This is a blog I wrote after "Hacking the Afterlife" appeared in print. It applies now - as it includes a quote from a dream I had where my friend Luana came to visit and said to me:
"The hopes of a thousand generations are resting upon you."
Richard Martini's Blog, page 8
An odd, yet thrilling dream from my past...I have no idea where to share this but here...
I was looking over some old files today, and found this notation from March 18th, 2002. This was about six years after she passed away, and about 6 years prior to my starting this research into the Flipside.
March 18th, 2002
I had a dream last night where I ran into my old friend Luana Anders and she said "The hopes of a thousand generations are resting upon you."

I had no idea what she might have meant until now.
Let's pretend for a moment that some people start to read this research, watch "Flipside" - read "Flipside: A Tourist's Guide" or "It's A Wonderful Afterlife" or "Hacking the Afterlife."
And they suddenly realize that we don't die.
That we have access to everyone who has ever gone before, that with a good amount of meditation, self reflection, perhaps a trip to a hypnotherapist, or even a medium who is recommended to you - we can access those loved ones who've gone before us, give them a voice to communicate with us, and give us insight into what they learned while they were on the planet.
A thousand generations???
Wow. That's a heck of a lot of folks.
Okay, all humility implied, all vanity aside, sleeves rolled up, and open to the universe: I can handle that.
I got this.
all my books via Amazon:
Hacking the Afterlife on Kindle
Hacking the Afterlife in Print
(the files are updating from corrections, it will be available in a few hours if not now)
Here are quotes from "Hacking the Flipside" given directly from people on the Flipside who are in the book:
I asked Jennifer Shaffer if any of the people interviewed in the book might give a quote or “blurb” for the book cover. I wrote her (tongue firmly in cheek): “I assume no one spends time in the afterlife reading books, however, perhaps one of them might be able to give a quote I can put on the book?” She asked each person on my list for a reply:
Edgar Cayce

“Tell Richard that his book has an appealing thunder for controverting settings that are falsely depicted, for those that need (to hear) it. (Jennifer asks Cayce “Need what?”) The truth we need is, how we survive our bodies, (arrive) in the afterlife to different situations that make up (I think he means comprise) the past, present, and future outcomes of our spiritual existence. (“Controverting” may mean “contradicting misconceptions.”)
Tell Rich not to fear the outcomes of what it is, that (the response to this book) will have people questioning their own disbeliefs and belief paradigms. And that we all have to, (and) at some point of our spiritual growth, need this “upheaval” to make a difference. Rich, you are that translation of the ethers. For now; I’m “The Awakened Prophet.” (laughing.) (Note, Jennifer had a hard time with his syntax and I’ve done my best to unpack it. Edgar Cayce was known as “The Sleeping Prophet” so his comment “The Awakened Prophet” is pretty funny.)
Billy Meyer

(Billy is my life long pal who appeared to Jennifer when we were doing an interview live on German television moments after I’d learned he passed away.) Jennifer: He’s smoking a cigarette. “Of course I am” he says.
He says “He doesn’t qualify for her classes, she’s so much ahead of his spirit. He still likes being around here.” He’s super funny. He said “Rich did what I asked him to do. Yes, you checked up on his family and (that in turn) opened up a dialog between Bill and them.”
Anything else Billy? He says “Tell him I finally have nothing to say. And that Rich got it right this lifetime.” Got it right? “Right in terms of your soul purpose.” He shows me a fence, like you were trapped (behind it) you lifted the fear factor and you’re just going for it. He just high-fived you.
Tell me something else only Rich would know. “That you don’t know when to stop. That it’s working out better than anybody expected it to.” He says tell him “I love you maaan;” like from that film; that’s funny. He says “I hope to catch up soon after the reviews come in.” He says “You did it Rich.” He shows me an R with a circle, like the Radio Shack logo; like you’re an antenna. He says “His heart is with you and he thanks you and everything you’re doing on both levels, with the spirit world as well, and to not hold back… Ciao.” (A phrase Billy used with me when saying goodbye.) He said “Good luck, but you don’t need it.”
Howard Schultz

