Showing posts with label george noory. Show all posts
Showing posts with label george noory. Show all posts


Speaking of Coast to Coast

I got a chance to appear on "Coast to Coast" with George Noory last Thursday.

George Noory and yours truly looking kinda pink.
Someone sent me an email that asked "Why did you say this particular thing?" the other day.  Truthfully, I'm pretty much on auto pilot at that time of the day, so whatever I said was in reply to what George was asking me.  He's such an excellent interviewer, that often I haven't a clue as to what we talked about, I just know that it was a lot of fun talking with him.

He asked me one question about whether "people feel remorse when they report from the Flipside?"

I said "not in my research."
With Jennifer Shaffer, medium/intuitive

I need to clarify that people may experience remorse after a lifetime, that's not in my ability to say that people do or don't experience what they experience.  However, I can say that in general, the people that I've interviewed aren't people who've had awful lifetimes causing distress while they were here.

Its entirely possible that someone would feel remorse, regret, pangs of ill feelings about the things they've done or not done - but in my experience, and in my research, once a person "lets go of the earthly bonds that tie us to the planet" - they go through something akin to being "blasted out of a cannon."

It's kind of hard feeling remorse at that particular moment.

When people do express that feeling of remorse,it's often during their "life review."  That's a term often used by Michael Newton ("Journey of Souls") regarding what we experience while under deep hypnosis, while accessing the "between lives realm."  His 7000 clients over 30 years said relatively the same things about having a "life review" process.

I've filmed 45 sessions, and interviewed a number of people who are familiar with their own between life sessions.  In particular Paul Aurand described in great detail what it felt like when he was before his council and accessing a previous lifetime where he was a slave owner, and "cared more for his property than his slaves."  Paul was able to access that memory because his council was showing him that as a soul he'd progressed - that he no longer treated anyone (outside of himself) with disdain.

In the near death event of David Bennett ("Voyage of Purpose" and his interview in my book "It's a Wonderful Afterlife") David recalled his "Life review."  In it he was shown a couple of events from "this lifetime."  (Information he'd easily have access to, but wasn't aware of the ramifications of them.)  

In one instance, he was shown a barfight he started in Texas, when a young man made a pass at him, and he let the bartender know about it.  The man was then beaten senseless, but in David's memory of the event, he experienced it through the eyes of the victim.  He felt every punch, the hatred, the humiliation involved.  Then he was shown another event when he helped a woman who was depressed - and how getting her "to smile" changed her world.

Luana says hello.

Today I replied to someone who was upset about my comments during the show that people generally didn't report any form of evil on the flipside. 

Here's the exchange:

Email: "I'm not sure if Karma is addressed in any of your interviews with souls/spirits in the Afterlife. But I don't seem to find that topic.  I don't know about life paths for every person, but I would find it hard to "believe" that a soul who created mayhem, destruction, violence (especially against children), could just sail on through in the Afterlife without some kind of amends/retribution.  Thank you."
My reply:

"Thanks for the comment.  Well, as I'm fond of saying, I'm just reporting here.  It's not my theory, belief or philosophy in the mix... I'm just reporting what people consistently say about the flipside. Whether it's under deep hypnosis, during a near death event, or in some other altered consciousness fashion.  I understand that sounds contrary to every known religious and philosophical tradition on the planet, and if I observed or heard information that wasn't contrary - that is, if I heard information that contained some form of amends/retribution for those who've created mayhem, I would report that.  But that's not what's in the reports.

What is in the reports is that people who create mayhem experience that mayhem when they get "back home" to meet with their "spirit guides" or council - which is reported to encourage that individual to experience fully everything negative they've ever done to anyone.  So in a sense, yes, if we can imagine everyone that we've ever hurt, made feel bad, or worse - every creature that we've killed by accident or on purpose, to fully feel their experience of pain, suffering or humiliation - all from their perspective - that would give anyone pause. (Which is consistently reported - that when someone remembers an awful thing they did during their lifetime,it's something they experience from the perspective of their victim.)

And that detail actually is reported - that people have a "life review" and during those life reviews they get a chance to experience everything they've done to other people.  (During Coast to Coast the other night, he asked if people felt "remorse" over a previous life - but I have to answer honestly... in my research I've not found that.  However, I'm not interviewing people who were perpetrators for the most part, just people who have suffered and not caused pain.  There are a few of those in my research (and I report those) but for the most part - people experience wonder after they pass. At least the ones I've interviewed or filmed.)

But when we speak to people who've had those experiences as victims (and I've filmed quite a few) - that is people who were "murdered" "annihilated" or molested as children... while they are under deep hypnosis they report consistently not what anyone with a sane mind would want to hear.  They report - consistently - that from the soul's perspective, their journey here was done with intent - either to teach lessons in love or compassion or forgiveness, or to learn lessons in the same.  And again - if they reported some form of red hot pokers being applied to the fingernails of their perpetrators - I'd be really happy to report that.  Because it certainly exists in every film, book or story I'm aware of where someone seeks revenge on their perpetrators.  And there's something satisfying to think that would be the case.
My job as I see it

But my job, as I see it, is to report what I'm hearing consistently - without judgment or prejudice about what they're saying.  I can't imagine choosing such a difficult path, I can't imagine choosing a lifetime where awful things would happen to me - and from my own experience I've seen a number of lifetimes of my own - or what appears to be my own memories of these different lives - and generally I appear to avoid that kind of strife and stress in my own choices.  But I have respect and unconditional love for my fellow beings who choose difficult lives - and so therefore I can appreciate what they're saying about them.  But thanks for asking.

