
Dr. Bruce Greyson describes what he left out of his book AFTER....

Turns out that 15% of near death events include seeing Jesus whether they believe in him or not, and 85% report meeting "Source" or "God" - with feelings of "indescribable joy" "Unconditional Love" or "non judgmental acceptance."  Data from Dr. Greyson's decades of NDE research (as they named the NDE scale after him.)  Highly recommend reading AFTER.

Jesus shows up often in the flipside research, so much so that David Kirkpatrick, former head of Paramount studios asked me to share the interviews with Jesus in chronological order.

Those are in the book


People report him saying "The Bible is metaphor" "all religions point to the same garden" and "You don't have to follow me but allow me to walk beside you as we walk each other home."

He also tells a different story about the Crucifixion, what happened, and when asked why he's telling this "alternate version" of his life story, he's said more than once:

"It's not alternate if it's true."

Here's the book on Audible, Print and Ebook 


Memorial Day, A vortex of sadness and a tribute to Mnemosyne


Memorial Day, a Vortex of Sadness and Mnemosyne

On this memorial day, I want to honor an unknown soldier who fell in Vietnam. I don’t know him or her, but I know the feeling that was left behind at the panel where his or her name is on the Vietnam War memorial.

Years ago, might have been around the Clinton Inaugural I was walking in front of the Lincoln Memorial, along the reflecting pond where all the folks stood during the MLK speech.

And I was with a friend from Boston, where we talking about her life and career in DC, and suddenly I was overwhelmed with sadness — tears in my eyes. Overcome with a sad feeling.

“What’s wrong?” she asked. I didn’t know. Then I turned and saw we were walking along the Vietnam War memorial behind me. I was facing her and the reflecting pond, hadn’t seen it. I don’t know anyone personally who fought in Vietnam. I’ve met some since, but at this moment, had no clue why this feeling had overcome me.

That had happened to me twice before — once at the home of Anne Frank, I was walking through the museum, looking at the rooms, out the window at her favorite tree, (since fallen) and wandered into the room where all the translations of her books exist. I was hit with this overwhelming feeling of sadness. I looked around the room — it’s just pages of books or letters under glass. And it was overwhelming. I had to back out of the room.

I did — and the feeling disappeared. So I thought, “What’s this?” and walked back into that book room. And it returned. Also at the Book Depository in Dallas, I felt it while looking out through the window where the shooter of JFK likely stood — and was hit with that wave again. I turned to the security guard and asked him; “Is this common? This feeling?” He said it was, that people often reported it.

And then four years later, the next Inaugural I went back to the wall armed with a camera, I walked slowly down the memorial, past each panel, until at one point I found the panel and the feeling returned.

Complete and utter despair. A few steps to the left or right — no feeling. Just this one particular panel.

I filmed every name on this panel and later looked them all up. I didn’t know any of them… My brother was in the Army, but due to a magical circumstance, was bitten by red ants while in Fort Benning, and was sent to the Korean DMZ. He knew people who died in Vietnam (18 of 21 in his OCS) but I did not.

It was the panel, or someone whose family had come to see the panel, some friend, lover — who left behind this pile of sadness. No other way to put it — I could feel it viscerally.

Since then I have come to realize that people can deposit their sadness in a place. In this case, like a vortex of sadness.

His or her parents, brothers and sisters, friends, someone — went to that wall and left their feelings behind. As people who’ve visited the wall know, some people leave behind trinkets, toys, like folks do in cemeteries. Leaving behind a favorite hat, symbol, something that reminds them that this person lived, this person existed, this person died.

Only — this is the fellow who’s been filming people talking to their loved ones offstage for fifteen years now — I know that people do not die. I know that people return home — that is, they return to “whence they came” when they chose to incarnate, chose to be on the planet. It’s not my opinion, theory or belief that “everyone returns home” it’s in the footage, data from fifteen years of filming since the documentary FLIPSIDE began.

Today, someone wrote a vitriolic post on our Quora forum HACKING THE AFTERLIFE.

“You speak with the authority of someone who knows all about the afterlife, you speak of what people know and do in the afterlife, you speak of how the deceased tell you of everything there, meeting old friends and family, everyone who has ever lived, the perfect eternity.

