending sessions. We open with a discussion about an unusual recent event, where my old friend Melinda Germann came through to give a climate warning to my friend Patrice.  Patrice and Melinda were best pals and went to Santa Cruz together. I met Melinda at the Loyola Rome Center and she was the light of everyone's eye - funny, sweet and just a delight to be around.  However she died in a plane crash a few years later - and since then, has visited Patrice a number of times, and myself as well (in dreams.)  A few days ago, Patrice texted me about some visuals that Melinda was sending her - that for some would be a "warning" of impending disaster.  Like forest fires, tsunamis - etc.   Living on the West Coast one lives with those possibilities, so I wanted to know if this was an immediate threat or something in general. (As if that made a difference!)  Yes, we are in an immediate threat of losing our beloved planet - due to human behavior. Yes, she wants people to pay attention to climate change and do everything one can to save the planet.  But no, it's not happening next week. I admit I forgot about James Caan passing only two weeks ago - so many beloved folks checking off the planet. And because Luana Anders, our moderator on the flipside has a connection with James via the Godfather (Luana's pal directed it, and her voice appears in it), it was thrilling to see Jennifer say that he'd shown up to chat. The "Jimi Hendrix talk show" reference is more fully explored with the podcast with Charles Grodin - a veteran of decades of talk shows, I was with him often backstage in the green room - and he went into an elaborate description of what it was like to cross over and find oneself doing a "life review" in front of an audience, and Jimi Hendrix being the talk show host!  It's mind bending, but we've talked about this before. We've asked Jimi about it - and he has repeated the concept that he likes to help participate, everyone recognizes him instantly, so he provides a "soft landing."  All I can say is that everything James says here is repeated in the hypnotherapy or meditation research, in "Tuning into the Afterlife." It was thrilling to hear him stop by. Elvis stopped by as well to talk about a previous lifetime where he was a singer... to point out that people often choose a path they've known before.


Hacking the Afterlife podcast with Elvis


In honor of the film out in theaters, here's the last time that Elvis showed up in our podcast "Hacking the Afterlife"

He showed up more in "Tuning Into the Afterlife"
available here:

It's our 40th episode!  How about that?  Well, this is no different than the others - mind bending and just about as out there as we can get.

Last night I happened to catch Tom Hanks talking about his movie he's doing with Baz Luhrmann in Australia, where he plays Colonel Tom Parker. Went to sleep without a thought about it, and had the impression that Luana told me we'd have a "surprise guest" in today's episode.

To be clear, we've seen Elvis before in our class - and we did invite him into the chair and interviewed him extensively.  Who was there to greet him when he crossed over (his mom) and other important things in his life.  It's in "Backstage Pass to the Flipside" - and we also interview Colonel Parker (not a Colonel, and according to Tom's interview a rather shady character) - but aside from the public perception of who his manager was, both the interview in the book and this interview paint a different portrait.

It's not opinion being expressed here. This is live, off the cuff, improvised, whatever happens happens kind of reporting. I had no idea, zero idea what we'd find in today's episode and even forgot what last week's was until she mentions it.

Elvis said he was "introduced to our class by John Lennon" - which is repeated in the book.  It's not like "all the celebrities hang out together" - it's a frequency issue, and those artists or musicians hang out with other folks who are using the same frequency.  If one looks at the Backstage Pass books they'll find quite a few musicians there.

I directed Ray Charles in the film "Limit Up" which Luana and I cowrote, so Ray has introduced us to quite a few of his friends because he knew ... well... everyone.  And through one we can know the other.

I know this interview might ruffle some feathers - but again, it's live, none of it planned, and Jennifer works with law enforcement agencies nationwide on missing person cases. She even helped NYPD commissioner Bill Bratton with a case (solved, ask him about it sometime.)

We are demonstrating that anyone can do this - don't need a medium, but it helps.  However, as noted, anyone can speak to their loved ones on the flipside, and apparently anyone they'd like to chat with.  Stick around to the end, where Elvis sums up his relationship with Tom Parker. Insightful.


Hacking the Afterlife with Luana Chuck George Elvis and Jennifer Shaffer

Jennifer Shaffer is back from her two week trip.  Today's podcast was unusual for a number of reasons - I mentioned that Luana and Marlon showed up during a podcast I did with "Mick and the Psychic" - which I will post next week, to give them time to post it on all their podcast outlets.

