
An Interview with Michael Newton

Available online at all major outlets in kindle, ebook, audible etc.

(All Rights reserved, copyright 2011 Richard Martini)

Chapter 2

“I was like a boy playing on the sea-shore, and diverting myself now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.”
Sir Isaac Newton

As a therapeutic tool, hypnosis has been around for millennia. The ancient Greeks, Egyptians and Hindus all used forms of “Sleep Temples” to help people with various mental afflictions, and in 1207  Persian physician Avicenna (Ibn Sina) studied altered states where people could be both awake and asleep.[1]  In 1841 British physician James Braid studied Eastern religious practices, including trances and deep meditation, and coined the term hypnosis. It later became an accepted form of therapy as psychiatrists like Sigmund Freud popularized the concept by famously making it part of his practice and therapy.
Reports of “Past Life Memories” have been around for quite a bit as well. Mentioned in the Upanishads from ancient India, reincarnation is accepted in various forms by a number of religions from Hindus to Buddhists, the Taoists of China, American Native tribes, Aboriginal tribes of Australia to the Celts of England who all believed souls are immortal and after a fixed number of years after death, enter another human body. In the Middle Ages, there were a number or reincarnationist movements in Europe. The Cathars were considered such heretics by the Catholics that they sent them on to their next lives with great dispatch.
Over the centuries, a number of American thinkers embraced the concept, including Benjamin Franklin, Mark Twain, Walt Whitman, General George Patton and Henry Ford who said “I adopted the theory of reincarnation when I was 26. Genius is experience; some seem to think it is a gift or talent, but it is the fruit of a long experience in many lives.”
According to the Pew Research Center survey, one out of four Americans believes in reincarnation.  But aside from being a belief system relegated to religious dogma, it didn’t begin to be examined by Western science until the 1950’s when hypnosis and past life regression became a form of therapy in the mental health field. It was new therapy, however, and during hypnosis a patient might be encouraged to remember things that didn’t actually occur, and for this reason, many considered the role of the psychiatrist’s leading questions the culprit in supposed past life memories.  That led the scientific community to believe these memories were the result of “Cryptomnesia,” narratives created by the subconscious mind, using imagination, forgotten information and suggestions from the therapist; in other words, entirely made up.
In terms of popular culture, the first widely reported case of a remembered past life in the U.S. was that of an American woman in the 1950’s who remembered details of a life lived in 19th century Ireland by a woman named Bridey Murphy. Research at the time could not verify her story and eventually her saga fell into disrepute. Past life regression and hypnosis became a common joke on television shows, from Lucille Ball getting hypnotized into becoming a criminal on “I Love Lucy” to Albert Brooks’ “Defending Your Life” about a patient who has a peer life review with hilarious consequences. 
Dr. Ian Stevenson of the University of Virginia took up the subject of reincarnation as a serious topic in the 1970’s and with the benefit of research, time and money, over 30 years was able to catalogue numerous cases that proved, from a scientific point of view, that reincarnation could at least be categorized and studied. Stevenson said he was skeptical of past life memories during hypnosis because like most critics, he feared the therapist could or would interject false memories via the questions.[2] However, Dr. Brian Weiss, a Yale trained psychiatrist, encountered spontaneous past life regressions in his work and turned those revelations into his bestselling book “Many Lives, Many Masters.” 
Recently the New York Times noted that “Past life regression” has returned as an acceptable tool for many psychiatrists.[3] A number of hypnotherapists, including those interviewed in this book, recount patients spontaneously going into a past life regression during a session, and being cured of their psychosomatic illness after examining the source of their illness or pain. There isn’t a known medical reason behind these spontaneous cures, other than “the placebo effect.” As we’ll learn in this book, there may be other verifiable origins involved.  
Dr. Michael Newton had a similar experience as Brian Weiss.  A patient spontaneously regressed into a previous life, and despite being skeptical about past life regression in general, Newton was able to verify that a British soldier had lived and died as described during his session.  As a result, Newton began doing past life regressions, and as he as put it “was dragged kicking and screaming into the movement.”
Over the following decade, Newton began quietly cataloguing his cases of patients who could remember past lives. One day his focus took a giant leap forward.  A client under hypnosis described the “life between lives,” where everyone reportedly goes after they die and, with the help of their soul mates, decide how and where they’ll return.  Newton began to research this new field more fully with his patients, and after 20 years of intense research, published his first of four books in 1994.   
Looking a bit like Charlton Heston, Newton, late 70’s, has an easy, laid back manner. Having retired from his practice as well as stepping aside from his full time duties with the "Newton Institute,” he’s weary of fighting the battles with those who feel his research attacks their belief systems. However his pale blue eyes still flash when he talks of debating critics.

