Buddhism and the Flipside



Flipside perspective on events in the Nation's Capital and Surviving Death

I have to give this most recent episode of Hacking the Afterlife podcast some context.

                                    Jennifer and yours truly

Jennifer Shaffer (JenniferShaffer.com) and I did our usual weekly podcast yesterday from the safety of Zoom. We've been doing them for six years now, but only have begun posting them since March. (The transcripts of the other sessions are in the books "Backstage Pass to the Flipside")

It began with a phone call six years ago. Jennifer had listened to the audible for "Flipside" and "It's a Wonderful Afterlife" and reached out to me on the Book of Faces. At first I didn't understand how mediumship worked, and it was filming our first three hour session that my mind was flipped by her accuracy. (As reported in "Hacking the Afterlife" book).

Jennifer works with law enforcement agencies nationwide on missing person cases - and yesterday a few missing persons showed up on our podcast.  I will post the podcast here - and then the explanation below of who and why they showed up.

Warning: This clip may cause some people angst.  

We don't want to cause anyone angst or stress.  What is said in this clip will only make sense to people who've read the flipside research or the books Jennifer and I have collaborated on ("Backstage Pass to the Flipside" or "Architecture of the Afterlife.")  

Up front I want to tell people NOT to view this clip if they were disturbed by the events that occurred in the Capitol yesterday, or what people no longer on the planet might have to say about it.

I can only say that Jennifer and I never discuss who we are going to talk to our about. And in light of the fact that we've spoken to former Presidents before, I figured they might want to chat about the events in the Capitol yesterday.  The first person who came forward was John McCain, who has spoken to us before, asked us to pass along a message to his daughter, which I did via some mutual friends.  They were private messages, and at his request we passed them along.  

He wanted to weigh in on those events.

This is not a political page. 

The flipside has no politics - left or right - we all go home after this lifetime. From that perspective we see why and how we participated in events.  

Jennifer and I are not hiding our beliefs - but I want to be clear, my family comes from a long line of conservative Republicans - my grandfather ran for senator in Illinois. 

I'm not kidding when I say many of the folks we interviewed today have been interviewed by us in the past - from Martin Luther King to JFK to Ronald Reagan and others.  Jennifer is not reporting something she believes in - or wants to believe in. She answers my questions as honestly as she can.

Not everyone is supposed to know how the play ends. So if this information bothers you in any way, I apologize in advance.  At some point it occurred to me that some people involved in yesterday's fiasco might want to speak up. We do ask someone to do so, and what they had to say was revelatory.  During the interview I tried to clarify what was being said - not based on my beliefs, my opinion, my politics - but based on the research which is both consistent and reproducible. 

(Below is a link to the Netflix series where Dr. Greyson weighs in on consciousness existing outside the brain, Dr. Jim Tucker talks about reincarnation, Steph Arnold and Kim Clark discuss their near death experiences and Iands.org - I have spoken at a number of Iands venues. The point is - life goes on and apparently, they're happy to chat with us from the flipside.)

For some scientific research, please watch the Netflix series "Surviving Death" which has a number of people I've interviewed (Steph Arnold, Dr. Bruce Greyson, Dr. Jim Tucker at UVA).  Again - we are not trying to be controversial, are not trying to convince anyone that their point of view is wrong or right... we do our best to report.

That being said - I wasn't surprised that John McCain (Maverick) stopped by, but that led to a free wheeling all encompassing discussion that will no doubt offend pretty much everyone who is not familiar with this research, or what happens on the flipside.

We speak to and with, in no particular order, John, former Presidents Reagan, Truman stop by to put in their two cents. JFK has something to say as well as Jackie. Malcolm X stopped by as well as Martin Luther King.

I can only suggest considering this a fantasy if one has never listened to this podcast before. I would consider allowing that's its possible that our loved ones don't disappear.  

But I would recommend reading up on the topic before passing judgment on what they have to say - which is in line with the reports in "Flipside" "It's a Wonderful Afterlife," "Hacking the Afterlife" and "Architecture of the Afterlife." 

That everything that happens on the planet is part of the play, part of the performance - and that it is designed so that we can learn from events - from Hiroshima, to 9/11 to yesterday's fiasco. They are not on the same level - but the reason these events are referenced is because PEOPLE ON THE FLIPSIDE reference them. They point to them as reference images or points. Including the Civil Rights movement and the battles of the 1960's.

Jennifer and I had interviewed a number of these people before - but not Truman or Malcolm X.  I apologize in advance for not asking more and deeper questions of them... but this is literally on the fly as they stop by. 

The point of our podcast is to demonstrate how easy it is to reach out to our loved ones - and no, neither of us discussed this session prior.  It is what it is.  I hope their message about coming together and using this opportunity to take out the broom, and to focus on loving our neighbors as ourselves - is taken to heart. So in advance I apologize to anyone and everyone who might take offense at what is being said in this conversation - it's not my point of view, it's not Jennifer's point of view - we are doing our best to report.

Hope this helps people on the planet when they come across it.

My two cents

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