Howard is a lifelong friend who grew up down the block from me. He came out to LA and became a successful TV writer/producer, creating successful shows “Extreme Makeover” and “Naked Dating.” He offered to do a between life session with me, which I filmed and included in “Flipside” (but made him anonymous at the time.)
Jennifer: Howard told me “The beginning is near and the ending is nonexistent.” (I see this as Howard playing with “the end is near!” when it comes to talking about the Flipside.) It’s something we all have to incorporate into the well of our being. Not to “look for the now,” but to “live for the awakened shift.” And not to use fear to have it… (Jennifer; “oh my gosh, he just showed me, a picture of a fear monger who’s running for President”) Not to use fear tactics within your soul’s purpose to gratify who you are now.
He says “Tell Rich I support him in all his endeavors, even more so because I get where he’s coming from. Much luck to you… and you Jennifer… for making the unbelievable claim that there is even an afterlife. (Jennifer laughs.) He’s so funny; he showed me (a cover of) The National Enquirer; “The irony is that all the things we’re afraid of are actually true in the afterlife.”
Then he showed me the main characters from the movie “Men in Black.” “Everything was true.” “Truth” is written in big bold letters. “Truth has now become a way of making fear and the lies are the fear’s way of making truth nonexistent.” Then he showed me a wheel, he says “It’s a never ending circle of stupidity in the population of the planet and the people in the afterlife are trying to make up for it.” (Jennifer asks “Of what you guys caused?”) He says “No, of what’s going on now; the past and the future, it’s all one - in a nice bow that looks like it hurts. (She saw a picture of a Tiffany box with a bow that Howard pulled until the box bulged.)
He says “Tell Rich to keep listening, I’m there.” What else did you want to say? He showed me Amelia Earhart and said “Tell Rich not to worry, everything will work out, (“I think he means financially”) - spiritually he just showed me you were skyrocketing over him. Howard it was good to talk to you. He gave me that cute look of his. Gosh I love that… see you soon.”
Since Prince and Robin Williams appear in the book, they’re naturals to ask if they have a quote for the book. Jennifer sends me a file where she asks on her cellphone; “Is there anything Prince can say about why people should or should not should read this book?” “He says “They should read it if they want to fly.”(Jennifer laughs “to the moon?”) “then Robin Williams came in and said “That’s mine!”
“Prince showed me the book opening up and then stars floating from the page, like it’s magical.” He says, “But it’s history repeating itself.” Jennifer: “He said put lyrics in the book from his song Purple Rain; it’s the fourth section. (Jennifer: I hope I’m interpreting it right.) He’s also showing me an image of the Radio shack logo - that’s so funny. He says “You’re a transmitter of a spiritual language, hitting the masses in this dimension, which is hard to do unless you wear high heels like he did… which hurt his back. He’s showing me it’s ultimately what caused his death.” Jennifer asks “So you died from high heels?”“Technically yes,” he says. “What would you have done differently?” He said “I would not have used that piano (to jump from) … Ah, I see, it’s a metaphor. He wanted more, so he jumped off of it; jumping off his favorite instrument, trying to reach the ethers. Jennifer asks: “So you could have just done that by playing, no? “Yes,” he says, “he could have done that by playing.”
He’s showing your book at the piano. “Just do it” he says, laughing. But what does Rich have to do with jumping off a piano? He’s says you’re jumping off a different cliff, but he’s showing me a trampoline (laughs) – that you’ll be fine. Because you feel like you’re jumping off a cliff with this endeavor. He said “Balls to the wall.” He says “Tell Rich I can only have him hear me when he wants to listen.” “What does that mean?” Oh, (that) you don’t care to have things pushed on you. Jennifer asks “Are you pushing him?” “Kind of…” he says, “to the point where…” ah, I see, that’s where the disbelief comes in.
He says he won’t push you, he’ll “Enchant your writings. Like on the piano, like a duo;” He showed me both of you guys side by side on the piano bench… (Note: Something I spent a lot of time doing with my mom who was a concert pianist who played duets.) “Tell him that we’re all doing this from all aspects.”
Oh… aw.. he just gave me a flower, I hope that was for me, I’m actually blushing… He gave me a daisy, not a rose. He said “The rose is saved for God.” What does that mean? He says, “God is all of us, in you and me. The daisy is the enchantment of something. Something different in the matrix.” And then he showed me a beautiful array of flowers… wow. He said “Signed Prince.” He made an x for a signature… “He’ll know what that means,” he said. (Like a sideways version of his signature of the “Artist known as Prince.”) “See you soon.”
Robin Williams
Jennifer: I first want to say happy birthday to you, Robin (It’s his birthday as we write this.) Do you have a quote for Richard’s book, a direct message to your fans and friends?
“I have only two words; “Love… Love.” Jennifer asks, “Love all?” “No, love Love.” He says “That’s the key ingredients for happiness; love the love. Find that. In everything that you are. Whether you are in hell (metaphorically speaking) or in your prison cell, (physically speaking); find the truth. Love is God’s connectedness, love is God, it’s every single one of us, even if we can’t hear it. Love… Love. And then send it to everything. Oh my gosh, the sun just came through my window, my heart’s pounding. I said is that it Robin? He says “No; that’s everything.” Wow that makes me want to cry. Thank you.
He says “Tell Rich I’m here for him. He says tell him that I’ll surprise him.” When? He’s going to visit this person, he’s going to visit this person and then this person is going to come to you; that’s how you’ll know. He just winked. He says “Tell Rich it’s exciting: the matrix, the connections, God…” -- it was so interesting when he said that -- and now he says “nanu nanu,” and just did like a little thing on his head, over and out. “Until now.” (A play on the parting line “Until then…”) “It’s Over and yonder.”
(A pause) Robin showed me a record. “The record is your lifetimes. Playing over and over and then sometimes we scratch the record and then we have to get a new record.” He’s showing me how in this lifetime he scratched it and he left, and (then) you come back as like a CD or a Walkman. And then we end up all virtual. (Note: I think he means at the end of all of our lifetimes. Each lifetime is like a variation on a theme, like music on cylinder, on vinyl, on digital – variations on each them we choose as our lifetime, and eventually we become that recording in a virtual way.) The music keeps going, our souls keep going, that was such a great thing he just gave me – we’re all records, sometimes we scratch, sometimes we get broken, eventually we just live on to more instruments more human bodies, I love the way he shows me the Walkman, the cd player, then we go virtual… for millions of people.
“And you are that right now, Rich - you’re now the virtual .. you’re not the record player anymore, or the record, you’re now in the virtual, you’ve made it, and you’re sending it to everybody else. I commend your thoughts and love who you are and thank you and love to both of you.” He showed me a pebble of some sort, he showed me a rock “You’ll know what that means.” Something with rocks. All right, bye. (I have a collection of rocks from around the world – world’s cheapest souvenir, but reminds me instantly where I found it. I have one on my desk and my eye went straight for it.)
Amelia Earhart
She has the most beautiful eyes by the way. First thing she says is “Don’t find me.” She says “it will disrupt everyone.” She says that her bones will be found or get shown soon. And that she’s having fun with all the crazy people that want to find me, “I’m not worth that. They’re spending too much on resources,” What about a tv show? “That would be okay, I’ll lead you; let them pay for it.” Oh I have the chills.
She says that she wants you to lead (the search). You’ll understand what not to look for. Not sure what she means by that. Oh, the plane. She’s showing me the plane and one of the wings, like half the wing tip. She says something about it not being hers; something about 1948 (whatever that means to you, Rich.) What else? She says: “Tell him I love him.” Oh, Luana came in by the way – both of you guys are conspiring something. They both just came in while I’m talking to Amelia.
Luana: they both love how you’re channeling and actually thinking you’re confirming what you already know. What was that?Luana just kicked you up to her class by the way. She wants you to ask for her tonight to ask what’s going on; it’s going to be another revelation before tomorrow’s interview (on Coast to Coast AM radio). Um, aw… Ha, so Amelia just showed me her girlfriend and that you’re correct. Whatever that means.
We are all part of this play, she just showed me how she did so much – the last five years (of her life incarcerated in prison) she could live without – she says. But what about his book? Any quote? “Lift it to your soul. And see what your soul has to say. Hearing the words from the book; don’t judge it, just listen to your spirit, it will guide you and tell you that the “unthinkable” is real -- and (she says) make sure that the unthinkable is in quotes; she’s saying you’re not thinking it – it’s unthinkable. The things that you put in your head; it’s the stuff you don’t put in your head that’s real.
She just gave you a kiss on the cheek and spun you around in the chair, She said “Bon Voyage… to what?... to the ethers.” She says “I think we all have a lot in common. And we’re lucky to have us in all dimensions, I am grateful.” She says “Be grateful for your breath. It is coveted sometimes, (breathing) not the biblical sense of coveting of course. Wanting breath is everything; it’s your source, it’s your power. Move and laugh, laughing’s the best medicine don’t waste time trying to dig up things. Unless it’s a TV show, she keeps saying; she’s showing me September as well, not sure what that means. (Possible date of production of a documentary I’m helping about her). She says – “Au Revoir.”
The Alpha and the Omega