RM: Is hypnosis a valid scientific tool?
Dr. Michael Newton. A lot of people don't feel it is. Hypnosis is a study of human behavior, adequate scientific proof depends on your willingness to accept self-reports from the mind as data. When someone is in deep hypnosis, it’s not something that can be programmed. Under hypnosis, people are very aware of who they are and have great insight into what they're telling you. Over thousands of cases there was consistency of reporting; it didn't matter whether a client had a deep religious belief system or not; once we had them in deep hypnosis, they all told us the same things.
What was your first past life regression?
I began practicing in 1956, a traditional psychotherapist using hypnosis to try to uncover childhood emotional and physical trauma. It was the year of the famous Bridey Murphy case - the Colorado housewife who remembered a previous life in Ireland. I’d get calls, "May I come for a past life regression?"  I’d say "No, I’m traditional, not involved with “new age” thinking." I was very naive, really.
But then a client asked if I could see him about pain he was feeling in his side.  He'd been troubled since childhood, and doctors said it was psychosomatic - they'd done x-rays and could find no physical symptoms. They told him he should see a psychiatrist.  When he came, I couldn't find any earthly origins at all, so I gave him the command “Go to the origin of this pain.”
Well, he jumped into the life of a soldier in World War I, when he was a British Sergeant and was being bayoneted. I couldn't believe it; this fellow was lying on the couch groaning while I was more interested in verifying if it was real – asking him the British unit he claimed to be with and a number of other facts - instead of desensitizing this horrible trauma he was going through. Eventually I did do that. 
He called a few days later to say "There's no more pain, thank you.” Well that didn’t satisfy me, so I contacted the British war office and the Imperial Museum in London to find out if this British Sergeant ever existed and sure enough he died in 1916.  From that case, I began taking past life clients. So I came kicking and screaming into this movement. 
Sometime later, a woman came to me, depressed over having no friends and couldn't seem to connect with anybody. I reached a point of frustration when I couldn't seem to find any help, so I said "Go to the origin of your loneliness, especially if there's a group of people around you."  I didn't know it, but “group” was a trigger word, because we exist between lives in soul groups - “cluster groups” we call them.  Her face lit up. She got tears in her eyes and pointed to my office wall and said "I see them all."
I was thinking Is she seeing them in this life? In a past life? "Where are we?" I asked. "Oh," she said, "We're in the spirit world. I'm seeing all my soul companions, they're wonderful," and she began describing them. I probed more, took a lot of notes, and had a recording of the session. I found none of her soul companions in her life today and she was lonely because of it. After she left, I said to myself This can't be happening to me. 
I'm the world's worst cynic, skeptic, and past lives was enough of a jolt of cold water, and now this? I studied my notes and the tape for a long time, and then with other clients, I began exploring it more and more. Once I started, I couldn't stop. I closed my practice to all other forms of hypnotherapy and worked quietly and alone. I didn't go to hypnosis conferences, I didn't want to read metaphysical books, and I just wanted to do the research by myself. After twenty years I realized I should write a book, so I began collecting better case notes with an eye to writing "Journey of Souls."
What was the reaction from colleagues or your wife when you came home with this information?
Frankly I didn't go public until the first book was published. I had a lot of criticism from my colleagues; "How dare you keep this information from us, you didn't get our input.” I said “I did not want to be influenced by your thoughts; I didn't want to introduce bias into my work.”
My wife is a nurse trained in psychology, and she was, like myself; initially skeptical. I had to talk to somebody, and what better person than my soul mate, who didn't tell her friends, but quietly absorbed all this. Eventually she came to really believe in what I was doing.

Can you walk us through a typical Life between Life session?
People come in because there may be a relative who recently died, or emotional trauma from losing a child. This work is not to supplant therapy they should receive from a licensed trained professional; it’s intended to provide them with answers about their inner being. One of the things clients don't understand until they experience it is that there is a dual nature to all of us. We have our brain ego if you will, and we have a soul ego, and when they are combined it creates one personality and one lifetime.
The first hour we pick a couple of childhood memories to get a sense of them recalling events earlier in this life, to prepare them to answer questions on a deeper level. Then we take them into their most immediate past life, because it's their most recent experience. It's very brief as it’s not intended to be a discourse on past lives. There are a number of past life therapists that don’t have a clue about Life between Lives therapies - they think it's grayish ‘limbo’ that has no significance. But we then cross from the death experience into the spirit world, into the afterlife; it's an interesting and exciting time for the client because they begin to really see their soul.
Friends, relatives or their spirit guide, usually both, come to greet them - when a client sees their immortal teacher for the first time they’re usually blown out of their minds. Some religious people think they see Jesus or Buddha or Mohammad coming towards them but they quickly realize, “Oh, no, no, no… this is my personal teacher who’s been with me since I was created as a soul.”
From there, we move to interesting aspects of the spirit world, perhaps soul groups which range from 3 to 25 souls, the average client has about 15. These are all friends, relatives, spouses, dear friends in this life and some clients are shocked by who’s there. There are other soul groups, nearby affiliated souls, that may play an important part in certain lives. There are reasons for that, and we try to explore it.
From there, they typically go in front of a group of wise beings - some call them “The Elders” or “The Wisdom Makers” - wise beings who are a step or two above their guides. These are non-incarnating beings, they’re about as close to God as we get, and there’s usually a very interesting discourse. They may ask the patient “How do you think you did in your last life?” They’re very gentle people.
An interesting thing happens when they’re ready to return in the next incarnation; there’s a life and body selection library where people choose different kinds of bodies and who they think they can work best with. Their elders and guides have a hand in their selection before they come forward into the next life. It’s a fascinating process. What’s key is there’s such order and discipline there and yet it’s a very compassionate loving relationship. It isn’t one that involves the kinds of things we see on Earth with a hierarchy of beings who lord over you and engender fear. There is infinite forgiveness and understanding there. We all make mistakes, some of them terrible, and that’s all forgiven once we cross over.
When the clients wake up after one of these long sessions, some of them are crying and some of them are laughing, some of them can’t talk - and generally there’s just this “Wow. I can’t believe it.”  Trying to process what’s happened.

From the film "Flipside"

I’ve spoken with a few people who’ve referred to their own recurring dreams of being in a classroom somewhere in the Universe, some working with or without energy. Also, I’d like to know more about “The Elders.”
We get flashbacks from time to time that break through that amnesiac block, folks who’ve had no LBL experiences, and just ordinary people that don’t know about our work. Suddenly they’re in a classroom in their dreams and they think “Hmm. That’s a strange image; where’s that coming from?” Most of us between lives spend time in a spiritual classroom. They are usually described as buildings, a library, or the place where they meet their council looks like a beautiful domed structure and in some cases a temple. Of course, there aren’t buildings in the ethereal space between lives, but people free-associate or have flashbacks of buildings; “I’m in a classroom, I have people around me that I know, there’s a teacher…”
Essentially we’re given instruction by a Specialist Soul in areas we may have a talent or affinity for.  They may be areas we’ll specialize in after our incarnations are over - when we will be helping others.  I often hear about an energy creating class where they’re working with raw energy to create certain things.[4] I have the theory a lot of what we see on Earth in terms of plants and animals and geographics has been created by groups of advanced souls. 
When we visit the Elders, we talk about our lessons and what we might do differently in the future. We’re not standing before God or a Creator or a Source - But people describe feeling kind of a God like presence at these meetings. It’s hard for people to describe it; I need to speak to someone who’s not incarnating anymore to give me answers to that sort of thing. Once in a while I got a highly advanced client who was in their last series of incarnations, who’d open the door a little bit, and it’s beautiful to listen to.
What kinds of questions would you like to know the answers to from this work?
When I get an advanced client in my chair, I feel sorry for them because I’m a relentless inquisitor. I’ve asked the question “What does it all mean?” with certain advanced clients. One thing I’ve learned is that we are only one of many universes. I’ve been able to hear about nine or ten dimensions, either parallel universes or universes that overlap in timelines, through patients.  Once you leave Earth, of course, you’re not in linear time anymore, you’re in what we call ‘now time[5]’ - which is past, present and future... that’s the best I can do on the question about creation - I wish I could tell you more.

