What is science fiction?
It's a writer imagining some event that defies logical explanation. It's a fantasy that is created in the mind of a writer. Certainly time travel does not exist - otherwise we'd see it, experience it, already have built a ride at Disneyland for it. But it only exists in the mind of a writer... or does it?
First let's examine where time travel originated in terms of story telling. Was it the first science fiction story? Did someone write up a story about traveling outside of time and that became the first known incidence of time travel in fiction?
According to a search on the topic, we're told that the first "popular incidence of time travel" was at the hands of H.G. Wells: The concept of time travel by mechanical means was popularized in H. G. Wells' 1895 story, The Time Machine. In general, time travel stories focus on the consequences of traveling into the past or the future. Wiki. (Here's a list of popular titles dating back to 1733) (Unless the author came back to current day and created this wiki entry.)
Apparently our friend Mr. Wells had a near death event that presaged his work in the field. (I did not know that when I began this post - I began it as you're reading it above - "in a linear fashion." Actually I thought "What am I going to write about today? and the heading came first, and then the following tidbits. So in a linear fashion, I got to the sentence: "It appears that H. G. Wells, had a time travel experience of his own.") I tend to call these events 'NEAR LIFE' events as they give us a glimpse of "home."
How is a near death event related to time travel? Well, we experience "going somewhere" that doesn't exist per se. People spend a lot of time and effort trying to prove that these are products of the brain (as if they feared what the result might be - that we are only aware of a few bits and pieces of the reality we exist in) but having filmed people for over a decade "taking a trip somewhere outside of time" (50 cases to date) and comparing them with the thousands of cases of Dr. Helen Wambach and Michael Newton, (9000 combined) - they all have an element of travel "outside of the space time continuum."
Further, in studying near death events, via IANDS.org, we can also read accounts of people who've had a "outside of time event" while their brain is shut down (or has been declared dead.)
In all of the cases I've filmed, and many examined by Newton and Wambach, or interviews with folks who've had an NDE, they refer to the "afterlife" as "home."
They don't call it heaven, they certainly don't call it hell, but they do have the same terms for it, whether a person has had a never death event or a deep hypnosis session. They call it "going home."
When I first heard it, I was startled - did this person mean the home of the lifetime they're leading now? Or the home of the lifetime that they had just recalled under deep hypnosis? Upon examining the death scene, the hypnotherapist (typically) asks "Where do you want to go now?" or "Then what happened?" or "Then where did you go?"
John Singleton comes to mind - a friend and colleague, who has been in a coma for the past week or so and today it was announced they'd take him off that. So he gets to go "home." Doesn't make his friends or family or close colleagues any less sad - but suffice to say, I'd be less than forthcoming if I didn't report what the research shows.

He's fine. He's going home. Nothing to worry about or fear for him - he was on the path he was on. Likely had plenty of more things to accomplish, but he's been here before, he'll come back again, and those who knew him can visit him on the flipside... any ... time... they... want.
It's not my opinion, theory or belief that's the case. I've been filming people doing so for over a decade.
But let's drift back to time for a moment.
When's the first written example of time travel?
Well, it's likely on a cave somewhere. Or in a Nazca Drawing in Peru. Or perhaps in a story about a ghost, or in Plato's story about the soldier who died and came back. All of these have a time element to them, because the person in question, the visual in question is "outside of time." In order to create a Nazca drawing, or the Tibetan drawings of Mt. Kailash, or Mt. Meru from above - (prior to anyone being able to send up a drone to film it) all require someone to be outside their body in order to make that observation.
It's an example of an "out of body experience" that is not dependent upon time.
In my case, I've written about my out of body experience where I went (had the physical experience of going) to deep space.
My friend Luana Anders had died, and started to visit me in dreams - but a younger version of herself. I heard her voice clearly, knew it was her - but the person I was seeing, hearing, sensing was years younger than when I met her. Further, at one point I was realizing that if she can visit me in my dreams, then she must still exist - so I wondered "where is she?"
And I had a "powers of ten" experience - suddenly leaving Manhattan at a great rate of speed, seeing it recede below, then turning and seeing that I was moving so fast, light was melting around me - until I hit a worm hole or black hole - or some kind of hole - and spun around (like in the movie "Contact" but this experience predated that film) where I was bounced around and then traveled in a contrary direction (instead of "up" I was moving rapidly "right to left") and I came face to face with my pal Luana.
She opened her eyes and I heard her in my head say "You wanted to know where I was. Here I am."