As always, Jennifer and I have not discussed the contents of the podcast, and clearly she was not aware of my conversation with Luana and Marlon - sometimes she is aware of conversations I've had with Luana and others, but in this instance, they were more interested in bringing up the topic of the recent catastrophe in Texas, where 19 children and two teachers were killed.

I had not planned to discuss it, nor had Jennifer, but my friend Charles Grodin brings it up in the podcast, and I did my best to ask him questions about the process - what happens in cases like that. How does it work?  Especially for the little ones who may be confused by the process.

The portrait he painted for Jennifer was unusual - and at the same time in line with the research.  Our loved ones on the flipside tailor the experience so that we can have a soft landing when returning home.

George Michael and Beethoven stopped by for a chat - as noted, both were interviewed in "Backstage Pass to the Flipside" but they wanted to speak about frequency, and how everything is attached to it - including memories.  The idea of creating adventures and memories is part of why we choose to be on the planet.

Elvis stopped by and gave a mini review of his film "Elvis" (In a previous week, he gave it a "leveled thumbs" neither up nor down - but he wanted to speak of how films are memories - and how they too have frequency attached to them, so we can remember different periods in our life.

It's a freewheeling investigation into tapping into the afterlife.  Thanks for tuning in.


Hacking The Afterlife with Elvis, Prince, Charles and Amelia ”Finding Your Voice"

A bit longer podcast today, talking about "Finding your voice."  As always, first we connect with Luana Anders on the Flipside, my friend who passed in 1996 who helps me and Jennifer to facilitate these conversations.  There's a conversation up front about that process and how we got started before we ask Luana to introduce the first guest on her list.

Elvis came forward to talk about "finding your voice." We didn't ask for him to come forward, but as fans of this podcast know, it's whomever has asked to speak to us. Could be someone we've interviewed in the past, could be someone that we both know, in this case, there are a number of people that come forward - personal friends and others.

He wanted to refer to a person's "voice" - that energy or frequency that relates to who they are over many lifetimes.  I asked Prince to comment on the recently found footage of him in Minneapolis, Jennifer wasn't aware of it - but Prince was an accurately describes what is in the clip.

My dearest friend Charles Grodin stopped by to talk about a couple of things, and weighed in about the recent Oscar telecast where the "in Memoriam" section was so convoluted, and the famous "slap heard round the world."  Interesting to note that Charles echoed what Denzel Washington said afterwards; "Who are we to judge?" Charles reminding us that "from the flipside we see things in terms of a person's overall journey - all of their lifetimes and how that translates into action in this lifetime."

Then Amelia Earhart stopped by for a chat. Jennifer didn't know that I was speaking about her recently in a surprise appearance on "Coast to Coast" in the middle of the night, and Amelia continued to encourage me to make a film about what really happened to her.   

Then a discussion about angels and "Pegasus."  Jennifer notes that she had recently gotten an email from someone involved in a case in Texas where she's helping law enforcement - and the contents of the email were about what seeing a "Pegasus" represents metaphorically.  It's about transportation - as we've heard from people who self identify as "angels."  

"The wings are a metaphor for travel between realms at the speed of thought."

Interesting discussion over all.  

For more information: - a list of the 9 books are at, clips and links from the podcast are at - or the podcast itself is on Apple at 


PS: Six hours ago, Julian Lennon released this version of him singing his father's song "Imagine."  It was yesterday we recorded this session. Elvis used this song as an example of "finding your voice." Perhaps he was referring to this version of the song. Take a moment to enjoy this song, and think of the folks in Ukraine.


Hacking the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer, Route 66, Blue Suede Shoes and Elvis

