Buddhism and the Flipside



Our first podcast with a living person; Robert Thurman


We had our first guest on our podcast - first guest that is still on the planet that is!

Robert Thurman.

I had the good fortune to take a class with Robert Thurman at Columbia University back in the 90's. As noted in my talk at the Conference of Living and Dying recently via Tibet House, I was working for Charles Grodin on his talk show when I audited this class in philosophy. It led me to study Tibetan philosophy - Buddhism in particular, which I find to be a peerless philosophy.

Robert is an author of many excellent books about Buddhist philosophy, including but not limited to "Inner Revolution" and beautiful translation of the "Bardo Thodol" in the "Tibetan Book of the Dead." His book "Circling the Sacred Mountain was instrumental in my own trip to Mt. Kailash with him in 2004. I've had the privilege to travel with him and his wife Nena to Ladakh, and then later a trip across Tibet where I filmed the journey for a documentary on YouTube "Journey Into Tibet with Robert Thurman." https://youtu.be/MqbG_RY4eiY Robert is one of the wisest, most insightful humans I've met - it's a privilege for him to appear on our podcast. He recently became aware of this podcast during my talk for the Conference, so it was his suggestion he come on to see if he could communicate with anyone "no longer on the planet." It was in that spirit we tried this experiment. As Jennifer notes, she isn't aware of his life or journey outside of knowing he's the father of Uma, and that he's a Buddhist scholar. He's a passionate speaker, and at the moment clearly wanted to express his dismay over the war in Ukraine, and his solidarity for the people who are suffering, as well as the suffering of the Russians who want no part in killing their neighbors. My apologies for playing the role of moderator here - to keep us on track to speak to people on the flipside who might want to speak to Robert. As noted - I texted Jennifer and said Robert wanted to come on the podcast, and she replied "His mentor wants to talk to him." (Jennifer had no idea who that would be.) Later she texted "His mom really wants to talk to him." Then "Steve Jobs told me that he knows him." We didn't get to Robert's mom, but we did get to the other two. For the skeptics in the audience, allow me to say "this podcast isn't for you." That's fine - skepticism is healthy - we can't really understand skydiving until we jump out of the plane. For those who are devout Buddhists who may find this disconcerting, I can vouch that Robert has spent his whole life sharing the dharma, Buddhism across the globe. I recall a monk coming up to us in Tibet, in a cave, outside the view of the soldiers in the courtyard and saying "thank you americans for remembering us." I heard him whisper it in English in Robert's ear - the comment brought me to tears. "Thank you for remembering us." The same can be said of those who are no longer on the planet. "Thank you for remembering us." This podcast is dedicated to remembering those who have gone before us - one can imagine that everything that is said in this podcast is subconscious information, but I suggest looking for new information that could not be cryptomnesia - something someone heard or read. Jennifer is not trying to prove there is an afterlife, she works with law enforcement agencies daily helping people with details to solve cases (the investigators consider it a way to gain new information that turns into evidence). We do this podcast in the same vein - consider this as gathered intelligence that point to a greater truth. It may very well be that we are pulling these concepts out of thin air - but after having filmed people accessing this information for over ten years, 100s of examples indicate otherwise. As always with any insight, we hope that sharing this information heals someone who is in need of healing, sharing this information helps people who need help, sharing these concepts help people to open their minds to the possibility that life continues on and if so, it makes sense for us to learn something new from those no longer with us. After all, the love doesn't die - they still care about us as we did then, it's only we who stop caring about them by pretending we cannot hear them. I can't help but reflect on how my friend Luana's passing led me to Robert's class, which led me to Tibet and India, which led me to this podcast, which led me to this episode. The "red string" of our lives continues on. I hope you enjoy this podcast as much as we did making it. Love love. For more information about Robert and Tibet House, see thus.org . His books, lectures and teachings are priceless - find more about him at BobThurman.com For more information about Jennifer, she's at JenniferShaffer.com - I'm at RichMartini.com - or MartiniZone.com for those who are first time viewers, buckle up - to quote Bob's pal Ram Dass; "we are all just walking each other home."


  1. I am 66. I don't have one friend. I haven't seen 2 of my daughter in 5 yrs. (She beat me up)And my son in 30 yrs.who was raised by his dad. His dad beat me. I had spinal surgery in 2020 that left me with little use of my left arm. My right hand is frozen. I have the gift of healing. My husband appeared to me after he left the planet. We hugged but didn't talk. Angel appeared to me on my 65 birthday. I'm so lonely. I have no opportunity to use my gift.. I want to go home.. I need love. I'm constantly thinking about suicide. I don't want to be here. Any thoughts?

  2. I'm sorry you're going through that. Most importantly I'm not a therapist or a professional in therapy. Ideations of self harm are a call for help - I recommend seeking the help of a professional, or reaching out to the many organizations that can help. That's key - I can tell you based on the research people report that we choose our lifetimes for specific reasons. there are three methods for people to accessing this information that I've been filming for ten years - hypnotherapy, mediumship or meditation. If you want to explore hypnotherapy I recommend hypnotherapists trained by the Newton Institute - in a four to six hour session one can access their life planning process. In terms of mediumship, I work with mediums who work with law enforcement agencies nationwide - they can access people no longer on the planet and ask them questions. In terms of meditation, med means measure in Latin. Measuring one's thought. Richard Davidson's work at the U of Wisconsin shows that meditation can "cure or alleviate symptoms of depression." I attended a lecture he gave about meditation at UCLA - and he showed the data. Basically he used a modified version of tonglen - it's a powerful meditation, pema chodron teaches it online. Also giving yourself to others helps - service to others. Taking care of people in hospice care or even walking abandoned pets at the shelter can adjust the experience of being on the planet. Helping others helps yourself. Healing others heals yourself. Even meditating on healing others heals yourself. Worth exploring.

  3. Hi Rich, I found your documentary on Amazon after reading Michael Newton's first two books. I'm listening to your audiobook, Tuning Into The Afterlife. As I'm a songwriter and musician myself it's especially fascinating. I have absolutely had the experience of writing songs to which I didn't feel much personal connection at the time of writing only to have them become direct messages to myself years later. That includes a song from my last album that feels like it's about Life Between Lives about two years before I'd ever heard of Michael Newton and this work ("Wish," by lylyly
    https://youtu.be/T6hBSfE9U0o )

    Just wanted to say thanks for all these interviews and the tremendous amount of work you are part of creating around this topic. Sending you love and gratitude! x Em


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