I asked her; “see if Jesus has a quote for us…”
They’re fighting for it, hold on, - oh, Mary Magdalene (is here), my heart always feels better when I feel her. She says “Tell Rich he is not a saint…. Aw, that’s so sweet, she saysthat you’re not a saint, but you’re an etheric saint, and she showed me a statue in the ethers. She showed me like a map of the US with lights, you know how like if you were pinning destinations everywhere, with all the destinations lit up? She says that you’re doing that through your work. Then she showed me how you reach all audiences in all the quantum fields – she’s showing me the dimension on top of our dimension and all the dimensions after that; so that’s why you’re an etheric saint… that’s hilarious.
I’m being shown (Jesus) -- you know when I described him as he came to me with loafers and jeans and button downed shirt and his hair long, looks like a 1960’s guy yet cleaned up? He has brown eyes, beautiful eyes, that’s amazing, but they change.
First thing he says is “Tell Rich “Thank you.” Why? “For allowing a different outcome in the way people can hear my story.” He’s showing me the Bible and showing me your work and how they stacked up against each other… that’s so funny! Well, not funny.. but.. wow. He’s showing me how my brain is like an antenna, thank you, and my heart as well…
“Tell Rich that his work is the truth. That people have become fearful and might say bad things (about it); it’s one of many multidimensional truths that has to… heed the warning from not putting it out. That’s where damnation happens - by not putting truth out there – it was taken out of context, (like) what was written in the Bible.
“You’re a truth-gnostic.” What does that mean? He’s laughing. “Tell Rich that a truth-gnostic is someone who is unbiased and wants what others have to say, that resonates with his heart. You put it out there, even when you might not believe everything that you’re listening to (or writing about).
Then he just showed me like lightning of some sort, like a lamp going out with a flash, just the frequencies bursting – what an amazing metaphor! He’s showing how the frequencies (are affected), like your (way of putting things,) your language is making things crash, with people internally… You’re breaking the old lamps so they can put a new bulb in, to bring forth the light, instead of (just) trying to dust off the old light. He says “Thank you for doing that.”
“It is a challenge frequency that always hurts initially. Follow your spirit and only look back for the theater of history it plays in, or plays to. And know the audience members have to watch the play - the modern day version of it - enough times for them to have it sink in. Like (the Broadway play) Alexander Hamilton – using the different races that played the historic characters in Hamilton. People prep the stage for it to last.
He just showed me the Michelangelo painting where they’re touching fingers in the Sistine chapel - where God imbues the human spirit with his touch – he says “Everyone touches God and makes up (comprises) what God is.” He says “It’s molecules of light in different shades, in different colors of light in different shapes and sizes. And some are big lights like you, so others can follow - not in a hierarchy way, but so they won’t get lost on the path.” He’s showing me a dirt path. He says “Sometimes a dirt path is harder to stay on and being in a car is easier, but some people choose to keep walking up hill because they’re told it’s the only way.”
(laughs) “You’re giving them a hybrid choice - to question (reality) – nobody would have believed in the electric car (before it was made) – (Jennifer: He just showed me my electric car and said “but you already have one.”) He says “I love you and everyone.” He’s showing me all the U.S. presidents, and says “Everyone (of them) made a difference. In the quantum field of light and darkness, without one, you would not have had the other. So for you, for one, please do not judge.” He showed me an image of Paul Revere. He says “Do not judge the messenger and its contents to set you free; “free” meaning in your heart, where in the ethers is (always) “true.” We all are Shakespeare’s love.
He shows me that we technically die and rise together. Whether in our hearts or in our spiritual uncertainty, or in our spiritual uncertainty or demise. We can rebuild. He says take my advice; Gandhi did it right. And we all have Gandhi inside our hearts. And he just showed me Robin Williams and said “Love the love. Within us all. And peace. And then peace has to follow.”
“Thank you Rich. We are entertained by your thoughts.” Why was that shown to me? The Holy bible? “It was a foundation.” Now he showed me a lightbulb and breaking it with the frequencies, and showed me a new lightbulb and showed me your book, one of many books incorporated into – not “the new age” but “the new vulnerability.” “Love the love. It’s so simple yet dissected into a thousand different ways, thousand different shades of light that make up one… “Without darkness there is no light, and vice versa…. you get the drift.”
He says “Sing well. And listen more. To your own advocacy. Of this multi-dimensional world.” He’s showing how you have to get along with all dimensions, not just this dimension, but you have to have the awareness that (reality) it is multidimensional. He shows me there is no stealing, everything is free. As long as your heart is (free) and you take action…
“Like you, Rich. More people will be changed by your words, than the ones who can’t hear what you’re saying. That is their path. Maybe the next lifetime; but again, he shows me the contract between people that you have to have both; people who can hear and people who can’t hear the difference, otherwise everyone would be following him or someone like him - like a saint. (Jennifer: hey, you’re a saint in the ether, how’s that make you feel?) I said I don’t want them to leave but they’ll be back. He just said “Rich; you are an en-Richment.”