You speak crap, plain and simple. You do not know of an afterlife, and you are not privy to councel from the beyond.

You are telling lies to the gullible. You are making up tales without the slightest evidence of validity. You should be ashamed in your deceipt, spewing out your own imaginations as if they were the gospel.

And the weak-minded, the gullible, those who cannot think for themselves, eat this diatribe up like so much apple pie.

You, and everyone of us, have a responsibility to say, “I don’t know what the afterlife brings, I don’t know how you exist in the afterlife, I don’t know if you have eternal joy, I don’t even absolutely know if there is an afterlife”. We can hope, some will pray, but we all die either believing or not. We do not die, knowing what comes next. Shame on you.”

To which I replied:

“And Happy Memorial Day to you too!

I’m sorry this is problematic to comprehend.

People report the same data, details, experiences whether using hypnotherapy, mediumship or guided meditation. Those experiences are reflected in the data, research footage. See the data from UVA Medical school DOPS lab that demonstrates consciousness is not confined to the brain.

Dr. Greyson’s book AFTER based on decades of near-death research, Dr. Tucker’s book BEFORE based on fifteen hundred historically accurate reincarnation cases referenced by Ian Stevenson, Dr Kelly’s CONSCIOUSNESS UNBOUND or IRREDUCIBLE MIND with 100s of peer reviewed studies that demonstrate consciousness is not confined to the brain.

Dr. Presti’s MIND BEYOND BRAIN, Dr Mario Beauregard’s EXPANDING REALITY, neuroscientists reporting the same. Footage is in FLIPSIDE, TALKING TO BILL PAXTON and HACKING THE AFTERLIFE on Amazon. Netflix series SURVIVING DEATH covers same territory with a visit to UVAs DOPS lab.

I’m reporting. Fifteen years of filming people bypassing the filters on the brain that block information not conducive to survival. Its not opinion, theory or belief; its footage or data.

In this forum we share data, research or experiences with the flipside. Like it dont like it, data or footage dont change based on opinion. Shame on those who waste lives not opening a book. Telling others opinion as fact.

What’s hilarious about this comment is that there’s zero data, research or experiences shared. Only a profound belief in one’s point of view.

What a shame.

I created this forum Hacking the Afterlife because people couldn’t share experiences, data or research without cranky vitriolic commentary from people who have not had an experience, not seen the footage or data, not aware that the reports are consistent and reproducible.

That’s fine. Plenty of other sandboxes to play in. In this forum, folks who cannot be polite get blinked into the cornfield.”

But I digress.

On this Memorial Day, where we honor those who have fallen defending this country, defending democracy, the rule of law, I’m honoring the memory of whomever this fellow or woman was that was on the panel at the Vietnam Memorial.

Because the pain and suffering were so traumatic, so real, that someone actually deposited their sadness at that memorial. Certainly no bodies are there, no spirits/ghosts to “haunt the mall” in DC. (That’s why my friend the medium Jennifer Shaffer says she loves to go to cemeteries. “There’s no body there!”)

We go to cemeteries. We stand by coffins and salute our loved ones. But they’re offstage. They’ve returned home, are fine… here’s the post that caused that fellow to respond so angrily.

Dear Richard, my mother died last Monday. Although she was fragile and had Parkinson’s disease, her sudden death took us by surprise. Luckily, my sister, nephews and I were with her when she died, like we were with our father 2,5 years ago. I miss them terribly. My question to you: do they miss us too on the flipside? You often talk about nostalgia, but it is still so raw, so terribly painful. Do they cry on the flipside or is that only a human characteristic? Best regards!!

My reply:

“I’m sorry for your loss. I’m glad to hear so many folks were with her when she passed — as that’s always helpful. It’s us who miss that last day on the planet that stress over “not being there.”

It is like leaving the stage. They know they’ve been onstage, and once they are offstage — it may take a minute or two, a week or three, at their own time they will become aware of where they are.

I’ve heard so many different accounts from different people, that I can say that “depending upon their strong belief system, that is what they initially experience” (for the most part.) So if a person is a strong disbeliever in anything happening “after” they may find themselves in that state for awhile. The great scientist and philosopher of physics said that he “wandered for a long time” before he recognized people around him. Because he’d convinced himself it was not possible, he didn’t experience seeing others for awhile.