At that moment a truck horn outside in my window blasted me - not awake - as I had the experience of "traveling back" like a rubber band snapping me back through the hole, back through space, and down to a Manhattan grid that rose at me at lightning speed. All before the trucker took his hand off the horn. So I had that "outside of time" experience - traveling at super duper sonic speeds - somewhere... not off universe, but in another universe,where she was hanging out.
At this point I'm stopping TIME to make an aside. Last week, Jennifer and I were doing a session and a friend of mine's face popped into her consciousness. She said "Luana wants to talk about so and so." I said "What about him?" Jennifer said "He needs help." I said "How so?" She said "She's showing me that he fainted. He passed out."
I had spoken to this fellow a week earlier. We talked about other stuff for a bit, and he told me that he was out to dinner and he fainted. We talked about health issues, about low blood pressure, about watching out for sodium intake, blah blah blah.
And then a week later, his old friend, my old friend Luana - puts the image of him fainting in Jennifer's mind. And she says "He fainted. He passed out." And then she went on to describe the medical procedure that he needs to check out - this advice coming from the flipside.
I did. On film.
Filmed her saying "He passed out. He fainted." My response. "That's correct. Luana, how did you access that information? What part of your knowledge of it is in your mind at this moment?" She talked about how time is relative for her as it is for us. I had asked "Who does Luana want to bring to our session today?" And Jennifer said "She wants to talk about your friend so and so."
Yes, the flipside exists. Yes, life does go on. No, you don't have to stress about that. Yes, you should pay attention to why you're on the planet. Yes you should pay attention to dreams, or other "taps on the shoulder" that you get during life.
Now... back to my post about time:
I had another time travel experience - I was in bed, falling asleep, but instead fell into a pool of golden light. I was aware of how intense this feeling was, like being connected to all things at the same time (as I write about in "Hacking the Afterlife") )but in this case, I could see that I was no longer "Rich" but a pool of golden "Rich" light - and then I was aware that I was outside of time, and that I could - observing that time was like a bubble - put my left hand into somewhere on the timeline (i.e. 13th century Paris) and my right hand somewhere else (current day LA) and be in "both places at the same time."
I also observed that photographs are captured time. (The photo above is accessible as a hologram if you want to examine it this way - you can examine the journey of each of these fellows and where they are today.)
That we think of pix as paper - but the magnetized ions together create a framed piece of time. And we have those pieces available to us when we are on the flipside. Every photograph is like a portal that makes it easier for us to visit our loved ones, because they own a piece of our magnetic time memory.
Have I lost you yet?
Let's go a little further afield.
For those fans of "Backstage Pass to the Flipside" you know that Jennifer Shaffer and I have been asking questions to the flipside for about three years now. We've found that Luana conducts this "classroom" on the flipside, and helps those over there to communicate with us here. (I'm told it's like "lowering a frequency" and helping those over there put their thoughts into words or images we can understand.)
I don't hear them, or see them, but Jennifer does. And occasionally we say the SAME THING AT THE SAME TIME as if the message was given to "both of us."
Thank God I film these things because, otherwise, neither of us would remember what was said.
So recently we were chatting with four world renowned scientists about what dark matter and dark energy are. Jennifer would demonstrate, draw, or explain what she was seeing, and I would ask further questions to these four folks about what that meant. (They even gave us a formula for it - which I have, and want to pass along to a physicist - so if you know one, let me know, as I'd like to run it by her or him.)
But we were also talking about time.
From the research, I've learned that time is not set. The future is not known or set. Mediums and others are talking about "likely outcomes" when they predict the future - but that doesn't mean those things will come to pass. It means that is what they're seeing, sensing or hearing - but we have free will to change our mind, or screw things up - and we often do.
Time is not frozen either.
As we examine things that happened in the past, we can change them - not physically (as posited in quantum mechanics) but emotionally. Once we examine a previous lifetime we can see that we lived it for learning reasons, and it no longer haunts us or is a tragedy for us - and that changes our present, because we can observe the same things happening, or learning from trauma, and that in turn changes who we become.
Once we are "outside of time" we can see all of our lifetimes as holographic designs, including the slices of time they occurred in.
People who are observing time from this perspective often say "there is no time, time is an illusion." In my research I've found that's inaccurate - the word illusion is a pejorative for the most part, by calling it a "construct" is probably easier to comprehend. Further, we can observe all of our lifetimes like blueprints that we can see through and lay them on top of each other to understand where we've been and where we've going (and also is why we experience "deja vu" - where blueprints intersect).
