Buddhism and the Flipside



Tonight Coast to Coast Radio and Today Tara Marie Live! talking Flipside

Just back from a fun event in Chicago talking about Flipside and the Afterlife... will post asap.


On the Radio today at 3 pm PST, (6 pm EST) with my pal Tara Marie Segundo on her Tara Marie Live! blog radio show...

  SiriusXM Ch 154

Call-in (888) 411-7242 6-8p ET Mon-Fri

Tara Marie Live's photo.

And.... just got a call from "COAST TO COAST" AM RADIO and I will be appearing live with George Noory tonight from Midnight to 2 am, EST tonight.



Tired of hearing about the Flipside? Okay, I'm sorry about that. Not much I can do. But here's the point -


It's your friends and loved ones on the Flipside who are making these appearances happen.


I spoke to a friend this past weekend about the loss of her son. I asked "Has he been to visit you in any fashion?" She said "no." Then she said "Except for a dream I had where I saw him at this giant party at my parent's house. He seemed happy and was having fun. And I was startled and said "Wait! Where are you? How can I find you?" And he laughed and said "Mom, just look at the pictures."

She wanted to know what that meant.

Dreams might be the best way to reach out to you.

I said that in the research (thousands of accounts, which some people don't consider research, they consider them "anectdotes." Well, if you gather a thousand anectdotes from people who've never met who say the same things about the afterlife, you no longer have an anectdote. Call it what you want - some form of mass hysteria, hallucination, delusion - it doesn't change the statistical amount of replies involved saying the same thing over and over. And those results are replicable. Meaning, given the proper setting, the proper therapist, they can repeated by the most ardent of skeptics, disbelievers or people on the planet)... again, the research has many accounts of how it's possible for a person to contact their loved one "via dreams."

They say - that is, the people on the flipside say - that the way to do that is to mesh their energy with yours. They say that it's difficult to mesh their energy with yours when you're sad, upset or in another mind frame, but that it's easier if you're calm - or in a dream state. They find a dream that makes you comfortable (a party at your parent's house) and appear to them and state whatever it is you want them to figure out, research or look up later.

In this case, my friend's son said "look at the pictures." Looking at pictures, according to these reports, is like accessing a holographic memory - a slice of time if you will. As the photograph captures that slice of time. Magnetized ions capture the visual, but it also captures (somehow) energetic information. Code if you will. And that it's "easier for them on the other side to be in touch" with their loved one through photographs.

Here's a loved ones photo alongside of his ashes.  Good place to start.

So. Think of a photo as a portal. It's not about making it easier for you to contact them - it's about making it easier for them to contact you. Take out a picture of your loved one, imagine them in present tense, imagine them standing in front of you - and express whatever it is you want to say ALOUD.

As moments after I said this to my friend, a woman overheard me talking and said "I heard from my son after he died the same way. He said "speak out loud mom" so that he could hear me.

So there you have it.

Speak out loud.

A pic of someone outside looking in.

See you on the radio!!!!

Please visit the side panel for links to my books and video:

"Flipside" - the book or the DVD at Amazon or click the links to find them.

"It's a Wonderful Afterlife" - book or audible or click links.

My two cents.

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