In today’s podcast, we spoke to an old friend of mine who had been to the Monterey Pop Festival in 1967. He describes a trip there — but in vivid color, senses, smells, atmosphere. He too felt “young again” without the worries of older age.

But here’s the thing; we need to rethink what is going on here. Because they aren’t in their physical form anymore, aren’t in their costume let’s say — we tend to think of them as “less than” or not as “solid as” we are.

Nothing could be further from what is reported.

Offstage we are “100% back to normal” back to our fully conscious selves, aware of all of our previous lifetimes, aware of the play, why we chose to be in the play, the actors who are in the play with us — and how they relate to us over many lifetimes.

The other thing we tend to lose sight of because of the filters on the brain — is that we have a myriad of people who helped us get onstage — guides, teachers, council members, classmates (other family members) who all participated in the same play, same journey, have gone through the same process… and are there to greet us.

“And you were there! And you were there!” says Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz after she’s awaken in her bed. Yes — they were there, a version of their selves was there.. and that’s the same for us offstage.

Now the question is about sorrow, sadness, emotion.

Think about that for a minute. When the play is over, does the actor walk offstage carrying all of their worries, fears, trauma from the play? Some do — some are aware of that, some retain that because they want to for awhile… but eventually we let all of that go. Because we’re aware that everyone is fine. Everyone onstage is fine. Everyone offstage is fine.

We can see our loved ones crying, weeping, wringing their hands — and we might say “Oh c’mon Uncle Pete, I barely saw you the past five years.” Or we might see Aunt Betty lecturing someone about the flipside “this is what is happening if it’s God’s will it will be as they said in the book of Blah blah” — when we’re standing just beyond her shoulder, and if she’d only stop talking for half a minute she’d know we are trying to let her know we’re okay.

They’re okay.

They’re home.

We are not.

We can speak to them, talk to them, ask them about their journey. We can ask them “Are you as sad about your leaving as I am?” and see what they have to say about that.

They can fly at the speed of thought. Visit other realms. See anyone in history that has ever been on the planet. Attend classes with guides, teachers whose minds are beyond compare. They can create sporting events, stadiums, plays, any music they’ve ever wanted to here, meet the musicians who created their favorite songs… and meanwhile their loved ones offstage are saying “Hey, why aren’t you focused on us?”

It’s hard to focus on the people onstage who pretend that they can’t see us, or don’t bother to try. I mean, many do try, can’t, give up after two minutes. It’s like visiting the sandbox and finding the kids in the sand throwing toys and arguing about their reality. And as best as we can try to explain to them that the “world inside the sandbox isn’t the whole world, there’s much more than just this sandbox” some of those kids can’t hear that — or don’t want to.

Which is okay too.

They’re fine. They’re home. Ask them. Use mediumship, hypnotherapy or guided meditation and invite them to describe the journey. Then compare notes.”

So on this memorial day remember; they are home; we are not.

You remember her, don’t you?

Then while firing up the BBQ give a toast to MNEMOSYNE.

Go ahead — say her name, it’s worth remembering.

She’s the Goddess of Memory but no one remembers her name. She used to be one of the most important Goddesses, because they said a prayer to her before every Greek play to ask for help in remembering lines that sometimes took days to perform.

She lives on in words like Meme, or Memorial Day — but for some godforsaken reason no one remembers her.

The myth is actually accurate in terms of reports from the flipside:

She gives newborns a drink of water from her river of forgetfulness so they “forget all of their previous lifetimes” while onstage.

She gives those newly departed a drink from the river of memory, so they can “recall all of their previous lifetimes on their way home.”

That’s pretty much how the process is reported. We plan our journeys with the help and guidance from teachers, classmates, guides and council members, only bring a portion of our conscious energy to the play. But once onstage, “filters on the brain that block information not conducive to survival” kick in.

Some children don’t have those filters until the 8th year, recall previous lives, see people offstage. Some elderly lose the filters just prior to passing, see people others cannot. Have spontaneous recovery of memory. “70% of hospice care workers in the UK report dementia patients spontaneously recovering memory just prior to passing” says Dr. Greyson in his YouTube talk “Is Consciousness Produced by the Brain?” (2011). As he puts it; “it’s as if the filters die as the brain is atrophying.”