Another unplanned visit from someone everyone knew as Elvis Aaron Presley from Tupelo Mississippi. I must admit I was never a fan until he started showing up in our class. And then I spent the time to listen to his earlier rockabilly tunes, and grew to appreciate what he'd done with his talent. To be clear Jennifer and I don't discuss in advance who we're going to speak to, and Luana Anders our trusted moderator is in charge of who gets on her clipboard and into the class. As noted, a couple of weeks ago it was film producer Carl Laemmle, someone I knew very little about, but had much to say about the journey in the afterlife. In this episode Elvis wanted to talk about process - the process of how we bring a portion of our conscious energy to a lifetime, and that is never lost, or goes away. He references someone Jennifer and I have no idea - a young girl that met him when he crossed over, but he wanted to speak about that process, and how knowing a bit of it in advance "would have helped him." Also the topic of chanting and praying aloud comes into play - for those who are religious, consider this a message from heaven, for those more science oriented consider this a "conversation with one's subconscious about how to heal or cure depression." We've heard it often, that meditation can help heal or cure a person, and meditating on music is also a way to do the same. In this instance, the concept is to "listen to music that elevates your spirit or "heals the heart." To be clear, I asked if this concept was a religious or a science one - and the answer was that it was literally the fact that one can "heal or help one's health by connecting to, dancing to, swaying to, listening to their favorite singer, to connect with the memory of them, to connect with the heart of them, to connect with the healing light of the universe by listening. This isn't a new topic nor is it fantastical.  Set aside the idea of who the conversation is with and focus on the content of the conversation and it becomes clear why it's important to know that life goes on, and that we can connect with loved ones on the flipside.   By the way: the film “Hacking the Afterlife” is available on Jennifer is at I’m at is our podcast is our youtube channel This version of “Route 66” is on “Rich Martini on the Rocks” at Amazon or


John Lennon says he's helping Paul with his music, Paul confirms it

It's a provocative headline, I know.

Flipside detectives. Just reporting ma'am.

I'm not trying to sell anyone anything. I'm reporting, so it deserves this kind of headline.

Let me say it again: John Lennon says he's helping Paul with his music, Paul confirms it.

Today on the CBS Morning show, Paul was quoted speaking of John.

(Asked about John's passing and if he'd still be writing on "CBS This Morning") 

"Yeah. He was showing no signs of slowing up. You know, he was still making great music. The question is, would we have ever got back together again?" What's the answer? "I don't know!" McCartney said. "We don't know. We were friends. That was one of the great things about it. You know, I don't know how I would've dealt with it. 'Cause I don't think I've dealt with it very well. You know, in a way, you know … I wouldn't be surprised if a psychiatrist would sort of find out that I was slightly in denial. Because it's too much." 

McCartney told us he still has dreams about John Lennon, and thinks about him when he writes."  

There's a direct quote in last week's "Hacking the afterlife" podcast where we asked John (who stopped by with a friend) "what are you up to?" and he said "I'm working with Paul on his songs."' 

We (Jennifer Shaffer and I) asked him about that process as well:

Here's the podcast of that episode: 

Here's the video of the podcast from 

This past week, we had a "surprise guest" in our podcast.  That is, as I was going to sleep, I heard my friend Luana Anders (who passed in 1996) tell me that we had a "surprise guest" for our upcoming podcast.

Why Luana put it that way, I don't know. We have interviewed both Elvis and John in the books "Backstage Pass to the Flipside" and I reference them in this interview.


I forgot to add in the post that Elvis came through to talk a bit about his relationship with Colonel Tom Parker. 

Tom Hanks was talking about what a con man and huckster he was in life on "The Late Show" - but then said when he invited Priscilla to dinner at their home, she talked about how much the family loved Tom, how much Elvis loved him. 

And in the interview, Elvis explains why - they "found each other in this lifetime" and "checked off all the boxes of lessons they wanted to learn." People on the flipside not only reporting new information, but confirming what their loved ones on this side say about them. 

John helps Paul, Paul refers to John helping him - Elvis loved Parker, Tom reports that's what Priscilla said. Literally what Jennifer reported Elvis said about being "a genius and scoundrel."

But something in the interview jumped out at me today, because, well the quote came from Paul McCartney.

In the interview with Elvis, we asked him how he showed up in our class that day or why. And Jennifer said "He's telling me that John Lennon brought him forward."  That is "normal" in terms of the amount of sessions I've filmed and done with Jennifer - once a week for the past six years - one person we've interviewed in the past will "bring someone else" forward.  ("Backstage Pass to the Flipside" books 1, 2 and 3).

We've interviewed friends (Bill Paxton, Harry Dean Stanton) strangers, politicians - anyone who wanders in, because I know they haven't wandered in, they've asked, raised their hand to speak to us.

I know that's the case because when Tom Petty showed up a few days after his passing, I asked "Why is Tom here?" And he said "You guys have no idea how long the line is to talk to you.  Your friend Luana is the person who holds the clipboard and allows people in.  It's like she's the bouncer at the VIP entrance of the club, no one gets in without her saying it's okay."

