Buddhism and the Flipside



Coast to Coast appearance and a note from the Flipside

Just got a note from someone on quora who tried to speak to her loved one on the flipside. 

Jennifer and George

Here’s what she got: “I am alive and the death was fake… (as in not real) but in reality I am still all alive." 

It doesn't get any more powerful than that.  “I am alive.” That means - “not dead. Not gone.” I hear it often - “Our loved ones think we’re gone. We aren’t gone. You just don’t acknowledge we still exist.” 

She heard her loved one say “I am alive and the death was fake” - fake as in, "the body passes away, but the person does not."  

I don’t know how to put it any clearer than that. Death is fake.  As in - not real. 

We have an illusion that it is real. We believe it is real. We look at a table and don't see the atoms agreeing to hold space. We look at light and don't see the UV rays bees see. We look at a person, and don't see the cancer that dogs can smell. We look at a loved one who is old but see them as when we first met them. 

We believe we cannot speak or communicate to our loved ones who have crossed over - so we can’t. How could we? If we don’t believe they exist, how could they ever prove us otherwise? 

As Harry Dean Stanton said in "Backstage Pass to the Flipside" "Tell people to believe in the possibility of the afterlife, so then they won't waste another minute of their lives arguing about it like I did."  (And that is literally a quote from flipside. Harry spoke to us a week before his memorial, and what he told me to tell his friends at his memorial blew their minds - because only he could have known those details.) 

Finally, she hears from her loved one - “In reality I am still ALL ALIVE.”  

Not just “sort of alive” or “part of me exists” - she was specific by adding the word “all” - as in “all alive.” All of me still exists - everything that was my body still exists in spirit form.”  To deny what she's hearing from her loved one is to deny the loved one still exists. And the loved one just proved to her that the loved one does exist. 

We tend to forget that our cells regenerate all the time. That in seven years every cell in our body is new. Every seven years we are a new model - and that includes brain cells too. All of them. Gone and come again. None of them stick around.  Every seven years! New all of you! We labor under the illusion that what we knew 7 years ago - the person in the mirror - is the same. Not the same. New.

And people ask me “how can I believe that people still exist?”  

I don’t believe - I film others talking to them. I edit the footage. I transcribe what I filmed and put it in the books. From their lips to your ears.

Believe, don’t believe - but don’t ignore those relatives who want to stay in touch with you.  (Or ignore them, that’s a choice.)  Just reporting. (And I will be on “Coast to Coast” with George Noory tomorrow night Tues. 6-16-20 10 PM PST discussing the latest research from Jennifer Shaffer in "Backstage Pass to the Flipside 3" and "Architecture of the Afterlife.")


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. sorry - I accidentally deleted this... and forgot what the question was!


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