And finally, a quote from Luana Anders, which I got from her in a dream six years after her passing in 2002: she said “The hopes of a thousand generations are resting upon you.”
* * * * *
Then today, I got this email from an anonymous new friend:
"Dear Rich,
My name is (J). I’ve been talking with Jesus. I started out the email in this way because he asked me to. I tend to find the topic of Jesus to be quite the conversation stopper and my ego feels embarrassed to do it... but I’m learning to just go with the flow.
I only recently learned I could ask questions of the world-not-here. I want (as all of us want) to know who I am. When I asked, he responded: “August 14, 2002 - Something Richard Martini filmed that day”
Richard Huh??
This figure called Jesus (who I never had much of an interest in before, other than thinking he was probably a pretty nice guy) literally shoved himself into my life, says a guy named Richard Martini is his friend, and to please contact him.
So here I am. Thank you for having a unique name. And please take all the time in the world. I have no idea where this is going. J"
I replied that she had found the right Richard Martini - at least in terms of being pals with Jay on the flipside. For those fans of "Architecture of the Afterlife" and "Backstage Pass to the Flipside 3" they know the Alpha and Omega makes a number of appearances in both books.
But I see now what Luana was talking about.
If people can consider for a moment that it's POSSIBLE that there is an afterlife. That is may be possible to communicate with people no longer on it - then it's possible for everyone to communicate with anyone they ever loved, anyone who was here and has more information to share.
It's not ME doing the talking. I'm asking the questions. Mediums like Jennifer Shaffer help supply the answer, but in "Architecture of the Afterlife" dozens of strangers provide the same information.
People on the flipside are aware they haven't disappeared. They know they still exist. Further they know that we don't believe they do exist. It appears to be just a matter of "opening ourselves to the possiblity they exist" for them to come forward and "answer a question before we can ask the question." (The best method I know for proving they still exist.)
So - I've passed along the information. It's in print, it's in videos at - it's in our blog on itunes "HACKING THE AFTERLIFE" - it's across the internet. It's not my opinion, theory or belief that people can communicate with those no longer on the planet, I've been filming them do so for over a decade.
I suggest that if someone comes to read this page, it's not out of mere curiosity - or simple coincidence - that there is someone on the flipside, a beloved one, who wants them to consider the possibility and to get busy communicating with them.
My two cents.
"The hopes of a thousand generations are resting upon you."
Richard Martini's Blog, page 8
August 13, 2016
Quotes for Hacking the Afterlife and a note from Luana Anders

I was looking over some old files today, and found this notation from March 18th, 2002. This was about six years after she passed away, and about 6 years prior to my starting this research into the Flipside.
March 18th, 2002
I had a dream last night where I ran into my old friend Luana Anders and she said "The hopes of a thousand generations are resting upon you."