What do you think about the concept that photographs may be captured time?
It feeds into what we know about quantum physics - the Cherokee Indians believe no event in time is ever lost. I think from what I have discovered, nothing is ever lost; every moment of time represents particles of energy. It’s like a movie that’s being shown. That frame is there forever and can be recalled in the spirit world.  Souls are able to go back to any event in any past life and review it completely.
This is one of things we do that is so valuable. When they’re in the spirit world, in a library or a classroom, they’re able to recall everything from their past; nothing ever dies and when you have past, present and future all conjoined into “now time” think of the advantage that brings to studying and reviewing what you’ve done and how you can make it better. 
There are possibilities and probabilities in the time continuum and there have been wonderful books about parallel universes, the “Holographic Universe” by Michael Talbot for example. It’s very much in synch with reports we get from clients who’ve never read the books, so I feel the knowledge we’re gaining now is greater than it’s ever been about our inner being and the forces behind our creation.
Why hasn’t this information been available earlier in our history?
I think there are a couple of reasons.  We've never been so over-populated in history, with so many of us running in so many directions. Second, I think it's the pervasive use of drugs which has even reached our elementary schools - when someone is taking drugs to "escape from reality” it shuts down the soul. And maybe the powers that be decided it’s time to loosen up this amnesia bloc we all have when we come into this world so we're able to gain information that perhaps earlier was not really available.”

I spoke with Dr. Newton’s wife, Peggy. Michael told me his entire life he’d had a vision of meeting a woman dressed in a white uniform named Peggy. After he came out of the service, he saw an ad in a magazine that reminded him of his lifelong vision. A poor grad student on the G.I. Bill, he caught a bus and asked the driver to “Let me know when we are near the largest hospital in Phoenix.”  The driver let him off next to a dormitory, which was fortuitous as he thought it was the main entrance. When he walked inside and asked “Do you have a nurse named Peggy?” a woman brought her out to meet him.  He knew the moment he saw her she was the woman in his dreams, and they’ve been together ever since.
RM: How did you meet Michael?
Peggy Newton: I was a student nurse and he was in graduate school. He had this feeling about a woman with dark hair dressed in white he was supposed to meet named Peggy. Off he went looking for a dark haired Peggy in a white uniform; he maintains from the moment we met he knew I was going to be with him for this life. And had probably been with him for many lives.
Can you remember that day?
He came to our dorm and we had a charming house mother on duty. He said "I can’t remember her last name but I’m looking for a Peggy with dark hair." Then he told me this rather crazy story I won’t repeat, because it made no sense to me at the time, when I asked him to sit down and clarify why he was there. We wound up talking for four hours; I went upstairs and told my roommates I’d met the man I was going to marry. We’ve been married almost 51 years.
What was it like when he first came home to tell you about a past life regression?
I thought it was too bizarre. "Past lives?"  I had my medical scientific brain and I tended to put that to one side. I did think he might be ‘over the bend’ though, and worried about his sanity.  But then he played me the tapes. His clients’ tapes are private, so anything I heard never left me, but I realized these people were all saying the same things about the spirit world. Seeing the same things, saying the same things, how could that be if it wasn’t true? You just can’t take strangers through an experience where they relate stories that are all the same. I became a real believer at that point, and then I became a true fan.”

I felt it key to hear from his wife that she’d been hearing the tapes of his sessions dating back to the beginning of his research. She confirmed the detail her husband had avoided metaphysical sections of bookstores during his research so he wasn’t be influenced by other’s work in the area. Newton said he’d had over 7000 patients who said the same things about the hereafter while under deep hypnosis. If true, then Michael Newton’s work may become one of the greatest discoveries in human history. 
My documentary on reincarnation took a turn after this interview.  I began to focus on the science behind reincarnation, as well as stories of people who either had a direct experience of remembering the life between lives, or those who’ve spontaneously gone there via near death experiences or other means.  I began with interviews with hypnotherapists trained by Newton as well as others who’d never heard of him.  I also filmed sessions with various patients, some friends of mine who were skeptical about the entire process, and finally, I was invited to have my own session which I would film as well.
As a matter of logic, either what these patients were saying about the afterlife was true, or it wasn’t.  If it was true, then others must be able to visit the same place without his help or guidance.  Also, if it was true, then there must be cases of others who’ve traveled this same route, without the direct guidance of Michael Newton.  I was invited to film a session conducted by a Newton trained hypnotherapist, Paul Aurand.  I was about to head down the rabbit hole.
Walt Whitman: M. Brady

"I know I am deathless. No doubt I have died myself ten thousand times before. I laugh at what you call dissolution, and I know the amplitude of time."

Walt Whitman

[1] Wikipedia; Hypnosis,
[2] "A large part of what emerges under hypnosis is pure fantasy. Some of these "previous lives" have been traced back to historical novels."  Interview with Omni Magazine, 1988.
[3] “Interest In Reincarnation is Growing,” by Lisa Miller. NY Times 8-29-2010
[4] These energy classes are mentioned in a number of sessions in this book.
[5] For those who watched the final episode of “Lost,” one of the characters refers to “Now time” as the reason they all had multiple time lines.


An unusual ghost story with photo evidence

Is there such a thing as ghosts?

Robbie Hodge

I asked the question when I was a toddler. My dad told me there was not. End of story.

Or was it?  All my life I've seen them, but because I had no compelling need to share that information with anyone, I never mentioned it. "Oh, you have a dead guy living in your house."  It just didn't seem appropriate or necessary.

First one I "ran into" was a fellow who was living in my apt. in Santa Monica. How do I know it was a fella?  Because I saw him numerous times. About 5'8, then, brown hair.  At first I was FREAKED OUT because he would sit on my bed in the middle of the night and wake me up.

Then I woke up to find him sleeping NEXT TO ME in bed.  "Okay buster!" I jumped out of bed. He disappeared. I said "Stop that!  You're welcome to be here, I just don't want you to wake me up anymore!"

He didn't.

Until the next door neighbor came screaming into my apt.  She had just moved into an apt. that had oddly been empty for years.  She said "I was brushing my teeth and this guy was standing in the mirror behind me! I turned and he disappeared!  I said "Oh, was he about 5'8, brown hair? Yeah, he lives here. Just tell him not to bother you."

Didn't seem to calm her down.