Hence the title of the book.

I didn't know Tom. Jennifer didn't know Tom. Tom has specific messages he wanted us to pass along to his family and we did so. For the record, the family member I reached out to said "I really wish I could speak to my father, but I don't think you guys are talking to him."  

I apologized for the intrusion. 

But that hasn't stopped others from coming in to speak to us, to ask us to pass along messages to people. Junior Seau wanted to speak to his widow, Gina, so I set up a session with Jennifer without telling her why. She didn't know Gina, didn't know who Junior was really, and they had an hour long conversation on film.  Junior was adamant about telling us that the very much alive Joe Namath has "cured his CTE" using hyperbaric oxygen therapy. 

Jennifer and Gina Seau post interview

So adamant he showed up three times to make the case, with Paul Allen (Microsoft founder who started his brain institute to explore these brain issues), Dave Duerson of the Chicago Bears who was the first victim of CTE. I put a film on that is 90 minutes of these conversations that anyone can view for free.

But back to Paul and John.

Let's not forget who wrote the song "Yesterday" and "Let It Be."

In the interview he talks about "waking up with the song in his head." More on point is that his mother came to him in a moment of stress - when he reportedly was worried about his finances - and told him to "Let it be."

It's literally a conversation with his departed mother telling him to "just let things be" and that everything is going to be okay.  

But beyond that, last Thursday John said he is "helping Paul with his music" - and describes that process, and today, Sunday the 20th of December in the year of our plague, Paul confirms


It's not me saying these things. It's not my opinion, theory or belief that people can speak to the flipside. I've been filming people doing so for ten years - over 100 cases to date, 50 with the help of hypnotherapist, 50 without any hypnotherapists. And that's aside from the dozens, perhaps 100s of people that Jennifer and I (and other mediums as well) have directly accessed from the other side.

Anyone can do it.

Anyone can speak to their loved ones.

Anyone can ask their loved ones to help. They can't intercede - they can't change the path we've chosen for ourselves - but they can (and do) keep up the conversation.

Even if it's the most famous writing duo on the planet.  One is assisting the other. 

( Jennifer works with law enforcement agencies nationwide on missing person cases. She knows what she's doing. Or at least I film her doing what she's doing.

I can't figure out any other way to trumpet this information.  I've been saying the same things since I wrote "Flipside" and made the documentary (on Amazon Prime) about this topic.  None of the details have changed - just grown more detailed.

Check it out. Look at the books, look at the research, try a self experiment, see if one comes up with a different outcome.  

Lately, I've had one of my old pals on the flipside "kicking my ass" because I haven't been more vocal about this research.  It's worth noting when something rings true, rings a bell, or otherwise shatters our illusion of how things work we need to let it ring.

Consider this post a very loud bell.

My two cents


Hacking the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer, Elvis and John Lennon

It's our 40th episode!  How about that? Podcast

Well, this is no different than the others - mind bending and just about as out there as we can get.

Last night I happened to catch Tom Hanks talking about his movie he's doing with Baz Luhrmann in Australia, where he plays Colonel Tom Parker. Went to sleep without a thought about it, and had the impression that Luana told me we'd have a "surprise guest" in today's episode.

To be clear, we've seen Elvis before in our class - and we did invite him into the chair and interviewed him extensively.  Who was there to greet him when he crossed over (his mom) and other important things in his life.  It's in "Backstage Pass to the Flipside" - and we also interview Colonel Parker (not a Colonel, and according to Tom's interview a rather shady character) - but aside from the public perception of who his manager was, both the interview in the book and this interview paint a different portrait.

It's not opinion being expressed here. This is live, off the cuff, improvised, whatever happens happens kind of reporting. I had no idea, zero idea what we'd find in today's episode and even forgot what last week's was until she mentions it.

Elvis said he was "introduced to our class by John Lennon" - which is repeated in the book.  It's not like "all the celebrities hang out together" - it's a frequency issue, and those artists or musicians hang out with other folks who are using the same frequency.  If one looks at the Backstage Pass books they'll find quite a few musicians there.

I directed Ray Charles in the film "Limit Up" which Luana and I cowrote, so Ray has introduced us to quite a few of his friends because he knew ... well... everyone.  And through one we can know the other.