The reply: Okay, thank you, and I appreciate your thoughtful reply. Troubling to me how we don't hear about and from the inflictors of pain as often as we do about those who suffered terribly. The Hitlers, the Stalins, and those whose policies have made others suffer would be an interesting report.

My reply:

"There are quite a few reports of people "speaking" to those you mention. What they say is that the world we exist in is a stage. That people sign up to play roles of "good and bad" people.  Since they are performances, they are actors playing the role of the bad guy.  For example, Desdemona doesn't go up to Othello after the play and say "You killed me!"  Rather they comment on how well the show went.  

Romeo doesn't walk up to Juliet and ask "why'd  you take that poison?"  She'd answer "we've been doing this play for a long time Romeo, did you forget that we do this each time?"  Since we have the illusion that we are fully conscious, fully in the world we're in, while reading this sentence, we can't be aware of how it is that we chose to be here, chose to wear this costume or chose to play this role.  It's not up to me to change anyone's feelings about that - because that makes me the fellow who turns on the lights in the middle of the play and shouts "It's only a play!"  

But if one can wrap their mind around the concept "We don't die" it might make it easier to comprehend.  None of us dies, so there's no harm anyone can accomplish in our direction.  Yes, temporary stress, harm - but we can't be killed, and if we survive whatever has happened to us, physically, we can comprehend that any event is one that teaches lessons to everyone involved.
"We don't die."

It's not an easy topic. But I will offer you an account that I filmed, and is included in the book and film "Flipside." 

I was filming a woman who under deep hypnosis remembered being in the holocaust. She saw herself naked, waiting for the showers to come on. The hypnotherapist asked her to move back to happier times in this life,and she saw her family and friends and loved ones. Eventually he brought her back to the moment where she crossed over, out of the camp, and into a place where she was met by her loved ones.  She eventually got to see her council, her guides who have watched over all her lifetimes.  She asked "Why did I choose this lifetime? It was awful. I lost everyone I loved."

She said (and it's on camera in the film "Flipside") "They're showing me images... this is going to be difficult to express... but they're showing me images to make me see that it was harder to choose to play the role of a perpetrator in this life, than a victim."  

I was startled to hear it, as I'd never heard anything like it.  She said "From my perspective each day in the camp was a heightened lesson in many topics, love, compassion, forgiveness, courage... and from this perspective I'm glad I chose this role, as the role others chose was more difficult for them to overcome or process."

We really have to examine carefully the roles people play - as we know, Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Genghis Kahn, Alexander the Great - all played a role, but they did not perform by themselves. They had thousands of others playing the role as well, assisting, aiding, abetting... perpetrating their will over others.  Why?  It's a good question.  Why would anyone sign up to experience trauma?  Well, I can only point to one person's report "You can learn more from one day of tragedy on earth than you can in 5000 years on some other boring planet."

Did you catch that?

We come here to learn or teach lessons.  For people on the flipside, 5000 years isn't that big of a deal - time works differently off planet.  From my research I've heard that "25 years on earth feels like 10 minutes over there."  So there's that factor as well.  An 80 year lifetime might feel like a half an hour to our souls back home.  What happens on earth might be relatively thrilling or depressing,but it also might be just a blip in our overall journey and life's progress.  Just something to chew on.  

Again, I'm just reporting what people say.

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Then there's this fun email:

"Everything you talk about on your website, and what you talked about on Coast To Coast, is complete horseshit.

1) "We choose our next life". Horseshit.  I would NEVER choose this worthless abomination of a shithole ruled by evil criminal psychopaths to incarnate into.  I would choose a parallel Utopia Earth with no money, no banking, no government, no business, no corporations, no psychopathic ruling Elite, no corrupt legal system, no intelligence agencies, no need to eat other life forms to survive, and no secret societies like Freemasonry.  I have just proven you wrong.  (My response; "So why did you choose it?")

2) "We are here to learn lessons". Horseshit.  Who we really are is omniscient (all-knowing), omnipotent (all-powerful), formless, and has nothing to do with this 3D illusion.  In reality, we have nothing to learn.  It only seems like we learn in this 3D illusion, because it is in the deceptive design of it, to deceive us into believing we are the opposite of who we really are, and to deceive us into believing the 3D illusion and the illusion of humanity are real, when none of this is real.  This 3D illusion was created by corrupt thinking and lying entities that religious people worship as God. (Some of us take longer than other to learn lessons, just like in school.)

3) "Love love".  Horseshit.  Love is hypnosis, and has nothing to do with truth or reality.  (He cites a blog about the topic, how love is an illusion)  (Actually not my quote; it came from Robin Williams, someone I knew, who gave it in reply to asking him for a quote for the book "Hacking the Afterlife."  As pointed out on the show, neither I nor the medium understood what he meant - until he explained it.)

4) "We reincarnate".  Horseshit.   (He cites the blog again, claiming it's not true that we reincarnate)  (Highly recommend reading Dr. Tucker's books, Carol Bowman's or Ian Stevenson at UVA for verified peer reviewed cases of reincarnation.  Not my opinion, belief or theory - just verified cases.)

"Based on the quote above, mediums who are not con artists are actually unintentionally deceiving people.  Mediums are not actually communicating with dead people, they are communicating with the corrupt thinking and lying entities who conjure up this illusion, posing as the dead people.  Who we really are is that singular formless reality, and these individual 3D identities are all illusions."  

