Buddhism and the Flipside



Filters to the Flipside and a chilling moment

Just a random observation here - about filters to being aware of the flipside.

For those not familiar with the idea that there are filters on the brain that prevent us from accessing our "higher selves" (or the two thirds of our conscious energy that remains "home" while here), or that there are some kind of "filters" that prevent us from accessing that information, I can suggest a couple of sources:

1. Dr. Bruce Greyson's talk "Is Consciousness produced by the brain?"

2. General discussion of brain filters in Dr. Helen Wambach's "Reliving Past Lives." (1978 Bantam)

Here's yours truly reading from the chapter "Home" in one of my books:

In the former, Dr. Greyson mentions how dementia patients have "filters that appear to die" when the brain atrophies.  He cites the 70% of hospice care workers who report prior to passing, their patients have spontaneously memory recall. "As if the filters were dying along with the brain." 

There's an interview with Dr. Greyson in the book "It's a Wonderful Afterlife."

In reports of children up to the age of 8 who can "see" relatives, or recall previous lifetimes, it coincides with the year that the skull hardens, so it may be a reception issue.  Meaning the thicker the skull the worse the reception.  Interesting to note, I happened to be reading the autopsy of Beethoven this morning (weird, I know) and they noted he had an "unusually thick skull."  Yet he reported during his lifetime of "channeling" or being connected to the "spheres of the universe" where music inspired him.  So maybe it's not a thickness of skull issue - but something else.

In Dr. Wambach's book, she notes that the right brain/left brain paradigm appears to be that the right brain is getting information unfettered, and the left brain parses it, puts it into the proper channels and filters out anything that is not conducive to the survival of the human animal.  (Reversed in people who are left handed).  But her idea is repeated by Greyson - that there are "filters" that somehow parse the information that the brain receives.

Pioneer SX-3900 | Classic Receivers

Inside a Pioneer Stereo circa 1970. Limiters and filters parse sound waves.

The brain appears to function like a receiver.  One can point to a television receiver, but having sold stereo equipment in the 1970's, I can point to the limiters and filters in the receivers that unpack the radio waves to turn them into music.   How modern science points to the speaker and says "The speaker is creating the music" when that's not the case at all.

Pioneer RG-1 Dynamic Processor Vintage 1970s Hi-Fi Home Stereo image 0

I used to sell these at Systems Warehouse in SF circa 1978.

But I'm noting that the filters seem to be adjusting. Either on their own - perhaps as a result of environmental factors (more wifi?) or physical reasons (more access to information about how things work on the flipside?) or perhaps because "it's time."

I've heard that often.

It's time.

Meaning, "time's up" or "it's time for people to shift consciousness."

Yesterday I got a text from an old friend who had told me somewhere along the line that she "felt" a presence guiding her. She said this presence often appeared while she was driving, and that it gave her immense calm and peacefulness. Yesterday, she texted me and said "I know this sounds crazy, but she's here. She's in my backyard by the pool. I can hear her clearly and I'm afraid she's going to disappear."

I pointed out that she's likely a guide or a friend on the flipside - she wasn't going anywhere, she had nothing to fear and knowledge to gain. I said "Ask her who she is. Ask her for a name."

When she did that she reported this person "zooming up" to her face and being inches away - and smiling.  She said that should have freaked her out - but it didn't because of the overwhelming calm.  I repeated the question - "Ask her for a name so we can refer to her."  She replied "Let's call her Peace and Calm."  I said "Okay,  Miss P and C, can you show our friend here if she knows you from somewhere?"

There was a pause (you know the pause sign when texting, or IM'ing... three dots moving back and forth.. signifying thinking...) and she suddenly said "Oh my god! It's "so and so!"

You just never know who is watching over you.

So and so is/was a close friend who died 10 years ago.  I knew her in high school as well, and it was a chilling moment - the cool kind of chill, as in "that gave me a huge chill." People often report "the shivers" or a "massive chill" when things come through from the flipside.  Like a "ringing bell" of verification.


I've filmed Jennifer Shaffer suddenly rubbing her arms or throwing on a wrap - "I'm getting massive chills here."  It means "You're on the right path."

Then this morning, someone I communicate with but haven't met wrote to me, and said he was part of a PTSD experiment, where he's going to be treated with a hallucinogen to help with his severe PTSD. When we first began to converse, he reported all kinds of trauma, but that meditation had helped him immensely.  We talked about the research from Richard Davidson at the University of Wisconsin that shows meditation can "cure or alleviate symptoms of depression."  We've talked about how that works, and why that works.

Soldiers often suffer from PTSD. I've met a few. Meditation helps.

Today he said the nurse was prepping him for the "adventure" and she said "People come here knowing what it is they're going to go through. We all have a council that helps advise us on these choices. So you may gain access to that council."

