Buddhism and the Flipside



Speaking on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory

I am talking the Flipside with George Noory this Friday night, 7-22-16 at 10 pm to midnight PST.

Tune in for some of the latest revelations from the Flipside!!!

I'm nearly done with "Hacking the Afterlife."  I mean I AM DONE I'm just waiting for some quotes to put on the cover or the inside, or whatever.  

It's a mind blowing book, I know - my mind is blown.

Wish it was done in time to coincide with my "Coast to Coast" appearance.
Everytime I go on the show my books go to #1 at Amazon.

Hopefully I'll be able to go back on after it's published.

Will be speaking at IANDS.org next week in Orlando... in person and live streaming on saturday for those who want to tune in.

This lovely painting is going to be my cover I think.  It just struck me when I first saw it.  And then when looking for an image, stumbled upon it.


  1. lightbetweenlives.com or newtoninstitute.com xxx

  2. I think this is the third time I've heard you on COAST and you're one of the BEST guests.

  3. Some links re show: jennifershaffer.com
    Scott de tamble lightbetweenlives.com
    "My life after death" by erik medhus
    "My life aftrr life" by Galen Stoller

  4. I heard you on Coast to Coast last night, I thought about my dad who passed away a few years ago. I was thinking to myself and wondering if he was still around. Today I got a text message from my best friend saying "I had a dream about your dad last night. We went to see him and he is doing great!" I literally fell into tears of joy! Thank you!!!

  5. Good evening,
    My name is Vonni Widdis and I live in Regina Saskatchewan Canada.
    3 years ago my parents passed 5 days apart, when neither was expected to pass.
    Mom and I were so very close and I always knew that she was never leaving me, just stepping to the side for a while.
    That is all background…….
    Mom was a wonderful singer and she loved to sing and talk all her children to sing.
    She loved the hymn COME TO THE GARDEN……

    About a year after mom and dad passed, her best friend passed as well and my sister and I went to her service .
    We were in the back row of the church alone as we were a bit late coming in.
    Near the end of the service the hymn Come to the Garden was played and as we all rose to sing, I heard mom sing along with us.
    I broke down weeping as I heard my mothers voice again and look over at my sister and she was crying too.
    My sister is deaf or near totally deaf, and yet she was weeping as hard as I was.
    As the service ended I told her I heard mom singing and asked if she had as well. She said she didn’t hear her sing but she felt her sing.
    I was over the moon with the joy that filled me and tried my best to hold on to that as long as I could.

    A few weeks passed and my friend who is a medium came to stay with me.
    I told her what happened and how I heard mom singing. Mom came in to talk to me through her.
    As we were chatting I ask if she knew that I could hear her singing. And mom said yes she did because as soon as she
    started singing the love in my heart exploded, filled the church and spilled out on to the street.

    I know my family is always with me and I speak to them every day.
    I was fascinated with your chat on coast to coast and I wanted to share my story with you.
    Thank you for your service to mankind.

  6. When is the book coming out my 17 year old mind wantsit lol was a awesome show thanks

  7. soon, thanks... maybe in a week or two... I'm doing my best to check for typos, but will try to balance that with the idea that it needs to be out there on the planet.


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