Buddhism and the Flipside



The film Arrival and the Flipside

 So I watched the film Arrival again last night.  I admit that the first time I saw it, I was locked into the mindset of what other films had come before - "aliens invading earth" etc - and was pleasantly surprised by this film and it's resonance.

I saw it again yesterday and saw it from a different perspective. 

To recap briefly; Amy Adams is a linguist called upon to help communicate with heptapods who've arrived from outer space. Jeremy Renner is the mathematician called upon to help decipher any messages they might be giving. 

Basically there's a story within the story that relates to the ending - and why these "aliens" have arrived on our planet.

But in light of the research into the flipside, seeing it again, I realized there are other truths at play.

Being a screenwriter, a filmmaker, I'm not suggesting these themes are in the film itself, but that seeing it again, realized that there are themes within this story that relate to the flipside research because... well, they do.

Time for example.

The gift the aliens give our planet is to see outside of time. I won't go into how that comes about, the movie is worth seeking out - but it is important to note that these heptapods have shown up with a gift in return for a favor. 

And the gift is for humans to see how time is relative.  In their case they don't "fly" to the Earth in their spacecraft. They literally disappear en masse when the time comes, as if they've entered another dimension, or used their ability to bend time to disappear into a misty cloud. 

In this research, we've heard consistently that "we are all aliens." I first heard it in an interview with Carl Sagan on the flipside, that transcript is in the book "Backstage Pass to the Flipside."

That the illusion we have is that human animals have spontaneously become sentient, that consciousness arises out of the brain - when the research shows that we choose to incarnate. 

We choose to come here. We bring about a third of our conscious energy to a lifetime, and two thirds says "back home."

That when the curtain falls here on the planet, that conscious energy returns "back home" like a cloud of mist. 

What the heptapods try to impart is the idea that they will need a favor from humanity in 3000 years - because they know what's going to happen then, they've traveled to planet this seed that will pay off for them in 3 thousands years. 

In terms of the research, I've filmed people under hypnosis accessing not only previous lifetimes on the planet, but lifetimes before there was a planet. I've filmed people not under hypnosis recalling lifetimes on other planets. What they say isn't "willy nilly" or all over the place - as it should be - their reports are consistent about various locations.

Some have even described a planet with the kind of atmosphere the heptapods exist in. (In the book "Flipside: A tourists' Guide on How to Navigate the afterlife") A gaseous atmosphere where the beings are more highly developed than humans. 

Now, what to make of this idea that we are all aliens?

Well, in Architecture of the Afterlife I interview a number of people who recall lifetimes on other planets. I interview council members who look like, can only be regarded as "alien" creatures - however they are on someone's council, so that means they're advanced, both spiritually and mentally.  However, they may have grey skin, large eyes, orange skin and lizard eyes.

These folks tell us they're from either "far away" from Earth, or from "other realms altogether."

But one of the cardinal rules of the universe, as I've heard consistently in the research is a policy of non interference.  So they cannot disrupt our path if we aren't ready for them. However, the need to be able to realize that we can communicate telepathically appears to be key. It's how they communicate with each other, it's how they communicate with people here on the planet who claim to have seen people from "other planets" while here on Earth.

It's not my theory, belief or opinion people make these claims - I film them doing so.

So what to make of it?

"It's a cook book!"

Just kidding.  Only fans of the Twilight zone will understand that.  But for the rest of us, it's not that we have to be wary of understanding them - we have to be wary that we're not quite ready for others to show up, no matter who much we think we are.  Would panic set in?

Maybe. Maybe not.  

But stand by for picture - because it appears to be occurring more often than not. People having close encounters of the 3rd kind with no known reason for them. 

My two cents.

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