Buddhism and the Flipside



CONTACT IN THE DESERT this Friday at 10:30 - Saturday with Jennifer at 10:30 - Sunday solo at 2:30


This Friday May 31st, I'll be on the panel NON HUMAN INTELLIGENCE - MESSAGES FROM BEYOND OUR DIMENSION in the Crystal Ballroom 10:30 am (which sounds mind bending to begin with, but the data supports the concept of "consciousness outside the brain.")

On Saturday, June 1st, a workshop with Jennifer Shaffer in the Independence room where we will talk to people offstage (taking suggestions from the audience) at 10:30, on Sunday June 2nd, I'll be speaking about "bypassing filters on the brain" at 2:30 in the Enterprise room.

Details, directions, at Contact In The Desert comContact In The Desert com

Jennifer and I will be doing a workshop on Saturday June 1st at 10:30 at CONTACT IN THE DESERT


and I'll be doing a flipside/filters on the brain talk on Sunday June 2nd at 2:30. C'mon down!

Richard Martini - Contact in the Desert | May 30-June 3, 2024
Author and award winning filmmaker Richard Martini has written and/or directed 9 indie films. A former free lance journalist for Variety, Inc.Com, Premiere and other magazines, a graduate of the Masters of Professional Writing Program at USC, FlipSide: A Tourist’s Guide to the Afterlife 


How to Talk to One’s Council: Including ET’s
Workshop with Jennifer Shaffer and
Richard Martini
Saturday, June 1, 2024
Location: Independence Room

“Picture Yourself in a Boat on a River” – Richard will walk the audience into a guided meditation to see where they might go. Not a hypnotherapy session, but a simple, easy to follow method for accessing one’s guides, teachers, council members, lifetime events, including visitations from ETs. Demonstrating how a simple Beatles tune can open up an entirely different world than the one we’re aware of. In this workshop, a live demonstration with audience members who want to “visit their guide or council.” Helps (not required) if people have had some experience with guided meditation before. 

(LIVE demonstration of bypassing filters with renowned medium Jennifer Shaffer from the “Hacking the Afterlife” podcast)

Rich Martini
Hacking the Afterlife: Bypassing the Filters on the Brain
Lecture with
Richard Martini
Sunday, June 2, 2024
Location: Enterprise Room

For the past fifteen years, Richard has been using hypnotherapy, mediumship and guided meditation to bypass the filters on the brain. People bypass these filters during an NDE, OBE, using hallucinogens, hypnotherapy, guided meditation or dreams that “block information not conducive to survival.” People who are mediums have “altered filters” the way a stereo might pick up unwanted signals. Dr. Greyson from the University of Virginia has discussed “filters on the brain” in his research about near death events. (“After” pg 128). Dr. Helen Wambach discussed these filters in her work “Reliving Past Lives” and came to the same conclusion from different perspectives. What are these filters? Where are they located in the brain? Are they located in the brain?

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