Buddhism and the Flipside



Garry Shandling RIP

Garry Shandling: Life in pictures


Click on link for Jerry Seinfeld's interview with Garry - "It's great that Garry Shandling is Still Alive"

"The pair also chatted about death, particularly those of fellow comedians Robin Williams and David Brenner, and the legacy of their work. Shandling said material “is purely a vehicle for you to express your spirit. And your soul, and your being” before expressing in his droll way what he'd want his end to be like. “What I want at my funeral is an actual boxing referee to do a count. And at 5 just wave it off and say, ‘He's not getting up,'” Shandling said." (From the LA Times)

Not gone. Just not here. Up by the count of 6, but looking down at the fellow still on the mat. "To get up or not to get up, that's the question." I made him laugh loudly once, can't remember what i said to him, he looked at me with that twinkle and asked "are you a comedian?" "I wish" i said. As we know; Dying is easy, comedy is hard.

There's a wonderful moment in the "Coffee with Comedians in Car" episode linked above. 

Jerry talks about David Brenner's passing and laments "think of all that work that went into his humor, and it's just gone." And Garry says "It's why your on the planet... expressing your spirit through your comedy." Jerry says "And that's it?" And Garry says ""That's it, there's nothing more." This is a Buddhist concept, which relates to the idea that we "don't exist" at leasty theoretically. That we're always in transition, always changing. I would agree with Garry, but then we'd both be wrong. Here's why: 

In this research I've done regarding the Flipside: A Tourist's Guide On How To Navigate the Afterlife, people claim that we choose our lifetimes. Further, they claim that we do so in order to learn lessons, or teach others. (Thousands of cases, via Dr. Helen Wambach, Dr. Michael Newton, and my own filming of 25 people under hypnosis, some who've had near death experiences as outline in "It's a Wonderful Afterlife: Further Adventures in the Flipside Vol 1)" And this is where it gets right to the heart of this discussion. "Why would anyone choose a lifetime of standing up in front of people and telling jokes?" Well - the jokes aren't for the comedian, they're for the people hearing them.

As I heard during filming one of these "between life sessions." "Laughter is a healing energy, and the quickest way to change someone's disposition. Tears work the same, but they require catharsis." The person crafting the laughs, is just like a doctor, or a surgeon, using his or her craft to heal people. They guffaw, they laugh so hard they cry, they double over - and for that brief moment they are outside of time - they are outside of themselves, not thinking or suffering or worrying about where they are or where they are going. It's the most Zen concept there is - How can I effectively alter someone's path or journey in small doses? Through laughter.

And if what these thousands of people say is true, then Garry has left the stage, but he may not have left the theater. And indeed those he feels the closest to, energetically will be hearing from him now and in the future. "That's so odd! I felt as if Garry just made that joke in my ear." Because once we're off stage - once we're outside of the time zone where the stage exists - we're free to do and experience anything we'd like to. It's not my opinion or belief this to be the case, I'm merely the person who is writing down what I here, transcribing what I've filmed, and reporting what they say. Like it, don't like it - doesn't matter. It is what it is, or in this case "is what it once was and will choose to be in the future." 

"What will Garry come back as?" Important to remember we have the choice to return or not - but if he does, and when he does, sounds like boxing might be one occupation he'd enjoy. And he'd be a helluva competitor. My two cents.

Here's something to enjoy - zen comedy with Garry Shandling.  It exists unto itself.  An hour with Charlie Rose in 1998... 

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