Buddhism and the Flipside



Memorializing Memorial Day and some evidence of the flipside

Mom, myself and Luana traipsing around Rome.
"Dad, why are you taking this picture?"
This question came in via Quora, where I randomly answer questions about the Flipside:

"I truly enjoy your entries. Thank you for sharing the information that you have found. Could I ask one question, though? What drove you to investigate this? Your content is like none other I have experienced before. How did you come about it?"

My answer:

"My best friend Luana Anders died. She started visiting me in dreams. Later that year, I was working in NYC on the Charles Grodin show (Charles was a great friend, and we became friends through her.) 

I had seen James Van Praagh on Larry King and suggested we bring him on to see if he could converse with her. (Charles isn't a believer or non believer - he likes to remain open to both sides of any discussion).

So we designed an experiment. I called in the show directly from my home. Only Charles knew I was calling in.

James Van Praagh mentioned a few things, but two jumped out. The cocktail glass collection reference (my last name inspires comic gifts) and a photo on my refrigerator. It was the only photo I’ve ever put up where I said aloud - “Oh look: the essence of our relationship.” (Drinking cappuccinos and laughter. It's reported in “Flipside") 

The photograph on my fridge he was referring to. There was only one.
When I put it up I said aloud "THE ESSENCE OF OUR RELATIONSHIP"

When he mentioned it I knew only one person in existence could know the story behind this photograph that he mentioned live on the air.

Later our 3 year old son wouldn't go upstairs. I asked him why. He pointed to the staircase and told me a woman was visiting him. I said “Who is visiting you?” He took me into the kitchen and pointed to THIS PHOTO on the fridge. 

Worried he might never go upstairs again, I asked “Does she frighten you?” 

He said “Dad. You can see right through her!”

I thought it over and said “Well, does she say anything to you?“ 

He nodded. “She says “I love you.” 

I replied, “Well… that doesn't sound scary, does it?” 

He paused, sighed and said “Okay" and went upstairs to bed. 

(From "Flipside: A Tourist's Guide on How to Navigate the Afterlife.")

Once one proves to themselves their loved ones still exist - experience won't prove it to anyone else, because it’s experiential - one stops wondering. 

I started designing more ways to film or capture that experience. Hence the past ten years, two documentaries ("Flipside" and "Talking to Bill Paxton" on Gaia) and 8 books about the Flipside research. 

Here’s the clip where James Van Praagh mentions the photograph - believe, don't believe - but this was the moment I realized there actually is a flipside:

My two cents

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