We have filters on the brain that block information “not conducive to survival.” (See pg 125 of Dr. Greyson’s book AFTER about filters on the brain for a discussion of filters). We can bypass those filters using hypnotherapy, mediumship or guided meditation. It’s what I’ve been filming people doing for fifteen years.

Examples are in the films FLIPSIDETALKING TO BILL PAXTON or HACKING THE AFTERLIFE on Amazon. Transcripts are in the books ARCHITECTURE OF THE AFTERLIFEDIVINE COUNCILS IN THE AFTERLIFE (where I have 20 scientists, clergy, doctors do a simple meditation where they access new information from people offstage), and CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE FLIPSIDE KIND : HOW TO PHONE HOME, which I’ll be talking about at this weekend.

“How to Phone Home” is the subject, and anyone can do it.

My two cents.

Walter and Charles pointing to where the craft service cookies went.




Hacking the Afterlife to talk to E.T’s

J. Allen Hynek

I’ve been invited to speak at this year’s CONTACT IN THE DESERT.

It’s morphed from pyramid hat wearers in the 80’s (an offshoot of the “Whole Life Expo craze) that I attended back then to do some research for a comedy I was writing about “aliens taking over the country.”

Luana Anders and I went to the Expo, I think it was in the valley somewhere, and was filled with booths of people selling crystals, communication to ET devices, and high and low brow investigations… MUFON was represented, and I attended a couple of lectures by serious sounding people talking about serious sounding topics.

Hard to get a laugh with Alien stuff.

However, I recall seeing the graphic comic book MEN IN BLACK on a table in a booth, someone who had taken the scary notion of “men in black” who showed up at the homes of people who claimed to see a UFO and scared the beejesus out of them.

So much so that it became a meme before there were such things. (Not to slight the Goddess of Memory, for whom meme’s is named after, but since no one can remember her name, I digress.)

Last year my wife wanted to visit the event, so we went out to the desert heat of Palm Springs adjacent (Indian Wells) where we met some really funny, insightful researchers — like Paul Hynek whose father was my science class mentor in grad school (J. Allen Hynek). They showed “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” at the conference, sitting in lawn chairs in the desert night, and I recognized my old professor with his ubiquitous pipe in a close up at the end of the film, as the “aliens” arrived.

What I didn’t know was that young Paul was on the set that day. I told him how I had met his father, who was a friend of my science teacher “Sister Joel” at the grade school St. Norbert’s in Northbrook Illinois (home to John Hughes and the Bueller family) — I have no clue how this scientist at Northwestern was pals with a Sister of St. Casimir, but she put us together, and he’d come to our home with his pipe filled with Borkum Riff — and listen to me ask a raft of questions about science.

Odd to note that my science project did win the State Fair — which included a scholarship in science to the University of Illinois in Champagne-Urbana — but I was 12, captain of the football team. I couldn’t think far enough ahead to consider science in college — after high school — so I deferred.

And here I was sitting in a lawn chair recognizing my old professor advisor fella.

The Contact in the Desert conference is run by Ron Janix, someone who had me on his radio show turned podcast some years ago, funny, insightful fellow, and he’s pulled off an amazing event where people come from around the world, from Washington DC, those on the forefront of UFO investigations (UAP’s as they’re now referred to) where people from across the spectrum of investigation talk about their research.

What am I doing there?

Ron pointed out that what I’m doing — talking to people offstage, and sometimes aliens who are offstage, would make a fascinating subject for a book.

So after last year’s event, I wrote “CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE FLIPSIDE KIND: HOW TO PHONE HOME” which includes excerpts from the many interviews I’ve filmed with people who report seeing aliens.

