Buddhism and the Flipside



Hacking the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer, her dad, my dad and others

A visit from Jennifer's dad, her grandparents, my dad and a couple of Italian architects. (Bernini and Michelangelo)

To recap: In the podcast, there’s a discussion of a dream I had where I saw my old friend Luana Anders with brown hair. 

And when I asked her close friend Robert about it, he said “Well, maybe you were seeing her in the dream before you met her.”’ And then - when asking Jennifer about it, she said the same thing “It was a time before you knew her… and a way to introduce the concept for discussion…” 

And afterwards, unrelated, looking for a photograph of something else, I ran into this photograph. Never saw it before - with her friend Hazel Medina… I cast them both in my film “Point of Betrayal” - they started their careers together, and then in 96 their last movie role together in that film… but here’s the photo. The same color and length of hair that I saw in the dream. Odd. 

Hazel remained a close pal over decades, and the last time they appeared in a film together is in "Point of Betrayal" a thriller I made for Jonathan Krane.  Gave me a chance to put them together on the screen... as nurses. Here's from a bit earlier in their careers (Hazel did Broadway, lived in NY, Luana did Broadway, but mostly films, and lived in LA. Both were Buddhists together (SGI).  

Fun to find this photo.

Luana with the hair color I saw in the dream, same
length. I met Hazel many year later - and this was
at a time before I knew either of them.
I don't  remember ever seeing
this photograph... but today it "popped up" out of 
somewhere... this morning.

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