There was the guy who woke me up in Sydney Australia. Was staying at Phillip Noyce's home in Darlinghurst; he was having a 20th anniversary party of his film "Newsfront" and had invited me down. He had sold the house, so it was empty save for a bed and a couple of plates and a working fridge.  I spent three weeks in his nearly empty apt.

All no longer on the planet. But all keeping an eye on us.

Nearly because I shared it with a ghost.  I woke one morning to see a guy "Hanging from a rafter."  He saw me see him and said with an Aussie accent "Sorry mate, it's just something I feel the need to do."  He proceeded to pull the rope (which wasn't attached! Yet he was hanging!) and descended down a ladder which "appeared" beneath him. I noted he was wearing painters clothes.

Later that day, I asked Phillip's wife Jan Sharp about it.  She looked at me wide eyed. "Wwhwhat?" She asked as only an Aussie can.  I told her the story; she said "Well our painter hanged himself a few blocks from here in his own home."  I said "Well, he must like your place because he's still hanging around."

Badum bum. 

Or the Iroquois Indian who stood over me in the apt. I was in while teaching in Camden Maine at the Workshops.  He was in full battle gear, holding an axe and a giant knife, his arms dripping in blood (or red paint, I had no idea) and he was SCREAMING at the top of his lungs at me in Iroquois (I guess - I don't speak it. Later I looked up the gear, thinking he was a Mohawk, but realized it was more Iroquois than Mohawk.)  I assumed he was saying "Wake up and get the F out of my place!"  

Iroquois fella
I sat up and he disappeared.  But I definitely saw him.  I said "Look, I'll be gone in a couple of weeks.  Please don't do that!"  I slept with every light on in the place, the tv on, the clock radio on.  I barely slept for the two weeks I taught that film class.

There have been many others; old hotels in Colorado (Boulderado), old apts. in Washington DC (older man watching me sleep) - I just assumed EVERYONE must have a guy or two hanging around their apts or old houses.
Taj Martini

Then I started my documentary into the Flipside in 2011, and started hearing ghost stories from people who were the ghosts themselves - people remembering previous lifetime where they HAUNTED some place - when asked "why" they would say "Because I felt comfortable doing it."  Not because they were "trapped between lives" or the "devil made them do it" - just because they felt more comfortable repeating that journey, whatever it was, the emotion of it - instead of "going back home" (the term people have used in the 45 deep hypnosis cases I've filmed and transcribed in my books "Flipside" "It's a Wonderful Afterlife" and "Hacking the Afterlife."
Robbie Hodge

The other day, a mom posted a really touching, heart warming message about the loss of her son.  I reproduce it here, because it's worth repeating.

I sent her a note on Facebook, telling her a little about the research and how some people who are suffering immeasurably, can be helped by this kind of work.  She replied with a note of emojis that meant basically "thanks for the love."

Then yesterday, she posted something really unusual.  It was from the "Nest" app in her house, that records any movement.  Perhaps to keep an eye on things while away, but it clearly recorded a ghostly image of someone who looks an awful lot like her son.

From the Hodge Nest camera

I've compared the photos - and read all the comments about people who knew her son, and are convinced it is him.

Just visiting

I would offer that it was a younger version of him - to my eye.  How can that be?

For those who've read "Flipside" they'll know my friend Luana Anders came to visit me often after her passing, but always in younger form - about the age of 20, about 18 years younger than when I met her.  I recognized her instantly in these visitations, by her voice, her vibe, our connection together - and was startled to learn that people on the flipside can appear "as they would like to appear."

So appearing at a younger age would make sense for someone wanted to hang out in his mom's house.

Here's what I posted on FB: 

Some better angles on this angel. We get caught up in words; "ghost," "angel" "death." (Can't be dead if he's still alive; can't be gone if he's still here.) "Believe" is a faith term. People looking at this photo will say "can't be." "trick of light" invent, argue, convince themselves life ends. 

Deny the ghost in the machine. Ignore what consciousness is. It's not my theory, opinion or belief life goes on, it's just what thousands consistently say under deep hypnosis. And also not under hypnosis. Ecce uomo. 

Beyond that; they say "try to fathom why you chose to come here. It makes the path smoother. Leave fresh air, water, earth for your next trip here." My two cents. 

His mom is Jennifer Bryant Hodge

An email popped up on Ms Hodge's screen reading 'person spotted in entryway' last week
Ms Hodge, (pictured) an estate agent, claims she is still 'freaking out' after seeing the eerie figure last week - but finds comfort in believing it's a sign her son is at peace
Jennifer Bryant Hodge (via Kennedy News & Media)

Yay Jennifer!  Thank you for sharing your experience and your boy with us!!!

But the reason I'm commenting on this story - is not because it proves that life goes on - because of course that's subjective.  I wanted to point out that people - even the ones who get smacked in the face with a fish - still can't believe that a fish could jump out of the water even when they get smacked in the face by one.
Can you hear me now?
Further, there are many people who take a sign of the flipside as being 'I TOLD YOU SO!" or 'PROOF OF ANGELS!" or "I TOLD YOU TO BELIEVE IN GOD!"  One person asked "Did your son believe in Jesus Christ our lord and Savior?"

That's code.  I know it's code because my dear niece said it to me when I told her that her grandfather, my father had come to visit me in our home in Santa Monica. My daughter saw him, said "Grandpa is here" and he told her that he had come to see the new baby, that he loved us very much, and that we "needed a bigger home" just for the toys we had.  I thought it was cute, charming... she worried it was the devil.  

Per Lachaise, circa 1995.
She said "Did you ask him if he believed in our savior, the lord Jesus Christ?"  I paused.  I can't imagine our 4 year old daughter stopping to say "Hey, you, guy who looks just like grandpa, what the heck are you doing here? You got ID?"  People are so convinced that their church or religion has the only answers that they get stuck in the dogma.

I can tell you that in the thousands of cases that I've examined, the 45 I've filmed - zero, none have ever claimed that any religion is correct, or even close to being accurate about the afterlife.  They offer that all religions are about the same topic - love, loving each other - and that they are all part of the same garden. Muslim, Jew, Catholic, Jehovah's Witness, Atheists - it doesn't matter.  

We all head back "home" after our lifetime - there is no hierarchy over there, there is no prison (other than what we might suffer over what negative things we've done in life) - but no, there's not someone with a guest list on the flipside, no one at the pearly gates.

Jennifer Shaffer, medium extraordinaire.
Except Luana Anders. 

