Buddhism and the Flipside



Talking to Helen Wambach

Here's a three hour film about past life regression that includes a past life regression with one of its pioneers.

This film is a compilation of research I've been doing about Dr. Helen Wambach.  A clinical psychologist with a PhD from JFK University, she pioneered past life regression in the 1970s. 


Dr. Helen Wambach. Born in my hometown Chicago, died in San Rafael, CA

She wrote two books on her research, "Reliving Past Lives" and "Life Before Life." I was startled that her data was identical to Michael Newton and the Newton Institute's reports a decade later. Identical to the 100 cases I've filmed - both with people under hypnosis ("Flipside" "It's a Wonderful Afterlife" "Hacking the Afterlife") and without "Architecture of the Afterlife." 

I was startled when one of her friends sent me original tapes of one of her past life regression sessions.  

She's a pioneer in the field - this was recorded in 1979 in Chicago by one of her pals.  She had already published "Reliving Past Lives" with 2000 cases of hypnosis - which I highly recommend reading as she uses historical records to verify their memories.  

This was part of the 750 more cases she included in "Life Before Life." When this friend sent me the original tapes, I wondered what to do with them - they're a historical artifact - perhaps they belong in a museum.  

So I asked Helen what to do with them.  

Fans of flipside research know that the past 5 years I've been talking to people on the flipside directly via Jennifer Shaffer ("Backstage Pass to the Flipside" part one, two and book 3).  

That footage - of us speaking directly to Helen is at the end of this piece - and why the film is 3 hours long.  It's not for the casual observer - this footage is for the serious student of past life regression, for the serious student of consciousness research, or for the person who has 3 hours in captivity due to a pandemic to open their horizons in ways they didn't think possible.

Normally I recommend a person only do a past life regression with a trained hypnotherapist present - (I recommend hypnotherapists trained by the Newton Institute as I've filmed many, they have a searchable database on their website) but as she points out, we have nothing to fear from examining a dream. Hypno - dream - osis - study. 

I used some of my music throughout and the footage of outer space courtesy of NASA.  One can listen to this a bit at a time - the first half hour is her talking about her research and what she's learned.  The second portion is a guided regression - where people are encouraged to "write down" their impressions.

She talks about mailing in those responses - she's no longer on the planet, but I can offer my quora com forum - "Hacking the Afterlife" as a place to put those responses, or via email to me (MartiniProds at Gmail) or just think of them as a mental exercise.  

No need to take it too seriously - after all we're just pretending that we can access something that's not in our conscious minds.

Hypnosis has a bad rap - because of stage hypnosis, because of Hollywood pretending it's something it is not - it's just "talking to someone who is asleep."  When they wake up they don't retain negative imagery or thoughts - they aren't toying with anything other than their higher selves.  

Having done this for so long I know guides will send folks this page if they think it's important to do so - and for those who should not be examining previous lifetimes for whatever reason (it may disrupt the path they chosen in this lifetime) they will suggest clicking away.  

I will as well - if the idea of hypnosis is bothersome or in any way contrary to one's belief system - ignore this film. Nothing can harm anyone from watching this film - I've listened to her session in detail, she is a licensed psychologist, a scientist using a technique she's used hundreds of times before.  

Couple of days ago, I asked a friend of mine what I should do with this film - and he said "Why don't you ask Helen through Jennifer?" I remembered we had spoken to Helen, watched that two year old clip, and then heard Jennifer say "She's telling you to put it at the end of the project."   

Well - this is the project made two years later, and since Helen was outside of time, she knew I was referring to this film even before I knew what I was referring to, because no film existed. Now it does.

I must say that instead of charging people to watch this - I suggest a modest donation to my GoFundMe page (GoFundMe.com/RichMartini) to support the research.  Or get a copy of one of the books - the most recent being "Backstage Pass to the Flipside 3" (interviews with Jennifer) or "Architecture of the Afterlife" - interviews with people not under hypnosis accessing the flipside, their past lives, and everything that is discussed in this film.  

Some people need to hear or access this information and don't have anything to donate that's fine. Think of it as a gift from Helen.  But for the price of a Grande Latte at the Starbucks down the block - one can access something pretty rare - a live past life regression with one of its pioneers. 

Enjoy. But buckle up.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mx4g8YjOOz0&feature=youtu.be

Talking to Helen Wambach

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