"Time is on my side. Yes it is." Mick J.
Because we all experience time relatively differently.
From what I've learned in this research, is that time is relative to the person experiencing it. Someone who lived 2500 years ago, is happy to connect, interact with someone living today - and further, if the person has the ability, they can connect with people who lived 250,000 years ago - or millions. The frequency of their energy does not change... it may become more complex, more layered, but just the way sound works, one frequency retains aspects of all of the same frequencies that generate on its bandwidth.
Further people who work in a particular field tend to generate, or be around that same wavelength.
That's why we often see musicians, architects, poets, writers, doctors hanging out together on the flipside. They're all familiar with that frequency.
So we were talking to one of our scientists about time and I asked "How did you access that information?" (As noted in a previous post.) And he talked about accessing a "floppy disc" of time - as if that disc, that hologram of time still exists. I was asking how he accessed an event he didn't experience, but was able to correctly tell us what was said during that event. And he mentioned this "floppy disc" analogy.
I've filmed people visiting their "Akashic libraries" (I tend to avoid the term because it's just a Sanskrit word for 'library' - but I digress) - we all have a library of every event that's ever occurred, and it's all on floppy discs (or scrolls, or in books, or in holographic form, "It's all numbers" - I've heard various reports on that, including the fact that no two are identical in description).... but we can access any moment on our time line, in this life, or a previous lifetime - as well as everyone else's.
That's a heck of a lot of time to fiddle around trying to access it.
"Who has the time?"
We do.
We have the time. We own time.
So the next time you glance at your wrist - when you no longer have a watch - or you see a digital clock read 11:11 (analog people didn't run around saying "Hey! It's 11 after the 11th hour!") think of this post.
(I dare you not to) Think of time as relative. (And not a distant relative.) In terms of what we're doing on the planet. In terms of being able to access people who are no longer on the planet. They know that they still exist. They know that time is relative. They know that people who were writing about time travel were recalling what their normal state of experience is off theplanet -... because it's just something we all can do once we are no longer here.
No better way to end a thought on time without this guy making us smile. Not gone. Just not here.
It's a writer imagining some event that defies logical explanation. It's a fantasy that is created in the mind of a writer. Certainly time travel does not exist - otherwise we'd see it, experience it, already have built a ride at Disneyland for it. But it only exists in the mind of a writer... or does it?
First let's examine where time travel originated in terms of story telling. Was it the first science fiction story? Did someone write up a story about traveling outside of time and that became the first known incidence of time travel in fiction?
According to a search on the topic, we're told that the first "popular incidence of time travel" was at the hands of H.G. Wells: The concept of time travel by mechanical means was popularized in H. G. Wells' 1895 story, The Time Machine. In general, time travel stories focus on the consequences of traveling into the past or the future. Wiki. (Here's a list of popular titles dating back to 1733) (Unless the author came back to current day and created this wiki entry.)
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Same era. Different cat. TE Lawrence. |
Apparently our friend Mr. Wells had a near death event that presaged his work in the field. (I did not know that when I began this post - I began it as you're reading it above - "in a linear fashion." Actually I thought "What am I going to write about today? and the heading came first, and then the following tidbits. So in a linear fashion, I got to the sentence: "It appears that H. G. Wells, had a time travel experience of his own.") I tend to call these events 'NEAR LIFE' events as they give us a glimpse of "home."
How is a near death event related to time travel? Well, we experience "going somewhere" that doesn't exist per se. People spend a lot of time and effort trying to prove that these are products of the brain (as if they feared what the result might be - that we are only aware of a few bits and pieces of the reality we exist in) but having filmed people for over a decade "taking a trip somewhere outside of time" (50 cases to date) and comparing them with the thousands of cases of Dr. Helen Wambach and Michael Newton, (9000 combined) - they all have an element of travel "outside of the space time continuum."
Further, in studying near death events, via IANDS.org, we can also read accounts of people who've had a "outside of time event" while their brain is shut down (or has been declared dead.)
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Tesla not the car |
In all of the cases I've filmed, and many examined by Newton and Wambach, or interviews with folks who've had an NDE, they refer to the "afterlife" as "home."
They don't call it heaven, they certainly don't call it hell, but they do have the same terms for it, whether a person has had a never death event or a deep hypnosis session. They call it "going home."
When I first heard it, I was startled - did this person mean the home of the lifetime they're leading now? Or the home of the lifetime that they had just recalled under deep hypnosis? Upon examining the death scene, the hypnotherapist (typically) asks "Where do you want to go now?" or "Then what happened?" or "Then where did you go?"