For those who are fans of "Backstage Pass to the Flipside" they'll know that during an interview with none other than Tom Petty, he identified her as the "person with the clipboard" in terms of conversing with me and Jennifer Shaffer, my medium friend who works with law enforcement nationwide on missing person cases.  Tom said "She's like the person with the guest list, and if you're not on it, you don't get to talk to Rich and Jennifer." He dubbed our book "Backstage Pass to the Flipside."

This is who stops you at the door to our class. If she lets you in,
you get to talk to me and Jennifer.  I'm just sayin'. Luana Anders
in Rockefeller Plaza
It's not something I would have called it, nor would have Jennifer.  We did not ask Tom if our lord and savior Jesus Christ was part of this mix - because if he just turned around he'd find Jesus sitting in one of the chairs. (Oh yeah, that's right, he's been interviewed extensively in "Hacking the Afterlife.") What he has to say about why he was on the planet and what he's still doing in terms of his work off the planet is pretty unusual.  

I won't paraphrase him, but suffice to say, he is someone who walks around with tons of unconditional love, he is someone who helps people realize "it's not their time" during a near death experience, and he is that fellow that people often call upon for help - which he will attend to if its within his ability to do so.  

It's a building JC didn't build.
You see not everyone signs up for a lifetime to have everything work, or be solved. They come here to the planet to learn deep and profound lessons about life, about love, about pain, about suffering, about joy - and yes, about losing those things by leaving the planet.  All of those are within the research.

It's not my theory, belief or opinion people say these things consistently about the afterlife, I'm just filming them do so.

Which brings us back to Bobby Hodge.

Here in this photograph.

Visiting his mom.

He's younger now, because he wants to be younger. He's still hanging around because like most of our loved ones, they want to keep an eye on us, they want to be part of our journey, they want to communicate with us, but most of us "don't believe they exist" so we make it harder for them to do so.

But thank god for Nest.

Because despite whatever someone might say about this photograph - that it's younger than he was when he departed for example - they aren't aware that people can "appear at any age" when they cross over.

For example, my dear aunt Elma, a devout Catholic if I ever met one, was in bed one night when her husband appeared at the end of it. She told me he was about 25, the year she had met him. He said to her "I love you. I'm okay. Just wanted to say goodbye."  Seconds later the phone rang with the hospital telling her that her 85 year old husband had passed in the hospital. She told no one that story but me - not even her religious children.  And even when I told them the story they disbelieved it

For this particular mom it's proof positive that her son still exists. That he isn't "gone" he's just "not here."  

It doesn't have to be proof to anyone else - nor should it be. In my ten years of research I've learned that not everyone signs up to learn how the play ends.  Not everyone is supposed to know the inner workings of the ghost in the machine.  And that's okay too - it's okay to be on the football field in the midst of a life or death battle, while it's also okay to be in the stands, popping a soda, spilling popcorn and cheering our loved ones on.

We do both, and we do them often.  

So now you know.  Life goes on. We choose our lifetimes.  Take the time to contemplate why you chose this particular path, this particular journey. As well as why you chose to click on this article and have read all the way to the end.

I got an email yesterday from a fan in Canada. He said he was driving down the road 6 years ago, turned on Coast to Coast AM radio and heard me talking about the flipside to George Noory. 

Jennifer Shaffer and George Noory

He said suddenly he realized he was weeping. Tears of joy were coming down his cheeks, because what he was hearing was ringing a bell in his heart.  Ringing some kind of truth that he needed to hear at that moment.  He's learned how to do hypnotherapy and is now working on helping other people.

All I can say is "Don't thank me. Thank the folks on the flipside who directed you to that radio station so you could hear me talk about what people consistently say about the journey."   

Finally - as I was typing this post, this FB comment came in:

"Hypnosis should not be really trusted,it’s really an occult practice...people don’t realize this and when you let someone hypnotize you ,you are actually leaving room for something else to come into your vessel...just not a good thing to do or trust...just my 2 cents."

(I often add "my two cents" to my posts, a way of saying, "at least that's what I've learned."  I get the snarcastic comment.) To which I replied:

"Don't be silly. You hypnotize yourself every time you binge watch TV.  Hypnosis is no different than guided meditation - unless you've tried it you really don't have an idea of what it's about.  Doctors use it to treat patients with psychosomatic illnesses (Dr. Brian Weiss, I could cite hundreds more) and I've seen it heal and cure people of a variety of health issues.  

Having spent ten years filming people under deep hypnosis, having done 5 sessions myself, having filmed 45 sessions and examined thousands of cases - I'm not sure why you would even write this comment.  If you had the experience yourself, I can understand - but obviously you have not - all I can say is "it's not for everyone my dear."  

Not everyone is supposed to understand that they chose their parents, chose their lifetime, chose what they're supposed to learn and who they're going to teach or help in this lifetime.  

All I can tell you is that there's a reason someone on the flipside wanted you to reach out to me - read Michael Newton's "Journey of Souls" and you'll see how hypnosis can help people worldwide. I'm not a hypnotist, I am not trying to get anyone to try hypnosis - I'm just filming people who are doing it - I've chosen them because of their religious beliefs or lack of them - used different hypnotherapists - and they all say the same basic things. 

Anyways, love to you! And thanks for taking the time to express your opinion... my work is not theory, opinion or belief - I've just been filming people for ten years saying the same things during the process - and as of late, filming people not under any hypnosis at all saying the same things. XXX"

And that really is my two cents!


An interview with John McCain on the Flipside

This is an excerpt from our next book; “Backstage Pass to the Flipside; Talking to the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer” BOOK THREE. (It will be out sometime this year.) 

Thumbs up.
This past week, during my filming a discussion with Jennifer (a medium who works with law enforcement on missing person cases) we got a “message from the flipside” that was a request to “pass along some information” to a person’s daughter.  

I don’t know the daughter of this person, I didn’t know the father either, but I am going to post this information because well... a fellow on the flipside asked me to.  He also said to Jennifer, "you remind me of my daughter."

Jennifer Shaffer does look like his daughter.
This is a post for @MeghanMcCain daughter of #JohnMcCain. In light of her father making the request, I am going to post it on my website, as I can’t think of any other way for her to stumble across it.  (Apologies to anyone this might offend, but if you follow this blog, or have read “Flipside” “It’s a Wonderful Afterlife,” “Hacking the Afterlife” or “Backstage Pass to the Flipside: Talking to the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer” they will understand the following “edited” transcript.)

