Buddhism and the Flipside



The Old Guard and The Flipside

Perhaps you've seen the latest film on Netflix starring Charlize Theron.  If not, perhaps shy away from reading this post. It contains spoilers - not about the plot, but about how consciousness works. 

The Old Guard

The film is about these "Guardians" who don't know why they're Guardians, don't have a clue as to what makes them Guardians, but in general they keep coming back to the planet.

Like the rest of us. But I digress.

In this story, there's only four that have found each other - there could be more, others may show up willy nilly, no one knows. (It was also the plot of a series I pitched to a number of folks as a series some years ago. The idea based on the old myth that there are "Guardians" who guard the planet at any given time.) 

I first heard the idea from Mr. Spock - that is the actor who played Mr. Spock was talking about it some years ago, this tradition that the Torah talks about "Guardians" who function like "Angels" who walk among us to save the planet.  (At the time, I pitched it to tech companies looking for a series to be played on mobile devices, or to TV entities.) I called it "The 84" - and had an elaborate plot of these "Guardians" saving the planet from rebooting. One company pretended to love it, another pretended to like it, and one other pretended they'd already made it.

I guess I was a bit early on that one.  Or too late perhaps in light of the planet in the midst of rebootage.  But again - I digress.

In the soon to be a series, successful Netflix film "The Old Guard" - it highlights folks who show up on the planet (never die actually) and play these roles over and over again. 

7 Archangels Symbols | Archangels Names and Meanings | Seven archangels,  Archangels, 7 archangels
The so called "Archangels"
Oddly enough in "Architecture" there
are four of them mentioned.

Except of course, they took out the messy part about being born and growing up - and just had folks be themselves 100 years ago, a thousand years ago - etc.  Like "Vampires" who never die, except they fight on behalf of "the good."

Guardians of another era.

The show sidestepped "What constitutes fighting for good?" by having the characters offer "Depends on the century."   Sometimes they fight on behalf of "the good" and other times they fight for whomever pays them.

Enter Chiwetel Ejiofor.

Chiwetel Ejiofor (google)

Chiwetel is good and bad in this show. (As a character, he's a great actor.) I got to work with Chiwetel on the film "Salt."  He's a charming Brit who can't resist football. (Torn Achilles during filming forced crew to shoot around his injury. No running, jumping, kicking - scenes designed so he could pretend he was about to do those things.) Not that it affected his acting - he's a consummate actor, and I defy anyone to point out the scenes where he was in pain. (Hint; all of them.)

In "The Old Guard," he's the "bad guy" who realizes that "Andy" (Charlize) has been spotted over the centuries saving people's lives, and each one of those folks goes on to save more lives.  So he's also the good guy.

This details shows up often in the flipside research.

During "the life review" on the flipside, people are often shown these details. A person who insists "they didn't do anything worthwhile" during their lifetime had their guides and teachers show them - "Oh, you remember that kid you saved from the runaway carriage? That kid grew up to be Marie Curie." 

In Michael Newton's "Journey of  Souls" he spoke of a client who recalled being in front of his council going over his lifetime. When asked "Did you help anyone?" He talked about all the charities he contributed to, all the donations he made... and the council member repeated the question. "But did help anyone?"  And this man, who was recalling a wealthy lifetime from the 1920's couldn't think of one.  So they showed him.

Stock Market 1929: The Highest Point Before the Crash | Time
Rich fellow recalled a life of ease.

He was on a trolley in a city and he came across a woman who was weeping. She had lost everything was feeling abject and worthless and couldn't help her sobs.  The man put his arm around her and said "Everything is going to okay."  His council then showed him how that simple act had "saved her life" and like a wave of positiveness had healed many other people as well.

In David Bennett's near death experience, which he reveals in his book "Voyage of Purpose" David recalled a life review.  

He was a science officer aboard a ship and drowned for 12 minutes - during that time, before a wave smashed him into a rock and brought him back to life - his guides showed him two events. One of which was a woman who used to come into the store where he worked - a grumpy Gus whom no one could make smile. So he took it upon himself to make her smile - did this thing that went out of his way to bring some joy into this woman's miserable life.  

And he saw how that event had "moved like a wave" through the woman's life, effecting her family and others.  Every act of love we make begets other acts of love. We can't see it - the way that Charlize's "Andy" was not aware of it - but it is there if we want to access it.

How to access the life review without being dead or having a near death experience?

I thought the only logical way was deep hypnosis, hypnotherapy. I recommend finding a hypnotherapist trained at the Newton Institute only because I've filmed so many of them. If one wants to work via Skype, there is a searchable list on their database.  I have worked often with Scott at lightbetweenlives.com - he's a virtuoso at what he does. 

But as demonstrated in "Architecture of the Afterlife" one can access this information without any help at all.  

I demonstrate how just asking someone simple questions can lead to the same information. The results are not the same because hypnotherapy can help and assist people with a host of issues, but just in the simple search for "evidence of the afterlife" - having people who are skeptics, disbelievers suddenly access this information is ringing a gong behind them.

They may not recall how that gong was rung, but eventually the waves of frequency will affect them in ways they've yet to discover.

So - yes, the "Old Guard"  is accurate about the journey. Except the small detail that we all come back, we all choose to come back, we all volunteer to return.  

No, there's no evidence of a squad that is aware of this information.... although one could argue that hypnotherapists are; Dr. Weiss, Michael Newton, Dr. Helen Wambach were all aware of how the process works. Arming them with weapons might not be such a great idea - but at the moment, I'm pointing out that the "backstory" of what happens in the "Old Guard" is related to the research.

That is - that we all reincarnate (if we choose to do so.) We are fully aware prior to incarnation of all of our lifetimes, and the basically blueprint of what we want to achieve or accomplish in this lifetime we've chosen. 

We bring "about a third" of our conscious energy to that lifetime - but the human brain puts up filters around the age of 8 (when the skull hardens, so it's likely a frequency issue) so we aren't aware of this information unless we have a near death event, out of body experience, do guided meditation or hypnotherapy.  Those are all avenues to bypass the filters.

Or one can watch a film like "Old Guard" and consider that it's possible they've been here before, that we've been here before. That the times we experience "deja vu" it's likely related to experiences we've had before in different parts of the planet or even on different planets (See "Architecture of the Afterlife" for an indepth discussion of that.)

Luana is one of my Guardians

It's not my opinion, theory or belief that people say the same things with or without hypnosis about the afterlife. I've been filming them do so for over a decade.  

And thanks to Charlize and company for making a film that puts at least the possibility that life goes on into the zeitgeist. 

My two cents

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love this movie. Yes I have had deja vu moments in my younger life. Thank you I truly hope part 2 will soon be here. I believe and I’m not joking around that I have watched it a hundred times.


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