John Singleton comes to mind - a friend and colleague, who has been in a coma for the past week or so and today it was announced they'd take him off that. So he gets to go "home." Doesn't make his friends or family or close colleagues any less sad - but suffice to say, I'd be less than forthcoming if I didn't report what the research shows.

He's fine. He's going home. Nothing to worry about or fear for him - he was on the path he was on. Likely had plenty of more things to accomplish, but he's been here before, he'll come back again, and those who knew him can visit him on the flipside... any ... time... they... want.
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Stefano is home. Standing up. |
But let's drift back to time for a moment.
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An time donut idea. |
When's the first written example of time travel?
Well, it's likely on a cave somewhere. Or in a Nazca Drawing in Peru. Or perhaps in a story about a ghost, or in Plato's story about the soldier who died and came back. All of these have a time element to them, because the person in question, the visual in question is "outside of time." In order to create a Nazca drawing, or the Tibetan drawings of Mt. Kailash, or Mt. Meru from above - (prior to anyone being able to send up a drone to film it) all require someone to be outside their body in order to make that observation.
It's an example of an "out of body experience" that is not dependent upon time.
In my case, I've written about my out of body experience where I went (had the physical experience of going) to deep space.
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10K folks have watched this video on youtube. MartiniProds. Wonder why? |
My friend Luana Anders had died, and started to visit me in dreams - but a younger version of herself. I heard her voice clearly, knew it was her - but the person I was seeing, hearing, sensing was years younger than when I met her. Further, at one point I was realizing that if she can visit me in my dreams, then she must still exist - so I wondered "where is she?"
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Ghost in the machine (son captured from a mom's NEST camera after his passing) |
And I had a "powers of ten" experience - suddenly leaving Manhattan at a great rate of speed, seeing it recede below, then turning and seeing that I was moving so fast, light was melting around me - until I hit a worm hole or black hole - or some kind of hole - and spun around (like in the movie "Contact" but this experience predated that film) where I was bounced around and then traveled in a contrary direction (instead of "up" I was moving rapidly "right to left") and I came face to face with my pal Luana.
She opened her eyes and I heard her in my head say "You wanted to know where I was. Here I am."
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Luana and Batman's butler Michael Gough This was a time traveling event. We ran into Mick backstage, Luana had me take this photo, it was identical to a photo she had taken with him 50 years earlier. |
At that moment a truck horn outside in my window blasted me - not awake - as I had the experience of "traveling back" like a rubber band snapping me back through the hole, back through space, and down to a Manhattan grid that rose at me at lightning speed. All before the trucker took his hand off the horn. So I had that "outside of time" experience - traveling at super duper sonic speeds - somewhere... not off universe, but in another universe,where she was hanging out.
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Sage flipside advice from Mr. Shandling |
I had spoken to this fellow a week earlier. We talked about other stuff for a bit, and he told me that he was out to dinner and he fainted. We talked about health issues, about low blood pressure, about watching out for sodium intake, blah blah blah.
And then a week later, his old friend, my old friend Luana - puts the image of him fainting in Jennifer's mind. And she says "He fainted. He passed out." And then she went on to describe the medical procedure that he needs to check out - this advice coming from the flipside.
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Luana sees you. And me. And a dog named Blue. |
I did. On film.
Filmed her saying "He passed out. He fainted." My response. "That's correct. Luana, how did you access that information? What part of your knowledge of it is in your mind at this moment?" She talked about how time is relative for her as it is for us. I had asked "Who does Luana want to bring to our session today?" And Jennifer said "She wants to talk about your friend so and so."
Yes, the flipside exists. Yes, life does go on. No, you don't have to stress about that. Yes, you should pay attention to why you're on the planet. Yes you should pay attention to dreams, or other "taps on the shoulder" that you get during life.
Now... back to my post about time:
I had another time travel experience - I was in bed, falling asleep, but instead fell into a pool of golden light. I was aware of how intense this feeling was, like being connected to all things at the same time (as I write about in "Hacking the Afterlife") )but in this case, I could see that I was no longer "Rich" but a pool of golden "Rich" light - and then I was aware that I was outside of time, and that I could - observing that time was like a bubble - put my left hand into somewhere on the timeline (i.e. 13th century Paris) and my right hand somewhere else (current day LA) and be in "both places at the same time."