Senator John McCain and daughter Meghan
Jennifer and I meet once a week to “talk to the flipside.” It’s casual, but I put our meetings on film. I set up a camera in the restaurant we normally go to, and on the way to meet her I’ll ask “aloud” for a few people to come forward.  Sometimes she says their names instantly, sometimes it takes a few tries.

When Senator McCain had passed a couple of weeks earlier, I was curious if it was possible with talk to someone we had zero connection with. Generally we focus on people we have met, or folks on the flipside that our "group" has met during their lifetime.  (My only connection to the Senator was interviewing his chief of staff as background for my script “Three For the Road” in the 1980’s. She spoke highly of him even then.)

Jennifer’s replies are in normal font, my questions are in italics.

Young John
Jennifer: I just got an image of John McCain. 

Rich: Okay that was a person I invited today. (She got it without any guesses - just said "I see him" and I had said his name aloud to myself while driving to her office in Manhattan Beach) I have a bunch of questions for him. Should we talk to John or (the other person I had in mind) first? 


Okay. Well, John, I heard your voice in my head two weeks ago, after you passed. Might have been my imagination, but I had the impression you said “I understand you’re the guy I need to speak with.” I recognized your voice before I could figure out it was you.  So at that time I just said “Reach out to Luana, and you can join us in our class.” 
Luana by Monte Hellman

(Luana Anders is an actress whom I knew for 20 years, who passed in 1996. She started appearing in dreams or visions and eventually take me on trips around the universe.  I wondered “if she was able to visit me,” how I could visit her. 

I ran across the books of Michael Newton where people under deep hypnosis claim to be able to see people no longer on the planet, so I began a documentary about his work (“Flipside” on Gaia). Since then, I’ve filmed 45 deep hypnosis sessions where people all say the same basic things about the afterlife, and I’ve done 5 sessions myself (and seen and heard the same things as well as visiting Luana.) 

In my books I compare these accounts with the thousands done by Dr. Helen Wambach and Michael Newton over their careers studying these cases.  They all say the same thing; “we don’t die.”  (“We aren’t gone, we just aren’t here anymore.” They claim we “return home” (their words)

They claim “We still exist, but no one believes we do.” When I began to work with the medium Jennifer, she observed Luana was helping facilitate our conversations with people who’d crossed over. (Mutual friends of Luana and me; Bill Paxton, Harry Dean Stanton and others.)  It was during one of these interviews where Tom Petty said Luana was the “holder of the backstage pass” – like the people who wanted to speak to us had to get in line, and get her permission to do so. Hence the title of the books.) 

Luana Rockefeller plaza circa 1985

Jennifer: “I’m the host,” Luana said. “Yeah.”

Rich: John, who told you I was the guy to speak with? Or were they talking about our class over there on the flipside?

They’re talking me about New York city, one of your relatives – feels like a guy.

Someone in my family who was in the Navy? I’m curious, because my grandfather was assistant to the Secretary of the Navy during World War II; maybe he knew John’s father.

It’s your dad.

Oh, okay. Well, my dad was in the Navy as well, a Lt. during World War II. (Graduated from midshipmans school in NYC, lived in DC where he met my mom) So John what do you know about our class so far?

“I know that we can talk to you this way.”

Okay. Who was there to greet you when you crossed over?

He said “his first love.” He’s showing me a woman around 30; she had a bouffant hair, her hair is blonde...

Someone who crossed over before him?

It felt like a grandmother at first... maybe his first love was his mom... hold on. 

John with mom and dad (Mom's 106, her identical twin sister
Rowena passed in 2011)
(His mother had an identical blonde twin sister Rowena who passed away in 2011. His mother is still alive at 106.) 

Was John close to Ronald Reagan? I just felt Ronald Reagan...

So Ronnie was there to greet you? 

It’s like they’re all over there... He says, “There’s a time limit in terms of our ability to help our country, to help what’s going on with Trump.”

Well, I prefer to not focus on that fellow right now; we’ll get there, but I want to be specific about your journey. Who was there to greet you? This blonde woman and Ron?

Reagan was later. (Then) He was greeted by his regiment... I see the number 51 – number on his plane, or something?

(When this was recorded, it was 51 years since he had been shot down over Vietnam).

He was shot down as a pilot a couple of times.

I didn’t know that. 

That’s why I’m here for odd confirmation. Are some of these people you were greeted by... were they people you...


People that you were in prison with? He spent 5 years in prison in Hanoi... I’m asking if some of those people are with you now.


Are some of your captors with you now?

“Not yet.”

Why not?

“They’re learning... it’s a process of learning, they’re still learning... about the whole process.”

You were a warrior and some of the people you killed were part of your journey as well. And your victims, people you killed in Vietnam also participated in your journey or path... as I understand it. Are any of your victims there that you’ve met? Luana help me with this, please, or is that a tough question?

“It’s not a tough question.” He showed me his life review – the people he killed were part of that life review; like he didn’t party at first... When he went back (home), the life review for him happened instantly.

Did you recognize the people in your life review? Who was your guide?

I’m seeing a picture of Abraham Lincoln.

Mid debate

Somebody like Abraham Lincoln? Or is that a joke? He does have a sense of humor. John are you joking about Abe Lincoln being one of your guides?

“It is true, yes, I’m joking but it’s true.”

You mean “Yes it’s funny, but it’s accurate?”

Jennifer taps her nose. 

(Note: People often report about "life reviews" in both near death experience research (see for details) and in the deep hypnosis sessions. ("Councils" in Michael Newton's research) We all have guides, sometimes our guides "look just like so and so."  In this case, we're hearing that he actually is "so and so."

As I’ve reported in the books, part of our work is not judging whatever “comes forward.”  We might not understand it at first, or we might have to spend some time breaking it down or “unpacking” what she is seeing, but in this case, we had begun “interviewing” whoever showed up as a visual during a session.  

I have no way of knowing if what these historical figures are saying is accurate, but sometimes a casual detail leads to a larger truth.  In that vein, the following should be filtered though that “needs to be further examined" frame. Later we interview this fellow, who he says was his guide.)

So, hey, can you bring Abe forward?

Jennifer shakes her head in wonder... – “Yes.” (Jennifer aside) I’m trying to not judge it; I read something about the White House being haunted today.

It is haunted... Especially the Lincoln bedroom.  I’ve heard many of those stories... so John, before you invite Abe to join us, do you recognize anyone here in our class?