(Well, perhaps. Except in the cases of mediums who work with law enforcement on missing person and murder cases (which is what I was citing.)  Also, mediumship is not a panacea or a religious order - mediums can misinterpret what they're seeing or sensing - that's why I ask questions that are specific about "new information" that can be imparted.  Meaning "not knowable to anyone listening" until it's verified later forensically.  That's not hard to comprehend, is it?  It's not "predicting the future" or "hearing an opinion from the flipside" - which I agree would be pointless.  What I focus on are verifiable details that are unknown to the person asking the question or the medium - proving it could not be cryptomnesia. We may experience an illusion while here on the planet, but that doesn't mean we can't examine that illusion.)

5) "Atheism is not a religion". Atheism is a religion.  Atheists are deeply in the hypnotic trance state just like religious people: they believe this 3D illusion is real, they believe the illusion of humanity is real, they believe science is real and valid the same way religious people believe their religion is real and valid, and they have their God, science, the same way religious people have a God."

(The reason I said "atheism is not a religion" is that I agree with you - some people treat it as such, just substituting their old rules and regulations from previous religions onto a philosophy.  But my point was that it is not a religion per se - it's a philosophy.  (like Buddhism)  Not a religion, that believes or disbelieves as a matter of faith.  "I don't believe in god" is not an accurate sentence - it's "I don't believe in anyone's belief in god or gods."  Something different.  I'm not picking a fight with atheists - it's to call out people who confuse the two.  As this person has done in their reply.)

Me and George. Me looking pink again.

My reply:

"I appreciate your taking the time to reach out and respond.

Actually I'm not espousing any beliefs in this research.  I'm just reporting what people consistently say while under deep hypnosis.

It's not what I would have suspected they would say but it is what they say.  Consistently.  Meaning I've filmed 45 sessions with people I chose for skepticism.  But I've examined thousands of other cases as well as many near death events.

But I appreciate your opinion.  It's just not born out in the research.  If and when people say things under deep hypnosis (different therapists, different folks, around the planet) I'll be happy to report that as well.

Meanwhile, hope you have a good day. Again - not my opinion, belief or theory.  I'm just reporting what people say.

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And finally this emailed comment came today:

"I’m reaching out because of your interview on Coast to Coast. I loved it! Great show... you had me enthralled for the first hour.
What caught my attention was discussing Michael Newton. While I haven’t had a personal LBL session yet, what rang true for me was when you said “taking the red pill”. Lol. 

Because that was my reaction after reading “Journey of Souls”. I was captivated by that book (and his other one “Destiny of Souls”). They, for me, have gone a long way to bring clarity which wasn’t there before. (actually he has two more "Life Between Lives" and "Memories of the Afterlife.")

....So, for some reason when I heard you say those words, I had to connect with you. I’m not really sure why just that reaching out seems like “a good idea”. (The “good idea” you get when shivers run down your spine.)

Even writing this I shrug my shoulders going “what am I doing?”
I love your website and ordered a copy of “Hacking the Afterlife”. I’m looking forward to reading that too..."

(then he includes a vivid dream he had)

" night, I had my vision. (A dream that's so real you would swear you are there. This is because you are.) The dream (which I will refer to as my “vision”) happened on a sandy beach.
On this beach, the sand was smooth and oh, so soft. The waves were gentle, and the clouds were few. A perfect day.
I was there standing close to the edge where the water was washing over my feet when I realized that there was someone standing next to me. I couldn't see him, but he was there.
It was one of my Spirit Guides.... We enjoyed the sandy beach and the calm ocean together. The silence was so peaceful.
Then he turned and picked up a grain of sand and as he showed me the grain, he said, “This grain of sand is all you know, and this is all you will ever know!” He put it down back where he found it.
Wow.... The encounter left me crushed. I mean, I had this notion I learned everything. Boy, was I wrong. It jolted my ego."

He goes on to describe his interpretation of the dream.

My reply: (and this applies to anyone who's had a "vivid dream")
"Thanks for reaching out. Interesting dream.  I would have interpreted it differently... but then that's me. The best way for you to understand the dream is to reach out to your guide and ask.

Try to remember the dream as best you can in "real time."  Look over at your guide.  Don't get hung up on his name - that's a place holder.  Just look at this face.  Is it old or young? What color is the hair, the eyes, the skin?  Can you see what he's wearing?"  Just focus on him for a minute until you can actually see him.

It might be fuzzy or not clear - but you can get a clearer picture by asking questions. "how tall is he?  taller than me?"  If so, how can i see his face? or do I just hear him?  If you freeze the frame, try to look at him carefully.  

Then reach out with your hand and take his hand in yours. What does that feel like?  describe the emotions you feel. Anything? cold? warm? friend? teacher? etc. Then try to take both hands.  Look him in the eye.  Thank him for showing up.  

Ask "have we ever had a lifetime together? where was it? show it to me?  write down your impressions - answer could be "yes" or "no" - or "not on this planet."  If he says yes just ask "where, can you show me?"  If it seems familiar - like a city or era comes to mind examine that too... where are we? what was my name? what was your name? was I male or female?  

Don't judge any of the answers.  Just write them down.

Now back to holding his hand.  Ask him to show you something - like your soul group.  "Can you show me my soul group?"  if the answer is yes, count how many are in it.  don't judge the number.  Just count.  Look around - see anyone you know?

Then ask him "are you my primary guide? or is there another?"  Look around.  Is there anyone else watching this conversation?  If so - get them to come closer to identify them.  

Then ask him "Can you show me my council.?  You may not know your council, but he does.