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My soul group. |
That we think of pix as paper - but the magnetized ions together create a framed piece of time. And we have those pieces available to us when we are on the flipside. Every photograph is like a portal that makes it easier for us to visit our loved ones, because they own a piece of our magnetic time memory.
Have I lost you yet?
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Time traveling. Streets my grandfather left in the Alps in 1903. |
Let's go a little further afield.
For those fans of "Backstage Pass to the Flipside" you know that Jennifer Shaffer and I have been asking questions to the flipside for about three years now. We've found that Luana conducts this "classroom" on the flipside, and helps those over there to communicate with us here. (I'm told it's like "lowering a frequency" and helping those over there put their thoughts into words or images we can understand.)
I don't hear them, or see them, but Jennifer does. And occasionally we say the SAME THING AT THE SAME TIME as if the message was given to "both of us."
Thank God I film these things because, otherwise, neither of us would remember what was said.
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Fishbar conference with Jennifer. |
So recently we were chatting with four world renowned scientists about what dark matter and dark energy are. Jennifer would demonstrate, draw, or explain what she was seeing, and I would ask further questions to these four folks about what that meant. (They even gave us a formula for it - which I have, and want to pass along to a physicist - so if you know one, let me know, as I'd like to run it by her or him.)
But we were also talking about time.
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Me, Jennifer and Scott De Tamble outside of time. |
From the research, I've learned that time is not set. The future is not known or set. Mediums and others are talking about "likely outcomes" when they predict the future - but that doesn't mean those things will come to pass. It means that is what they're seeing, sensing or hearing - but we have free will to change our mind, or screw things up - and we often do.
Time is not frozen either.
As we examine things that happened in the past, we can change them - not physically (as posited in quantum mechanics) but emotionally. Once we examine a previous lifetime we can see that we lived it for learning reasons, and it no longer haunts us or is a tragedy for us - and that changes our present, because we can observe the same things happening, or learning from trauma, and that in turn changes who we become.
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Dave. Timeless. |
Once we are "outside of time" we can see all of our lifetimes as holographic designs, including the slices of time they occurred in.
People who are observing time from this perspective often say "there is no time, time is an illusion." In my research I've found that's inaccurate - the word illusion is a pejorative for the most part, by calling it a "construct" is probably easier to comprehend. Further, we can observe all of our lifetimes like blueprints that we can see through and lay them on top of each other to understand where we've been and where we've going (and also is why we experience "deja vu" - where blueprints intersect).
"Time is on my side. Yes it is." Mick J.
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Peter Tunney reminding us. |
Because we all experience time relatively differently.
From what I've learned in this research, is that time is relative to the person experiencing it. Someone who lived 2500 years ago, is happy to connect, interact with someone living today - and further, if the person has the ability, they can connect with people who lived 250,000 years ago - or millions. The frequency of their energy does not change... it may become more complex, more layered, but just the way sound works, one frequency retains aspects of all of the same frequencies that generate on its bandwidth.
Further people who work in a particular field tend to generate, or be around that same wavelength.
That's why we often see musicians, architects, poets, writers, doctors hanging out together on the flipside. They're all familiar with that frequency.
So we were talking to one of our scientists about time and I asked "How did you access that information?" (As noted in a previous post.) And he talked about accessing a "floppy disc" of time - as if that disc, that hologram of time still exists. I was asking how he accessed an event he didn't experience, but was able to correctly tell us what was said during that event. And he mentioned this "floppy disc" analogy.
I've filmed people visiting their "Akashic libraries" (I tend to avoid the term because it's just a Sanskrit word for 'library' - but I digress) - we all have a library of every event that's ever occurred, and it's all on floppy discs (or scrolls, or in books, or in holographic form, "It's all numbers" - I've heard various reports on that, including the fact that no two are identical in description).... but we can access any moment on our time line, in this life, or a previous lifetime - as well as everyone else's.
That's a heck of a lot of time to fiddle around trying to access it.
"Who has the time?"
We do.
We have the time. We own time.
So the next time you glance at your wrist - when you no longer have a watch - or you see a digital clock read 11:11 (analog people didn't run around saying "Hey! It's 11 after the 11th hour!") think of this post.
(I dare you not to) Think of time as relative. (And not a distant relative.) In terms of what we're doing on the planet. In terms of being able to access people who are no longer on the planet. They know that they still exist. They know that time is relative. They know that people who were writing about time travel were recalling what their normal state of experience is off theplanet -... because it's just something we all can do once we are no longer here.
No better way to end a thought on time without this guy making us smile. Not gone. Just not here.
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