He showed me... Tom Petty. 

Did you know Tom? You knew him from before? 

“Yes.” There’s got to be a song or something connecting them.

(The song is “I Won’t Back Down” which Senator McCain used during the 2008 campaign, but Tom stopped Bush from using in the 2004 campaign. I’ve edited out the conversation we had with Abe Lincoln, it will be in the book version. Unusual to say the least.)

So John, the funeral for you was pretty dramatic; two Presidents spoke.

“Yes.” (Jennifer: aside)  I loved how his daughter said “America has always been great.” I was trying to follow all of her words, it was like ... I’m asking him; “Was it fun planning your funeral?” He said “I like to have control of everything.”

Did you like their rendition of “Danny Boy?”

“It was off key.”

I read that you used to play that for people on your ranch.

Jennifer taps her nose (meaning "spot on.") He says “That person (singing at his funeral) was very nervous.”

Anything you want us to pass along to your family?

His wife has a lot more to say. “My daughter’s going to be fine,” he says. “They’re so much alike...” He says he’s worried about his wife.

John you weren’t able to lift your arms or comb your hair... I know you got through that, but is there anything you want to say about that?

“It made me stronger.” 

A diamond in the rough; a piece of coal that turned into a diamond later?

He says “He wanted to help people on a bigger playing field.”

The rest of his life he fought torture and helped the reconciliation in Vietnam... and helped people worldwide. Speaking of torture, what do you want to say about the current president? From your current perspective?

He just left. He walked away... and Luana came in.

What does that mean Lu? It’s ok if he doesn’t want to talk about it.

He does – he went back and brought back a contract, or a scroll.

From his akashic library? Is this John’s scroll or Trump’s?

Okay, I’m getting a lot of information, I have to make sure I’m not...

Don’t worry, just say it and I’ll ask questions about it.


Is this a scroll from John’s lives?

He showed me that he needed to feel the pain and torture and he needed to feel the bonding... so when I say he has the same energetic pattern (as someone who suffered for compassion) he showed me Gandhi – it wasn’t that he was Gandhi – but the end point would be the same for both of them.

(The term “Akashic record” is a loose term; it’s just a sanskrit word for “library.” Michael Newton reported them in his cases, I've filmed many people under hypnosis describing a “library” where they could access their life histories (or in this case a "contract.")

My grandfather, National Commander of the American
Legion (center) waiting to meet the King of England
Rich: So John, your choice for choosing a difficult lifetime... that choice was about your choosing a difficult lifetime to learn those lessons – so you could turn those coals into diamonds?

Jennifer: He just showed me the same stripe or medal that Tony Stockwell showed you... the star medal.

(During an interview with the medium Tony Stockwell, we visited his council (a group of guides or teachers that help evaluate lifetimes).  In Tony’s case, I asked if his guide was wearing anything; he said a “star.” I asked if he meant badge, he said “It’s a literal star, made of light. Something I've earned.”  Tony remembered a tragic lifetime in Victorian England (details of which I was later able to verify.)

The medal he earned; the star?

John says he has 3 of them now...

So what do the other two represent, different lifetimes? Or did they all come from this life?

"They all came from this lifetime." Because he felt the torture, he then tried to correct it, and then he tried to stop it.  Three different medals.

(Interesting detail to note and not something Jennifer is familiar with in her day to day work. I’ve been to many councils and interviewed them about various journeys, but have never run across anyone who earned medals for “three levels of difficulty” in one lifetime.)

Anyone in class want to comment about what John is saying? 

They all started clapping. I think they’re clapping because I got it, or because we understand it. 

So John, you’ve had other lifetimes where you were a soldier in war?

A general.

Were you part of that energy of wartime? 

"We’re all lights right?" He showed me – when you said “that energy” – all the lights lit up – so they can find each other.

(Note: As we’ve heard; musicians tend to hang out with musicians on the flipside, people from politics hang out with others who’ve done that kind of work, doctors, lawyers, healers, etc.  They “gravitate” (funny word to use) to others who’ve done the same kind of work, who radiate on the same frequency. Often what bonds them is compassionate work, or healing work, or in this case, military and politics.)
So they find the frequencies. Okay, thanks for explaining that!

(Another day, another session.)

Jennifer: I just saw Ronald Reagan. Why did Ronald Reagan just stop by?

Rich: Well, let’s talk to him.

And Nancy is here as well. (Listens) What did Nancy call him?

(Nancy made a comment about her being the "one with the psychics" and said she "should have been the first person we sought out." I told her she'd have to speak with Luana about when we could interview her.)

"Ronnie." I think he came forward because earlier we were taking to John McCain, you were one of the people who greeted him when he crossed over. Let me ask; how does Ron look now – old or young?

Young, he looks like a cross between – like when he was an actor; there’s a photo with smoke in the room from a black and white photograph.

I know you and Nancy got married in the little brown chapel in Studio City near to where Luana lived.

“It was so simple, just very few people, a lot of people on her side but not on his,” he says.

(Note: Married for 52 years, the team started their life together as husband and wife on March 4, 1952 at the Little Brown Church in Studio City... the Reagans' was a simple wedding, witnessed by best man actor William Holden and his wife. The ceremony was followed with a cake cutting in the chapel's anteroom. From the Church website)

What’s your opinion about what’s going on in politics now?

He’s having me look up (in the sky) – I’m trying to understand... I saw all of them, like a collective answering that question, about “what’s going on now,” or “what do they think about now?” I got “checks and balances” - I got the scales... that it will take years to rebalance. I asked if its “right or wrong”... (They’re saying) “It will take years to rebalance.”

Monty Python. Waiting for change..
Are you planning your next incarnation yet, Ronnie?

“No. Just taking it easy.”

You had Alzheimers, tell us, what you are doing now?

He loves horses; he’s with horses.

He likes to ride around?

“It’s a different kind of riding. It’s safer.”

(Note: We often ask what people are up to on the flipside. They reply that “doing something” is a mental construct, that if “you’re good at math” you can create the object that you remember from being on the planet. We’ve heard people describe visiting white sandy beaches, going to racetrack and “playing golf.”  When we asked Garry Shandling “How many holes do you play? 36?” He said “Two. The tees are just very far apart.”) 

What horse do you ride...

Her name is Delilah... sounds like.

Anything you want us to tell your kids Patty and Ron jr.?

