Buddhism and the Flipside



Hacking the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer, Fred Trump Sr and Jr and Beau Biden

It popped into my head last night as I was going to sleep

However, as noted, this morning I didn't think it was a good idea and abandoned it. But when our session began, my friend on the flipside Luana Anders said "Don't be afraid of inviting the two people that you were planning on inviting."

First I invited the father of Mary Trump, Fred Jr. He had a contentious relationship with his father, but Jennifer did not know who we were speaking to.  At one point, I think I referred to him as Robert, Mary's uncle - but this was Fred Jr. in the chair, father of Mary Trump who wrote the book excoriating her uncle.

Because Jennifer had no idea who we were talking to, this is an unadulterated exploration of a father who had dementia, and a son who had a rocky lifetime - but both reconciled on the flipside. Once Jennifer realizes who they are, she gives some insight into their opinion of their son and brother. No other way to put it.

The other person I invited was Beau Biden - at first Jennifer didn't realize who Beau was (I know a few myself) but ultimately gives a poignant reading with him - what it was like to cross over and be with his mother again.  He offers insight into his father, and repeats some of the themes that Joe has said in the past - waking up each day as if it's a "new day" and the quote he gave the other night about "keeping the faith" (and adding "spread the faith."  Jennifer might be aware of it - but as it happens live on camera, I doubt she's aware that's exactly what Joe said in his acceptance speech.

Everything works out in the end. We all are just walking each other home.


  1. Peter Jennings died of lung cancer. Beau Biden did not make his dad promise to run for president. He made his dad promise that he (Joe) was going to be alright with his passing.

  2. Peter Jennings died of lung cancer. Per Joe's memoir, Beau Biden did not make his father promise to run for president. He made his dad promise that he (Joe) would be alright with his (Beau's) passing.

  3. Thanks for the clarification. When Jennifer reports what she's seeing, she's not interpreting it - she's just sharing what she's seeing. So it's not up to debate that she saw Peter Jennings. He died of cancer - when Beau reported he died of cancer, he used someone in Jennifer's conscious mind who also died of cancer. It doesn't have to be the same cancer - cancer as a term is a catchall phrase - and folks on the flipside use it to refer to what they died of (and for the record she didn't know anything about Beau) Second - indeed, Beau never says he made his father promise to run. I asked him a couple of different ways and I noted that even though I had "heard that he asked him to run" - he never said in the interview that he did. It was I who asked about it because I had heard it - perhaps from Joe, perhaps from someone else involved... Beau wanted him to run, and the "promise to run" may have been reported that way. But it was I who suggested it - and Jennifer never says that he "made that promise" - in fact he clearly says "It was a good idea" instead of the promise. So the point is - by parsing the answers, one misses the point altogether. No one dies. No one we've ever known or loved is gone. We can access anyone who has ever been on the planet. If you don't know how to do that, then time to learn how.

  4. This isn't about politics. It's about the fact that no one dies. That we can access our loved ones. And most people are too self focused to even try - even though their "loved ones" have been trying to reach out to them since they passed. Let go of the politics. Let go of the fear associated with talking about crossing over. Focus on how to contact those we claim to love but are no longer here.

    My two cents.


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