Buddhism and the Flipside




In honor of Earth Day: an interview with a Sequoia

This is one of our more unusual podcasts.

While visiting Sequoia National park, I recorded some interviews with people accessing the tree.

The following podcast, I asked Jennifer Shaffer if we could speak directly to the tree about those interviews.

Here's the podcast:

Today a woman asked about the contents of this discussion - in terms of the Sequoia suggesting that when we think of "source" we can think of him as "God" or "Source" when trying to ideate, construct a visual of "what or who God is."

Here's that reply from our forum HACKING THE AFTERLIFE on Quora.

Good morning Richard

I just watched part of this video up until Prince showed up (didn't have time to watch all of it) but I just wanted to comment about the part where you brought up picturing source or God and connecting with your heart. What is so interesting and profound is I have just been questioning the last few days that I want to know God more that I want to understand who he is and I've been saying this out loud for days. And then here is your podcast… coincidence I think not..since we don't really know what God looks like because he is pure energy or consciousness or what have you..Jesus appears in your book as a guy with longish hair in jeans and a t-shirt, what is your recommendation and how to picture God and connect with him? Long hair jeans and a t-shirt? Or does it really matter? I'm really interested in this cuz I really need to understand who God is.. I am very philosophical and a seeker of the truth ( a Sagittarian) and this is a very very interesting want to know more subject for me. Any enlightenment?

My reply 

Good morning. Or God morning.

So yes, the tree suggested a meditation on how to picture source, using himself as the example.

"Picture me."

What does he mean? (By the way, 8 years of doing this weekly with Jennifer, its not in her vocabulary to suggest it.)

He's saying "If you want to picture source, think of me." He's talking about being connected to every tree on the planet. So when one sees a tree, oak, palm, maple, apple, cherry, he's saying he's connected to all. Not some.

Connected to every piece of wood on the planet.

Now imagine a massive tree diagram, contains every tree on the planet, 3 trillion estimated, connected to "Six." (Tree uses a number to avoid gender identification. So try to drop the he she body parts identification. Its moot. )

Picture the tree as God or Source. This gigantic tree connected to all trees everywhere.

Its a metaphor for God. We are the trees. Connected to every human on the planet. Source.

As Five put it (Akashic librarian) in the book DIVINE COUNCILS IN THE AFTERLIFE "God is beyond the capacity of the human brain brain to comprehend as its not physically possible to do so. " Meaning we cannot conceptualize being connected this way.

He added, "However you can experience God by opening your heart to everyone and all things. "

So try that. Opening the heart, compassion, empathy, seeing how we are all connected.

What do we call that interconnectedness?


Beyond measure. Love is what or who God is. Picture the tree, then conceptualize love.


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