“Thank you .. for taking care of the animals.”

Another day.... another session. This one from last Tuesday.

Rich: Anyone else who needs to speak to us, Luana? Who else wants to come through?

Jennifer: "Maverick." I can't think of his name;  I'm just going to call him Maverick.

John McCain?


(This is 2 1/2 months after his passing. 2 months since he "showed up.")

What does John want to tell us?

He just grabbed a chair and sat down. He says he “Won't waste his time talking even talking about Trump; he's way beyond that." (She listens, laughs) He says, "It's waking up a lot of people (however), he's doing us a great service... People that never considered going into politics are now very involved, so he's done us a favor. But it should end soon." (Listens)  He's talking about you Rich, he showed me you in my mind's eye. (Jennifer listens) He says, "You need to figure out a way to get these excerpts (of our conversation) to his daughter, she's having dreams or something with that as well. 

His daughter Meghan?

The one on TV. He says "The one that likes Trump.. but don't mention Trump."

Okay. I’m not a fan, but I'll do that. I'm happy to post these online, if it's the only way to try to reach out.

He says he likes me calling him Maverick. You know me (Jennifer speaking), I'm not going to tell you to send it to her... But he's tried to butt-in a number of times (while you're speaking). 

It's a good name for him... so Mr. Maverick... so you want me to reach out to Meghan, what do you want me to say to her? Give her a sign for her to observe to look for, to validate that you're there?

I'm talking to him at the same time as you're talking... he's showing me serious things. He says she's trying to decide if she's going into politics. (Pauses) He's encouraging her to go into politics.

How can we show her it's you telling her to do that?

She had a dream about him and wrote it down - information that seemed like it came from him and she wrote it down.

Okay, what's a way to tell her that?

He's going to connect with her again tonight.

So you want me to say "You're father came through and said the following..." But what's a code word so that she knows it's coming from you and not some nutball on the net? What did she call you?

"Dad." (Jennifer listens) Something with a teddy bear. I just got shown a little teddy bear, don't know if there's a connection there... it's light brown. Felt like it had pinkish overtones.

Something that you gave to her?

Either something he gave to her... I see her looking like a little kid. Feels like whenever he traveled, she had that around. Either a bear or a bunny.

A bear or bunny, pick one.

"A bear."

That's proof to her that you're still around? 


She still has it?

"At least in her mind... I don't know if she still has it."

How about your favorite song you used to play off your balcony on your ranch?

I'm hearing "You've Lost that Loving Feeling."  And then I'm hearing Neil Diamond too; "Coming to America." Hold on. Who's the one that um... who's the daughter that would sing the same song as her dad?

Natalie Cole. "Unforgettable?"

Look up "Unforgettable" for his daughter.

(John had eclectic tastes in music, he was a fan of Neil Diamond (who isn’t?) but I couldn’t find any specific reference to these tunes. However, if Meghan reads this at some point, perhaps she will.)

Okay, I will pass it along. Class was that okay for Maverick to butt in the way he did? Jump the line? 

Luana is saying "He had special clearances."  She's showing me it's very orchestrated over there.

Not sure how I can tell this to Meghan... what's she going to run for?


Of Arizona? Okay, well, from a flipside perspective Meghan might be a great politician.

I asked him if his daughter was going to be the first woman president, and he said "No" and showed me someone else. That's weird.

(I won’t repeat this prediction because we all have free will to change our minds, or screw things up. It might be a likely outcome for the person that came to mind for Jennifer, but to avoid being in the prediction business, let’s just say that his choice was a logical one.)

She's struggling with giving up her freedom to do that (run for President).

I can't blame her. Okay, you heard it here first; John McCain says his daughter should run for Governor, and says he's predicting (who) will run and win the Presidency. (Even though we've learned time and time again that the future is not predictable, there are only "likely events."  But for an odd endorsement, doesn’t get any better than "John McCain is rooting for you from the flipside!")  Okay thanks everyone. 


Note: As Jennifer says often “It’s not my job to make people believe there is an afterlife, my job is to just report accurately what I’m seeing or sensing.” In my case, one could argue that I’m diametrically opposed to what the GOP has come to stand for, and am posting this only because 1. John McCain asked us to. 2. Did I mention that John McCain asked us to?  “Sorry dude, I didn't like your politics on this side” doesn’t fly in light of this research.

It’s interesting to note; we know how much John McCain hated the current resident of the White House, we know that he loathed everything about him, but it’s also accurate what he says about “how many people have responded and decided to run for office based on him.”  So that’s worth noting. Sometimes the events that occur in front of us, are inspiration for us to change them.  

I have no idea if Meghan McCain has any designs to run for office.  I thought it was pretty interesting how specific he was about what office she should run for (Governor of Arizona). I do know that it’s important to realize that our loved ones are not gone; they just aren’t here. She may find zero, nada, nothing about this report that is accurate – including the teddy bear that he cites and proof that it’s him, and that “she’ll understand that.”

That may be a future reference – that some teddy bear will appear in the future to her, a gift, a toy, or it could be a distant memory.  I don’t know. I didn't come up with it, and it's what Jennifer saw.

What I do know is that this research "isn't for everybody."  Not everyone signs up to have a lifetime where they know how it ends.  So if this post offends anyone, everyone, my apologies - if it inspires someone to speak to their loved ones, I can offer that we hear the same things often: "We know we still exist even though you don't believe we do."

As noted in previous posts, we've been told from someone on the flipside that it's not hard to communicate with loved ones no longer here: 1. Say their name. 2. Ask them questions. 3. When you hear a response before you can form the question, then you'll know you're in contact.  Simple, elegant. Didn't come from me or Jennifer, but now you know.

 As I’ve noted before, I’ve verified a number of details of things that Jennifer has reported from the flipside, including “new information” from people over there that no one here knows, but after being made aware of it, I am able to forensically prove it to be accurate. (And I do so in my books “Hacking the Afterlife” "It's a Wonderful Afterlife" "Flipside" and “Backstage Pass to the Flipside: Talking to the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer.”

We were at the end of a two hour filming session, when she said she saw “Maverick,” and he had something to say.  This is not a theory, belief or opinion about the afterlife; I’m filming what people say under deep hypnosis or through a medium and reporting that; in this case filming an interview with a medium who works with law enforcement nationwide on missing person cases. So I hope Meghan sees it, but it's okay if she doesn't.  As for Maverick:

Mission accomplished.

Thumbs up.

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