
Flipside and the Vortex

Print on demand version of "Hacking the Afterlife" his HERE. 

I got this unusual email from someone recently.  I'm sharing it with her permission.  This is a woman who lives on the East Coast, married, kids, and was curious about this event that happened to her when she was a child.

She writes: "I've been "homesick" since early childhood and used to cry in my room to go "home" and I knew this place I was in just wasn't "it". When I was about 5 yrs old...I was crying again. 

It was then that some kind of vortex opened up in my room (for lack of a better word?) and there were 8 or 9 people there in some kind of room with one or two podiums...two people stand out...there was an older man with gray hair and beard looking very austere and a beautiful blond woman. 

Vortex by Kent McDonald (copyright)
The woman actually stepped out of this "vortex" and told me that I chose this and this is my home now and that I was here to live "my story" and I could go home after. It was so real! I can still see the memory as clear as if it happened yesterday. 

I didn't stop pining for home til I was in my late 20s because I KNOW there is something more. Needless to say, I have read every book on regressions and NDEs I can get my hands on for the past 25 years. 

Your book is yet another confirmation that the experience I had was real and that I'm not the only one having these experiences. I will be reading your others!! They picked the right person!! Thanks again Rich!!"

I told her she came to the right place... as these kinds of "glimpses of the flipside" happen to people often. I hear about them because of the nature of my research, but I'm sharing them here, because, after all... why not?

Here's what I replied:

"So what I ask people to do... and it's usually while having coffee somewhere (so grab a cup of joe), is to "go back to that moment in their mind's eye."

Try to do that. Find a comfortable place to sit without distractions, you can put  on soothing music, turn off your phone - or sit in a crowded cafe'. Whatever it takes to allow yourself to revisit that moment.

Begin with a freeze frame.  Freeze the frame at the moment you first witnessed what you were looking at.  Take a look at the people.  Then ask yourself a series of questions that require a "yes, no, maybe" or "i don't know" answer.  I would argue that you do know the answer to these questions because everything is somewhere in our memory banks - either in this life, or somewhere - and that people don't appear out of the blue in our lives unless we somehow know them.

Vortex (photo cited above) A tourist destination.

Also, you've reached the right guy to ask this about, because I've gathered quite a few accounts of relatively the same feeling or experience. (I mention a few in the book "Flipside," some in "It's a Wonderful Afterlife" and definitely in "Hacking the Afterlife.")  So just try to stay open to the answer no matter how odd, fantastic or different it may seem to you.  "Try not to judge whatever it is that you're accessing."  (And as a matter of science, you're either making it up, or it's coming from your subconscious - either way the answers are the same, and are worth looking into.)

So let's go back to that moment, shall we?  

You described 8 or 9 people there in some kind of room with one or two podiums...

What is this room? Have you been here before? Does it feel familiar to you? If so, how can you describe the room? Be as specific as you can - how big, are there walls, look around to see what's behind you, are people seated, standing...  What's the podium look like? How tall is it? What's it made out of? Or your best approximation? If you can move forward and touch it with your hand.  Is there a microphone? These kinds of questions are really about painting in the sketch that's in your mind...

(Note: When I did my first between life session with Jimmy Quast for the film "Flipside" I had the experience of standing behind a "podium" in the room where my "council" was sitting. I was not consciously aware of ever being here before, but as I stood there I had the feeling I'd been there a number of times. I could see either individuals in front of me, and it seemed like they were all old, old teachers of mine. Back to the reply:)

You wrote: "Two people stand out...there was an older man with gray hair and beard looking very austere and a beautiful blond woman."

Let's examine these two folks one at a time.  Look carefully at the older man.  How long is his hair? What color are his eyes? What's do you mean by austere?  If you can, say hello in your mind's eye to him - how does he react while you're in this memory? Can you say hello to him?  

If he responds, then ask him a question... are you someone I know? How do you know him? Ask him what his name is? If nothing comes to mind, ask him for a placeholder of a name - a first letter of his first name, then the second, the third, etc.. until you get a word. Doesn't matter if it doesn't make sense... just allow it to be his name for now.  Ask yourself "Is he a guide of some sort? Has he ever incarnated with you?" If so, ask him to show you that lifetime - write down as many details as you can... hair, height, what year it was, what your role was, what his role was... if not, then ask him "how am I doing?"  See what he says.

