Buddhism and the Flipside



Richard Martini "Navigate the Afterlife, A Tourist's Guide"


  1. Great talk! Curious about the date/place it was given? I felt called to go to one of your talks in San Diego about 3 years ago, but didn't make it. 11:11 became a re-occurring theme in my life about 4 years ago, so much so I felt compelled to research what it meant. My Mom and I used to always say out loud to one another it's 11:11 whenever we noticed the clock at that moment. I was drawn to looking into what happens in life after life about 4 years ago. Learning much from Delores Cannon who talks about the silver cord that connects us to Earth, but allows for us to "travel" to other places when we sleep. When we die the cord is severed. I tried to share some of what I learned with Mom before she passed 3 years ago. Not sure if she understood. Maybe seeing 11:11 all the time is the key to connecting with Mom in the afterlife knowing now it may have something to do with "we meet at the decimal's". I've been trying to figure out a way to talk with her without a psychic since. Disappointed you didn't get to explain how we can do that as you said. Was intrigued about the experiment you talked about doing and didn't get to. Namaste Jamie Rae

  2. I answer this quite a bit in my forum on quora.com - Hacking the Afterlife - there's a step by step workbook in the book "Backstage Pass to the Flipside" books one and two - the last chapter. It's not hard to do - just 1. say their name. 2. ask them questions. When you hear or get an answer before you ask the question you know you're connected. More detailed answer at quora or in the books. Thanks.


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