Write down - are you inside or outside? What's the room or place look like? How many people? standing or sitting? are they in a row, or in a curve? what do they look like? go up to each member and do the same - take their hand, observe how they look, their age, their reason for being on your council.  Ask them "to show you" the "reason that they exist on your council.  What quality did you accomplish or learn from an incarnation to earn their place on your council?"  don't judge the answers but write them down.

Then see if they are wearing any clothing - describe it... any ornaments?  If so, ask what it represents.  Don't judge the answers...
avail online

Finally ask "is there any message that I can pass along to myself or my friends and family or loved ones that will be of help to them?"  And see what they say.
avail online

You'll be surprised.

You can have a friend ask these questions - but the key - the bridge - the gateway - is to remember that vivid dream.  You can see his face now as I write this sentence... so ask him some questions.

And tell him I said hello.



The Afterlife Expert

So I've got a new "crowd funded" book campaign.  "The Afterlife Expert" How unusual is that?

Praying for Divine Help at Per Lachaise cemetery, Paris

I'm raising funds for it based on crowd funding, which is an unusual concept to begin with.  But being a fan of the Renaissance, and art history (My major in college: "The Impact of the 20th century upon the Arts" at Boston University.  I was the only Humanities major out of 26K students), I decided that it's a useful analogy to the old fashioned "Patron and Artists" relationship.

Instead of going to the "powers that be" to fund my next project (meaning a film studio, a publisher, a record label) instead of going to the Medici family (the bankers of Florence) or the Vatican (the funders of Caravaggio, Michelangelo, Leonardo etc) I go directly to the audience and ask them to donate money into my proverbial hat.

The first time I did I was "crowd funded" I was about 13 years old.  I had just learned how to play "All Along the Watchtower" on guitar.  I was sitting on a street corner in my home town, waiting for a friend's mom to pick us up... and I started playing my guitar. I had an old cowboy hat that I'd set down, cars were passing, I wasn't aware of them, and then one car stopped, guy rolled down his window, and threw some money into my hat, then drove away.

I thought - "that's weird, that guy was going to fast to hear a song, but he's just offering some money for "the idea of the song."

I've crowd funded three books now.  ("It's a Wonderful Afterlife" volumes one and two, and "Hacking the Afterlife") In return for support, I put people's names in my books, and reach out to them via email and in some cases have opened some unusual conversations.  (I have unusual conversations all the time, not just with people who've donated to my books, but I'm just saying - I write to the people who donate to ask them about their journey -- and if I haven't in the past, I will do so in the future!)

Praying for Divine Assistance at Mt. Kailash in Tibet.

I must admit, someone posted a complaint last year - "oh, here comes another raising funds campaign from the Flipside guy" and it gave me pause. Obviously not a fan of the work, or not a fan of the idea of patronage in general. 

Totally understand that. All I can do is allow the universe to guide whatever the heck it is I'm doing. For whatever cosmic or comic reason, I've been put on this the path to examine and explore the Flipside. It's not for everyone. But for whatever reason, it is the path I'm on.

But back to the Renaissance.  

Cellini was a sculptor, created artworks in pencil, oil, gold and this statue in Florence

Benvenuto Cellini, the great sculptor, wrote a hilarious biography that was made into a film (badly) but his book is still in print. 

 It details his life as an artist, his battles with his patrons, and some pretty crazy moments in his life - when he wasn't paid, he'd confront his patrons in the streets of Florence, pull out his dagger or sword and threaten them - in some cases stab them.  He was jailed by the Pope for not finishing an artwork he'd been commissioned - he was jailed in Hadrian's tomb - a secret escape route for the Popes - and when he tried to escape he fell and broke his leg.  

Then when the French attacked Rome, according to Cellini, he helped line up a rifle atop Hadrian's tomb; with one shot, nailed a French General a quarter mile away (and Cellini saved Rome.)
Hadrian's tomb (also used as a jail by the Vatican)

My books won't last the length of Cellini's art or even have the color and craziness of his autobiography (free copy here: (The Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini) but they are made in the same vein.  

People who have become my patrons, (thank you patrons!  Grazie Patroni!) are investing in the research, no matter how crazy it appears!!!!

Cellini jumped and broke his leg to get out of debtor's prison where'd he'd been sentenced
by Pope Julian for not finishing a work he'd already paid for.  

Hint: Guess I'd better finish my books.

So what's the new book about?

Well, like the others, it's pretty unusual.

I've found that without using hypnosis (I'm not a hypnotherapist, but have taken courses in that discipline, and have a degree from I have been able to elicit some of the same results that hypnotherapists get during their 4-6 hour sessions (past lives, visits to a soul group, councils, libraries, etc)

The accounts are relatively the same - during a hypnotherapy session, a hypnotherapist asks general questions "Where would you like to go?" but in my version, I direct the questions: "I'd like to speak directly to your guide, is that possible?  If so, could your guide appear before you now so we have a reference to address them as male, female, or some other entity?  And if so, could your guide put that visual in your mind's eye as we speak?"

"The Afterlife Expert" with Jennifer Shaffer (
and George Noory of Coast to Coast AM

It's an unusual method for a variety of reasons - it's certainly not scientific because I'd have to ask neutral questions and wait for the person to guide me where they'd like to go.  My attitude is this - after examining the 7000 cases Michael Newton had over 30 years, after examining the 2000 cases Dr. Helen Wambach had over ten years earlier, examining the 40 cases I've filmed and done 5 of my own - I have a pretty solid idea of what a person is going to find during one of these adventures.