I had no idea what she might have meant until now.
Let's pretend for a moment that some people start to read this research, watch "Flipside" - read "Flipside: A Tourist's Guide" or "It's A Wonderful Afterlife" or "Hacking the Afterlife."
And they suddenly realize that we don't die.
That we have access to everyone who has ever gone before, that with a good amount of meditation, self reflection, perhaps a trip to a hypnotherapist, or even a medium who is recommended to you - we can access those loved ones who've gone before us, give them a voice to communicate with us, and give us insight into what they learned while they were on the planet.
A thousand generations???
Wow. That's a heck of a lot of folks.
Okay, all humility implied, all vanity aside, sleeves rolled up, and open to the universe: I can handle that.
I got this.
all my books via Amazon:

Hacking the Afterlife on Kindle
Hacking the Afterlife in Print
(the files are updating from corrections, it will be available in a few hours if not now)
Here are quotes from "Hacking the Flipside" given directly from people on the Flipside who are in the book:
I asked Jennifer Shaffer if any of the people interviewed in the book might give a quote or “blurb” for the book cover. I wrote her (tongue firmly in cheek): “I assume no one spends time in the afterlife reading books, however, perhaps one of them might be able to give a quote I can put on the book?” She asked each person on my list for a reply:
Edgar Cayce

“Tell Richard that his book has an appealing thunder for controverting settings that are falsely depicted, for those that need (to hear) it. (Jennifer asks Cayce “Need what?”) The truth we need is, how we survive our bodies, (arrive) in the afterlife to different situations that make up (I think he means comprise) the past, present, and future outcomes of our spiritual existence. (“Controverting” may mean “contradicting misconceptions.”)
Tell Rich not to fear the outcomes of what it is, that (the response to this book) will have people questioning their own disbeliefs and belief paradigms. And that we all have to, (and) at some point of our spiritual growth, need this “upheaval” to make a difference. Rich, you are that translation of the ethers. For now; I’m “The Awakened Prophet.” (laughing.) (Note, Jennifer had a hard time with his syntax and I’ve done my best to unpack it. Edgar Cayce was known as “The Sleeping Prophet” so his comment “The Awakened Prophet” is pretty funny.)
Billy Meyer

(Billy is my life long pal who appeared to Jennifer when we were doing an interview live on German television moments after I’d learned he passed away.) Jennifer: He’s smoking a cigarette. “Of course I am” he says.
He’s showing me your daughter by the way, Rich. “Is it her birthday?”(It is, in two weeks) He’s showing me a depiction of.. not her birthday, or a previous birthday? Your son? (It was yesterday.) What do you want to say to Rich? He says “I want to tell Rich I’m watching over him. And I do care about what he publishes…” Jennifer asks “Have you read it?” “Yes, I was there when you wrote it – (and) many lifetimes before.” So Richard’s written something like this before? “(showing Jennifer) I’m seeing quills. “Absolutely... something they had to use a long time ago.”
He says “He appreciates you talking to his family, last September. (That’s accurate, I emailed his kids to let them know he came through to Jennifer). He’s showing me another female – is this the guy that…? (I assume he’s showing her a friend in high school who also dated another friend, Howard). Why do I laugh with him so much? “Because you get it,” he says. He’s hanging out with your other friend up there – Luana. Jennifer asks “Luana’s teaching you?”
He says “He doesn’t qualify for her classes, she’s so much ahead of his spirit. He still likes being around here.” He’s super funny. He said “Rich did what I asked him to do. Yes, you checked up on his family and (that in turn) opened up a dialog between Bill and them.”
Anything else Billy? He says “Tell him I finally have nothing to say. And that Rich got it right this lifetime.” Got it right? “Right in terms of your soul purpose.” He shows me a fence, like you were trapped (behind it) you lifted the fear factor and you’re just going for it. He just high-fived you.
Tell me something else only Rich would know. “That you don’t know when to stop. That it’s working out better than anybody expected it to.” He says tell him “I love you maaan;” like from that film; that’s funny. He says “I hope to catch up soon after the reviews come in.” He says “You did it Rich.” He shows me an R with a circle, like the Radio Shack logo; like you’re an antenna. He says “His heart is with you and he thanks you and everything you’re doing on both levels, with the spirit world as well, and to not hold back… Ciao.” (A phrase Billy used with me when saying goodbye.) He said “Good luck, but you don’t need it.”
Howard Schultz