You may get no answers from this exercise, but I've found it's okay to ask them. You're not upsetting any balance of your path or journey - you're just asking questions out of curiosity.  And finally, at this point, shift your point of view over to his point of view, looking at you.  What do you look like?  Do you look like you do now? Or different? If there was a color associated with your image, what is it? What are you wearing? Trying to fill in some of these details... and when you're done with that examination, let's focus on the woman.

From the cover of "Proof of Heaven" by Eben Alexander.
What does she look like? Hair? Color of her eyes? What's her name? If you don't get one, do the same - first letter, second letter. Ask yourself - is this someone you know? If so, ask her what role she's had in your life? 

And further, since she's the more talkative one in your memory, let's ask her some questions.  Like... how does she think you're doing now? At this moment in time? Is there anything she'd like you to focus on that's different?  Ask her to remind you why you chose this life, this path and journey.  Who are you here to help, to heal, to take care of?  Allow the image of that person to come to mind.  

Then ask what lessons have you come here to learn? To share? To teach? What's the main purpose of your journey in this lifetime?

Just write down whatever comes to mind - without judging it.  Later you can revisit these answers and see if they resonate with you... at this moment, you're just allowing whatever comes forth to come out of you.  

Ask her the same questions you asked the older fellow. Has she ever incarnated with you? When? As who? What was that like? Then shift your perception to her her pov... do you look the same as from the man's pov? Or has it altered in any way? What's the emotion or feeling that you get when you stand with this woman? If you reached out and touched her hand, what's the feeling that occurs when that happens. And if you can freeze that feeling in time - try to do so.  It's something you can always access.

Can you smell them? Imagine what the smell is like. Focused meditation.
You mentioned in your email: "The woman actually stepped out of this "vortex" and told me that I chose this and this is my home now and that I was here to live "my story" and I could go home after..."

So now let's ask her what she meant by your choice.  Ask her to take you to the moment when you made this choice - your "life planning session" if you will. Look around you. Where are you? Who's there with you? What's being said? What's being planned? See if you recognize anyone from this memory.  Look at them carefully, and then shift your perspective to look at you. What do you look like? The same? Different? Older? Younger?

Finally - what's the meaning of the word "home" in the above sentence? What does it mean to you?  If it's possible, ask if it's okay to go there now - while you're thinking about these events.  See what that feels like. 

Be as descriptive as you can be - after all we're taking a journey to a far off place, think of yourself as an astronaut who needs to tell people specifically what you're seeing or experiencing.  What is the journey like? What does it feel like? Can you see any lights? Or people? What is the emotion you have when you're "home?"

Again - freeze that feeling.  That's "home." Only you know it - only you can experience it. It's unique to you. Allow that to be part of your consciousness... and remember, no matter what happens to you in this lifetime - there's always going to be home. You don't need to be in a hurry to get there - because you've got work to do here - but it's good to know there's a place that contains those feelings and experiences.

So print this out... then take out a pencil and notepad... and walk through it one by one - write down what you experience... take your time, we're in no hurry here..  and when you've finished, share as much as you'd like to share!

You don't have to tell anyone around you about this journey - unless you feel that they need to hear about it.  I'm not giving you a philosophy, belief, or anything else to examine... I'm literally having some coffee and asking you some questions that your subconscious can or can't answer.  Try not to take any of it too seriously, and at the same time, try to experience whatever it is that comes to mind.




I share it with you dear "The Martini Shot" reader.  Look around you. No one is looking over your shoulder while you read this. But it may apply directly to you. Perhaps there's a dream or a vision, or something that has occurred that seems "out of the ordinary" or is a "recurring dream" which includes individuals. Or perhaps you had some kind of "out of body experience" or dream where you felt you were standing with or in front of other individuals.  
You can access it.

Every experience that you've experienced is stored. There's no "delete" key in your memory.  All of it is stored.  There's a common misconception that the difference between "short term" and "long term" memory, is that one is deleted, and the other retained. That of course is not the case, as many people who've had some kind of conscious altering event, injury or trauma, either can access moments that would seem trivial.  Science, biology proves that everything that you've seen or experienced is retained.  It may be subject to interpretation, perhaps the file that it's stored in had been corrupted, altered in some fashion - but it's still there. 

Every time I heard BB King live is still retained.
The same goes for previous lifetime memories.  We tend to dismiss them because they're not accessible in any easy way - but under hypnosis, or in the cases of people remembering or experiencing events that they could not have had access to - but that exist - it seems that the mind can revisit these events, revisit these people no matter where they are in the universe.

