So, this morning, I awoke with this sentence in my head, "Find the flaw."
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An icon without flaws |
I knew what it was in reference to, and it was about the "process of speaking to the flipside."
It refers to the idea that during the pandemic, people are shut away from their journey, their path, their joys... but not their sorrows. Friends, loved ones, we will all be affected by the loss of someone at this rate.
I know I have been - friends, neighbors, have been lost to something that was preventable.
It's infuriating to think that with competency, this wave of disaster didn't have to occur. So when one is considering what I'm about to say about the flipside, know that I'm as outraged, furious, fist waving as anyone when it comes to "snap out of it!" kinds of answers to what's going on. Mask up, grow up is my motto.
But I've also been speaking to people on the flipside for the past ten years. To be clear, I'm not doing the talking. I mean, I am talking, but it's asking questions.
I have been filming people under hypnosis for the past ten years speaking to loved ones no longer on the planet about the process, about the architecture of how that occurs, "Architecture of the Afterlife" - I've been filming people talking about it (see "Flipside" or "Talking to Bill Paxton" on Gaia, or the 40 podcasts on "" or at
Yeah that's right. I just keep filming, and posting. Filming and transcribing and publishing. Speaking up and out whenever I can to whomever wants to hear.
Recently on Quora, someone posted a comment, "So what are we supposed to do during the pandemic? We are obviously no longer on our path?"
I said "change the paradigm. Do something for someone else. Go to an animal shelter and offer to walk a dog. Look up someone who is suffering and donate money."
These small gestures, according to the research and reports - are the major gestures in our lifetime.
We think it's about the "foundation" we created, or the charity work we do - but when it's specific, like literally holding a hand of an older person walking across the street, or stopping to help them up - those are the things people report in their past life review.
So I had an experience once I began this research.
Again, I was a skeptic about it - didn't believe there was an afterlife, or any order in the universe at all - until I started the documentary. And then unfortunately everything I'd believed about the planet had to be reevaluated.
Including myself.
When I first heard about the "past life review" - that is someone who during a near death event experiences a "life review" - it gave me pause. People would describe either an intimate setting with their guides or council members where they went over details of the things they did that were helpful or the things they did that were hurtful.
People reporting experiencing these events first hand - if someone punched someone in the mouth, they suddenly were the victim feeling the punch, the blood, the broken tooth, the humiliation.
Think that over for a moment - every bad moment we've had in life will be experienced once we get to the flipside. So one can see why some people are reluctant to leave - for fear of the consequences of their actions.
In fact, during a session recently we heard that - from none other than Chuck Yeager, someone I didn't know, never met, someone Jennifer didn't know, never met - and he was saying "Because he carried the deaths of all those he'd killed in World War II and the Vietnam war, he was afraid of "consequences" when he got to the other side.
But that's not what happened in his case - he reported that the German pilots he'd shot down (at one point 5 in one day) were there to "congratulate him" on a job well done. They showed him that he had been a pilot for Germany in World War I and that he'd been "downing other planes" for some time. (That's not something I could make up, nor could Jennifer. He said it. She heard it.)
So back to "finding the flaw."
I started to think over my life, and those I may have harmed, hurt or made feel bad. In my mind's eye, I was asking for forgiveness from each of them, and then one fellow popped up into my mind. Someone that our class had bullied in grade school. I've talked to him about this - and he says he didn't feel bullied - but I recalled it in vivid detail. Each time someone made fun of his clothes, his jacket... just awful behavior in a grade school setting. And I had participated in it.
But I thought about having that life review - where I would be the child taunted and harassed - and thought, "Is there any way to rectify this?" I sought him out - found him online, grown up, a successful person in his world. I was going to be in his neighborhood, so I asked him to join me for coffee.
And as we sat there having these coffees, I thought about not bringing it up. The usual "Hey, how's it going, just curious about your life" kind of chat. But I finally forced myself to say "Do you remember our harassing you in grade school?"
He looked at me with a face that seemed as if he had no recollection of it. And as I looked at his face, I saw how beautiful a person he is. Always was.
I mean, for a moment, I was looking at his blue eyes and could hear a voice say "What possibly could have possessed you to harass this beautiful human being?" I just said "Look man, even if you don't remember it, I'm sorry that I participated or had anything to do with making you feel bad. Ever. I just wanted you to know that."
He thanked me, still not quite sure what the heck I was doing in front of him.
I dug deep to find the flaw.
Not everyone has the ability to track down an old acquaintance for grade school and see them. But you can look them up. Search for them online. Donate something to their cause or work or what they loved. Say hello. Say goodbye. Say something that changes the paradigm.
When I went to school in Rome (The Rome Center, part of Loyola Chicago) I took a sculpture course with Peter Rockwell, the son of Norman, and a famous gargoyle maker for churches in Europe. He took us to Carrera, taught us how to sculpt -and told the story of how the 25 year old Michelangelo competed for a giant block of marble in Florence. He won the competition and won the marble - but when he began to work on it, he found a flaw.
A flaw usually dooms a piece of marble. Because you could be working on a piece and the rest falls away. But instead, Michelangelo followed the flaw. He dug into the marble, followed the flaw until it ended, and that's where he began the sculpture. The flaw ended in the David's knee. If one looks carefully, they can see that one knee cap is smaller than the other. Michelangelo dug to find flaw, and then built out from there.
Where Michelangelo began
Everyone has flaws. Every piece of sculpture does as well. Every song, every painting. Every play, everything we've ever created. The better artists know how to hide the flaws. But as people we need to look inward to find the flaws, then dig deep to fix them, or otherwise influence them.
Peter Rockwell, National Gallery
When stuck in a room due to the pandemic, look for the flaws.
They may not be apparent. They may be as simple as "You know, I never told that person I loved them, I'm going to take out their photograph now and apologize to them." Or text them. Or call them. "Hey, I was thinking of you, how are you?"
So many people have touched our lives -I think of some of the "past life reviews" that people report that are in front of a giant auditorium. Thousands watching, and each moment that is recalled - everyone in the audience experiences that as well.
I had a dream about this - I became conscious that I was in a giant auditorium, and someone was on center stage, and was getting their life review. I was up in row 120 or so - pretty far away. But each time this fellow was reminded of something he'd done to help someone, the visual went out through the audience like a wave. We all experienced it, we all saw the value that was being expressed.
I remembered this dream, because as I was "coming to consciousness" I turned to someone sitting nearby and said "Oh man, I gotta go, I wish I could stick around." And this person (whom I did not recognize) said "That's okay, this will be going on for days."
The person onstage was a musician, famous for being an iconoclast, someone I had reviewed when I did music reviews for Variety, someone I did not know, but who has shown up often in the research with Jennifer Shaffer ("Backstage Pass to the Flipside")
I'm not mentioning his name, because it's not about his fame or celebrity (that doesn't exist on the flipside) but it is about the experience of being in the audience and experiencing someone's life review. An amazing experience. Virtual in 4D - as one sees it and feels it simultaneously as it's being reviewed.
If you haven't thought about it - now's as good a time as any to think about it. And if there are flaws to fix - fix them. It will be entertaining when we all get to view that event.
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