Howard is a lifelong friend who grew up down the block from me. He came out to LA and became a successful TV writer/producer, creating successful shows “Extreme Makeover” and “Naked Dating.” He offered to do a between life session with me, which I filmed and included in “Flipside” (but made him anonymous at the time.)
We spoke often of doing a “spirit show” together, but it just never happened. We were talking about doing a show together the last time we spoke, but he passed away from a sudden heart attack a month later. Jennifer asked him for a quote:
Jennifer: Howard told me “The beginning is near and the ending is nonexistent.” (I see this as Howard playing with “the end is near!” when it comes to talking about the Flipside.) It’s something we all have to incorporate into the well of our being. Not to “look for the now,” but to “live for the awakened shift.” And not to use fear to have it… (Jennifer; “oh my gosh, he just showed me, a picture of a fear monger who’s running for President”) Not to use fear tactics within your soul’s purpose to gratify who you are now.
He says “Tell Rich I support him in all his endeavors, even more so because I get where he’s coming from. Much luck to you… and you Jennifer… for making the unbelievable claim that there is even an afterlife. (Jennifer laughs.) He’s so funny; he showed me (a cover of) The National Enquirer; “The irony is that all the things we’re afraid of are actually true in the afterlife.”
Then he showed me the main characters from the movie “Men in Black.” “Everything was true.” “Truth” is written in big bold letters. “Truth has now become a way of making fear and the lies are the fear’s way of making truth nonexistent.” Then he showed me a wheel, he says “It’s a never ending circle of stupidity in the population of the planet and the people in the afterlife are trying to make up for it.” (Jennifer asks “Of what you guys caused?”) He says “No, of what’s going on now; the past and the future, it’s all one - in a nice bow that looks like it hurts. (She saw a picture of a Tiffany box with a bow that Howard pulled until the box bulged.)
He says “Tell Rich to keep listening, I’m there.” What else did you want to say? He showed me Amelia Earhart and said “Tell Rich not to worry, everything will work out, (“I think he means financially”) - spiritually he just showed me you were skyrocketing over him. Howard it was good to talk to you. He gave me that cute look of his. Gosh I love that… see you soon.”

Since Prince and Robin Williams appear in the book, they’re naturals to ask if they have a quote for the book. Jennifer sends me a file where she asks on her cellphone; “Is there anything Prince can say about why people should or should not should read this book?” “He says “They should read it if they want to fly.”(Jennifer laughs “to the moon?”) “then Robin Williams came in and said “That’s mine!”
“Prince showed me the book opening up and then stars floating from the page, like it’s magical.” He says, “But it’s history repeating itself.” Jennifer: “He said put lyrics in the book from his song Purple Rain; it’s the fourth section. (Jennifer: I hope I’m interpreting it right.) He’s also showing me an image of the Radio shack logo - that’s so funny. He says “You’re a transmitter of a spiritual language, hitting the masses in this dimension, which is hard to do unless you wear high heels like he did… which hurt his back. He’s showing me it’s ultimately what caused his death.” Jennifer asks “So you died from high heels?”“Technically yes,” he says. “What would you have done differently?” He said “I would not have used that piano (to jump from) … Ah, I see, it’s a metaphor. He wanted more, so he jumped off of it; jumping off his favorite instrument, trying to reach the ethers. Jennifer asks: “So you could have just done that by playing, no? “Yes,” he says, “he could have done that by playing.”
He’s showing your book at the piano. “Just do it” he says, laughing. But what does Rich have to do with jumping off a piano? He’s says you’re jumping off a different cliff, but he’s showing me a trampoline (laughs) – that you’ll be fine. Because you feel like you’re jumping off a cliff with this endeavor. He said “Balls to the wall.” He says “Tell Rich I can only have him hear me when he wants to listen.” “What does that mean?” Oh, (that) you don’t care to have things pushed on you. Jennifer asks “Are you pushing him?” “Kind of…” he says, “to the point where…” ah, I see, that’s where the disbelief comes in.
He says he won’t push you, he’ll “Enchant your writings. Like on the piano, like a duo;” He showed me both of you guys side by side on the piano bench… (Note: Something I spent a lot of time doing with my mom who was a concert pianist who played duets.) “Tell him that we’re all doing this from all aspects.”
Oh… aw.. he just gave me a flower, I hope that was for me, I’m actually blushing… He gave me a daisy, not a rose. He said “The rose is saved for God.” What does that mean? He says, “God is all of us, in you and me. The daisy is the enchantment of something. Something different in the matrix.” And then he showed me a beautiful array of flowers… wow. He said “Signed Prince.” He made an x for a signature… “He’ll know what that means,” he said. (Like a sideways version of his signature of the “Artist known as Prince.”) “See you soon.”
Robin Williams

Jennifer: I first want to say happy birthday to you, Robin (It’s his birthday as we write this.) Do you have a quote for Richard’s book, a direct message to your fans and friends?
“I have only two words; “Love… Love.” Jennifer asks, “Love all?” “No, love Love.” He says “That’s the key ingredients for happiness; love the love. Find that. In everything that you are. Whether you are in hell (metaphorically speaking) or in your prison cell, (physically speaking); find the truth. Love is God’s connectedness, love is God, it’s every single one of us, even if we can’t hear it. Love… Love. And then send it to everything. Oh my gosh, the sun just came through my window, my heart’s pounding. I said is that it Robin? He says “No; that’s everything.” Wow that makes me want to cry. Thank you.
He says “Tell Rich I’m here for him. He says tell him that I’ll surprise him.” When? He’s going to visit this person, he’s going to visit this person and then this person is going to come to you; that’s how you’ll know. He just winked. He says “Tell Rich it’s exciting: the matrix, the connections, God…” -- it was so interesting when he said that -- and now he says “nanu nanu,” and just did like a little thing on his head, over and out. “Until now.” (A play on the parting line “Until then…”) “It’s Over and yonder.”
(A pause) Robin showed me a record. “The record is your lifetimes. Playing over and over and then sometimes we scratch the record and then we have to get a new record.” He’s showing me how in this lifetime he scratched it and he left, and (then) you come back as like a CD or a Walkman. And then we end up all virtual. (Note: I think he means at the end of all of our lifetimes. Each lifetime is like a variation on a theme, like music on cylinder, on vinyl, on digital – variations on each them we choose as our lifetime, and eventually we become that recording in a virtual way.) The music keeps going, our souls keep going, that was such a great thing he just gave me – we’re all records, sometimes we scratch, sometimes we get broken, eventually we just live on to more instruments more human bodies, I love the way he shows me the Walkman, the cd player, then we go virtual… for millions of people.
“And you are that right now, Rich - you’re now the virtual .. you’re not the record player anymore, or the record, you’re now in the virtual, you’ve made it, and you’re sending it to everybody else. I commend your thoughts and love who you are and thank you and love to both of you.” He showed me a pebble of some sort, he showed me a rock “You’ll know what that means.” Something with rocks. All right, bye. (I have a collection of rocks from around the world – world’s cheapest souvenir, but reminds me instantly where I found it. I have one on my desk and my eye went straight for it.)
Amelia Earhart