And knowing what it is they're going to find - knowing the architecture of the afterlife - I direct them there to that place.

The point is this - if during one of these interviews, the person claims "something else entirely is being seen" (visuals that are contrary to these thousands of cases) or "they aren't getting anywhere" - that would be interesting, but so far, that's not been the case.

I chose my subjects based on their ability to already connect with the flipside - perhaps they've had a near death experience, maybe they've had a hypnotherapy session, a past life regression, an out of body experience, a recurring dream - something that I can use as a gateway to help them gain access to the flipside.

Luana sees you.

What's interesting about the results is that they're from all walks of life - some have no idea there might be a flipside, some don't believe in an afterlife, some are religious, many are not - it doesn't matter.  They may have read my books, or have no clue as to what I'm talking about - that doesn't appear to matter either.  

What matters is that they're able to talk about "what they're seeing."  And while doing that I direct them into the flipside.  As I'm fond of saying "You may not know what it is that I'm doing, but your spirit guides do."

The other part of the book is direct communication with people no longer on the planet.

In this case, I'm working with Jennifer Shaffer ( an excellent intuitive/medium who works with law enforcement nationwide using her skills with communicating with the flipside.  Jennifer and I have been meeting for months now where I film our "conversations."  I try to be open to whomever "shows up" during our conversation.  There is usually some direct connection between me and the person who shows up, between Jennifer and the person who shows up - or if it's a stranger who appears (or someone I barely know) I'll ask them "why they've chosen to appear to us."

Instead of filming these events in an environment normally set aside for scientific study (a closed room, white walls, detection equipment) I film them wherever we happen to be.  Because I've found, it doesn't matter how much noise or chaos is around us - if spirit wants to reach out to her, they do.  She interprets to the best of her ability (after all, it's not a cell phone, but more of a sense phone) and I do the best I can to ask them questions like "From  your perspective, what do we look like?"  "What was the first thing you noticed about no longer being on the planet?" "What do you miss about being here?"

I'm in the process of transcribing these sessions.  There are about 20 or 30 interviews, discussions, which translates to about 10-20 hours of footage to sift through.  The point is that it's going to take me a lot of time and effort to get all of this down on paper.  So that's another reason to crowd fund - since a patron has already paid me for the work, it's an incentive to get the work done.  (Or I'll find myself locked into Hadrian's tomb with jumping my only escape.)

Anyways, hope you understand, and thanks for your support!!!!!

Click to Donate Now! Cellini Martini

Ghosts Are Not Ghosts and other Flipside Observations

Time to stop calling them "ghosts." "No such thing as ghosts" is accurate. 

They're only "people no longer here." I've cataloged many cases of "ghosts" giving new information; details, facts only they know, have seen or observed - often after they left. My books "Hacking the Afterlife" and "It's a Wonderful Afterlife" include verifiable cases.

In Dr Bruce Greyson's interview (psychiatrist, UVA, DOPS) in "It's a Wonderful Afterlife" he argues these end of life events occur because the atrophied brain is no longer blocking access to higher consciousness or virtual memory. He cites cases where Alzheimers patients regain full memory prior to passing yet autopsies show their brains could not function as they have. As if the "partitions" had ceased functioning and a person regains memory for a brief time.

Dr. Greyson's amended talk is also in "It's a Wonderful Afterlife"

These are not ghosts. These are loved ones who can supersede the false curtain we live with on a daily basis. People who are no longer playing our virtual game, yet have stopped by to help a loved one step off stage.

This author should freak out. Everything he's been told is inaccurate. Bodies die; people do not.

(Michael Woloschinow for The Washington Post)

"At the end of her life, my mother started seeing ghosts, and it freaked me out"

by Steven Petrow

"Last summer, six months before my mother died, I walked into her bedroom, and she greeted me with a tinny hello and a big smile. She then resumed a conversation with her mother — who had died in 1973. “Where are you?” Mom asked, as though Grandma, a onetime Fifth Avenue milliner, was on one of her many European hat-buying junkets. As I stood there dumbstruck, Mom continued chatting — in a young girl’s voice, no less — for several more minutes. Was this a reaction to medication, a sign of advancing dementia? Or was she preparing to “transition” to wherever she was going next?

Regardless, Mom was freaking me out — as well as my brother, sister and father.

As it turned out, my mother’s chat with a ghost was a signal that the end was inching closer. Those who work with the terminally ill, such as social workers and hospice caregivers, call these episodes or visions a manifestation of what is called Nearing Death Awareness.

“They are very common among dying patients in hospice situations,” Rebecca Valla, a psychiatrist in Winston-Salem, N.C., who specializes in treating terminally ill patients, wrote in an email. “Those who are dying and seem to be in and out of this world and the ‘next’ one often find their deceased loved ones present, and they communicate with them. In many cases, the predeceased loved ones seem [to the dying person] to be aiding them in their ‘transition’ to the next world.”

While family members are often clueless about this phenomenon, at least at the outset, a small 2014 study of hospice patients concluded that “most participants” reported such visions and that as these people “approached death, comforting dreams/visions of the deceased became more prevalent.”

 The author’s grandmother, Marjorie Straus, with his mother, Margot Petrow, left, and his aunt Ann Youngwood. (COURTESY OF SUSAN YOUNGWOOD )

Jim May, a licensed clinical social worker in Durham, N.C., said that family members — and patients themselves — are frequently surprised by these deathbed visitors, often asking him to help them understand what is happening. “I really try to encourage people, whether it’s a near-death experience or a hallucination, to just go with the flow,” May explained after I told him about my mom’s visitations. “Whatever they are experiencing is real to them.”

