Buddhism and the Flipside



James Van Praagh speaking to Luana Anders

Luana in a mirror of a mirror. Hello Lu.

In case folks missed it, some years ago I was producing segments on the Charles Grodin show. Chuck was best friends with Luana Anders, and she introduced us. He and I became pals and he's the godfather to our children... and when Luana passed away, Charles called me up and invited me to come and work for him on this show. 

Charles Grodin
from his CNBC days
I had seen James on CNN, and suggested that Chuck invite him onto the show (for two appearances.)  I've never met James in person, although I have seen him in person - but at this point, I wondered if it was possible for James to communicate to Luana (who had appeared in my dreams at this point as a younger woman.)

Charles is an equal opportunity skeptic - he has always suggested that we let evidence speak for itself. That being said, he was the person who initially turned me on the work of Robert Monroe and out of body experiences.  But in this case, he did not believe or disbelieve that James could speak to the afterlife, but invited him on at my suggestion.

We devised an experiment.  I would call in from my home and pretend to be an average caller - Charles arranged with a producer on the show to take my call, but she had no idea why I would be calling.  So live on the air, Charles took my call, pretended not to know me (and there was no interaction with James prior or after the call about this conversation with Luana) and the following is what occurred.

In the call, she refers to a few things in my apartment including my cocktail glass collection (my last name engenders gifts that are Martini glasses of all shapes and sizes.)  But there's a moment in this clip when I realized beyond any shadow of doubt that James could speak  to our departed friend - further that our departed friend was "still alive" - as she had to have been "over my shoulder" when I put the only photograph of her on the refrigerator and said aloud "Oh, look, the essence of our relationship. Cappuccino's and cookies in Italy."  Laughter as well. Lots of laughs.

Here's the photo that was on the fridge. The only time in my life I've spoken to a photograph as I put it up.

"The essence of our relationship."

Here's the moment when James Van Praagh connected to her.

People still exist who are not on the planet.  It's up to us to figure out a way to communicate with them.



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