Available in Kindle, Audible, Paperback and Hardcover

Sometimes they’re on their council of elders (See DIVINE COUNCILS IN THE AFTERLIFE: THE FLIPSIDE COURT for transcripts with 20 scientists, clergy and doctors who reported meeting their councils for the first time, including some folks who don’t incarnate on earth). Sometimes it’s talking to someone who had an alien encounter (Simon Bown, the Oxford podcaster who revealed on the air that he had one, and we spent an hour exploring it.) Sometimes it’s doing a guided meditation with someone who is in the midst of recalling a previous lifetime — and while doing so, suddenly becomes aware of living a lifetime off planet. (The book ARCHITECTURE OF THE AFTERLIFE has a woman who becomes aware that she’s living a lifetime on another planet concurrently, on that planet she lives 400 years, is a scientist, and is currently in her fourth incarnation as a young woman on earth.)

I know how mind bending this information seems.

In my case, I try to ask the same questions that I ask everyone in this research. As Dr. Bruce Greyson notes in his book AFTER, about NDE experiencers, “You can get objective data from subjective experiences by asking the subjects the same questions.”

It’s through this kind of questioning that I was able to ask a question of a “Reptilian” looking fellow serving on someone’s council if he’d ever “incarnated on earth.” He replied “I wouldn’t stoop so low.” Or the Leprechaun looking fellow that I interviewed who said that there were many on his planet that looked like him, but professed no knowledge of why people on the planet report seeing them in Ireland. He basically said “I have no idea what you’re talking about” when I asked about being “Magically delicious.”

Or the “Gray” that had abducted Simon Bown in his youth, by asking him questions about his mission and journey. In essence he reported he was a “manufactured intelligence” (AI) created by a group of beings that were helping others around the universe. As he put it, “Have you ever donated blood to the Red Cross? The individuals I meet to collect DNA, genetic materials serve to help civilizations in other parts of the universe, where birth is no longer possible. Further, that the people that he meets with (the abductees) had agreed to this process ‘prior to incarnation.’

Meaning it was “agreed to before we even chose to incarnate here.”

Like I say, a bit mind bending.

But it does follow the research, data and footage. That people report we exist prior to incarnation, that we plan our journeys with the help and guidance from teachers, classmates and council members — before we get onstage.

That filters on the brain block awareness of these events, (see pg 125 of Dr. Greyson’s AFTER for a chapter on filters on the brain) but that we can bypass those filters using hypnotherapy, mediumship or as I’ve done in “Divine Councils” and “Architecture of the Afterlife” using guided meditation.

So I have three events I will be participating in. One on Friday, which is about “communication with non incarnating beings” — on Saturday June 1st, Jennifer Shaffer and I are going to do a demonstration of using a medium to access beings off planet, and on Sunday, I will be doing a solo talk about all of this research — “How to bypass the filters on the brain.”

Saturday June 1st 2024

Yesterday, I was trying to think of an appropriate introduction to the panel I’m speaking on — most of them don’t know me, other than Paul Hynek, who graciously allowed me to record a guided meditation with him to see what he might be able to access…

Back in the 1960’s the Defense department asked cryptographers to come up with a language to communicate with possible intelligent people on other planets. The answer they had was to use “mathematics” as the idea must be that in order to arrive here, they must have been suing the same immutable laws of the universe. In the film “Close Encounters” they used math and music — also frequencies, and light, to communicate.

However, in the past fifteen years of communicating with people offstage — or from other realms — the method isn’t math, music or light…. it’s telepathy.

It’s to “freeze the frame” of the memory of the event, and then ask basic questions to whomever is in that vision, dream, NDE, OBE, memory or hallucination. To ask that entity, being, memory if they can answer questions. And then to ask them the same questions.

What’s mind bending is that people do respond, saying “I don’t know how I’m hearing this, but I am hearing that it’s okay to ask this person a question.”

I ask questions like “Who are you?” “Are you a tourist or is this person you’re visiting a colleague?” “Where did you meet?” “Have you ever incarnated on the planet?” “Has this person you’re visiting ever incarnated on your planet?” “If so, what’s that look like?” etc.

Non-Human Intelligence: Messages from Beyond Our Dimension
Friday, May 31, 2024
Time: 10:30am — 12:05pm
Location: Crystal Ballroom

Messages from Beyond Our Dimension Host: Tim Crawford, Richard Martini, Paul Hynek, Dannion Brinkley, Sarah Breskman Cosme, Dr. Pascal Michael, Anthony Peake

“Hear from those who experienced mysterious messages and communications originating from beyond our known dimension. From encounters with extraterrestrial beings to contact with interdimensional entities through psychedelics, non-human intelligence expands into many areas and instances. This panel will explore the various forms of non-human intelligence reported by individuals around the globe that expands our understanding of consciousness and reality. Discover the mysteries surrounding non-human intelligence and the fabric that connects all versions.”