I know this interview might ruffle some feathers - but again, it's live, none of it planned, and Jennifer works with law enforcement agencies nationwide on missing person cases. She even helped NYPD commissioner Bill Bratton with a case (solved, ask him about it sometime.)

We are demonstrating that anyone can do this - don't need a medium, but it helps.  However, as noted, anyone can speak to their loved ones on the flipside, and apparently anyone they'd like to chat with.  Stick around to the end, where Elvis sums up his relationship with Tom Parker. Insightful.

Hacking the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer, Elvis, Bill Paxton and Steve Bing

Another mind bending session with Jennifer Shaffer Allow me to repeat - this is live on the air, I have not conversed with Jennifer prior to the session. 

I invited three people - my pal who said something to me in the kitchen of my home, a friend of mine who passed away whose son has down syndrome, and my pal Bill Paxton. 

I had no idea that Elvis would appear or have something to say - however as noted, we interview him in "Backstage to the Flipside 3"...  I had invited Steve Bing the previous week, but he wasn't "ready yet" to have this conversation (as his death was the day before, and it takes some time to get used to the environment). 

Steve Bing with Bill Paxton, Cassian Elwes, Adam Rifkin, James Caan
When I saw this photo after his passing, I knew that Bill could
facilitate this conversation (and he does. From Adam's FB page.)
What Jennifer says about him - not knowing who he was - is absolutely correct. (Steve was a filmmaker who died by his own hand, jumping from his apt. in Century City). Sometimes people are "not ready" to speak with us, but later are. I leave it up to Luana Anders and her clipboard. During one session, Tom Petty came forward, and I asked him "why?" since I'd never met him in life.  He said "You have no idea how hard it is to talk to you two. Luana is like the person with the clipboard who decides who gets the VIP pass." Hence the title "Backstage Pass to the Flipside."

In the intervening weeks, since our last session, and when we heard he "wasn't ready to speak to us" I saw a photograph posted by one of Steve's friends that included Bill Paxton in it.  

Since Bill is an old friend and frequent contributor, I invited him to help us talk to Steve. 

Dennis Hopper and Luana in "Night Tide" - later
Dennis cast her in "Easy Rider."
Luana Anders is my friend on the flipside who runs this class, and knew Bill in life, and Jennifer through me. Jennifer has no idea that I was going to ask Bill about Steve - and I captured the moment when she realized who he was.  
She's the holder of the clipboard.  If you aren't on the
clipboard, you don't get into class. Sorry.

For those who know these folks - we are here to demonstrate how easy and simple it is to communicate with our loved ones on the other side.  The idea that Elvis would give us the theme for this episode - "write the love song of your life" is mind bending and poignant.  

Elvis Felt Pressured to Marry Priscilla and 'Trained' Her to ...

I do not name the family that has a child with down syndrome because I will direct them privately to this episode - its for their eyes and ears only, but for anyone out there who has a sibling, child with down syndrome - what this young man had to say "I only have about 10% of my energy on the planet" is in line with the reports we've done with others.  
Down syndrome and TV's Born This Way
Great show, great cast
That Jennifer saw him as a "hologram" - meaning "see through" - or "not all there" is also in line with reports from the flipside about people who are still on the planet.   (People who have near death experiences and see people "who are still on the planet" often see their pals or loved ones as "see through.")

A note about Steve's "soft landing."  We first encountered this during our interview with Harry Dean Stanton just after his passing. (From "Backstage Pass to the Flipside book One"Upon crossing over, Harry saw himself in this car, driving up to Monterey. He “assumed it was a dream.”

There was a third friend in the car as well. Let’s call him “Fred.” (I reached out to “Fred” yesterday as Harry had a message for him, and answered some questions raised here.)

Harry said “I thought this is what happens when people die — they go to a happy memory, like a dream, and then they’re in that dream forever in kind of a loop.” The idea that a dream or memory would just play out over and over when someone was no longer on the planet. Then, he said, they had a flat tire.

And as they were fixing the flat tire, Harry said he “realized this was not something that had happened” — that they did not have a flat tire on this trip. So he looked at his friend “Fred” and said “We didn’t have a flat tire.” And “Fred” said “I know.”
It was at this moment he realized he wasn’t in a dream — but “in the afterlife.” Harry chuckled as he said (through Jennifer) “Luana gave me a soft landing by doing that.”

