Buddhism and the Flipside



John Lennon says he's helping Paul with his music, Paul confirms it

It's a provocative headline, I know.

Flipside detectives. Just reporting ma'am.

I'm not trying to sell anyone anything. I'm reporting, so it deserves this kind of headline.

Let me say it again: John Lennon says he's helping Paul with his music, Paul confirms it.

Today on the CBS Morning show, Paul was quoted speaking of John.

(Asked about John's passing and if he'd still be writing on "CBS This Morning") 

"Yeah. He was showing no signs of slowing up. You know, he was still making great music. The question is, would we have ever got back together again?" What's the answer? "I don't know!" McCartney said. "We don't know. We were friends. That was one of the great things about it. You know, I don't know how I would've dealt with it. 'Cause I don't think I've dealt with it very well. You know, in a way, you know … I wouldn't be surprised if a psychiatrist would sort of find out that I was slightly in denial. Because it's too much." 

McCartney told us he still has dreams about John Lennon, and thinks about him when he writes."  

There's a direct quote in last week's "Hacking the afterlife" podcast where we asked John (who stopped by with a friend) "what are you up to?" and he said "I'm working with Paul on his songs."' 

We (Jennifer Shaffer and I) asked him about that process as well:

Here's the podcast of that episode: 

Here's the video of the podcast from MartiniZone.com 

This past week, we had a "surprise guest" in our podcast.  That is, as I was going to sleep, I heard my friend Luana Anders (who passed in 1996) tell me that we had a "surprise guest" for our upcoming podcast.

Why Luana put it that way, I don't know. We have interviewed both Elvis and John in the books "Backstage Pass to the Flipside" and I reference them in this interview.


I forgot to add in the post that Elvis came through to talk a bit about his relationship with Colonel Tom Parker. 

Tom Hanks was talking about what a con man and huckster he was in life on "The Late Show" - but then said when he invited Priscilla to dinner at their home, she talked about how much the family loved Tom, how much Elvis loved him. 

And in the interview, Elvis explains why - they "found each other in this lifetime" and "checked off all the boxes of lessons they wanted to learn." People on the flipside not only reporting new information, but confirming what their loved ones on this side say about them. 

John helps Paul, Paul refers to John helping him - Elvis loved Parker, Tom reports that's what Priscilla said. Literally what Jennifer reported Elvis said about being "a genius and scoundrel." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbfQIw6r4w0

But something in the interview jumped out at me today, because, well the quote came from Paul McCartney.

In the interview with Elvis, we asked him how he showed up in our class that day or why. And Jennifer said "He's telling me that John Lennon brought him forward."  That is "normal" in terms of the amount of sessions I've filmed and done with Jennifer - once a week for the past six years - one person we've interviewed in the past will "bring someone else" forward.  ("Backstage Pass to the Flipside" books 1, 2 and 3).

We've interviewed friends (Bill Paxton, Harry Dean Stanton) strangers, politicians - anyone who wanders in, because I know they haven't wandered in, they've asked, raised their hand to speak to us.

I know that's the case because when Tom Petty showed up a few days after his passing, I asked "Why is Tom here?" And he said "You guys have no idea how long the line is to talk to you.  Your friend Luana is the person who holds the clipboard and allows people in.  It's like she's the bouncer at the VIP entrance of the club, no one gets in without her saying it's okay."

Hence the title of the book.

I didn't know Tom. Jennifer didn't know Tom. Tom has specific messages he wanted us to pass along to his family and we did so. For the record, the family member I reached out to said "I really wish I could speak to my father, but I don't think you guys are talking to him."  

I apologized for the intrusion. 

But that hasn't stopped others from coming in to speak to us, to ask us to pass along messages to people. Junior Seau wanted to speak to his widow, Gina, so I set up a session with Jennifer without telling her why. She didn't know Gina, didn't know who Junior was really, and they had an hour long conversation on film.  Junior was adamant about telling us that the very much alive Joe Namath has "cured his CTE" using hyperbaric oxygen therapy. 

Jennifer and Gina Seau post interview

So adamant he showed up three times to make the case, with Paul Allen (Microsoft founder who started his brain institute to explore these brain issues), Dave Duerson of the Chicago Bears who was the first victim of CTE. I put a film on MartiniZone.com that is 90 minutes of these conversations that anyone can view for free.

But back to Paul and John.

Let's not forget who wrote the song "Yesterday" and "Let It Be."

In the interview he talks about "waking up with the song in his head." More on point is that his mother came to him in a moment of stress - when he reportedly was worried about his finances - and told him to "Let it be."

It's literally a conversation with his departed mother telling him to "just let things be" and that everything is going to be okay.  

But beyond that, last Thursday John said he is "helping Paul with his music" - and describes that process, and today, Sunday the 20th of December in the year of our plague, Paul confirms


It's not me saying these things. It's not my opinion, theory or belief that people can speak to the flipside. I've been filming people doing so for ten years - over 100 cases to date, 50 with the help of hypnotherapist, 50 without any hypnotherapists. And that's aside from the dozens, perhaps 100s of people that Jennifer and I (and other mediums as well) have directly accessed from the other side.

Anyone can do it.

Anyone can speak to their loved ones.

Anyone can ask their loved ones to help. They can't intercede - they can't change the path we've chosen for ourselves - but they can (and do) keep up the conversation.

Even if it's the most famous writing duo on the planet.  One is assisting the other. 

(JenniferShaffer.com) Jennifer works with law enforcement agencies nationwide on missing person cases. She knows what she's doing. Or at least I film her doing what she's doing.

I can't figure out any other way to trumpet this information.  I've been saying the same things since I wrote "Flipside" and made the documentary (on Amazon Prime) about this topic.  None of the details have changed - just grown more detailed.

Check it out. Look at the books, look at the research, try a self experiment, see if one comes up with a different outcome.  

Lately, I've had one of my old pals on the flipside "kicking my ass" because I haven't been more vocal about this research.  It's worth noting when something rings true, rings a bell, or otherwise shatters our illusion of how things work we need to let it ring.

Consider this post a very loud bell.

My two cents

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