Valla agreed, telling me what not to do: “Minimize, dismiss or, worse, pathologize these accounts, which is harmful and can be traumatic” to the dying person. In fact, May said, “most patients find the conversations to be comforting.”

(RM: Especially because... they're real!  For example - examine what were Steven Jobs last words? "Oh wow. Oh wow! Oh wow!!!" Not exactly something that was "comforting" for a last person to see or say, but echoes what others say as they enter the flipside: amazing, brilliant, fantastic. (I have a chapter in Flipside - "Are Last Words the First Words in the Afterlife?")

"That certainly appeared to be the case with my mother, who had happy exchanges with several good friends, who, like my grandmother, were no longer living.

In a moving 2015 TED talk, Christopher Kerr, the chief medical officer at the Center for Hospice and Palliative Care in Buffalo, showed a clip of one his terminally ill patients discussing her deathbed visions, which included her saying, “My mom and dad, my uncle, everybody I knew that was dead was there [by my side]. I remember seeing every piece of their face.” She was lucid and present.

Since Mom had already been diagnosed with advanced dementia, I originally thought her talks were a sign of worsening illness. In fact, current research posits that a combination of physiological, pharmacological and psychological explanations may be at play. That’s exactly what May’s hands-on experience of more than 14 years revealed to him, too.

(RM: If you watch the clip above, Dr. Greyson explains that despite an atrophied brain due to Alzheimer's - or perhaps as a result of it - people in 70% of the cases in the UK were able to regain their memories just prior to passing.  Fully. As if the barriers had come down so that they could say goodbye. Later, autopsies showed they should not have been able to communicate, let alone remember their lifetime.)

May acknowledged that it’s understandably “hard to have empirical evidence” for such episodes in patients, but that it’s important for family members and health professionals to figure out how to respond.

(RM: "Empirical evidence" may be difficult, but "eyewitness reports" are not.  There are thousands upon thousands. If people consistently say the same things - whether during a near death event, while under deep hypnosis, or in hospice care about the afterlife, isn't that worth examining? People at the end of life don't claim to see martians, aliens, Barney, Big Bird or other imaginary creatures (for the most part) but consistently claim to communicate with loved ones,  hear messages from loved ones or people they don't recognize but somehow have known forever. "That little man in the doorway is beckoning me."  They may not recognize them here - in this lifetime - but they do once they go "home" - as every case I've filmed describes the place we go after we are here.)

Last fall, another visit to Mom raised the stakes. As before, she greeted me by name and spoke coherently for several minutes before she turned to the bookcase near her bed and began cooing to an imagined baby. I watched in astonishment as Mom gitchi-gitchi-goo-ed to an apparition she referred to as “her” baby.

“My baby is very sick,” she repeated, clearly deeply concerned about this apparition. “She’s very thirsty. She’s hungry. She’s crying. Can’t you do anything for her?”

I didn’t know what to do. Neither did my siblings or Dad. I had long stopped “correcting” Mom. A year earlier, Mom had regaled me with the story that my niece Anna had made a delicious dinner the night before and was at that very moment out doing errands. In fact, Anna was away at college; also, I’ve never seen her cook, and she doesn’t even have a driver’s license. But why contradict Mom’s vision of a perfect granddaughter?

(RM: I've found in my research the opposite is effective.  To ask questions. To actually listen to what they're saying. Just because you can't see what they're seeing doesn't mean what they're seeing isn't there. (Ask Ray Charles).  But if you ask simple questions - "Who is this baby?  Is he or she a friend of yours? It's it someone you know from here in the hospital? Or is this someone you used to know?"  By asking simple direct question, you'll be surprised - perhaps "freaked out" by the answers.  If you actually care to listen to the person who raised you - actually listen to them and not assume they're crazy or nuts - you actually might learn something new from them.  I've been asking these questions for years and get some pretty amazing answers.  It doesn't hurt to ask)

Social worker May, when asked about these sorts of imaginings, put it this way: “Don’t argue, because an argument is not what they need.” I decided to go along with the “baby” story and told Mom I was going to take the baby to the kitchen to bottle-feed her, which alleviated the crisis.

As the fall days grew shorter, Mom’s “baby” was a continuing presence at my visits, with my mother becoming increasingly distressed. I would settle things down by giving the imagined infant an imaginary bottle, or cradle her in my arms and leave the room for a while, saying I was taking her to the doctor. At one point I asked gently, “Mom, do you think the baby is you?” She didn’t miss a beat. “Yes,” she replied. “The baby is hurting.”

(RM: Fantastic! A question asked and answered.  "Is the baby you?"  First you need to clarify what that means.  "How could the baby be her?"  Well, if you examine the research, the reports (Dr. Helen Wambach, Michael Newton's books) claim that only about a third of our energy is here while we're incarnated.  Two thirds is always "home" or "back there" -- where we "return." 

So seeing a child that is hurting - which she may actually be seeing, or may be referring to herself, not a scrambled idea, or a mixed message if you've actually examined other reports of people who say something quite similar. He asked "Are you the baby?" She answered "Yes."  She answered the question as to what she was experiencing or seeing. The next question is - "How can that be? Or is there anything you want to tell that baby that is you?"  If you follow my logic, there is no question that is wrong when it comes to talking to the flipside, or those people with a foot in both realms.)

In fact, the largest study to date on deathbed visions reported on numerous cases when the “arrival of . . . a visitor appeared to arouse anxiety and intensify death fear.”