My introduction:

“What does non human intelligence mean? Consciousness? In filming people accessing loved ones offstage for 15 years, occasionally running into beings who normally don’t incarnate on our planet, I’ve realized that the issue of communication is about telepathy.

People don’t move their lips in dreams. They communicate in dreams telepathically. Same goes for the near death experience — messages and information come via the mind. In filming people talking to loved ones offstage for the past 15 years, I’ve realized that one can revisit any event, including a near death experience. Including an encounter with an alien — and freeze the time frame of that event, and then ask question to those involved, to those one has seen during the event, and learn new information from them.

My recent book CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE FLIPSIDE KIND interviews a number of people on the planet who access people who are off the planet, and in some of those instances, beings who do not incarnate on our planet. Sometimes they are in the councils of people I’m interviewing — in DIVINE COUNCILS IN THE AFTERLIFE, I had 20 scientists, clergy, doctors do a simple guided meditation with me over zoom. (Two neuroscientists, one from Harvard) None were aware they could communicate with people offstage — all of them had done meditation in the past, but all of them learned new information from guides, teachers and council members on the flipside.

And in a number of those interviews, they saw “people who don’t incarnate on earth” as members of their council. Councils are composed of people who are wiser, have volunteered to participate in a person’s overall development — and people have been reporting seeing Councils since Plato’s Republic.

However, people didn’t realize they could revisit those events — freeze the frame of time — and ask the higher consciousness of those individuals direct questions. One might think that the answers would be all over the map based on a person’s belief system — yet they are not, they are remarkably consistent.

Once we realize that consciousness is not confined to the brain — as demonstrated by the research at UVA’s Department of Perceptual Studies’ lab — Dr. Greyson, (whom Dannion Brinkley is aware of) we can learn to bypass the filters on the brain — the ones that are there to ‘block information not conducive to survival as Dr. Greyson puts it in his book AFTER — filters that some children don’t have until the age of 8, whom see people others cannot, recall previous lifetimes, or the filters that some elderly lose just prior to passing, see people that others cannot.

We can bypass those filters by using hypnotherapy (as Sarah does) or via mediumship — I work with mediums who work with law enforcement agencies so I know how effective they can be — Jennifer Shaffer is one, and we’re doing a workshop tomorrow — and through her, I’ve been able to access people I knew who are no longer on the planet, but also people I don’t know, who can respond to my questions about their experience off the planet.

And that includes people who don’t incarnate here. I also access people off planet via a simple guided meditation. The book DIVINE COUNCILS IN THE AFTERLIFE has an example of it, and Paul Hynek and I did a simplified version of it — and despite many who feel that they were “making up the answers based on their personal experiences” I can point to the transcripts that show that people report the same hallmarks when accessing their guides, teachers, and council members.

Simply put — instead of focusing on communicating with other intelligences via math, or color, or light, or sound, or visuals — focus on the telepathic aspects of communication. Those communications that happen in dreams — where no lips move — in guided meditations, where people meet and can ask questions to individuals they never met before, have no idea existed…

Or in the examples of alien encounters, to do a simple guided meditation to re-access the event, to freeze the frame of time — and then ask those individuals about their journeys… Not only “how’d you get here?” but also “why are you here?” “Are you a tourist or working?” “Do you know this individual that you’ve come to visit?” or “What can you tell us to help us to save the environment of our planet now?”

The answers are frequently mind bending, but I’m just a filmmaker asking questions based on my limited knowledge of the universe — we need people like those on these panels, those who are listening in, to experiment with asking these same questions.

As Dr Greyson notes in his book AFTER about decades of NDE research that demonstrates consciousness is not confined to the brain: “You can get objective data from subjective experiences if you ask the subjects the same questions.”

By asking people to ask questions to whomever it is they encounter, we can get a dataset of information that could be useful to the progression of humanity, and to the planet itself.”

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