Buddhism and the Flipside



Quora and the Flipside

Richard Martinipicture
from COAST TO COAST with George Noory
I've been answering questions about the flipside research on quora.com - it's a site where a global audience can ask questions on any topic, I answer those about my "Flipside" research. 

After my appearance on Coast to Coast 6/16, noticed a spike of people reading my posts;  2.33 million in the past 3 weeks. (12 million over the past couple years) Have no clue if any of them buy books, but it's fun to hope they might.

Last three months

Last year

Past couple of years.

Here are links to the books!!!!













Here's an example of a recent message:

To me: 

"You are obviously convinced but I see only conviction & belief in your words, not proof so I remain very sceptical. Produce some concrete scientific evidence if you want to be taken seriously."

My reply: 

"You assume I want to be taken seriously. I don't want to be taken anywhere. I film. The footage exists. Look at it. Don’t look at it. The transcripts exist. Read them or don’t. The research still exists.

Two things are required for data. Consistent results that are reproducible. We can debate how data is gathered. But when the data is both consistent and reproducible it doesn't change whether we consider it serious or not.

I've filmed over 50 people saying the same things about the afterlife under deep hypnosis. I don't ask questions. I film. I’ve filmed interviews with about 50 people saying the same things without hypnosis. I did ask the questions. Same results without hypnosis.

What they say is the same (identical/ word for word) to the research gathered by clinical psychologist Dr.. Helen Wambach in the 70s. I've studied her methodology, have her raw tapes. What her 2000 cases said (its 2750 with her 2nd book) is the same as what Michael Newton's 7000 reports say over 30 years published a decade later. The Newton institute continues to report their data. It hasn't changed.

I approached my documentary “Flipside" as a skeptic. I was determined to report nothing if I saw nothing for 4 hours. That's not what happened.

I remain a skeptic. Not about the research - that's just data. I'm skeptical about skepticism.

Research shows we have filters on the brain that prevent people from accessing this information. For a science report on filters I recommend Dr. Greyson's talk “Is consciousness produced by the brain?”  where he cites medical evidence that indicates it is "not only." 

So not everyone is going to be able to access this information.

Shy of a near death event, LSD, OBE, deep hypnosis,guided meditation or some other filter altering event they won’t be able to access this information until the filters die. That's a shame. But not everyone signs up for a lifetime to have that experience or learn that information.

As the late actor Harry Dean Stanton told me from the flipside when asked what he wanted me to say at his memorial - “tell people to believe in the afterlife." (It's in "Backstage Pass to the Flipside" book one)

I laughed. I replied (via Jennifer Shaffer, a medium who works with law enforcement agencies nationwide on missing person cases) “Harry, all your pals are skeptics. None will believe I spoke to you.”

So he gave me "concrete proof." 

Private messages about health issues to three of his closest friends only they would know. Details that only he could know from the afterlife. They were flabbergasted when I told them at the memorial… privately. 

You see - proof is private. I'm not allowed to alter a skeptic’s path unless their dear friend asks me to.

Harry told me to tell them to “believe in the possibility of an afterlife so then they wouldn't waste another minute of their life arguing about it like he did.” (And he did spend alot of time doing so as I knew him and had heard a few hours worth. That's why I asked him "So Harry, what was it like to realize there actually is an afterlife?)

But concrete proof won't change people’s minds or path. I can't do that. They have to do that shift of consciousness on their own. Seriously. Only a person's higher self can make that happen... perhaps by directing them to this page to read this very sentence.

Doesn't get much seriouser than that. Seriously or cereally, or even serially. Enjoy the ride.

Here's the latest stats for "all time content" while on Quora.  Who knew?

Hello Quora folks. I see you.


  1. Anonymous5:54 AM

    Hi Rich,

    I loved your article on "Councils on the Flipside and Wigs in Court."

    I am a certified hypnotist, as well as, certified by Linda Backman on Past Lives and Lives Between Lives. I've also read all Michael Newton's books.

    Presently I don't practice, but I am always interested in such topics.

    Some people posit that this is a Prison planet, that reincarnation is a trap, that we are sent back whether we want to or not. That most of the time the council will convince us to come back, that they implant false memories to make us feel guilty and the need to come back. That the beings we meet on the other side when we die are really ET multi-dimensionals that pose as friends and family or religious figures to deceive us.

    I wonder if you have inquired about this and what do you believe regarding this idea.

    Blessings to you and your loved ones!

    Edgar Reyes

  2. A prison planet? Why would we volunteer to come here? I guess to remake "the great escape." That's not reported in the research. What is reported is that we choose to come here because we like it, we volunteer, we ask to come and help. We don't have access to the why - unless we have an NDE, OBE, take LSD or do guided meditation or hypnotherapy - and we can learn why we volunteered. But what is consistent is that we create this world, we create our reality - we are doing this simultaneously with experiencing this reality. We can't alter anyone else's journey - we all have free will, but we can change our minds. Since you're well versed in the topic, I recommend doing some self hypnosis and have a dialog with a guide... see what he or she says. Tell them I said hi.

  3. Anonymous5:30 AM

    Thanks Rich for answering me. Much appreciated!

    Blessings to you and your loved ones!



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