I've tried this technique on a number of individuals (as recounted in "Hacking the Afterlife") and have found that indeed, people can access memories and events - shifting their perception of consciousness from themselves to others looking at them - in such a way that is uncanny.

In my next post, I'll talk about a couple of folks who I've run into who've had experience with "UFO's" - or some kind of phenomenon that appears to be UFO's, and what these folks had to say about them while fully conscious, while I asked them questions about the event.  Unusual replies to say the least.

Stay tuned.


Sage advice from Friends on the Flipside - Tacitus and Plato

"Deride the stupidity of people who believe that today's authority can destroy tomorrow's memories." Tacitus

Tacitus - Roman historian

Last night I was in a deep and profound sleep. 

I was aware that I was talking to some fellows. I can't tell you how they were dressed, this morning I would argue they were in togas, but that's as a result of looking up information about one in particular.

I had the impression that I was "talking" to "wise guardians." (Or so it seemed)

For those familiar with my "Flipside" "It's a Wonderful Afterlife" and "Hacking the Afterlife" reports, people often claim to be speaking to "wise guardians" or "spirit guides."  In this case, I didn't feel connected to these folks, just that we were having a conversation.

As I started to return to consciousness - waking up in Santa Monica - one of these fellows says "search "Tacitus" "souls return." He says "It will prove this is not a dream." 

So when I wake up, I try hard to remember that sentence.  I've heard things from the Flipside before, some I remember, some I don't. In this case, I remember "Tacitus souls return."

I don't know who Tacitus is or was... I may have been familiar with his name, as an abstraction, but absolutely no clue why. So I wikipedia'd him...  Tacitus was a Roman era historian (56 to 120 AD) who wrote a number of books about life under the Emperors. One of his books is the earliest reference to Christians, where he reports Nero's torching and persecuting them. 

He provided the quote above about how burning books, or burning people, doesn't change or alter the fact that we can learn from them.

Hmm. Okay. So Tacitus is a guy from an ancient era. Maybe that explains the toga.  What about the term "Souls Return"?

I search and find references to this in a couple of books - one from 1814 by Hugo Grotius, the other a book by Leon Denis written in 1909 - Denis is talking about the afterlife, and he provides a quote from Plato's Republic:

“Divine souls, return ye into human bodies and therein undertake a fresh career. Behold, here are the destinies that life offers. Choose freely, but remember that the choice is irrevocable, wherefore, if it be ill, accuse not God." 


Doesn't get any more Flipside than hearing "new information" in a dream. By "new information" I mean - I get a message from someone not on the planet, who tells me to "search" something (Thank God he didn't say "Google" but I would have if he had anyway. If he said "Bing" I would have been more surprised. But he just said "SEARCH.")

Then by putting those words into a search string, I found the Plato quote, and learned that Tacitus ascribed to the same philosophy.

Divine rainbow.
“Divine souls, return ye into human bodies and therein undertake a fresh career." He's saying we all choose our life. "Behold, here are the destinies that life offers." Choose our lifetime. Choose our role. "Choose freely, (that choice is based on free will (not karma) but remember that the choice is irrevocable, wherefore, if it be ill, accuse not God." Once you make the choice "Don't blame God for your decision!" 

Which is exactly what they say in "Flipside" "It's a Wonderful Afterlife" and "Hacking the Afterlife."

We choose to come here.  That once we're here we try to fulfill our contracts to the best of our ability.  If contract sounds to harsh, then think of it as solemn vow.  But what happens when we break the solemn vow and go back on our word?  

Nothing. There is no punishment over there. But there is disappointment. And it begins with ourselves realizing that we didn't fulfill the journey we set out to do, and likely screwed up everyone else's journey who agreed to come with us.

If being admonished by all the actors on stage for "muffing your part" "screwing up the lines"or "behaving like a fool" isn't motivation for not screwing up, then it's like the actor isn't doing his job properly.  Again - no "spanking machine" - no gauntlet to run. No spears to be poked by. No fires of hell.  But there are fires of embarrassment. Fires of humiliation.  Sadness for failure. Those are pretty hard lessons.  

But the argument can be made - from this side of the stage - that there are no lessons that shouldn't be learned, there are no lessons that shouldn't be tried to be learned.  Eventually we get it right. We're in no hurry to get it right.  But we do want to succeed.  We don't have to succeed - but it's a hell of a lot more fun when we do.  