He was startled as it was something he'd read in my books - but of course it is mentioned in other books (including Michael Newton's work, "Journey of Souls"  and Robert Schwartz "Soul's Plan.")  But here was a medical technician giving a patient some ground rules about the trip they're about to take.  Something that is indeed moving into the zeitgeist.

In the research, I often hear something akin to "By talking about this stuff, it affects everyone. It affects the people who hear you talking about it, but it also affects people on the other side, because they become aware of how to communicate with their loved ones back here."  The point being, these advances in human consciousness move in increments - but we should be aware of when things are shifting.  It really won't be an immediate shift, but it appears it will be subtle.

A shift in consciousness, or a cosmic event that 
happened billions of years ago, and we're hurtling through 
that shockwave. Either way the result is the same.

I can only point to the first time I did a deep hypnosis session. Michael Newton suggested it, Paul Aurand, then head of the Newton Institute chose the hypnotherapist, Jimmy Quast of Easton Hypnosis, who happens to do the accreditation for the Institute. I designed some questions for my journey that I thought would prove or disprove whatever was experienced - a vain attempt to prove that what happened did not happen.. Unfortunately that wasn't the case.

Since then I've filmed 100 people, half with the help of hypnotherapists where they ask  the questions, and half with me just asking the questions to people not under hypnosis ("Architecture of the Afterlife"). The results are the same.

But I can't help but observe how many more people have written to me on Quora saying "I had this dream last night where I learned new information from someone" - could be a relative, loved one, could be a guide, could be someone they didn't think they knew but somehow did.  The information they're sharing is experiential - it's not theoretical, or based on religious beliefs, or scientific disbeliefs. They're having these visceral experiences of "talking to" "getting answers from" "relating to" people they didn't realize they could speak to or get answers from. 

It brings to mind the answer I filmed for a session of deep hypnosis in the book "It's a Wonderful Afterlife."

A skeptic came in to do a session. A female film executive, worked on multibillion dollar projects.  She didn't believe she could be hypnotized, or that there was an afterlife, or that she could speak to a guide. She said she did the session purely because her doctor said that "hypnosis can help you to relax."  Something she wanted to do.

But I insisted she write down a few questions for the hypnotherapist (Scott at Lightbetweenlives.com) so one of her questions was "What's the significance of the shift, or a shift in consciousness? Is it important?"

I gave her the question - and she thought it appropriate because she thought of that as "new age nonsense."  

In a few moments of her session she was reliving a lifetime in the 1820s, with details I later verified.  And then at some point she gained access to her guide, or to an older gent in a library. (Oddly enough, this same fellow showed up five years later in a different session with someone not under hypnosis - and he recalled the conversation I'd overheard five years earlier.)

But in answer to the question, this older gent said "You humans think by naming things you'll get a better handle on them.  A shift in consciousness, in terms of the cosmos, is no big deal."  (When he said that, I thought - "you mean like Saturn running into Jupiter would be?")  But again - I'm across the room behind a camera. Not asking questions.

And he said "If you want to understand a shift in consciousness, imagine yourself a tiny crab walking on the ocean floor, who stops, opens its eyes and says "Hey! I'm in an ocean!"

That metaphor made me think of how oxygen functions like water - we are in the ocean of oxygen, we don't see it as water, but if we did, we might stop polluting it, or cutting down, burning the trees that give us the oxygen to breathe.  That the very thing that keeps us alive in this water, is the thing we are destroying. 

Further, I've heard it from various sources (trees) who say "If you want climate change fixed, plant a trillion trees. By doing so it will lower the temperature because oxygen will cool the atmosphere by lessening the carbon." Not a concept I was familiar with when I first heard it, but am now.

(By the way, my pal Nick Milo just turned me onto this search engine - "Ecosia" - for very 45 searches they plant a tree.  On their way to a billion... but we need a trillion. However, easy way to contribute to greening the planet. They have a Chrome extension as well.) 

But if you want to understand a shift in consciousness, picture that baby crab walking on the ocean floor, stopping, looking around and saying "Hey. I'm in an ocean!"

It's what I felt when I walked out of the session with Jimmy Quast. 

Basically in four hours I had proven beyond a shadow of my own doubt that I could recall previous lifetimes, speak to and communicate with loved ones no longer on the planet, further to speak with wise council members who gave me sage advice.  

I asked them "If there was one thing I could pass along to the planet, what would it be?" (Not knowing that I would be writing books, making films on the topic, but here it is.) "Just let go."  

In that moment I realized they were saying "let go of anger, of fear, of all of it. Hold onto the one thing that is universal - unconditional love - and let the rest go."  And when I walked out of that hotel in Schaumburg Illinois where the Newton conference was taking place, I literally felt as if the earth has shifted on its axis.

        A shift is a shift is a shift.

As if everything I thought I knew was inaccurate.  But not so inaccurate that the planet would fly off into the sun - but off its axis enough that I had to start from scratch to understand what it all meant.  And that moment gave me a massive chill.

My two cents.

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