Buddhism and the Flipside



The Afterlife Expert Talking to the Flipside

As promised, I've edited my book talk this past weekend at Center for the Heart in Santa Barbara.

In this first hour, I recount my journey to this work, and why I'm spending time trying to figure out how anyone can communicate with their loved ones on the flipside.

That's here:

As you can see from these two clips, I did a variation of my Flipside book talks, with a focus on "talking to our loved ones on the other side."

There were two folks that I met just prior to my talk - one was Roxy Angel Superstar, who works at Center of the Heart chapel in Santa Barbara, and the Reverend Maryum Morse.  I have never met them before, and neither was that familiar with my work or research.

Roxy had seen my speak at the IANDS group in Santa Barbara, where I did a live demonstration with a woman at that even of revisiting her near death experience. However, she felt that the details that we explored were too intimate, and did not want me to share the event with my audience.

However, in this case, we weren't discussing a near death event - something that is pretty profound when it happens and can be hard to process.  In this case, Reverend Maryum had a vivid dream where she saw her dying father suddenly sit up "out of his body" as a young healthy man - he did it a number of times, and then she became aware of a crowd of people around his bed.

I asked if she had a memory of that dream, and she said she did.

In Roxy's case, she said she had an out of body experience when conceiving her child - it actually felt like she left her body and was in space.

In both cases, I'm not using hypnosis. I'm just asking them to access the memory of that event, and then asking if we can examine it further.

The results are here:

The point isn't that I'm accessing the flipside.

The point is that they're accessing the flipside in their own visual spectrum. I'm not conjuring anything up, or trying to get someone on the flipside to "talk" - the key here is that neither was familiar with me or my work, had no idea what they'd find, and as you'll see - in both cases they say things that are nearly identical to the research in my books; "Flipside" "It's a Wonderful Afterlife" volumes one and two and "Hacking the Afterlife."

I've done this a few times now and it doesn't matter who I do it with - mediums, people who've had near death experiences, people who've had out of body experiences - anyone who's had a dream.

It's not for everyone.

But I'm posting it here - pretty much unedited for the most part - to show the "Martini Method."

If you're interested in helping me further this research, please consider donating to my new book "The Afterlife Expert" which is being crowd funded through www.GoFundMe.com/theafterlifeexpert

Thanks for your support.

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