(RM:  Really? That's the best they can come up with? How about the "arrival of a visitor" was "followed up by a series of questions. "Who are you? Why are you here? What's your role in this person's life or spiritual evolvement? Is there anything that you want to impart to this person or to those around them? How can you help them in this transition?"  No one is going to be fired for asking the questions. But the answers may yield helpful and/or calming results. And what's the harm in doing that?)

But what to do? I hated that Mom’s level of distress was skyrocketing in what turned out to be her final weeks. I simply held Mom’s hands a bit tighter and tried to distract her as best I could with family and political news. Oh, and I cooked, which she loved my doing.

One evening I made a simple dinner: spaghetti with a store-bought marinara sauce and a bright green leafy salad. Mom had pretty much stopped eating by this point, which is common as the end draws near, but she made a show of trying her best with this repast for the two of us, plus my father. It was heartbreaking to watch her try to spear the pasta, but she managed several hearty mouthfuls, saving room for a scoop of Sealtest vanilla ice cream.

After dinner, I helped her back to bed, where she exclaimed: “How did you know?” “How did I know what?” I asked. “That was exactly how I wanted my funeral to be. You invited all my favorite people, and the food was just what I would have ordered.”

She was beaming. Six weeks later, she passed — and pasta and salad were on the menu at her service.

(RM: I would argue that she was describing her own funeral service with her favorite people - which includes her husband and her son, (and of course all those on the flipside waiting for her, including her mom) and the food she loved the best.  I know that on my pal Luana Ander's last day on the planet, she asked me to bring her a tuna sandwich from "Ocean Seafood" in Santa Monica. Her favorite. 

I didn't know where it was, had never seen the sandwich, and could not find it pre-smart phone days. I brought her a sandwich from a nearby deli. The look of disappointment on her face remains; I had failed in the one simple last meal request she had. (I was able to connect her to her best friends however, the Coppolas called in from Turkey on a satellite phone, Robert Towne, Charles Grodin and Jack Nicholson called to say their goodbyes, so I was happy about that) After she passed, I made a point of stopping by to eat that same damned tuna sandwich - which I finally found, and still regret not bringing her.  At least the author Steve Petrow got to serve his mom her favorite last meal.)

Steven Petrow, the author of “Steven Petrow’s Complete Gay & Lesbian Manners,” addresses questions about LGBT and straight etiquette in his column, Civilities.  Follow @StevenPetrow

(RM: My only desire in using this wonderful story of Steven Petrow's on my blog is not to chastise the medical community for not understanding or examining the flipside, or make light of a loved one's passing. 

Anyone who's read my work knows the depth of emotion I associate with anyone's passing. I've experienced it profoundly myself, as has everyone reading this post. 

In my case, readers know that "Flipside" the film and book came out of my friend Luana Anders returning to visit me in dramatic fashion after her passing, in such a visual and profound way, that it put me on the path of trying to discover if it was my imagination or - if it was accurate, how could I go and visit her?  I've done so, at least five times since beginning this journey.  

I've been researching the topic for 20 some years, I'm a filmmaker and an author, and have written extensively, and have many book talks on youtube (MartiniProds) and speak often on Coast to Coast radio.  
With Coast to Coast's George Noory
at a recent public appearance

My point of this post is to show that there is ample evidence to back up precisely what his mother was experiencing. That it's not merely a story of ghosts, or a "ghost story" or some other pejorative people use for consciousness - but an example of what's really happening just outside of our perception. 

We only need to reach out to understand it better.)

And some testimony from a Hospice Chaplain:

Here's Hospice Chaplain Savarna Wiley talking about the same phenomena, as well as her journey to becoming a hypnotherapist in her 2013 talk at the Afterlife Convention in Santa Monica:

So Steven Petrow;  I've got some good news for you.

Your grandmother was visiting your mother.

And your mother is with her now - and both are keeping an eye on you.

How do I know that?  

It's in the research.  It's not my opinion, belief or philosophy.  I've examined 10,000 cases of people talking to loved ones under deep hypnosis, as well as filming 40 of them, and doing 5 myself.

I've interview mediums, scientists, doctors, psychiatrists and others - to get to the bottom of why this might be. I've published those findings in "Flipside" "It's a Wonderful Afterlife" and "Hacking the Afterlife."  

Transcripts, eyewitness accounts that confirm precisely what your dear mother was telling you.

And is trying to tell you still.

You just need to open up your awareness a bit to hear her.  

If you need help doing so, contact me at @martinizone on twitter, richardmartini (at) gmail, or find a Michael Newton trained hypnotherapist near you (searchable at their website), see for yourself if you can or cannot continue the conversation with dear mom.  Bon voyage! (and bon appetito!)


Speaking of the dead.... with the "Afterlife Expert"

Had a lovely event yesterday with George Noory, illustrious Coast to Coast AM host -  at the Great Greek in the valley.

With and George Noory (Coast to Coast AM)

As I mentioned to the intimate gathering, it was George who dubbed me "The Afterlife Expert."  Which is an unusual moniker, not one I would have given myself (who am I again?) but in light of the past decade of research that I've been doing about the afterlife, and what it's all about, I'll take it.

The Afterlife Expert.  That's me.  

Someone asked me if I "talk to the dead." My answer; "I've focused on interviewing people no longer on the planet, and I can tell you how they say they want to be talked to, and how to listen for messages."

I've been doing this for awhile now with friends and some different people, and after many requests to do it on a one to one basis, I've decided to hang out my shingle to do a session.  I've posted the details at  If you'd like to book an "Afterlife Session" with me, email me at richardmartini (at) gmail (dot) com.