In this interview, Steve Bing reported finding himself on a movie set, directing a film. While Steve produced a number of successful films, he also directed a feature film "Every Breath." It's a unique experience, and I can attest that being in the director's chair on a film set (I've written and/or directed 8 theatrical features) can feel like "home" to those who've directed.  It's fun, it's about visualizing what's in your mind - and it's not something we ever forget, even if the films don't "do that well."  

So by "suddenly appearing on a film set" and not knowing which film it was, is a version of a "soft landing."  A person is focused on the task in front of him or her, instead of focusing on the "where am I?" This is also why many people report that they were "greeted by pets" on the flipside - our focus shifts to the fact that we recognize someone we love unconditionally and gives us that kind of awareness - "Oh. I'm not dead. How can I be if I'm here with my dog/cat/cockatoo?"

When I refer to Steve Bing's "dark and light friends" in this interview - only they would know who I'm referring to. Some who consider themselves "closer friends" because of their status, fame, or utility to him in life - or some who could be considered "lighter friends" because he only showed a side of himself that was helpful or fun to them. 

It's weird that in life we may meet someone we dismiss out of hand, and on the flipside realize they were our brother/father/sister/mother in a previous incarnation, and their role in our life was merely to help us along the path. (We are all just walking each other home.)

Steve unequivocally states in this interview; "they're all the same, and he loves them all."

So - if one isn't aware of how to communicate with a loved one on the other side - that would mean that they have yet to learn how to do so. 

And there is no amount of money that will purchase that ability.  No amount of fame that changes that aspect.  There is no hierarchy in the afterlife - no fame, no one "hoards the jelly beans." So those who pretend it exists here are in a state of "performance illusion" - or perhaps in a kinder way, they "are fully invested in the play they're currently in" as if money mattered, as if fame mattered, as if anything but love mattered.

Steve Bing suffered from anxiety, according to this interview, and did himself in because of a "broken heart." However, because we've done a number of interviews with Anthony Bourdain, I asked him to come forward and ask Steve a question, hoping he would offer the sage advice he's give us before. "If you don't know how to meditate, learn to do so." He did have sage advice for us.

That's why we do this work. 

That's why I post these unedited, raw "as it happened live on camera." Jennifer didn't know who I was referring to as "Steve" - until she did live on camera.  

As I point out - I don't have to prove that Jennifer can speak to the flipside - law enforcement agencies nationwide ask her to do the same for them - I have at least four books ("Hacking the Afterlife" "Backstage Pass to the Flipside 1, 2 and 3") that demonstrate that she can learn "new information" from the flipside.  I'm not here to prove anything to anyone - nor is she. 

However - we do our best to be straightforward, and present whatever comes through as it comes through. To demonstrate how simple it is to ask questions and get answers. Anyone can do it.

Everyone has loved ones on the flipside who have been trying to reach out to them - and because of the filters involved, have denied they exist. 

My advice; stop that. Let 'em through. They still care about our journey. Let them give advice. Who knows, they may even pass along a lottery number or two.

This session is a bit of a roller coaster, and I don't recommend it for everyone - but if you've read "Flipside" are familiar with this work, it's in line with everything else we've done.

"Elvis has not left the building."

Finally - I'll let Harry Dean Stanton have the last word:

When the notorious atheist showed up in a session with me and Jennifer I said to him "So Harry, famous atheist fellow, what was it like to realize there actually is an afterlife?  What do you want me to tell your friends at your memorial?"

He said "Tell them there is an afterlife."

I laughed. I said "Harry, your friends are all just like you - none of them will believe I spoke to you in this fashion."  So he gave me three private messages to give to pals at his memorial. Close friends who all had health issues that I didn't know, Jennifer couldn't have known - and yet when I mentioned them to these people they knew "beyond a shadow of doubt" that only Harry Dean could have told me these things.  They were flabbergasted. One screamed. (And later when discussing these health issues with their children independently - they all confirmed beyond a shadow of doubt that Harry knew what he was talking about.)

But I also told them what Harry told me later - "Tell people to believe in the POSSIBILITY of an afterlife, so then they won't waste another minute of their lives arguing about it like I did."

Wise words. Thanks Harry. 

The late, great Harry Dean Stanton

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