Isn't it?

(The above Tacitus quote comes from his reaction to the Empire burning one of its critics books; "This makes one deride the stupidity of people who believe that today's authority can destroy tomorrow's memories. On the contrary, the repressions of genius increase its prestige. All that tyrannical conquerors and imitators of their brutalities, achieve is their own disrepute and their victims' renown." From the "Annals of Imperial Rome" by )

Latest reviews from the Audible version of Hacking the Afterlife

These are from here: 

Surprised and chagrined by the latest reviews on the version of “Hackingthe Afterlife...”

Narrator/Author was easy to listen to and at the top of my list for books on the afterlife. I have listened to quite a few and would recommend this one as the first book to read/listen to if you are questioning why you are here and what you will do after. Thank you for having it on Audible!

(You’re welcome, thank you!)

2 of 2 people found this review helpful

Conservative GirlMiami01-27-17

this is an excellent book and I didn't mind the narrators natural was real, human and endearing. God Bless You and yours, for all your hard work. wishing you nothing but love-liness!!!! Emily

(Thank you Emily, most appreciated)

1 of 2 people found this review helpful

Amazon CustomerIllinois, USA01-18-17

I've read and listened to many books in this genre and Rich does a great job at making the subject matter accessible and enjoyable. This is the first book that I have heard Rich narrate and so it was slightly different and not what you would be accustomed to from an audio book. However, his natural approach generates a more intimate and personal environment which adds to the entertainment. 

Having read Brian Weiss, Michael Newton, Jane Roberts, and Dolores Cannon, amongst others, there was not a lot of new material but what he does is bring the concepts together in a manner that is not overwhelming. For those beginning their journey into this field, Hacking is a great springboard that will send you on your way to a deeper understanding of what you will discover on the flip side.

(Thank you!)

1 of 1 people found this review helpful


nothing better than a real-world author reading his own words of important things like spirituality in the afterlife, but reading it as if you were sitting in a Tavern and having the conversation over a drink with a good buddy. It's not boring spirituality lectures, it's stories of research into past life regressions and medium sessions with logic and humor SD structure and bases.

(Drinks on the house!)


As in the title, Rich's work is fantastic, but he should have practiced his reading & used consistent acoustics.

His work is real & his humor is great.... if he wasn't surprised over & over by his own words & the wording of the book it would have had the impact that it deserved - I would still want him to be the reader, just practiced...

(I agree.  Elocution lessons for me!)

1 of 1 people found this review helpful

Marcia D.01-05-17

A true gift to everyone...particularly those whose hearts and minds pursue the "eternal questions" that continue to plague us and our planet...Rich Martini gladly shares the gold from his studies, research documentaries, filmed and radio interviews, personal experiences in the crossover worlds, questions, conjecture, opinions and, among all those facets gathered and recorded from the combined worlds of earth life and Spirit, issues proffered for any perspectives anyone may seek. I find endless delight in the ebook narration of this work simply because he exudes such irrepressible humor, common sense, joyful spontaneity and engaging warmth in the eager, direct conversations-with-a-friend spirit that leaps into the atmosphere and fills the personal space of the listener. In my almost 50 years of traveling these paths, this is surely the best summation I've found to date of the wisest truths that are there for the gathering. 

Congratulations, Rich Martini...and Thank You!

(Thank you Marcia!  Very kind.)
1 of 1 people found this review helpful

BebeCentreville, VA12-30-16

Any additional comments?

While the narration is different from other audiobooks I wouldn't say it bothered me. This book felt more like I was listening to a speech which in no way took away from the content. If you're a fan of esoterica or are open minded to discover new materials then this book is a treasure! I've read or listened to 100's on this topic and while some of the information and ideas already exist in print it's the depth of review that appeals to me in this book. Plus, there was plenty of new information. I found the listen to be delightful.

(I found this review to be delightful. Thanks.)

1 of 1 people found this review helpful

JoyChimayo, Nm, United States12-29-16

What did you love best about Hacking the Afterlife?

I love the author's reading of the book. His voice, humor and asides make a subject that is hard to believe very compelling. In studying the afterlife through reading many books, I am still unsure. I like this author. I think that he believes what he's saying. I am not with him as an absolute believer. I'm thinking about taking a deep hypnosis session because I listened to this book. Not sure, but maybe..
The Jesus fixation was a little strange. But I went with it. So many people who were with Jesus at one time or another? Strains credulity to a very, very, very limit. Still, I went with it. Kinda.