During the event I explained how I'd lived a decade a few blocks from the venue, and how unusual my journey back to Ventura Blvd. was.  (People have read about it in "Flipside" so I won't go into here.)  But ultimately it was giving a public talk at the International Association of Near Death Studies" that led me to George Noory's show, so the idea that we would be in this location together - about a mile from his offices, and a few blocks from my old residence - was uncanny for me.

Flipside film or book.

I spoke about how I came to interview "people who are no longer on the planet" with the help of people under deep hypnosis (via Michael Newton's work, and local hypnotherapist Scott De Tamble and how mediums like Jennifer Shaffer ( had helped me "prove beyond a shadow of doubt" that I was actually speaking to people no longer on the planet.

(During one of our many sessions, someone told me a detail about their passing that no one knows - no one had ever heard, including myself with 30 years of research into this person - and yet she told Jennifer a detail about her passing that was not public knowledge - until I literally dug it up months later, confirming its accuracy.)

Available online everywhere.

When we hear "new information" from people on the flipside - meaning something that could not by explained by cryptomnesia (hearing or reading it somewhere else), could not be hypoxia (hallucination), could not be synthesthesia (wires mixed in the brain) - new information that only the person on the flipside would know and could impart to us, then it's either that some part of our subconscious is revealing a mystery that has been hidden from civilization for eons - or we're actually speaking to people no longer on the planet.

So I can help people do that - set the table so to speak - or put the empty chair out for Elijah in the Seder tradition - to make themselves available for a conversation with a loved one.  I've asked the question many times during interview - "So how can someone get a hold of you?" And I've heard consistent answers about that topic.  

Not just to have someone we know and love "show up" in some kind of etheric way, via a dream or a vision - which itself is something to examine - but in a way that allows for them to answer your questions directly.

Only we are capable of knowing when our loved one contacts us - no one else is privy that the feeling or energy involved when a loved one takes our hand, our shoulder, or gives us a hug - only we know that feeling. Someone who doesn't know that feeling might assume it's a "memory" - but memory doesn't include all the senses, normally, unless it's something dramatic.  

A pal on the other side whom I've spoken to often. Heard back as well.

So talking to a loved one on the other side involves all of our senses, and allows us to ask and get answers to our life's more profound questions.  It doesn't mean we're going to always get answers to whatever question we have ("and what were those lottery numbers again?") because we have our own path and journey that would be disrupted by any number of things. Including having a conversation with a loved one who is no longer here.

However, in my research I've found there are numerous "non invasive" ways for our loved ones to reach out to us, ways that won't alter our path and journey, yet will allow us to feel as if we've reconnected with them - perhaps to alleviate grief or stress.

If someone wants to speak directly to their loved ones, I highly recommend seeing a hypnotherapist trained in the Michael Newton method of hypnotherapy (there's a searchable database on their website or finding a medium that you have a connection with, that has come recommended to you for whatever reason. (I happen to know and be friends with , so that's one person that I can recommend. There are many others, but you need to do the research before you reach out to them.)

But if you have a desire to talk to me about it - I've available for that (for a fee!) and you can schedule you're own conference with me by writing me at my gmail address - richardmartini - (not richmartini at gmail, that's another guy) but richardmartini (at) gmail (dot) com.   Let me know if it's something I can help you with. Let's see where we get to...

Not a cemetery per se Per LaChaise.
But a place for memories of loved ones.

And finally, this near death was posted recently at the site (a wonderful place to share and hear about other worldly events)

NDE Account Submitted to IANDS (International Association for Near Death Studies):

"Moved to a new city. There was a water advisory I was unaware of.

Thought I had a bladder infection so drank more water. Had very high fever with excruciating back pain. Went to doctor who prescribed me antibiotics that were too weak. It was getting worse. I went back to sleep. 

I was in too much pain but passed out anyway. All of a sudden I was floating in an upward trajectory towards a bright omnipresent light through a tunnel of sorts. The pain was completely gone and I felt lighter than air. The light was unconditional love unlike anything I have experienced here on Earth. 

On my left was a light-being speaking telepathically to me. He welcomed me and we had a bit of a discussion. I was given the option whether I wanted to stay or go back. I suddenly realized I was dead and I came back. 

I returned to the painful, heavy body I had just left. It was as if I had convulsed upon re-entry. It's taken me 28 years to fully integrate this experience into my life."

My comment:

"The light was unconditional love unlike anything I've experienced here on earth." 

Sound familiar? We experience "conditional love" on the planet: "if you love me... I'll return it." But "back home" (as many call it under deep hypnosis) that's where this "unconditional love" is. Not here. There. 

This is "new information" - if you imagined it the feeling would relate to a feeling you had here. But that's not what's reported. The feeling is unique to being "off the planet." 

And how could we remember that feeling if we hadn't been off the planet? NDEs not only prove there is an afterlife, they offer insight into WHY we come here in the 1st place. 

Why would anyone bother to go into a movie to experience feelings or emotions they don't already know? Why read a book, see a play that makes you learn new feelings or emotions? 

Why bother coming to the planet to experience non-unconditional light or love? 

The answers are right in front if you. 
Open the door. 
Open the drapes. 
Let the light in. 

My two cents."

Photo: WR 25 (center) - the brightest known star in the galaxy, 100X more massive and 6 million times brighter than the Sun (Bring extra sunscreen when visiting). Credit: #NASA, #ESA and Jesús Maíz Apellániz

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