She has the most beautiful eyes by the way. First thing she says is “Don’t find me.” She says “it will disrupt everyone.” She says that her bones will be found or get shown soon. And that she’s having fun with all the crazy people that want to find me, “I’m not worth that. They’re spending too much on resources,” What about a tv show? “That would be okay, I’ll lead you; let them pay for it.” Oh I have the chills.
She says that she wants you to lead (the search). You’ll understand what not to look for. Not sure what she means by that. Oh, the plane. She’s showing me the plane and one of the wings, like half the wing tip. She says something about it not being hers; something about 1948 (whatever that means to you, Rich.) What else? She says: “Tell him I love him.” Oh, Luana came in by the way – both of you guys are conspiring something. They both just came in while I’m talking to Amelia.
Luana: they both love how you’re channeling and actually thinking you’re confirming what you already know. What was that?Luana just kicked you up to her class by the way. She wants you to ask for her tonight to ask what’s going on; it’s going to be another revelation before tomorrow’s interview (on Coast to Coast AM radio). Um, aw… Ha, so Amelia just showed me her girlfriend and that you’re correct. Whatever that means.
We are all part of this play, she just showed me how she did so much – the last five years (of her life incarcerated in prison) she could live without – she says. But what about his book? Any quote? “Lift it to your soul. And see what your soul has to say. Hearing the words from the book; don’t judge it, just listen to your spirit, it will guide you and tell you that the “unthinkable” is real -- and (she says) make sure that the unthinkable is in quotes; she’s saying you’re not thinking it – it’s unthinkable. The things that you put in your head; it’s the stuff you don’t put in your head that’s real.
She just gave you a kiss on the cheek and spun you around in the chair, She said “Bon Voyage… to what?... to the ethers.” She says “I think we all have a lot in common. And we’re lucky to have us in all dimensions, I am grateful.” She says “Be grateful for your breath. It is coveted sometimes, (breathing) not the biblical sense of coveting of course. Wanting breath is everything; it’s your source, it’s your power. Move and laugh, laughing’s the best medicine don’t waste time trying to dig up things. Unless it’s a TV show, she keeps saying; she’s showing me September as well, not sure what that means. (Possible date of production of a documentary I’m helping about her). She says – “Au Revoir.”
The Alpha and the Omega