What other book might you compare Hacking the Afterlife to and why?
LIfe After Life.

Which character – as performed by Richard Martini – was your favorite?
Richard Martini is very funny and smart, and all of this book is done in his voice. I love his voice.

Was this a book you wanted to listen to all in one sitting?
No. I listened to it in seven parts.

Any additional comments?
Keep going, Richard Martini. If I'm interested, many people are. Maybe less Jesus next time.

(Thanks Joy! I’ll let Jesus know! (just kidding) I’m just reporting though.)

1 of 1 people found this review helpful
G. Merkel01-14-17

What could have made this a 4 or 5-star listening experience for you?

Was hoping for some, if not brilliant, at least interesting glimpses of the afterlife. Instead this book turned into a rambling monologue with very little substance and endless "name dropping." Heard about Amelia Earhart to ad nauseum with claims that she was a spy captured by the Japanese (he spent over an hour on that alone). Then of course, there was a long torturous interview with none other than Jesus himself, who claims not to have died on the cross after all. Michael Jackson put in an appearance as well as Robin Williams and the list goes on. Although I have no way of knowing what actually happened to these individuals, the story lines which were supposed to have been given through a medium, were all over the place and sometimes even contradictory. Boring would be an understatement. After about 6 hrs. of listening and trying my best to be open minded, I simply couldn't take anymore.

Has Hacking the Afterlife turned you off from other books in this genre?

Luckily, I have listened to books by many other authors on this subject which I thoroughly enjoyed and felt that I came away with a greater understanding of the topic. Raymond Moody, Jeffrey Long, Brian Weiss, James Van Praagh, Penny Sartori, Michael Newton and Eben Alexander, among others, have some terrific books on the subject and I am hoping they will release more.

How could the performance have been better?

In all fairness, I have read previous books by Richard Martini "The Flipside" and "It's a Wonderful Afterlife" and they were not that bad. Although most of his work seems to revolve around the rich and or famous, not the regular person on the street, he at least didn't belabor one historic figure to the same degree in those books. I was able to get through them. My main complaint is that his works are filled with way too much dialogue and irrelevant information, rather than giving much insight into the afterlife. It almost comes across more like a bad script stuffed with fillers.

What reaction did this book spark in you? Anger, sadness, disappointment?

Main reaction was disappointment since I had really been looking forward to listening to this book, and then found out that it couldn't hold my interest.

Any additional comments?

The book came across as being fabricated and lacking in authenticity. If it was genuine, then it fell short of convincing this reader. At the very least, it could have been entertaining, even if I didn't buy it. Which is not to say that I am a skeptic on the subject, just this one particular book.

I tracked down Cheryl on Facebook and wrote the following:

Cheryl! I'm sorry you didn't like my audio version of "Hacking the Afterlife." How can I make it up to you?  I hope you asked for your money back... sounds like you had a hard time listening to it... really, tell me how. have you seen the print copy? (Michael Jackson isn't in it... I think you meant Prince, but that's not my choice - I didn't ask for any celebrities to "come through" - but I do live in hollywood). 

So I knew Robin Williams, I reviewed Prince for a show he did and saw him backstage... I don't know why they reached out to Jennifer Shaffer - but they did. Don't know what to say about it feeling fabricated - you've written positive reviews of my previous books "Flipside" and "It's a Wonderful Afterlife." Everything that I report is filmed. Meaning, I film my interviews, and I either post them online, or provide transcripts for what's said. The book are literal transcripts. The audio is me reading those transcripts. So not much I can fabricate.  

And as to Amelia - what can I say? After 30 years of research, I had 3 different mediums answer questions about her - and they were all accurate - not anything that is available in the research. So the point of her section was "new information" from people in the afterlife. Not because she’s famous. Because she’s still accessible. (as are all our loved ones.) It’s Amelia that tells the medium that US soldiers didn't dig up her body (she doesn't tell me!)

And finally - I thought long and hard about including the Jesus material - but this nearly half a dozen people contacted me to claim that they knew or met him in a previous lifetime... at some point I realized I was being prejudiced by not reporting that... 

Who am I to deny what they’re telling me? Again, I’m a reporter, reporting what I hear. Happy to send you a free copy of the book, or a copy of the film flipside? But Audible is a money back guarantee – and I’m sure you can get a refund. Thanks. Rich

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