Buddhism and the Flipside



Please help fund the sequel to "Flipside"

Hi.   An update on "Flipside" and a link if you'd like to invest in the sequel! (please forward this if you think it is for someone you know who is "into" this sort of thing).

We had the "afterlife convention" here in Santa Monica this past weekend, (afterlifeconvention.com) with scientists, doctors and spiritual folks  weighing in with experiences, stories, and films about the latest research in the field.  

Princeton grad Paul Davids spoke about his film "Life after Death" film which contains 40 different bits of evidence of contact (He was making a doc about atheist/sci fi writer Forrest Ackerman, contacts Davids documented and had science labs examine.)  Harvard/Yale/University of Arizona's Gary Schwartz talked about his latest research using triple blind studies to show how spirit communication can be documented with scientific protocol. Dr. Ken Stoller spoke about his ongoing conversations with his son who passed some years back, and Dr Rajiv Parti described his near death experience which altered his world view, caused him to dramatically change his course to become a motivational speaker. 

NY Medium Pattie Canova talked about growing up on the streets of NY, and how "hearing voices" and then predicting events affected her life.  Two hypnotherapists trained by Michael Newton spoke, Savarna Wiley talked about the trends that are being reported by their therapists worldwide, where people claim that the "veil is thinning" when it comes to contact with lost loved ones, and Scott De Tamble, who is featured in "Flipside", led the crowd in a group session of past life/between life therapy - I heard some pretty dramatic stories about what these people think they heard or saw I'd like to include in the next book.

So I've created a "GoFundMe" site to further this research, pay the rent, and if you can manage to donate something, anything, it would be greatly appreciated.  I used Kickstarter for my Earhart project but since I didn't reach the goal, funds weren't "allocated." (Thankfully other investors came forward and I wound up going to Saipan and collecting evidence anyway - results are at EarhartOnSaipan.com). GoFundMe is different, as whatever you can donate goes to the project.

Thank you!!!

Help write the sequel to "Flipside"

Raised: $225.00
Goal: $5,000.00

Created by
Rich Martini
1517 Friends

I need your help to finish my next book "Flipside II; The Veil is Thinning." I've written the first book "Flipside: A Tourist's Guide On How To Navigate the Afterlife " (which has gone... more

Updated posted by Rich Martini 11 days ago
Flipside moment for the day: when...
Flipside moment for the day: when you examine the moment you met your soul mate, the person you felt you were always connected to - that's when you experience something that's "out of time" or beyond easy comprehension. When you examine that moment - "I felt comfortable" "I felt home" are responses I've heard - its a confirmation that you're on the path you're supposed to be on - you're doing what you're supposed to be doing, what you signed up to do and reconnecting with someone who had signed up to do the same. It's those "aha" moments I'm researching.

Created by Rich Martini on September 20, 2013

I need your help to finish my next book "Flipside II; The Veil is Thinning." I've written the first book "Flipside: A Tourist's Guide On How To Navigate the Afterlife " (which has gone to #1 in its genre on Amazon - twice!) The documentary is available on Amazon as well - but I've dropped everything to continue filming sessions of people under deep hypnosis, where they say basically the same things about the afterlife as the others have said, only more profoundly so! I'm trying to focus on just writing that new book, but it's a scramble to do so. So I thought, well, if you're a fan of the work, and you can afford to, please help support me in this research, and writing the second book in this series. My wife and kids will thank you too!

This is the cover of the previous book - new book will have new cover.
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Recent Donations (3)
$225 raised by 3 people in 12 days.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Richard, I'd like to contact you about a soul group reincarnation case that may be of interest you. Most evolved have had significant roles in U.S. history where they interacted together. I assure it, it won't be a waste of your time and could help support your past-life work thus far. I don't want to discuss it in this public forum, but don't know how to contact you. Thanks.


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