I asked her; “see if Jesus has a quote for us…”
They’re fighting for it, hold on, - oh, Mary Magdalene (is here), my heart always feels better when I feel her. She says “Tell Rich he is not a saint…. Aw, that’s so sweet, she saysthat you’re not a saint, but you’re an etheric saint, and she showed me a statue in the ethers. She showed me like a map of the US with lights, you know how like if you were pinning destinations everywhere, with all the destinations lit up? She says that you’re doing that through your work. Then she showed me how you reach all audiences in all the quantum fields – she’s showing me the dimension on top of our dimension and all the dimensions after that; so that’s why you’re an etheric saint… that’s hilarious.
I’m being shown (Jesus) -- you know when I described him as he came to me with loafers and jeans and button downed shirt and his hair long, looks like a 1960’s guy yet cleaned up? He has brown eyes, beautiful eyes, that’s amazing, but they change.
First thing he says is “Tell Rich “Thank you.” Why? “For allowing a different outcome in the way people can hear my story.” He’s showing me the Bible and showing me your work and how they stacked up against each other… that’s so funny! Well, not funny.. but.. wow. He’s showing me how my brain is like an antenna, thank you, and my heart as well…
“Tell Rich that his work is the truth. That people have become fearful and might say bad things (about it); it’s one of many multidimensional truths that has to… heed the warning from not putting it out. That’s where damnation happens - by not putting truth out there – it was taken out of context, (like) what was written in the Bible.
“You’re a truth-gnostic.” What does that mean? He’s laughing. “Tell Rich that a truth-gnostic is someone who is unbiased and wants what others have to say, that resonates with his heart. You put it out there, even when you might not believe everything that you’re listening to (or writing about).
Then he just showed me like lightning of some sort, like a lamp going out with a flash, just the frequencies bursting – what an amazing metaphor! He’s showing how the frequencies (are affected), like your (way of putting things,) your language is making things crash, with people internally… You’re breaking the old lamps so they can put a new bulb in, to bring forth the light, instead of (just) trying to dust off the old light. He says “Thank you for doing that.”
“It is a challenge frequency that always hurts initially. Follow your spirit and only look back for the theater of history it plays in, or plays to. And know the audience members have to watch the play - the modern day version of it - enough times for them to have it sink in. Like (the Broadway play) Alexander Hamilton – using the different races that played the historic characters in Hamilton. People prep the stage for it to last.
He just showed me the Michelangelo painting where they’re touching fingers in the Sistine chapel - where God imbues the human spirit with his touch – he says “Everyone touches God and makes up (comprises) what God is.” He says “It’s molecules of light in different shades, in different colors of light in different shapes and sizes. And some are big lights like you, so others can follow - not in a hierarchy way, but so they won’t get lost on the path.” He’s showing me a dirt path. He says “Sometimes a dirt path is harder to stay on and being in a car is easier, but some people choose to keep walking up hill because they’re told it’s the only way.”
(laughs) “You’re giving them a hybrid choice - to question (reality) – nobody would have believed in the electric car (before it was made) – (Jennifer: He just showed me my electric car and said “but you already have one.”) He says “I love you and everyone.” He’s showing me all the U.S. presidents, and says “Everyone (of them) made a difference. In the quantum field of light and darkness, without one, you would not have had the other. So for you, for one, please do not judge.” He showed me an image of Paul Revere. He says “Do not judge the messenger and its contents to set you free; “free” meaning in your heart, where in the ethers is (always) “true.” We all are Shakespeare’s love.
He shows me that we technically die and rise together. Whether in our hearts or in our spiritual uncertainty, or in our spiritual uncertainty or demise. We can rebuild. He says take my advice; Gandhi did it right. And we all have Gandhi inside our hearts. And he just showed me Robin Williams and said “Love the love. Within us all. And peace. And then peace has to follow.”
“Thank you Rich. We are entertained by your thoughts.” Why was that shown to me? The Holy bible? “It was a foundation.” Now he showed me a lightbulb and breaking it with the frequencies, and showed me a new lightbulb and showed me your book, one of many books incorporated into – not “the new age” but “the new vulnerability.” “Love the love. It’s so simple yet dissected into a thousand different ways, thousand different shades of light that make up one… “Without darkness there is no light, and vice versa…. you get the drift.”
He says “Sing well. And listen more. To your own advocacy. Of this multi-dimensional world.” He’s showing how you have to get along with all dimensions, not just this dimension, but you have to have the awareness that (reality) it is multidimensional. He shows me there is no stealing, everything is free. As long as your heart is (free) and you take action…
“Like you, Rich. More people will be changed by your words, than the ones who can’t hear what you’re saying. That is their path. Maybe the next lifetime; but again, he shows me the contract between people that you have to have both; people who can hear and people who can’t hear the difference, otherwise everyone would be following him or someone like him - like a saint. (Jennifer: hey, you’re a saint in the ether, how’s that make you feel?) I said I don’t want them to leave but they’ll be back. He just said “Rich; you are an en-Richment.”

And finally, a quote from Luana Anders, which I got from her in a dream six years after her passing in 2002: she said “The hopes of a thousand generations are resting upon you.”
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Published on August 13, 2016 16:26
Then today, I got this email from an anonymous new friend:
"Dear Rich,
My name is (J). I’ve been talking with Jesus. I started out the email in this way because he asked me to. I tend to find the topic of Jesus to be quite the conversation stopper and my ego feels embarrassed to do it... but I’m learning to just go with the flow.
I only recently learned I could ask questions of the world-not-here. I want (as all of us want) to know who I am. When I asked, he responded: “August 14, 2002 - Something Richard Martini filmed that day”
Richard Huh??
This figure called Jesus (who I never had much of an interest in before, other than thinking he was probably a pretty nice guy) literally shoved himself into my life, says a guy named Richard Martini is his friend, and to please contact him.
So here I am. Thank you for having a unique name. And please take all the time in the world. I have no idea where this is going. J"
I replied that she had found the right Richard Martini - at least in terms of being pals with Jay on the flipside. For those fans of "Architecture of the Afterlife" and "Backstage Pass to the Flipside 3" they know the Alpha and Omega makes a number of appearances in both books.
But I see now what Luana was talking about.
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Architecture of the Afterlife |
If people can consider for a moment that it's POSSIBLE that there is an afterlife. That is may be possible to communicate with people no longer on it - then it's possible for everyone to communicate with anyone they ever loved, anyone who was here and has more information to share.
It's not ME doing the talking. I'm asking the questions. Mediums like Jennifer Shaffer help supply the answer, but in "Architecture of the Afterlife" dozens of strangers provide the same information.
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Backstage Pass 3 |
People on the flipside are aware they haven't disappeared. They know they still exist. Further they know that we don't believe they do exist. It appears to be just a matter of "opening ourselves to the possiblity they exist" for them to come forward and "answer a question before we can ask the question." (The best method I know for proving they still exist.)
So - I've passed along the information. It's in print, it's in videos at - it's in our blog on itunes "HACKING THE AFTERLIFE" - it's across the internet. It's not my opinion, theory or belief that people can communicate with those no longer on the planet, I've been filming them do so for over a decade.
I suggest that if someone comes to read this page, it's not out of mere curiosity - or simple coincidence - that there is someone on the flipside, a beloved one, who wants them to consider the possibility and to get busy communicating with them.
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My two cents.
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